The Soul of the Past, the Body of the Future

After the events, Takumi, Hikari, and Kenshin began to look for a place to stay. At first, they started staying in the gaps behind the buildings, but a few days later they began to stay in an abandoned building. Although they had a hard time getting used to the world of monsters, they became more comfortable as the days passed. Takumi handled the food while Kenshin was responsible for security. Takumi, on the other hand, spent days just lying in the middle of a room, staring at the ceiling. Although Hikari tried to talk to Takumi each time, she was unsuccessful and always returned. One day, after another failed attempt to talk to Takumi, she left the room.

Kenshin: She still isn't saying anything, is she?

Hikari: "I'm sorry, but she's just staring at the ceiling. I've never seen her this quiet before."

Kenshin was about to enter the room to talk to Takumi. Before he entered, he knocked on the door a couple of times. Immediately after, Takumi spoke up in a serious tone.

Takumi: Come in, Kenshin.

As Kenshin entered the room, he was surprised to see that Takumi had pulled his feet towards himself instead of leaning against the wall. The joy that had been on Takumi's face all year had disappeared, and instead, she looked at Kenshin with a serious expression on her face.

Kenshin: The way you look at me gives me a little chills

Takumi : Listen Kesnhin, I won't prolong it, we all know that none of us want to stay here for long, so we have to find Kenta and get out of here.

Kenshin: Find Kenta and get out of here? Isn't Kenta dead?

Throwing Takumi Kenta's bracelet to Kenshin

Takumi : This one has a little bit of Kenta's power so he can control his soul, according to the bracelet Kenta is alive but we don't know where

Kenshin: Let me guess you're going to find Kenta

Takumi : Yes but no, for now I plan to stay here a little longer

At that time, they heard hikari's scream from the other room, Takumi immediately realized that there was a monster in front of Hikari as he came towards her, first she threw the monster against the wall and then she was going to take the sword in her hand and cut off the monster's head, the monster grabbed Takumi's sword and threw it forward, Takumi was going to retrieve his sword

Monster : Chi ?

The monster called out to Takumi in surprise, Takumi was shocked when he heard that name and turned towards the monster.

Takumi: How do you know that name?

Beast : If you're not Chi then you must be her daughter

Takumi : I asked you a question

Beast : Apparently your parents never mentioned me, did your parents ever talk about the past?

Takumi: If you don't want to die, you have to answer my question.

Beast : I don't think you want to kill someone who will be of use to you.

After the monster said that, Takumi got angry and drew her sword and jumped towards the monster, just as she was about to kill it.

Beast : Okay okay okay calm down I'm one of your family's last remaining friends in this universe Your family used to help save us in the past

Takumi is stunned

Takumi: Didn't they fight you and die?

Beast: Yes but no, you obviously don't know anything, come with me

The monster held his hand against the wall, scanned his hand from the hand-scanner on the wall and brought the elevator, the elevator was going down to a lab below the house, he had passed a big machine in the lab and had taken out a few photos from the cabinet next to the machine one photo was half burned

Takumi : These photos

Monster : Yes, the person you guessed in the photo you're looking at right now is your Mother, Chi was fighting to save us, Chi was getting along very well with a lot of monsters before humans threw us into this universe, actually it wasn't that bad between humans and monsters, it's just that humans were very power-hungry. They thought they were superior to the monsters and started fighting us. Your family tried their best to protect us, but they couldn't and they locked us up here, after which Chi was constantly coming and checking on us.

Takumi takes a photo out of his pocket

Takumi: So what is this photo?

Beast : It's weird that you have this photo, Chi and I were having fun here even though it looked like we were fighting

Takumi showed the photo of himself

Takumi: What do you say to that?

Beast: This is actually a photo that is thought to be the destiny of this universe, I have this whole photo, in this photo you are standing in front of Pure hate and your double, when I thought that your twin is not here, I think your twin has already been taken

Takumi: Wait, Pure hate?, fighting against my twin, I don't understand what you're talking about

Beast: Takumi, one day this universe will come to an end and this last thought to come by pure hate, the "assistant" in the books is your twin

Takumi: So you're saying my twin isn't dead and is under control?

Beast : Not exactly but yes, your twin is not dead but I don't know if you can say it's under control, pure hate has taken over his body, he's self conscious but all good memories are being replaced with bad ones most likely

Kenshin immediately jumped

Kenshin: That means we can save him

Beast : Don't jump right in little boy, it's not that easy task, We don't know how strong the raw hate is also I know where is the Takumi twin, it's most likely in the pure hate castle right now waiting to be completely contained, when fully contained they will be released and begin to bring the end of this universe, and they will most likely come to your universe.

Takumi looking at the photo of himself

Beast : The fate of the entire universe seems to be in your hands

Hikari Curious about the story

Hikari: I don't understand why we are not involved in this event.

The monster shows another photo and

Beast: Nobody knows what will happen to you during this event, but in this photo, you can see someone who looks like Takumi crying while looking at 2 dead bodies in his hands, I can't say for sure, but they drew something like this

At that time, Takumi was planning to go upstairs to the castle after throwing the photos, unable to contain his anger.

Beast : Takumi take it easy, there's chaos outside right now and if any monster sees you, they might want to kill you, let me help you and we'll all handle this

Takumi was getting into the elevator and going upstairs without caring.

Beast : Of course she will go upstairs without listening to me whatever, Kenshin go upstairs and talk to her and I can get your bracelet and improve it if you want, Hikari you stay with me and we can get information by doing research

Kenshin handed his bracelet and went upstairs immediately, Hikari was staying with the Beast and helping her, while Takumi first organized her things from her room and then went to the Toilet, She was looking at herself in the bathroom mirror and tidying herself, her hair in pigytails, got ready and planning to exit the window from the next room, She stopped suddenly on her way to open the window.

Takumi: Didn't they send you to stop me? What are you doing

She had called out into the darkness, out of the darkness Kenshin slowly emerged.

Kenshin : Yes but if I know you it's next to impossible to stop you right now so I'm just going to say one thing, I don't know what you will experience when you get there or what will happen there, also you are going alone, I will do my best to protect you but still Please be careful

Takumi: You don't need to protect me, go and help them

Takumi had flown to the roof of the glass building and had quickly gone around to look for the castle while Kenshin was sulking back, just as he was out the door Hikari had come out.

Hikari: You failed again, did you?

Kenshin: I don't think it's the right time.

Hikari : Don't worry Kenshin when the time comes you will open your feelings and you will get reciprocated

Hikari and Kenshin were going back down to the lab and heading towards the Beast. While the Beast was doing their research, Hikari and Kenshin had entered and immediately went to the baffled beast.

Kenshin: Are you okay? You don't look good?

Beast: I have good and bad news for you, good news Kenta is alive, Bad news is Pure hate is walking around in full form right now, wristband is giving different signals but I couldn't understand any of the signals.

Hikari: Did you find anything from the books?

Monster : In the books it is stated that there will be an epic battle and it is stated that it will be Takumi against Kenta and someone named Ryuu, in this photo you can see Kenta lying on the ground, Ryuu looking desperately towards something huge in the sky

Hikari : So what is this photo?

Beast : In this photo we see Takumi from behind, he's fighting against something with a gun in his hand, he looks like he's protecting a child but I don't understand

While Hikari and the Beast were trying to make sense of the photos, Kenshinin was so startled that he quickly went upstairs and went outside, while Takumi was jumping between buildings and looking around for the castle when he heard a cry for help in a cul-de-sac, a little boy started running from the darkness towards Takumi as he jumped into the cul-de-sac and started looking for the sound.

XXX : Please help please

Takumi: Don't worry, it'll be okay, tell me what happened

XXX : a monster is following me please help

Takumi had slowly jumped out of the darkness and killed the monster with his sword, after killing it, he went to the little boy and started talking to him.

Takumi: Don't worry he's dead he can't bother you anymore, let's go find your family

XXX: Thank you man, people really aren't as bad as they say

Takumi: Thank you, what's your name?

XXX: Ryuu