Did You Get Duped?

“What else can I do to make everyone here feel like they can have confidence in me and trust me?” Ryan asked.

“That’s… very ambitious, Master Ryan. Everyone is impossible, but to have the majority's trust and confidence in you is still doable—which, of course, is a huge challenge,” Steward Lewis answered.

Ryan chuckled and nodded. “Almost the same thing, but yes, the three of you must have ideas, yes? And you too, Captain Jan. One at a time, state what you think the people need.”

“Haven’t we already discussed this before?” Captain Jan said with a forlorn expression. He crossed his arms over his chest. “The vast majority of the guards or whatever follow my orders.”

“Is that true?” Ryan raised a brow.

“We’re not under him,” Prim said.

“And the two of you?” Ryan addressed the two representatives who fall under Captain Jan’s orders.

“Er… we do listen to him,” Lin said.

“But only because Captain Jan here can be a wild and hot-headed individual if you don’t,” Giles added.