From Twin to Foe: Erased Memories

After saying his name, Ryuu slowly started to disappear into the shadows, before Takumi could understand, a voice came from behind her.

XXX: Takumi

As Takumi turned around in great surprise, she realized that the voice was familiar, and her Serious spirit had completely disappeared and her old childlike spirit had returned.

Takumi : Kenta ?

Takumi realized that it was Kenta calling out to her, noticing that her bracelet was poking her as he slowly walked towards him with childlike happiness.

Takumi: Is dat you, Kenta?

In tears, Kenta took his sword and aimed it at Takumi.

Kenta: Takumi please run away

While Takumi couldn't understand what was going on, a huge shadow appeared in front of her, Ryuu jumped behind her with a huge blade, there was a huge explosion as Takumi shielded and turned right around to block it, Takumi looked at herself and realized that she was fine, and as he looked around she saw Ryuu flying forward shattered and saw Kenshin with a sword in hand with an angry face

Kenshin came up to Takumi

Kenshin: We have to go now.

Takumi: B.b..but.... what about Kenta?

Kenshin: That person you see isn't exactly Kenta, and that shattered thing isn't just a little boy, it's Pure Hate.

By then, the shattered Hatet etrantan had taken the form of a little boy again with the pieces he had collected.

Ryuu : I guess some seem to be aware of some business, it's time to run Plan B, Kenta Now

After collecting the pieces, Ryuu turned his hands into blades and rushed towards Kenshin, while Kenshin's soul shielded his hands in front of him and blocked Ryuu, Kenta's eyes were completely black and jumped on Kenshin, while Takumi hit Kenta with her sword and threw him away.

Takumi: Do you think you're at a level to take on him?

Kenshin: When will you trust me?

Takumi : I don't trust anyone, anyway let's keep him busy as long as you can I'll take care of Kenta

Before Kenshin could approve, Takumi leapt on Kenta and slammed his shield, pushing him back a little further.

Takumi: What's wrong with you?

Kenta: What are you talking about?

Takumi lost his cheerfulness again with her serious face

Takumi: What am I talking about, can hate really put you in this state?

Kenta: I don't think it concerns anyone who doesn't care about me.

Takumi: doesn't c... Who doesn't care about YOU??? Don't tell me you don't even know who I am?

Kenta: Aren't you my twin who never cared about me?

At that moment, sounds begin to come from Takumi's wristband.

Leo: Can you hear me? Takumi, answer.

Takumi trying to figure out how she heard the sound from the bracelet.

Leao : Takumi listen carefully I'm Leao, the monster in the lab who helped you, anyway, only you can hear my voice right now because you're wearing the wristband, I partially turned off the artificial intelligence, I took control, now listen to me carefully, Kenta is completely under the control of hatred, yours slightly different from the Kenta you know, his memory may have been altered by hatred so be careful, my advice to you is to step back for now and plan for later

After listening to all this, Takumi took off her bracelet and threw it at Kenshin. Kenshin noticed that he had gotten a little stronger after putting on the bracelet, at that time.

Leao: Let me guess, she threw the bracelet at you

Kenshin: Unfortunately that's true, I think she's at the level of not caring about anyone right now.

Leao : Anyway, Kenshin, since you have both wristbands, I can say that your strength is close to Takumi's because one of the two wristbands has a little bit of Takumi and the other one has a bit of Kenta, you're probably not strong enough to beat Ryuu but you can escape for the moment .

Kenshin: I'm not going anywhere without Takumi

while Takumi

Takumi : Kenta tell me you are joking, people are waiting for us, we have to go back, I really don't care about this place anymore.

Kenta first with a happy face

Kenta: Go back?, of course we will return (but with a serious face) but we will destroy you first and then all of humanity

Takumi: You're doing nothing but bullshit right now.

Kenta: You still act like you care, when are you going to stop this fake behavior?

Takumi: Fake?, Fa...?, I don't understand what you're trying to say

Takumi, losing all seriousness, was slowly starting to cry.

Takumi : I tried for days to find out if you were dead or not, because I couldn't do anything I started to go crazy talking to myself between 4 walls, are you calling all of this fake really?, do you think I would have stopped here to get you back if it was fake Would I ever jump into that portal without caring about ppl behind me?

Kenta: Are you the one trying to reach me? The one who jumped before the portal and didn't look back? I don't remember anyone like that.

As Kenta drew her sword and leaped towards Takumi to strike, Takumi, who was in tears, was unable to react fast enough to block the attack. As a result, Takumi was hit by Kenta's sword strike, causing her sword to fall from her hand and fly off into the distance.

As Kenta takes Takumi's sword and throws it at her

Kenta : Pick it up

Even though Takumi's soul had absorbed some of the damage, Takumi was having a little trouble getting up after the hit.

Kenta : Pick it up, traitor

As Takumi tried to stand up slowly as blood poured from her face

Takumi : Kenta... it's not you, idk, You want my soul?.... take it and get rid of me, if that's what you really want then do it

Kenta: I don't want your soul

Takumi: Then what do you want from me?

Kenta: All I ask is that you do the ONE thing you're good at.

Takumi : W..what..??

Kenta : FIGHT

As Kenta drew his sword and once again leaped towards Takumi, this time with the intention to kill, Kenshin appeared from a distance and struck Kenta with all his might, pushing his away from Takumi.

Takumi retrieves her sword and grabs Kenshin's foot.

Takumi : Kenshin... please leave me here, run away, I can get out of here, you let everyone know.

Kenshin puts his foot forward a little.

Kenshin: I'm not going anywhere without you

Ryuu coming slowly from his right

Ryuu: Seems like some people are willing to die for love

Kenshin looked to his right at Ryuu, then to his left at Kenta.

Kenshin: If you've got the guts, come and test me out

Although Takumi stood up, she was having trouble walking.

Takumi: Kenshin, let's go back, please.

Kenshin, seeing Takumi's lost face, immediately changed his mind and tried to take her back.

Ryuu : Even though I didn't let you escape, you're the one who came here, anyway, don't die while running.

Ryuu raised his hand and started to shoot lightning from the sky.

Kenshin drew his knife and threw it in Ryuu's face, even though the blade that scratched Ryuu's cheek bounced back to Kenshin like a boomerang, Ryuu immediately healed his cheek.

Ryuu : Kid decide, do you want to run away or DIE

Kenshin had gathered all his soul power at his feet and had Takumi on his back and started to run away quite quickly, even though he was running to catch Kenta with the Lightning, Kenshin was fast enough to surprise Ryuu.

Ryuu : Quite fast despite having someone on your back, Kenta come back, we'll finish this later.

Kenta: He's using my and Takumin's powers right now, otherwise there's no way he'd be that fast.

Kenshin was back with Takumi on his back with all his focus and immediately put her to bed in the lab for Hikari to heal her, Kenshin was punching the walls in anger while everyone was taking care of Takumi in surprise, while Takumi turned to Kenshine with one eye open while half of her face was covered in blood and calmly said. with a tone of voice and a smiling face.

Takumi: Kenshin calm down, we'll get it all together

Kenshin: Are you saying this, making decisions on your own and constantly scaring us, scaring me?

Takumi : Hey I may be making decisions on my own but I'm always comfortable knowing that I will always have someone behind me.

Takumi: Heyyy, actually...., I may be making decisions on my own, yes... but you told me to trust you in battle, right? If I didn't trust you I wouldn't continue to fight there, I'm always comfortable knowing that there will always be someone behind me.

After Takumi said that, Kenshin looked a little more relaxed and embarrassed.

Kenshin: I think we're at a level to beat them, we need to get this done right away.

Takumi: Don't be so fast Kenshin

Kenshin: But you see I can resist them, we can do it

Takumi : Believe me Kenshin, if Kenta wanted to take you down, he would have, you might think you are fast but that speed comes from the wristbands so you only have a bit of Kenta's power so he could have caught you but I guess Kenta isn't completely possessed

Leao: What are you trying to say?

Takumi: He asked me to run away while he was fighting, I believe we can somehow bring him back.

Leao: It might be possible, but we don't know how to do it.

Takumi : If I could somehow access your his, if I could access his memories, then maybe I could.

Leao was walking out of the secret secret lab with the bracelet in his hand and approaching Hikari and telling her to keep healing Takumi,

Leao: You heard everything, right?

XXX : Don't worry, I've heard everything, including the war.

Leao: So what do you say? do you really think she can do it?

At that moment, Leao was getting into the elevator and going further down.

XXX : Takumi still has some talents that she hasn't noticed, if she discovers them mayb... HEY ARE YOU COMING HERE, DO NOT COME, IT IS TOO DISCUSSED.

Leao : She really looks like you, now I can see how you are such a headache person

XXX : Hey watch your words, also I guess you didn't say I'm here

Leao: I haven't said that yet, I'm not sure

XXX: Tell Takumi to come here after she's healed and then leave the rest to me

Leao made a serious face when the elevator opened.

Leao: Will you be able to tell your daughter you're here? The strongest person in the universe, Chi