Geography and Races *

Orvonia: The world our story takes place

•Gaia: The northern continent of Orvonia, Gaia is a lush grassland with fertile forests, fields natural resources. Gaia is populated by many different Races, but mainly by Elves and Spirits.

•Ouranos: The southern continent of Orvonia. There is actually no mainland, just many sizable islands in close proximity to each other. Ouranos is home to rare species of fish and aquatic life. Populated by Mermaids, Humans and Beasts.

•Tartarus: The eastern continent of Orvonia, Tartarus is home to Devils, Demons and Vampires. There are other Races too, but they are mainly slaves to the former. Tartarus is a volcanic continent with very little fertile land but many precious resources, such as gold and diamonds. Tartarus is also the most lawless of the continents and has a history of invading foreign lands.

•Borealis: The western continent, Borealis is a frozen tundra. Despite its lack of hospitable land, the inhabitants are incredibly tough and there are large mines of Mana Stones to be found. Inhabited by mostly beats, but also Elves, Humans and Dwarves.

•Astoria: The central continent of Orvonia. Astoria is a mix of its 4 sisters. It has fertile lands, Mana Stones, precious resources and a healthy amount of fresh water. Astoria is the strongest of the continent and the unofficial Capital of Orvonia. Ruled by Dragons and Angels but has citizens of all other Races present too.

Neriea: A Continent that has been thoroughly destroyed and corrupted, making it uninhabitable to all Races all life. Neriea was destroyed in the long forgotten past, with the reason being lost to history and a subject of frequent speculation. Neriea is so badly tarnished, not even the Gods are capable of setting foot there, bar one...

There are many Races in Orvonia, scattered throughout the continents. They are:

• Humans: The most populate of the Races, who can use any type of Mana and is capable of breeding with all other Races.

• Elves: Long living beings with a unique affinity towards Elemental Magic and generally have high Intelligence. Elves have a low fertility rate and can only reproduce with Human-based Races.

• Demons: Monsters capable of using Nether and have gained some sentience. Demons can reproduce with any Race and breed like rabbits.

• Devils: Humanoids capable of using Nether and have fully established sentience. Any other Race (excluding full-blown Beasts) that learns how to use Nether becomes classified as a Devil.

• Dwarves: Short, sturdy and crafty, Dwarves have moderately long lifespans and excel at crafting. There are only male dwarves and they reproduce asexually through Prana.

• Angels: Beings born from a God or blessed by them with Divinity. Angels are immortal and use Ether primarily. Angels can reproduce with other Races, but such an act is rare and frowned upon by other Angels. The Race is therefore continued by converting others through Divinity instead.

• Vampires: Vampires are creatures of the dark that feed on blood to survive. A Vampire can use all types of Mana excluding Ether and have the traits of all Races: the Intelligence of Elves, sturdiness of Dwarves, cunning of Devils/Demons and the raw power of the Angels. However, they are naturally subservient towards Dragons.

• Dragons: Dragons are the ultimate lifeform on Orvonia and are capable of creating and using Aether. Dragons naturally command obedience from Vampires and respect from even the Angels. Dragons are very few in number and have an incredibly low fertility rate.

• Mermaids: Aquatic fish-people with human upper bodies and fish lower bodies. Mermaids are common around Ouranos but rare everywhere else. They have a moderate affinity towards Prana and Elemental Magic.

• Giants: A near-extinct Race that created the Dwarves and were excellent warriors and craftsmen in their own right. Natural enemies to the Dragons, who went to extreme measures to wipe them out completely.

• Beasts: Any animal that has gained the ability to actively use Mana and some type of intelligence. Beats are the most popular Race after Humans and the most diverse too.

• Fairies: A strange minority Race on Orvonia, Fairies can use Prana and small amounts of Aether if they live long enough. Fairies are closer to balls of Mana that have gained sentience than organic Races. Fairies reproduce by imbuing wild Mana with emotions, and have the ability of increasing one's Mana Rank upon consumption. This has led Fairies to be hunted to near extinction by Alchemists and those seeking to increase their power. Also known as Fae and Leprechauns, all Fairies are female.