Despair - Part 2

Takumi, who could not stand the crowds outside, jumped out of her bed, after looking around for a while, realizing that she had woken up in her own bed in her own house, Takumi could not understand what was going on and was talking to herself in front of the mirror.

Takumi: Wait ?... why am i here ?.. did i make it ? Or am I dead?

Takumi turned to the door upon hearing that someone was running into the her room and was greatly surprised by what she saw.


Takumi suddenly stares at her own little one in rather bewilderment.

Takumi : Oh No.... this is me... this is my 9th birthday....

As Kid Takumi put on her clothes and headed downstairs, the real Takumi followed her younger self. Downstairs, Takumi's mother, Kenta, and all his friends were singing the birthday song behind a birthday cake. The real Takumi sat next to the gift section, where her father had sent a gift package. She sat there, looking at the gift package. After Kid Takumi's birthday was celebrated, she blew out the candles and cut the cake. Then, she made his way to the gift section. Kid Takumi opened almost all the presents, and it was finally time for his father's gift. Together with Chi, they opened the gift package, and inside was a card with something written on it.

"Happy birthday my daughter, sorry I didn't get you a present again, due to my duty I hardly have free time, happy birthday again, You are always the best."

After Takumi read the card, she threw it on the floor and went to her room crying, she didn't care even if Chi called after her, Kenta started to amuse her friends by making silly moves to dispel the awkwardness and sadness, while the real Takumi picked up the fallen paper and stared at it for a long time, while Chi came and sat next to Takumi.

Chi : The last gift your father sent....

Takumi : After that I will get the news that will change my life.....

Chi : His death... has completely changed you and I see that you are doing your best to avenge him...

Takumi: My father... i can hardly remember... was he really strong?

Chi : Strong.... I can't say strong, but it helped me a lot to become the strongest person. Before you were born, I was just an ordinary person walking around who didn't know her abilities, but thanks to your father's wonderful intelligence and knowledge, I realized my own strength, in fact, like you, I hardly saw your father after a while.... Kenta was the last to see him after that. ..... you know what's next.

Takumi: You just told us he died in the line of duty.

Chi : Do you want to know how your father... really died?

After Takumi shook his head unhappily, Chi got up and cast a spell with his hand and teleported themselves to a different memory, at this moment Chi was lying in the hospital and Isamu (Takumi's father) was waiting beside her.

Chi : We came out of a big war and I fainted in the middle of the war because I was so damaged, (laughing) I gave your father a lot of trouble.

Takumi: My father... he was really more handsome than I remembered.

Chi : but... the moment had come

At that time, while the doctors were coming and taking care of Chi, the bracelet on Isamu's arm suddenly started flashing red, when Isamu realized that there was an emergency, he apologized to Chi and started running all of a sudden, even though Chi shouted, Isamu kept running regardless.

Chi : Your father's.... father's last words I had to go for our children. no matter how much I tried to go near him, my body wouldn't allow it.

Takumi: So where was he going?

Chi laughing.

Chi : Don't be in a hurry, I'll explain everything.

Chi had only taken themselves a little further at the same time and teleported to her father.

Chi : Your father... he really left me alone in the hospital to protect you, in an emergency, monsters were attacking the world, this may sound classic to you but this was really one of the biggest battles... because your father fought someone you knew well.

Isamu was going to lead his army behind him and stop the monsters, just then a huge rift opened up and hordes of monsters were slowly coming in, as Ryuu, who was leading them at the very front, called out towards Isamu.

Ryuu : We can end this quickly if you want, we are creatures that are willing to deal.

Isamu: What kind of deal was that?

Ryuu laughing.

Ryuu: You're going to let us kill you all and the world will be ours, simple as that.

Isamu : Then I have a proposition for you. you either come back from this world on your own or...

Ryuu: Or?

Isamu : Or we take your head and put it as a symbol somewhere in the middle of your universe.

Ryuu was laughing until tears came to his eyes, he suddenly stopped laughing and ordered the entire beast army to attack. All humanity and all monsters started to fight each other as Isamu rushed towards Ryuu with his two-handed swords. at that time Chi.

Chi : Your father was a good leader, but I wouldn't say he was a good warrior, he could get along very well with people, and he could control an army very easily, but... I couldn't say the same about fighting.

Isamu had jumped on Ryuu with his swords, but Ryuu had pulled out a hand from behind, pierced through Isamu's chest and expelled his soul.

Ryuu: You may be very good at speaking, but you are only good at talking. You don't even care what's going on around you

Seeing her father's soul shattered, Takumi wanted to go to his side, crashed into an invisible wall, fell to her knees, and was hitting the invisible wall with her hands in rebellion.

Takumi: My father couldn't have died so easily.

Chi : Everyone thought so but…. He couldn't resist Ryuu's strength.

Chi creates a door in front of Takumi.

Chi : You have two options, Mi, either you will go through this door and save everyone, or you will leave everyone behind and live here forever in this world you have imagined.

Tears streaming down her hands, Takumi looked at them for a long moment. Then, she stood up and grabbed the doorknob. As she opened the door, she was faced with a vast black void. She tried to take a step, but as soon as she did, she began falling downward. Without panicking, Takumi closed her eyes and waited to reach somewhere. After a long wait, she landed in a small lake. Slowly emerging from the water, she looked around and saw numerous doors, just like the ones in her own soul. She started passing by each door one by one. At first, there were no issues with the doors, but as she progressed, some of them began to disappear or become covered in hatred. The memories behind the doors were either completely changing or vanishing. At the end of the path, she encountered a door emanating cries and spreading fear all around. Initially closed, the door started to open as Takumi approached. The sounds of crying gradually transformed into laughter as the door swung wide open, and Takumi stepped inside. Upon entering, she realized she was in a small room, and in the corner of the room lay the body of Kenta. She approached the body, but the laughter continued to intensify. After a while, Kenta opened his eyes and said...

Kenta: Takumi ..... he trapped you too

When Takumi turned around in extreme surprise, she saw the Door slowly closing, she ran towards the door but she could not reach the door and the door was completely closed, Takumi was banging on the door with his hands clinging to the door, at that time there was a sound from behind the door.

Ryuu: Just imagine, a clumsy girl who threw everyone's hopes in the trash, disappointing everyone with her foolish emotions.

When Takumi heard Ryuu's voice, hse stopped hitting the door for a moment. Kenta crawled towards Takumi to check on her, but Takumi suddenly grabbed Kenta and threw him against the wall. Dark smoke emanated from Takumi, and as Ryuu continued speaking, Takumi suddenly...

Takumi: You talk too much..

Ryuu : A stupid gi.....

Before Ryuu could finish, Takumi got very angry and broke down the door and jumped on Ryuu, although Ryuu was fake, Takumi had smashed Ryuu with his claws, Kenta had turned to control Takumi, but Takumi had stretched out her arm to rip out Kenta's soul and sucked all the hate in his soul, hatred. After absorbing it completely, she opened a rift and escaped Kenta's soul.