
After Kenshin went upstairs, he was relieved to see Takumi lying on the bed resting, Hikari healing Takumi and Leao continuing his research, he felt as if everything was back to normal, at that time Leao Kenshine called and called him over.

Leo: Are you ready?

Kenshin was surprised.

Kenshin: For what exactly? are we starting now?

Leao: No, I'm asking if you're mentally ready.

Kenshin: I'm definitely ready but I still don't understand why you're asking

Leao : According to our current plans, Chi and Takumi will fight Kenta, me, you and Hikari will fight Ryuu, but when i say we will fight, you will only fight, we will try to support

Kenshin: In short, you're asking if I'm ready for Ryuu?

Leao : Actually yes... because we don't know how long your limit will allow it, that's our fear, after all if your soul reaches the limit you are in danger of dying, it's a common human trait

Although Kenshin is a little upset, he tries not to show it.

Kenshin: We may have limits, but we won't know until we try, right? we'll try it and see

Leao : I guess you see it as childish work, we only have one chance Kensh...

Before Leao could finish, Kenshin was on his way to his room, while Takumi turned to Leao.

Takumi: You can't shut that mouth, can you?

Leao: I'm trying to think of you here.

Takumi: By stupidly saying "you have limits"? Don't forget who put you here, even if we have a limit, you won't know it

Chi speaking from the bracelet

Chi : Mi is right, even though I don't have old powers right now, I have the strength to defeat all monsters by myself, is that the limit?

Leao sighs as he returns to his research.

Leao : Mother-daughter you are really a headache

Takumi smiles, feeling like she's won the argument.

Chi : Mi, you better take care of Kenshin after all his strength is a bit dependent on you

Takumi: Because I'm the only person who can make him happy, right?

Chi : I don't even need to say it really haha

Takumi was getting out of bed and walking slowly towards Kenshin's room, knocking on the door once or twice, then when she opened the door and peeked inside, she was just about to close the door and leave.

Kenshin: Takumi.....i'm up....

Kenshin's voice was coming from the roof, Kenshin opened the window in his room and went out to the glass roof, Takumi climbing out of the window to the roof and seeing Kenshin watching the sky.

Takumi: Are you watching the moon and stars?

Kenshin: Yeah... yeah actually

Takumi was sitting directly next to Kenshin while Kenshin's face was a little red.

Takumi: So how did you know I was coming? After all, you don't have the ability to notice like me.

Kenshin : I don't need that... actually... because.... (after a short silence), you're the only one who'll be curious about me and come to me.

Takumi laughing

Takumi: Come on. don't say that, everyone is curious about you, don't disrespect Hikari who only heals you in every battle

Kenshin : Yeah... actually Hikari has done a lot of work on me, maybe I would have been dead already if she didn't heal me.

Takumi: Are you stuck on the limit issue?

Kenshin after a long silence

Kenshin : I....I'm an ordinary person unlike you Takumi and if I reach my Limits in battle, if I die, I'll have left you alone, I'll be screwed, I don't want that.

Takumi In an angry tone

Takumi: Your limit? Who decides what your limit is? What if you just focus on making progress instead of thinking about bad results?

While they were both watching the sky, Kenshin first turned towards Takumi and then, Takumi realizing this, She also turned towards Kenshin.

Kenshin: A...are you... angry?

Takumi opened her eyes a lot after hearing this, with a confused expression.

Kenshin : fo...for some reason I..... constantly smell anger

After Takumi's surprise, she turned her head and memories came to her mind.



Kid Kenta was holding Kid Takumi's hand and dragging her towards the photo box, Kid Kenta and Kid Takumi were making silly faces while taking pictures, the camera took out the photos after taking the photos, when Kid Kenta got the photos he turned to Kid Takumi.

Child Kenta : I don't want to see this smile disappear


Takumi : Kenta...since he died I've never been able to figure out how to feel, all I know is that he always said I should look happy, even if I wasn't happy Kenta would usually never want me to fight, the only one who was aware of my strength and my psychopathic behavior while fighting He was the one who taught me everything when we started fighting monsters after we lost our father and our mother disappeared, when we started fighting monsters, he taught me everything how to create a sword, how to control my soul, how to control the sword, after a while I started to fight monsters alone without having to teach anything.



Kid Kenta: Takumi, you can handle the leaders, I trust you, I'll take care of the rest.

Child Takumi: I GOT THIS

Child Takumi and Child Kenta started to fight on separate floors to kill the monsters that had invaded the library, slowly succeeding in killing them all while Child Takumi encountered the Leaders of the Monsters.

Kid Takumi : I'm just going to ask you one question, How many people are you responsible for the deaths?

The Leader of the Monsters bewildered

Leader of the Monsters : I don't know 15 or 20 ?

Kid Takumi : You are responsible for the deaths of at least 200 people, I will make you suffer the same for every life you take, that way you and I can be friends!!

The Leader of the Monsters was enraged.

Leader of the Monsters : Who do you think you are ? DIE!!!

The Leader of the Monsters had shouted at the Child Takumi, his longsword had been thrown to split the Child Takumi in two, and although he had seemed successful, the Leader of the Monsters had shattered into millions of pieces and blood had been splattered all around. Meanwhile, Kid Takumi

Kid Takumi : I guess you are not a friendly person. What a pity.

At that time, Child Kenta had watched the entire war from beginning to end and had collapsed to the ground in a state of shock at what he had seen.


Takumi : Kenta... he was afraid that I would go crazy after a while and he wanted me not to fight too much because... he thought that after a while I would give in to my anger and kill everyone. whereas I was seeing the sorrowful tears of others who lost loved ones in the same way and fighting for them. There is a Hate deep within my soul that I cannot fight, I only hear loud cries of despair, and this Hate grows stronger every time I fight. in short..... You are right, maybe it's because I'm always angry and trying to look happy.

Takumi laughing and slowly turning back.

Takumi: I don't think that matters anymore. we just have to think about getting Kenta back and killing that stupid creature

Kenshin : N.. no matter how hard you try to stay happy, I will always feel your true feelings... Mi.

Takumi shyly

Takumi (laughing) : Hahaha I guess I shouldn't forget that besides my mom you know my feelings too, right? Anyway, Kenshin, I need some more rest, I advise you to rest is good, get as much strength as you can until the battle, because... I need you

As Kenshin continued to watch the stars and the Moon with some shame and pride, Takumi was going through the window to go back again, just then.

Takumi : Kenshin..... Isn't the moon beautiful?

Takumi rushed in and went back to rest again, while Kenshin focused on what Takumi said, his face turned into a tomato, and was rolling from side to side in embarrassment.

While Takumi goes to rest, Chi from wrist

Chi: You don't care about anyone, do you?

Takumi had completely forgotten that the bracelet was listening, and in a mixture of embarrassment and fear, she took the bracelet and threw it aside.


Chi : Hahaha you forgot me completely, b....but how can you forget your mother so soon

Takumi: Stop pretending to be sorry. Did you hear everything?

Chi: And every word

Takumi: You're going to act like this never happened

Chi : Don't worry, you already said what I guessed. not much difference

After a long silence

Takumi: Mom, can I sleep next to you today?

Chi: I don't know, can you do it?

As soon as Chi had finished her sentence, Takumi had landed next to her mother and ran to hug her.

Chi: Are you afraid?

Takumi: I can't say I'm scared, but... When Kenta gone... sometimes I really don't know what to do. What if I turn into what Kenta really doesn't want, or fail you?

Chi : Mi you think too much, just trust us, trust Kenshin, Kenshin will fight Ryuu while you take care of Kenta.

Takumi: What if Kenshin is defeated? If Ryuu tries to attack me, I won't be able to defeat two or all three of them.

Chi : You think you will fight Kenta but when you encounter Kenta I will create a huge shield around you

Takumi: Won't I fight?

Chi: No you will just enter Kenta's soul and clear his memories, save him from Hate

Takumi : How can I bring back someone whose memories have changed. he hates me.

Chi : He doesn't hate you, he's not the real Kenta. The real Kenta is somewhere deep in his soul, waiting for you to be rescued, and you don't have to think that hard. Kenta and Kenshin want to see "Real You" more than seeing you trying to look happy like that

Takumi fell asleep on Chi's lap before Chi could finish the sentence, while Chi put Takumi on the couch and

Chi : Don't worry you will bring Kenta back no matter what. You have to