Politics within Gaia Continent *

• House Atrazark: A Ducal House, they are one of the 5 Great Houses on the Gaia Continent. Famed for their violent temper and known to hold grudges.

• House Raychem: A vassal House to House Atrazark, Raychem is always looking to usurp the position of their Lord

• House Ilya: The most powerful vassal House under the Atrazarks. Like Raychem, Ilya seeks to seize power.

• House Bornovio: A vassal House that works with Ilya and Raychem to overthrow Atrazark.


• House Legendry: A Ducal House, they are one of the 5 Great Nobles on the Gaia Continent. The most powerful of the Great Nobles, House Legendry is said to rival the Royal Family itself due to possessing a unique Bloodline.

• House Burton: A vassal House to House Legendry and their most trusted subordinates.

• House Fillayn: A vassal House to House Legendary, primarily filled with those who were pushed out of other vassal Houses.

House Ward: A vassal House to House Legendry, House Ward is unique in that its members are either bastard of rejects from other Houses across the Gaia Continent. House Ward serves as a penal colony for disgraced Noble children.


• House Gregorio: A Ducal House, they are one of the 5 Great Nobles on the Gaia Continent. They are the wealthiest Great House.

• House Clee: A vassal House to House Gregorio.


• House Melvix: A Ducal House, they are one of the 5 Great Nobles on the Gaia Continent. House Melvix has the strongest military strength of the Great Houses.

• House Eventide: A vassal House to House Melvix.


• House Orstein: A Ducal House, they are one of the 5 Great Nobles on the Gaia Continent. House Orstein holds a great grudge against House Atrazark and the two are always clashing. House Orstein sponsors the rebellion of House Ilya, Raychem and Bornovio.

• House Kerstein: A vassal House to House Orstein, it is a branch House.

• House Penton: A powerful vassal House under House Orstein. They often handle the dirty work of their Lord.


• House Augustus: The Royal Family of the Gaia Continent. They are presumed to be the strongest, but House Legendry' full potential is unknown. As the Royal Family, they are meant to serve as a meditator between Great Houses.


The people of Orvonia worship 10 Gods, called the Archons, each with their own Churches. On the Gaia Continent, the primary Archons worshipped are the Archon of Earth, Wood and Sun.

• Sol: The Archon of Fire and the Sun

• Gaia: The Archon of Earth and whom the Gaia Continent is named after

• Dendron: The Archon of Wood and Forests

• Calypso: The Archon of Water and Seas

• Zephylte: The Archon of Air and Truth

• Nyx: The Archon of Darkness and the Moon

• Xerxes: The Archon of War and Conflict

• Consus: The Archon of Astrology and Discovery

• Tiamat: The Archon of Life and Fertility

• Metallus: The Archon of Craftmanship and Metal

Apart from the 10 Archons, there are several other Gods worshipped by the natives of Orvonia. These Gods are vilified however and worshippers are hunted down. Despite this, not all, Evil Gods hold Domain over negative Concepts, and some are called "Evil" simply because they do not get along with the Archons

• Chanteur: God of Dreams and Minds

• Seraphic: God of Light and Blessings

• Ingrid: God of Knowledge and Advancement

• Fallacy: God of Secrets and Mystery

• Polydorus: God of Storms and Lightning

• Weaver: God of Fate and Destiny

• Aenrys: God of Filth and Desire

• Navruavati: God of Carnage and Blood

• Daemon: God of Trickery and Deceit

• Jester: God of Mischief and Spectacle