Despair - Part 1

Leao: Are you sure you're ready? I think you need to rest a little more

Takumi: We have no time to lose

Leao was going to try to stop her as Takumi walked out the door and hurried off, but just then, Chi put his arm around Leao's shoulder and told him to wait, while Kenshin

Kenshin: How sensible it is to let her go alone

Chi : If you want me to give you some advice about Takumi, Kenshin, You can't stop her sometimes, she thinks she has to handle things on her own, you'll have to go after her soon, all of you get ready.

Kenshin and Hikari were getting ready and out the door, following Takumi from afar.

Leao: You have any idea what will happen, right?

At that time, Chi was going downstairs with extreme comfort.

Chi: I don't know, maybe there is, maybe not, everyone should mind their own business

Leao: What are you planning Chi?

Chi: Me? I'm not planning anything, what can someone like me plan?

Leo: Someone like you? You are the only creature in the entire universe who has managed to defeat Ryuu, it would be ridiculous for a Perfect human like you not to plan anything.

Chi : Don't worry about that, they have smarter people than me now.

Leao: You mean Takumi, right?

Chi: Who else would it be?

Leao: How sure are you of that?

Chi: Do you really ask a mother how much she trusts her daughter? This is bullshit, also... Takumi is different than she looks, she's stronger emotionally than Kenta, but she doesn't know how to control it yet. You must pray that Kenta is the one possessed by hate.

Leo: What are you trying to say?

Chi: Just do your job

While Takumi ran in search of Ryuu and Kenta, the rage that was slowly running in her arms was taking off her body and throwing it to the ground, but the anger was slowly covering her body again. At that time, she saw that there were big explosions in the distance, thinking that these big explosions could be Ryuu or Kenta, she headed towards there, not caring about the strength she wasted. She somehow went to the area where the explosions took place and hid behind a building, at that time she saw Ryuu and an army of monsters advancing next to him, with great surprise inside her.

Takumi : I know this scene but... it feels like it should be here in Kenta

As Takumi continued to look in astonishment, Ryuu transformed his hand into a colossal sword and continued explaining his plans to open a rift and attack the world to his army. Growing increasingly angry at Ryuu's plans to open the rift and attack the world, Takumi climbed to the top of a building across from Ryuu and stared at him emotionlessly. Ryuu noticed Takumi and turned towards her.

Ryuu : And and of course, it wouldn't have happened if our story's main clumsy wasn't trying to stop us, right?

Takumi: Where is Kenta?

Ryuu: Do you really care about him? After all the wars, don't you still understand that he hates you?

Takumi maintained her stoic demeanor, showing no emotions on her face.

Takumi: I asked a simple question.

Ryuu dropped his playful ways and said seriously.

Ryuu : I also asked a simple question.

just then, Ryuu noticed something on Takumi and gave a slightly devilish smile.

Ryuu: I understand why you're in a hurry... You're out of time, right?

Ryuu burst into laughter, even laughing so hard that tears were pouring from his eyes.

Ryuu : You cruel being, you don't know how to deal with your feelings but you think you can save your twin. You really are a disgraceful person, I've fought stronger than you, I don't think a loser like you can stop me.

Takumi couldn't continue her emotionless expression, shouting with a huge burst of hatred, turning her soul into a sword and swinging it towards Ryuu.

Takumi : I SAID TO YOU... WHERE.... IS.... KENTA...

As Ryuu got a little more serious and dodged the attacks, his arms behind his back didn't move at all, just a glint in his eye, driving the entire monster army towards Takumi.

Ryuu: The little lady looks angry, do you think your spirit is strong?

Takumi : No.... I don't think so....

Takumi jumped down from the building with her sword and made a hard fall, killing some of the monsters that approached her with the wave that formed, killing some of the monsters that came close to her, first she slashed the monsters around her with the swing of her sword, then she transformed her soul into multiple blades and threw them towards the monsters and killed them.

Takumi: I know.

After realizing that the monster army he had sent was insufficient, Ryuu sent his army, which was about 10 times the size of the army he sent, against Takumi again.

Ryuu : So this army is not enough for you.

While the monsters were heading towards Takumi as if they were bloodthirsty, Takumi suddenly gave up her attack position and waited with open arms, Ryuu could not understand what was happening, one of the monsters jumped on Takumi just as he was about to hit Takumi in the face with his knife.

Takumi: Kill them all.

Takumi spoke as if giving an order, thinking that if no one could make sense of what was going on, the monster thought he could kill Takumi, and just as he was about to hit her, it shattered into millions of pieces, and then almost half of the army exploded into death with a huge claw mark. After the pool of blood that formed from the sky, like a dog with his tongue sticking out from the sky, Kenshin was jumping into the remaining monster army and killed them slowly, even if the monsters hit Kenshin, Hikari was healing Kenshin from behind, while Takumi was slowly laying bloodthirsty on Ryuu. she was walking with a vengeance, Ryuu was slowly walking backward as if scared and throwing sharp crystals on Takumi, Takumi carelessly grabbing those crystals with her hands and even her mouth and tearing them apart

Ryuu: You fools! You were supposed to keep that useless clown away from me.

Takumi: Where are you planning to run away to?

As Takumi leaped towards Ryuu with her sword in hand,

Ryuu: I'm truly tired of this.

Ryuu took a step back and whistled, leaving Takumi puzzled by the meaning of the whistle.

Ryuu: I guess it's time for me to answer a simple question.

Just as Takumi was about to thrust her sword into Ryuu's face, a black sword turned and blocked Takumi's sword from a distance, then it turned and ended up in Kenta's hand in the distance. Takumi was taken aback as soon as she saw Kenta, despite her seriousness. Meanwhile, Ryuu said,

Ryuu: I suppose it's best to leave the twins alone. Kenta, kill her.

Kenta slowly walked towards Takumi, and at that moment, Takumi spoke through the bracelet,

Takumi: Ryuu is coming towards you. I'll stop Kenta. How are things on your end?

Kenshin: I'm a little busy at the moment. By the time Ryuu arrives, I'll have finished off all the monsters, and then I can deal with Ryuu.

At that moment, Kenta had gotten closer to Takumi and was dragging his sword along the ground as he walked. Meanwhile, Takumi yelled,

Takumi: Kenta, can you hear me?

Without responding, Kenta continued to advance toward Takumi.

Takumi: Kenta... I'm here... everyone is here for you.

Kenta: Shut up.

Kenta angrily grabbed his sword and charged at Takumi. Takumi blocked Kenta's attack with her shield and threw him aside. As Kenta was dragged away, he plunged his sword into the ground to slow himself down. After coming to a stop, he leaped at Takumi again, and Takumi once more pushed him aside. This repeated multiple times. Then, Kenta decided to divert Takumi's attention by launching spheres of hatred at her. Takumi blocked the spheres with her shield, causing them to explode and fill the area with smoke. Despite searching for Kenta, Takumi couldn't see him amidst the smoke. Suddenly, Kenta emerged from the smoke and delivered a powerful blow to Takumi, sending her flying into the distance. After being dragged along the ground for a while, Takumi crashed into a building wall and fell to the ground. Takumi felt intense pain in her back, and her wristband signaled a high damage warning. Slowly getting up, Takumi saw Kenta swiftly approaching her. Kenta grabbed Takumi by her hair and lifted her. Half of Kenta's face was covered in blood, while the other half was filled with rage as he confronted Takumi.

Kenta: You can't even be understood who you are, you pitiful creature. Are you aware that it's because of your emotions that you're in this state?

Takumi: Y...You're wrong...

Kenta: Am I wrong? Do you want to tell this to my fists?

Kenta gathered all his strength in his fist and struck Takumi's face, sending her flying far away, and breaking through multiple building walls in the process. The punch was so powerful that Takumi soared through the air, unable to break through the wall of the last building due to her diminishing speed. She crashed into the wall and fell to the ground once again. Takumi was on the verge of death, her face covered in blood, strands of her hair clutched in Kenta's hand, her right arm drenched in blood, and her soul beginning to crack. She lacked the strength to stand up, barely able to open her eyes, and when she did, her vision was blurred by the copious amounts of blood. Leao's voice echoed from her wristband, urging her to wake up, but Takumi lacked the ability to move. The damage she had sustained was extensive, and without healing, she would slowly succumb to her injuries. Kenta approached Takumi slowly from a distance, while Ryuu, witnessing Takumi lying motionless on the ground, felt a sense of satisfaction

Ryuu: Well done Kenta, I need your help after you killed her.

Kenta: Got it

Kenshin saw Takumi lying motionless from a distance and shouted toward her, but it was futile. After clearing out all the monsters, Kenshin leaped onto Ryuu and pushed him back slightly. Meanwhile, Kenta had approached Takumi's side.

Kenta: I warned you, didn't I? What did you do ? you tried to fight anyway

Kenta had picked Takumi up by her hair again and was pointing around with his sword.

Kenta: Look around you, disappointed. Look at your friends who stood by you with great expectations. False superhuman, is that you, the perfect human? My mother revealed her own incompetence by believing in you. You're nothing but a failure.

Takumi barely breathing.

Takumi: D...d-do it... kill me... t-take my soul... c-coward...

Kenta had enough and became even more enraged. He forcefully slammed Takumi's head against the wall, causing her to collapse onto the ground. After inflicting such damage, Takumi had completely lost consciousness. Kenta then took his sword and prepared to deliver the finishing blow, aiming for Takumi's soul. As Takumi's soul was on the verge of shattering, Kenta began to experience hallucinations and saw Takumi's soul in front of him.

Takumi: You idiot

Kenta, witnessing Takumi's soul laughing, lost his sanity and started swinging his sword wildly around. However, after Takumi's soul stopped laughing, it entered Kenta's soul.