
When Takumi opened her eyes she realized she was lying in a puddle of water, got up and looked around then started walking around, realizing that she was in a huge room with lots of doors around.

Takumi: This is... where is this place?

Something instantly jumped past her.

Soul: This is the inside of your soul.

Takumi was frightened and fell to the ground, but when she looked up she saw herself.

Takumi: Wait a minute..., so... you?

Soul: Yes I am you, or rather your soul.

Takumi: These doors..

Soul: Memories, each of which remains in your mind.

When Takumi tried to turn around, her soul instantly stopped her and turned her in front of her.

Spirit : NO NO NOOO we areeee not lookingggg that way.

Takumi: BU..b.but...

Before Takumi could finish her sentence, the soul pushed her through one of the doors, as soon as Takumi walked through the door she realized she was in the garden of a school, it was a middle school with little kids running around, she looked around and saw a lot of kids swinging on a swing, building a sand castle, playing puzzles.

Takumi: This is... the middle school I went to but where a....

She heard a small voice behind her.

XXX : M...mi ?

As soon as Takumi turned around, what she saw shocked her.

Kid Kenta : Mi.... how did you grow up so f....

Takumi : NOO NO I..

Child Kenta: The energy I get from your soul... your soul is very diff... OR YOU?

Before Takumi could tell the incident, Kid Kenta started running around, Kid Kenta, who had run away before Takumi could catch him, went to find Kid Takumi and brought her, Takumi realized that she couldn't catch him and took a deep breath and waited, with Kid Kenta's screams very clearly heard, Kid Kenta was pulling Kid Takumi by the arm, Kid Takumi came over to Takumi extremely shy, when she lifted his head, she was very surprised to see herself in the future, she ran towards her and hugged her.

Takumi: Was I this shy with everything before?

Kid Kenta: I think we were completely different until then, we may have switched roles since then

Takumi: Wait... how do you know that day..

Kid Kenta : This is your memories and you can change it as you wish, and I'm not really Kenta in that moment, I'm a Kenta you pictured in your head so I have all your memories.

Kid Takumi : You...are you really my future self?...look how strong I am despite that fake smile Ken

Takumi : y.. you can spot.. it too.

Kid Kenta : Come on... My mom, me, and even Kenshin can spot it. Come on, Takumi, that's not the smile I want, you know.

Takumi : I know but..... I can't bring back that smile until I get you back.

Kid Kenta: Takumi probably... you don't have much time.... please be as fast as you can, I'm begging you.

Takumi: W...what do you m..meann...??

Before Takumi could finish her sentence, Kenta the Child suddenly melted before her eyes, getting darker and darker, and a wave of black mist was coming from the distance.

Takumi : Kenta... I promise to save YOU.

Takumi rushed out the door and threw herself to the ground while backing up, Takumi looking to her right and then to her left saw that there was a door on her left but this door was different from the others, this door was completely black and slightly open, the doorknob was broken, black smoke was coming out, blackness was around it. It was a door with blood all around the room, and Takumi was so frightened that she was pushing herself backwards as she heard a broken scare voice behind her.

Soul : Y̷͍̞̌̽̄o̵̗͆̃̈u̶̧̲͖͌͛́ ̸̛̘s̵̢̺̏̆h̴͖͑́̓o̸̝̫͙͒̆ũ̶̲̻͂l̸̡͆d̷̤̞̠̓̎͐ń̶̮'̶͓̭̈́͂t̸̥͍̾͝ ̵̺̯̀̌͝h̷̛̬̩ạ̵̜̍̎́v̸̺͚̍͗̍e̵̻̰̹͐̔ ̴̙̄l̸̼̔ǒ̸̝͓̏̒o̶͔͒̅k̶͕̥͂e̶͍͐d̷͍͝ ̸̭̼̊ͅt̵͎̻͝ḩ̷̱̃͜͝è̴͔̯̆̕͜r̴̯͗̀ě̴͖̠͎̉,̷̘̑̇ ̷̰͝ţ̶̟̃i̷̮̰͂̈̂m̵̱̐e̴̛̝̯̻͝ ̴̞̉ĩ̵̳̙ṣ̵̭̍͑̚ ̷͓̈r̸͎̄u̶͈̺͌̀n̵̠͑̕͜n̴̞̾̽i̴̲̽́̀n̵͎̱͉̄̀́g̵̗̀̑́ ̵̯̟͋ó̵̢͓̰̅ų̷̻̓̑t̵̼̣́

As soon as Takumi turned herhead towards the sound, she saw her soul hanging from the ceiling right behind her talking to her, she had just woken up and jumped out of her bed, at that time, Kenshin, who had fallen asleep watching her from the sofa right next to her bed to keep an eye on her, hearing Takumi's screams, he immediately woke up and hugged Takumi.

Kenshin : Ok.... ok it's over... over.... i'm here

Takumi started to cry because of fear.

Takumi: I...had a...a very bad...nightmare... I saw... s...

Kenshin: You've seen your soul, haven't you?

Takumi is surprised

Takumi : do u k...

at that time Chi

Chi : I told him, you were in your soul, right?

Takumi : Yeah... and... while i was in a normal memory I suddenly saw a dark door and when I turned around room... my soul had hanged itself and was talking to me.

Chi : Time seems to be running out... it's spreading faster than I thought.

Takumi : That's... what was that Mom... is that what I was thinking...

Chi : If I have to tell you from the beginning, Mi. People's souls are actually their safest place, even though people think that nobody can get in there.... that's not quite true. After all, people get stronger or weaker according to their emotions. The thing on that door is actually... something you know too....

Takumi: Isn't it the anger inside of me....

Chi : Yes... and this Anger has now started appearing in your safe zone and also starting to enter your memories... which means... we don't have much time...

Takumi: We don't have time? what do you mean ? will i die ?

Chi : Look.... Mi you know people get stronger or weaker based on your emotions and you can usually control those emotions a little bit but..... if that anger completely takes over your soul..... you will become a totally uncontrollable force.... and I don't know how to turn it back..... so I don't know how to use this anger towards Ryuu as much as I can. I want you to try to let it out.

Takumi: So... this anger will come out no matter what but you want us to use it against Ryuu..

Kenshin: But this bullshit, what if this happens earlier than planned? So what are we going to do, let's say it happened while we were saving Kenta?

Chi: It will not progress unless Rage is triggered. if you say we never trigger it, we need to put Mi to eternal sleep, so this is impossible.

Kenshin: Still, isn't that too risky?

Chi : Kenshin, only me and Ryuu can deal with that anger, even I am not sure I can beat it because when it accesses memories it changes memories and gathers more anger so this is the only option we have.

Kenshin was thinking gloomily with his face down, while Takumi

Takumi : Don't worry Kenshin everything will be as before

Although Takumi talked to Kenshin to give Kenshin some relief, it didn't seem to be working very well. Takumi got into the elevator to go upstairs and continue to do a little research, as Takumi started to hear voices as she slowly went upstairs when the elevator started.

XXX: You know you won't make it, right?

Takumi looked around without realizing what was happening, but as she was inside a small elevator, she was trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

XXX : You may not realize it, but your time is running out.

As Takumi continued to search for the sound, when she looked at the mirror in the elevator, she realized that her reflection was not moving in sync with her and that she was a little different in the Mirror.

Takumi: In this mirror....

XXX: Do you remember that Door? It's almost time for that door to fully open.

Takumi was on her knees, panicking, trying to hold her heart, as she stared into the mirror.

Takumi : ca...can'..t.. Do

XXX : Do not try in vain, time will come and everything will end, all beings, all universes because they will be faced with an unstoppable force.

Takumi: I.... won't.... let.... that happen.....

XXX: I'll give you a tip to find out how much time you have left to make your job easier.

After a short while, everything returns to normal, but Takumi was still out of breath, when the elevator reached the top Hikari greeted Takumi at the door, but Takumi looked a little different from normal, which worried Hikari a lot.


Takumi immediately stood in front of a mirror without realizing what had happened.

Takumi : Oh... no... we have to be fast...

When Takumi stood in front of the mirror, the first thing she saw was that part of her eye was covered with blackness and it was spreading very slowly throughout her body.