King's game : purgatory 11.04 ep 35


"King....Satoshi-kun is the king?"

"No, I'm the one inside Satoshi-kun... Tomoki Kitamura is the king."

Satoshi spread his two hands holding a knife to the left and right.

"I was being bullied by Seiichiro's group and no one helped me. I was killed by all my classmates."

"Yuna-san and the others should have tried to stop your bullying."

"...Certainly, there were Yuna-san, the chairman, and my classmates who tried to stop them from bullying me. But in the end, it was impossible!"

Satoshi's voice grew louder.

"Seiichiro-kun and the others stopped bullying me when Yuna-san and the others were around, but only when they were there. Do you know how it feels to be fed with a dead cicada?"

"I don't know!"

Yumeto glared at Satoshi.

"If you hate bullying so much, why didn't you fight them? There must have been people around you who can helped you. If you had the courage, you could have stopped the bullying."

"...That's right. I didn't have the courage. I couldn't stand against the powerful Seiichiro-kun. And then I ran away, from this world....."

Satoshi's eyes lit up with sadness.

"I was a weak person. And maybe that was the reason I was bullied."

"Caused you to be bullied?"

"Oh, now that I think about it, Seiichiro-kun and the others were right."

"There's no way it's right to bully your classmates, isn't it?"

"Normally, it would be so. However, I got all my classmates involved and started playing the king's game. Seiichiro-kun and others may not have noticed that I have this kind of personality."

Satoshi's confession left Yumeto speechless.

...It's realistically impossible that Satoshi-kun's body contains the spirit of the classmate he killed. But Satoshi believes in it, and does that mean Tomoki-kun's personality created by Satoshi-kun, started the king's game?

"Are you really the king?"

"....Yeah, to kill all my classmates."

Satoshi smiled as his lips twisted.

"I killed Kazuo Nakayama, a follower of Reborn, got the Nano Queen and the Keldo Virus. I used it to start the king's game. It was really nice to see you all die."

"It was good?"

"That's right. You guys... No, it doesn't have anything to do with you, but my other classmates pushed me to commit suicide. Those guys are dying with their faces twisted in fear. It's really good."

"..... Is that so? After all, you are Satoshi-kun."

Yumeto looked calmly at the smiling Satoshi.

"I heard that Tomoki-kun was a pure person. I can't imagine someone like that would be happy to kill a classmate. Tomoki-kun inside you is an imaginary personality that you created."

".....It's a imaginary personality. Well, it doesn't matter which one. I exist here in reality. As long as Satoshi-kun is alive, I won't die."

Satoshi glanced at the knife he was holding.

"I was dead before I met you, the transfer student, so I have no grudge against you. But Satoshi-kun and Seiichiro-kun seem to hate you. Besides, there is also the order of the king's game. And it wants another two of people to die."

"Why did you give such an order? You might die yourself."

"Why? That's..."

Satoshi's voice cuts off.

"...That's because I don't think I will die."

"You're not going to die? You could die, even the orders up until now!"

With his mouth wide open, Yumeto stares at Satoshi. Seeing Yumeto's attitude, Satoshi wrinkled his eyebrows and tilted his head.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Yumeto-kun."

".....Satoshi-kun... No, Tomoki-kun is fine, but are you really a king?"

"Of course. First of all, there's no reason to lie, right?"

"No, you may just think so."

"Huh? What are you talking about? There's no way that's possible!"

Satoshi's cheeks twitched.

"I have Seiichiro-kun, Wakaba-chan, and Tomoki inside of me. They're all the people I killed. And then, Tomoki's personality inside of me started the king's game!!"

"Then why didn't you find the key I hid? During the ninth order, we all had to close our eyes and acted. But only the king could have opened their eyes and can looked around. If you had managed to open your eyes, you would have found the key taped to the gym wall in no time!"

"That is...."

"At the time of that order, the king had to hide the letter in order to prepare for the next order. For that reason, you should have been the only one who could have opened eyes and give that order. And yet you couldn't find the key, If you had your eyes open, you'd be able to find it right away!"

Yumeto pointed at Satoshi, whose face turned pale.

"You're not a king! That's right, you're just thinking like that!"

"Don't be silly! I'm the king. I started this game!"

"Then let me ask you a question. If you're the king, where are you hiding the computer with the Nano Queen program on it? You should be remotely controlling that computer with your smartphone or mobile phone, but where is it?"


"You see? You're thinking right now. If you're a king, you should be able to answer right away."

"No! I'm the king!"

Satoshi glared at Yumeto with glaring eyes.

"I was hit with a mop earlier by you, so I just forgot about it. After a while, I should be able to remember it properly!"

"Satoshi-kun, your mental couldn't stand the situation where the king's game continued. And when you killed Seiichiro-kun, you created a personality to escape from fear."

"Did I create it?"

"Yes. Both Seiichiro-kun and Wakaba-san's personalities. You've always been mentally unstable, you seemed to have a split personality."

Letting out a sigh of relief, Yumeto continues.

"Before this, Souta-kun also died, and you were left alone. I wonder if that situation created a new personality for you. Add the role of a king with the personality of Tomoki-kun. When you think you're the king, fear has disappears"

"No way....."

A hoarse voice leaked out of Satoshi's mouth.


"Satoshi-kun, I'm not a doctor or anything. However, I think this prediction is correct. At least you're definitely not the king."

"No! Absolutely no!"

Satoshi's teeth creaked.

"Tomoki inside of me has started the king's game! That's why I can't die. I can even decide on my own orders!"

Satoshi pointed the knives in both his hands at Yumeto.

"If you don't understand the truth, you should die. I will kill you, and I will incorporate your personality into me."

"It's impossible to take in personality. It's just that you think so."


The two knives alternately attack Yumeto. Yumeto stepped back and tapped Satoshi's leg with the mop.

Heard a sound and Satoshi's knees are broken. Yumeto raised his voice and raised the mop.


Satoshi's long hand reached out and thrust a knife into Yumeto's shoulder.


The mop leaves Yumeto's hand and falls to the floor with a noise.

Seeing Yumeto's face distorted in pain, Satoshi's lips lifted.

"Hi...heh heh. This is the end."

"I don't give up yet!"

Yumeto reached out to the shoe cupboard next to him and threw the slippers inside.

"That kind of attack don't works!"

Brushing off the thrown indoor shoes with his arm, Satoshi stepped forward.

"Die! transfer student"

Satoshi's knife aims at Yumeto's neck. Yumeto's body moved when he saw the dull glow of the knife blade. Twisting his neck, he steps forward and hits Satoshi's body.


Satoshi opened his mouth wide and stared at his abdomen. A small paring knife stuck in it.

"What is this?"

"It's a paring knife. I found it in the kitchen and put it in the shoe cupboard."

Yumeto answered while holding the wound on his shoulder.

"I'm ready for when you guys attack. The mop from earlier, there are also other things that hidden in the school building. It's not a very good weapon, though."

"Goo... you"

"I think it's better if you don't move. The edge of the blade is quite long, so it might hurt your organs. If you ask the detective, he'll call a doctor, so why don't you call them?"

"This level of injury doesn't require any treatment."

Satoshi pulls the knife out of his abdomen and slams it onto the floor.

"As I thought, you're naive. If it were me, I'd aim for the heart or the neck. If you did that, I wouldn't be able to talk to you like this."

"....Certainly, it may be so."

Yumeto turned his gaze to Satoshi's shirt, which was dyed red.

"I'd rather kill you to save my comrades. There's also the matter of this order. But..."

"But what?"

"Right now, it's important to save Yuna-san and Fuka-san."

Yumeto turned his back on Satoshi and ran down the corridor on the first floor.

"Hey! Wait!"

Satoshi's voice can be heard from behind, but Yumeto ignores it and continues running.


There was no one at the back door of the school building.

"Where are you?"

Yumeto ran up the stairs at the end of the school building while looking around.

When he turned his gaze to the hallway on the second floor, he saw Yuna and Iori fighting several dozen meters ahead. Fuka is lying face down behind her.

"Yuna-san, Fuka-san!"

Yumeto ran down the corridor while shouting their names.

Noticing that voice, Iori turned around. Seeing Yumeto, Iori pushes Yuna away and runs down the corridor in the opposite direction.

Taking a distance of ten meters, Iori stopped.

"Yumeto-kun, what happened to Satoshi-kun?"

"He's badly injured and can't move."

Yumeto stood in front of Yuna and Fuka.

"Why don't you go help him? You're his new friend, right?"

"...I don't need the useless one."

Iori stares at Yumeto with jet-black eyes.

"Yumeto-kun, do you want to team up with me? No, you don't have to. From there, you just need to move away. If you do, I'll kill two candidates for the king."

"Neither Yuna-san nor Fuka-san are kings."

"I don't know. From my point of view, both of them are suspicious."

"From my point of view, Iori-san is more suspicious. It's true that you came to school early in the morning, and it has something to do with the missing Sousuke-kun."

"I am not a king"

"Everyone would say so."

Yumeto's voice drops.

"I don't know who the king is in this situation. In that case, I want to believe in my comrades, Yuna-san and Fuka-san."

"I want to believe...huh? If you think like that, you'll die."

"I will die?"

"Yes. It's impossible to trust people in the king's game. I was also suspicious of Narumi and Hisashi-kun from the same group."

Iori dipped the tip of her finger in the blood on the mowing sickle she was holding, and smeared the blood on the window glass in the hallway.

"If this happens, it would be better to aim at Hinako who is moving alone. The problem is where is she hiding?"

"I think Hinako-san will come back to school too."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because it was Hinako-san who pushed Narumi-san into the fire."

"I see...Hinako is also acting for her survival."

Iori's neat eyebrows gathered between them.

"But then, can I find her that easy? Of course, you won't stop me from killing Hinako, right?"

"..... I won't stop you. I can't protect all my classmates."

Yumeto answered with a squeezed voice.

"I'm not a god. I'm just doing my best to protect Yuna-san and Fuka-san."

"You will protect Yuna and Fuka.... Which girl do you prefer?"

"It has nothing to do with Iori-san!"

Seeing Yumeto's blushing face, Iori smiled.

"That's true. Just don't forget. Yuna and Fuka, who you like, might be a king."

After saying that, Iori turned her back on Yumeto and the others and started running down the corridor.

"Yuna-san, Fuka-san, are you okay?"

After confirming that Iori was gone, Yumeto rushed over to the two.

"Um.... somehow."

Fuka, who had fallen on the floor, raised her face. Blood is running from her nape, staining the collar of her shirt red.

"I think.... I twisted her ankle, but it was still dangerous. Yuna come to helped me too."


When he turned his gaze to Yuna, Yuna was also bleeding from her arm.

"Did Yuna get hurt too?"

"It's not a big wound."

While Yuna took a rough breath, she held the wound on her arm with her hand.

"Since it was just the two of us together with Fuka, I think it was enough."

"Anyway, let's treat the injury! I don't think anyone will attack us anymore."

Yumeto picked up the fallen Fuka.


[Friday, November 12, 10:34 am]

Yumeto and the others were treated by a doctor in front of the school gate and moved to the computer room. Yuna and Fuka look pale and sit on the chairs by the window.

Yumeto bit his lip hard as he saw the two of them weakened.

....Neither Yuna-san nor Fuka-san were seriously injured, but she seemed tired. Fuka-san seems to have a fever, so I need to give her some rest.

"Yuna-san, Fuka-san, both of you can lie down. I'll watch over you."

"But aren't you tired, Yumeto-kun?"

Yuna looked at Yumeto with worried eyes.

"I'm fine. Besides, this lookout is just in case."

"Just in case?"

"Yeah. Satoshi-kun, Iori-san, and Hinako-san shouldn't be able to attack us."

"I see. Because Satoshi-kun was injured..."

"That's right. It seems that Satoshi-kun hasn't been treated by a doctor, but his wounds must be deep. At the very least, I don't think he's in a condition to fight. Then, the rest are Iori-san and Hinako-san, but they're both girls. If there's a boy and you aim at us as a trio, you'll just get counterattacked."

Yumeto remembers stabbing Satoshi in the abdomen with a paring knife and deepens the wrinkles between his eyebrows.

"Besides, Iori-san and Hinako-san won't be cooperating each other. They're going to target each other. It's safer than targeting us."

"In the end, we weren't able to kill Iori-san and the others either..."

Yuna lowers her head and drops her gaze to the floor.

"And in a little over two hours, if no one dies, someone will die at random, right?"

"...You don't have to think about that right now. Anyway, the first priority is to get in shape."

At Yumeto's words, Fuka stood up from her chair.

"Indeed, yes. I'll go to sleep now."

"Ah, Fuka"

Yuna gave Fuka a small paper bag and a plastic bottle of water.

"You should take some painkillers before going to bed."

"That's right. Thank you."

Fuka took out the capsule from the paper bag and swallowed it along with a bottle of water.

"It would be nice if the painkillers worked even when I was punished by the king."

".... It's okay. Fuka won't be punished."

"That's fine, then."

Fuka dragged her right leg onto the blanket on her floor. As she is, she lays her body down as she collapses.

"There are six people left alive. And in a little over two hours, another one dies, isn't it."

"And tomorrow there will be one more people."

Yuna took a deep breath and opened the window. A dry wind blows into the computer room.

"The problem is, if the king is one of the four survivors, will the next order come?"

"It's not about the next order, it's about what to do with the current order. At this rate, one of us might die. No, it's highly likely possible. We're three out of six..."

Fuka who was talking fluttered her eyelids.

"Oh, something's wrong..."

Heard a sound and Fuka's neck is broken, and her face is buried under the blanket.

Yuna approaches Fuka, who is still lying on stomach, and she puts another blanket nearby on her body.

"Did she sleep?"

At Yumeto's question, Yuna moved her head left and right.

"No. She's dead."


Yumeto's mouth froze, still half-open.

"... What did you just say?"

"I told you that Fuka died."

Yuna's lips lift slightly. Her semi-long hair swayed in the wind coming in through the window.

"I'm glad. If Fuka suffered, I thought it would be bad for her."

".....If she suffer?"

"Yeah. I made her drink poison."

Yuna tilted her head slightly and smiled.

"I don't think Yumeto knows this, but the doctor from earlier will give us medicine for euthanasia if we want it."


"Yes. It's not normally accepted, but they give it to people who are infected with the Keldo virus. It's for suicide."

"For suicide..."

"As a government, it is safer for who carriers infected with the Keldo virus to die."

"When did you get such a thing!"

Yumeto's voice grew louder.

"A little while ago, when I was treating her, I should have only received painkillers. we don't receive such a thing."

"I got my euthanasia pills eight days ago. When I couldn't sleep and Yumeto advised me to see a doctor. Tokisada-kun was with me, but he was away from me when I'm talking to the doctor. I guess that's why he didn't realize."

"So long ago..."

"At that time, I took it with me, for my suicide. Because I thought it would be easier to die than to receive the punishment of the king's game."

Yuna's eyes flickered.

"However, after I confessed to Yumeto-kun, I began to think that I didn't want to die.

"And what does killing Fuka-san have to do with it!?"

"It's about the punishment of the king's game. If Satoshi-kun, Iori-san and Hinako-san didn't die, someone would die at random. Yumeto-kun or me might die. In that case, wouldn't it be better for Fuka, who was unwell and had a sprained leg died?"

"Are you serious? Yuna-san and Fuka-san were friends, weren't they?"

"Of course, I didn't want to kill Fuka. But this is the promised that I made with her, Fuka."


"Yeah. Let's take action to protect our beloved Yumeto-kun."

Yuna looks at Yumeto with a loving look on her face.

"If Yumeto-kun will die, we will protect him, even if it means giving up our own lives. This is the promise that Fuka and I made."

"For a random punishment, did you kill Fuka-san because I might die? Did you kill your friend because of that?"

"That means that for Fuka and me, protecting Yumeto is the top priority, right? It was the same when we received order of student handbook, wasn't it? Fuka and I didn't receive Yumeto's student handbook. That's partly because I expected Yohei-kun to write Yumeto-kun's name, but also because I thought that by any chance, Yumeto-kun wouldn't die."

"That's a think that Fuka-san would die like this"

Yumeto's body began to tremble. Tears stream from his eyes and roll down his pale cheeks.

Seeing that figure, Yuna slowly shook her head left and right.

"I didn't want to see Yumeto-kun like that. I know it's sad, but you should forget the one who died."


"Yumeto-kun, I'll tell you about one more thing that I promised with Fuka. We decided that if either of us died, the surviving one would dating with Yumeto-kun."

With a mysterious smile on her face, Yuna approaches Yumeto.

"If it's Yumeto-kun, I think he'll be very sad if either one of us dies. But it's no use worrying about the dead person all the time. Yumeto was wondering which one to choose between me and Fuka, right? Then you should be able to decide."

"Can I decide?"

"That's right. Yumeto-kun has no choice but to choose the survive one. There's no other choice, you can forget about dead person. That's what I want even I'm dead. That's why, I hope that Yumeto-kun will become a lover with the survivor and live happily ever after."


Without blinking, Yumeto stared at the smiling Yuna in front of him. Expression on her face was so calm that he couldn't believe it was after she killing her friend.
