King's game purgatory 11.04 ep 36


"...I don't like it...I don't like this. Why did Yuna-san have to kill Fuka-san?"

"As I say it can't be helped. Two more people are going to die anyway."

"But you can't kill Fuka-san!"

"As expected, Yumeto doesn't seem to understand."

"I can't understand! We were comrades, we were all desperately trying to survive. And yet how dare you killed those comrades!"

"There was no other choice. Protecting Yumeto-kun is our top priority. Rather than about that, Yumeto-kun..."

Yuna put her white hand on Yumeto's cheek.

"And with this, it's fine now if no one dies for another 26 hours. We're just the two of us right now, so why don't we try to kiss each other?


"We're already in high school, so kissing would be fine, wouldn't it? Or don't you want to do that with me?"

Yuna's slightly opened lips approached Yumeto's.

At that moment, there was a loud noise and the door opened.

When Yumeto turned around, Satoshi was standing there with bloodshot eyes. Satoshi's face was as white as a candle, and his shirt was stained with blood on his belly.

"Were you here, Yumeto?"

Satoshi approaches Yumeto while drooling from his mouth. He had a knife in each hand.

"You will die here!"

Satoshi rushed over to Yumeto, still in a posture of falling forward. Without hesitation, he thrust the knife in his right hand into Yumeto's chest.

At that moment, Yuna moved. She stepped in front of Yumeto and spread her arms out wide. The knife pierced deep into Yuna's chest.

"Go away! Yuna!"

Satoshi pulled out a knife and struck Yuna's cheek with the back of his hand. Yuna's body falls over. Seeing Yuna lying on the floor, Yumeto's thoughts stopped, while screaming, he grabbed Satoshi's wrists.

"How dare you...Yuna-san!"

"Heh heh, I'll kill you too."

While letting out a high-pitched laugh, Satoshi put strength into his hands. Yumeto's knee snapped.

Yumeto swaps his body with Satoshi's in a circular motion.

The tip of Satoshi's knife touched Yumeto's neck. With a prickling pain, blood flows out. Seeing that blood, Satoshi's eyes sparkled.

"Die, die, die, die, die, die!"


Yumeto puts his hands together and pulls the edge of his knife away from his neck. The blade of the knife sways beside Yumeto's neck. If he loses his strength even for a moment, the blade will pierce Yumeto's neck.

"It's a bad time to die. But no matter how much you stick to it, you'll just die anyway."

"You're the one who should die!"

Saying that, Yumeto straightened his bent legs. Yumeto's head hit Satoshi's chin. As soon as Satoshi's strength loosened, Yumeto stepped forward. While pushing Satoshi's body with his head, he moved to the window at once. Satoshi's upper body came out of the window.

Satoshi dropped both his knives and tried to grab the window frame, but before that, Yumeto's hands pressed hard on Satoshi's chest. Satoshi's body tilted, and his whole body moved away from the window.

"Oh, hey!"

Satoshi fluttered his limbs as he fell. There was a gurgling sound, and Satoshi's neck bent at an unusual angle.

Yumeto left the window and rushed over to Yuna who was lying down.

"Yuna-san, are you okay? Yuna-san!"

I grabbed Yuna's shoulder and called out to her many times. Yuna's closed eyes opened slightly.

"Ah... Yumeto-kun."

A faint voice is heard from her lips, which have lost their color.

"I'm glad you were okay. What about Satoshi-kun?"

"I killed him. I pushed him out the window."

".....I see. It can't be helped."

Yuna gave a weak smile.

"I'm a little sad that my classmate died, but... I'm happy that Yumeto-kun is still alive."

"You don't have to talk anymore. I'll call the doctor."

"It be can't help anymore"

Seeing the blood flowing from her chest, Yuna let out a sigh.

"..... In the end, I'm going to die too. But...I'm relieved."


"Yeah, I was able to protect Yumeto-kun in the end..."


Yumeto lifted Yuna up and hugged her body. Yuna's blood soaks her shirt down to her back. It looks like a lot of blood has already been spilled.


His hands holding Yuna's shoulders trembled.

"Why did you help me?"

"Oh, it's obvious. After all, Yumeto-kun is a person important to me.....that's why..."

Yuna smiled with her pale face.

"Actually... I wanted to survive with Yumeto, but... maybe it's my punishment for doing something wrong."


Yumeto didn't say anything, just bit his lip. He thought it was wrong for Yuna to kill Fuka, but he didn't feel like blaming Yuna.

....Yuna gave up her life to help me. I don't have the right to blame Yuna. No, I'm the one to blame. I was the leader of the group, but still couldn't help Seiya-kun, Tokisada-kun, Fuka-san and also Yuna...

Yuna's white hand wiped the tears from Yumeto's cheeks.

"Don't be sad. I'm glad I did this..."

"It's not good....Nothing... nothing is good....."

Yumeto's voice turned into tears from his eye.

"I couldn't protect anyone.... I shouldn't have been a leader."

"Yumeto-kun... isn't wrong....The one who fault is... me... that doing something like this..."

Yuna's voice is getting smaller and smaller.

"I was weak. So..."


"Yu...Yumeto...kun. I'm glad I was able to meet Yumeto...and confess my feelings to you....Ah...I really wanted to kiss you...but...."

As Yuna looked at Yumeto, she smiled.

"Yeah, that's right. I have to hand it over to Yumeto-kun...."

"Hand over?"

"Uh... yeah. In my skirt pocket...inside...."

Yuna's hand moved slowly, pulling out a folded piece of paper from her skirt pocket.

"This is..."

"What is this?"


Yuna didn't answer Yumeto's question. She ended her life with a smile on her lips that had lost it color. The look on her face was so satisfying, as if she had done all the work.


A hoarse voice escapes from Yumeto's mouth.

"Why are we all dying? There's no point if I'm the only one who survives!"

Yumeto shouted while his whole body was shaking.

"This is ....terrible. Everyone desperately survived, and this is the end? It's impossible!"

Yumeto's vision was blurred with tears.

....I knew that Yuna-san was mentally weak. I should have paid more attention to her. Because of that, even Fuka-san died.

Yumeto slowly picked up the paper in Yuna's hand and opened it. Inside, there is a letter written by her.

Yumeto's gaze followed the letters.

'When Yumeto is reading this letter, I think I am committing suicide. But please don't be sad. I died because I was weak myself. It was really hard for me to get caught up in the king's game. I didn't like fighting with my classmates. But it's the only way to survive, you survive and other classmates die instead. At first, I thought it was hard, but little by little, that feeling faded, I was happy that I survived, with Yumeto and my group members survived too. And with that kind of feeling, I was afraid of myself. So I thought I was going to die too. Maybe I'm not normal because I made this choice. I'm sure Yumeto will angry. But sorry, the twelfth order will not end until two more people die. I wanted to help Yumeto. I wanted my beloved Yumeto to survive....'

Yumeto closed his lips tightly and continued reading Yuna's letter.

After reading to the end, the hand holding the letter begins to tremble.

"...You're an idiot. For do this...."

Yumeto continued his words while shedding tears.

"At times like this, men should protect women, right? Then, why are you protecting me?"

Yumeto straightened Yuna's hair as she lay on the floor in front of him.

"Yuna-san, I think you're doing something very wrong. But thanks you, I'll survive. If that's what you want me to do."

Yumeto separated from Yuna and approached Fuka, who was wrapped in a blanket. He get on his knees and turn over the blanket. He saw Fuka's pale face.

"I'm sorry, Fuka-san. But please, don't hold a grudge against Yuna-san. Yuna-san couldn't stand the king's game. That's why she did that to you, but the responsibility lies with me, the leader, Yuna is not bad."

Yumeto's voice echoes in the classroom.

"I'm sure Fuka-san's wish is the same as Yuna-san. Then, I won't die, I'll definitely survive!"


[Friday, November 12, 01:42 pm]

Yumeto stepped into the Class 2A classroom while being wary of his surroundings.

There is no one in the classroom, and the blackboard is pasted with the letter you found during Order 10.

"Is the king a girl..."

Yumeto checked the king's letter while remembering Souta's words.

'You can't find me. that is'

'of course. God wants you dead'

'because you are killing Tomoki Kitamura,'

"The sin of killing will be purified in the king's game. But'

'don't be afraid to die. Even if the body perishes,

'consciousness is eternal. So we can start over,'

'Let's all start again!'

'A new school life! With Tomoki'

'In a class of 33 people with a transfer student. That's what I want'

'only one wish.'

Yumeto used chalk to write only the first characters of the letter on the blackboard.

"You, this, I, death, intention, also, new, change."

.....Souta told me to reread the first characters of the King's letter. There should be a hint here about who the king is.

He changed the first characters to hiragana.


He repeats what he wrote over and over again.

"I, ki, shi, mo, te, ta, to.....Ah! Is that name? then the rest is..."

Yumeto rearranges the letters.


" 'I loved Tomoki' .....that's what it means. That's why Souta knew that the king was a girl!"

Yumeto's mouth was completely dry.

....The king's motive was....after all, Tomoki-kun's revenge. And if the king is a girl, she may still be alive. Yuna, Fuka, Narumi, Iori, and Hinako-san were still alive when the 12th order was sent. Considering their motives, the possibility of Narumi-san being the king is low. Yuna-san and Fuka-san should also be different.

"Right now, the only survivors are Iori-san, Hinako-san, and me....."

Yumeto's voice grew louder.

"Look for the two, and find out which one is the king!"


The moment he opened the door to the principal's office, Yumeto's body stiffened. Someone is sitting on a chair behind a large wooden desk. Yumeto realized that the person sitting on the chair was Iori when he saw the long hair hanging from the backrest.


Iori didn't react to Yumeto's voice. Iori kept her back to Yumeto and seemed to be looking out the window.

"....Iori-san, you don't have to fight anymore. Just now, Yuna-san, Fuka-san, and Satoshi-kun died. The rest are only me, Iori-san, and Hinako-san."


"Honestly, I doubt you're the king. Of course, Hinako-san too. That's why I want you to stay with me. And if we were to monitor each other, we wouldn't be able to send the next order."


"If you're not a king, you should agree with me, right?"


"Iori-san! Please listen to me!"

Yumeto grabbed Iori's shoulders while she was sitting on the chair. The chair turned a round.


In Yumeto's eyes, Iori's face was covered in blood. Iori's throat was torn open, and a large amount of blood was pouring out of it. Her shirt is red all the way down to her midriff, and her checked skirt is soaked with blood. There was no sparkle in her half-open eyes, and it was clear that Iori was already dead.

"No way..."

Yumeto covered his mouth with his hand and stepped back.

"Iori-san is dead... so, she was killed..."

At that time, there was a faint sound behind Yumeto. When he turned around, there was Hinako in front of him with a mowing sickle.

Hinako's eyes shined behind her glasses, and she swung down her mowing sickle. Yumeto's shirt is torn diagonally, and red streaks appear on his chest.


Yumeto takes out Satoshi's knife from his pocket and points the blade at Hinako.

"Hinako-san, the orders are over. Yuna-san, Iori-san, and Satoshi-kun are all dead."

"I see....Yuna and Fuka also died. I already confirmed by looking at the corpse that Satoshi-kun died."

Hinako continued her words in a hoarse voice.

"Since I killed Iori, so I knew that this order was over. Or rather, I tried to kill Yumeto, who is of the opposite sex. Because if I kills the opposite sex, I won't die as punishment for the king game."

"Why are you killing me?"

"Because you could be the king."

Hinako's pale lips spread diagonally upward as if torn.

"I believe Iori or Yuna was the king. Especially Iori because she tried to kill me, but maybe it's not her. And If I remember correctly, Miki said that right? After you transfer to this school, the king's game began."

"No! I'm not the king. Besides, the king is a girl. I have proof."

"I don't care anymore. If I kill you, I will be the only one left alive. Then, the king's game will definitely end."

Hinako licked her dry lips with her tongue while raising a mowing sickle.

"I stole this weapon from Iori. It's really naive to lose against me even though you have such a good weapon."

"Hinako-san, if you're not the king, there's no need to kill each other anymore. Iori-san was the king!"

Yumeto took a step back and distanced himself from Hinako.

"Trust me! The proof that the king is a girl is..."

Before Yumeto finished speaking, Hinako swung down her mowing sickle. The knife he held at his chest fell to the floor.

"So, it doesn't matter. If I kill you, I won't have to worry anymore."

Saying so, Hinako brandishes her mowing sickle. Yumeto was driven into a corner of the room.

"Hey, Yumeto-kun. Don't you think you should die?"


"Because Yuna and Fuka both died, right? I think they'd be happier if you died too."

"That's not true."

Yumeto answered immediately.

"Both Yuna-san and Fuka-san wanted me to survive. There is no doubt about that."

"Really? I'd rather die with the person I love."

"They're different from you. Yuna-san and Fuka-san."

"Hmm...well, no... I don't really care...."

Hinako lifted the edge of her lips on one of hers.

"Yumeto-kun, I think you really did your best. As a transfer student, you were in a disadvantageous situation, but you survived until now. But I'll be the one who survives till the end"

Hinako's right hand moved, and the blade of the mowing sickle hit Yumeto's neck from right beside him. Yumeto dodges the attack by lowering his head. Just like that, he slipped past Hinako and picked up his knife that had fallen on the floor while rolling.

When he turned around, he saw Hinako swinging down her mowing sickle. Yumeto raises his left hand to receive the attack and thrusts straight out the knife in his right hand. Yumeto clenched his molars as he felt a pain in his arm that felt like it was going to his bones.

Holding his severed left arm with his right hand, Yumeto turned his gaze to Hinako. Hinako held her mowing sickle, holding her still. His knife is pierced deep into her chest.


Hinako opened her eyes wide and stared at the knife stuck in her chest. Her pale lips fluttered.

"Wha...why am I going to die? ... It just only one more...."

Hinako's body tilted, and she fell on her back on the floor.

Yumeto approached Hinako, still holding his arm. Hinako was already dead. The blood that flows from her chest pools on her floor.

"Hinako-san..... if you weren't the king, we wouldn't have to fought."

Yumeto's body began to tremble, gritting his molars, he endures the fact that he killed his classmate.

"Why didn't you believe me?"

As if to endure the pain all over his body, Yumeto got down on his knees and curled up.


Order 13

[Friday, November 12, 03:12 pm]

Suddenly, I heard an email ringtone from my smartphone. Yumeto's face stiffened in an instant.

"No way..."

I take my smartphone out of my pocket and look down at the LCD screen. A new order was displayed there.

[11/12 (Fri) 03:12 pm.

Sender: King

Subject: King's game

Text: This is the king's game played by the 2nd year class A students of Akaikeyama High School.

*The King's orders are absolute, so be sure to obey them.

*Withdrawal is not permitted

*Order 13: Surviving classmates join hands within 2 hours. Those who disobey orders will be punished.


"This order is..."

A hoarse voice escapes from Yumeto's mouth.

"That's stupid.... The one who's still alive is..."

...Could it be that Iori-san or Hinako-san gave the order before they died?

"Something is wrong...."

Yumeto started muttering in a voice that he couldn't hear.


Yumeto opened the door to the meeting room where Seiichiro and the others often gathered. Half-drinking plastic bottles and snack bags are scattered on the long desk.

"It must be somewhere..."

Yumeto moved his gaze and searched the top of the long desk. Every time he moved, his left hand, blood oozed out from the bandage wrapped in the infirmary. Still, Yumeto continued to move his hand.

A few minutes later, Yumeto found a notebook. When he open the inside, he can see the characters written by Seiichiro. At the top of the notebook was written 'Chi, yo, ye' , and below that, 'Ishi, ke, ya, sa, ni' and 'ru' were written.

"There it is! With this, I can understand."

Yumeto opened his student notebook and checked what was written. It was a copy of characters written in a notebook found in the classroom where Hideyuki and his group had gathered.

"Ah, ni, u, re, ma, ah, ka"

Those characters were the hints sent to the survivors characters by characters during the fifth order.

"Because our characters are 'i, no, ro, chi, fu'....."

Using a nearby mechanical pencil, Yumeto rearranges the characters.

"Ah, ka, i, ke, ya, ma, no, sa, n, chi, yo, wo, ni, ah, ru, ah, Ishi, chi..... u, ni, furero"

"After all, there is no 'Yu'. We were wrong."

At the time of the fifth order, Yumeto and the others thought thay had a hint of the 22 characters since there were only 22 survivors. Even so, he misunderstood that the character contained two kanji characters like 'Touch the stone pillar on the mountains of Akaikeyama'. But when you collect all the hints, you will realize that's not the case.

"There were 23 characters in the hint. At that time, we have 23, not 22."

In Yumeto's mind, the image of the boy he met on the first day of his transfer school appeared.

"Then, Sousuke Kido who has been missing for so long, was the king!"

Yumeto felt his blood freeze.

.....Is that so? Sousuke was made to think he was missing, and he was hiding somewhere on the school grounds. And he was giving orders while confirming the status of the king's game.

"Sousuke-kun... why did you do this..."

At that moment, the smartphone rang. When I checked the screen, a new email had arrived.

'...I'll be waiting for you on the rooftop of school building. From [King]....'

"An email from the king? To me?"

The hand holding the smartphone trembles slightly.

"Is there a king on the rooftop...Is it Sousuke-kun?"

Yumeto turned his gaze to the ceiling.
