
Seeing Takumi and Kenta's bodies lying on the ground, Kenshin looked at them in despair.

Ryuu : I guess all your hopes have been dashed.

While Kenshin was still staring at Takumi and Kenta's bodies, he suddenly turned to Ryuu.

Kenshin: You seem too ambitious for someone whose entire army was destroyed.

As soon as Ryuu heard what Kesnhin had said, he got angry and made a giant fist and teleported to Kenshin's side, hitting Kenshin's stomach with his huge fist, blowing him away and throwing him in front of Hikari.

Ryuu : I actually intend to kill you with my own hands

Kenshin got very angry and clawed his hands and jumped on Ryuu, after Ryuu blocked Kenshin's first two hits, he hit him in the stomach again and lifted him into the air, and then as Ryuu jumped around, he hit Kenshin with his foot and threw him against a window of a market, breaking the glass and entering the market. Kenshin was able to move more freely thanks to Hikari's heals, while Ryuu made his hand a long spear and went to rip out Kenshin's soul.

Kenshin: Did you really think you could beat me that easily?

Just as Ryuu was about to thrust the spear into Kenshin's chest, Kenshin had grasped the spear from its middle and shattered it into pieces. With Kenshin lying on the ground, he tripped Ryuu by catching his foot, causing Ryuu to fall. Immediately getting back on his feet, Kenshin grabbed Ryuu by the head and slammed him against the wall. As he was about to strike Ryuu's head against the wall once again, Ryuu suddenly transformed into a liquid form, escaping the dire situation. Shifting back into his human form, Ryuu grabbed Kenshin by the leg and hurled him into the distance.

Ryuu : You're a clumsy freak, all you do is jump around looking like you're cool.

While Kenshin was soaring away, he fell to the ground and was drifting, eventually hitting the wall of a building, Ryuu caught sight of Hikari who had healed Kenshin and was on his way to attack Hikari while talking to Kenshin.

Ryuu : It's true in the short run you can dodge the danger but in the long run you won't be able to afford it and your friends will be hurt, you should know your limit.

As Ryuu was walking slowly towards Hikari, he suddenly drew his sword and jumped on Hikari, as soon as Kenshin heard the word "Limit", he immediately stood up and took action to sacrifice himself in front of Hikari, even though he used all his strength to speed up, it wasn't fast enough, Even though he was determined to sacrifice himself, Kenshin lost his balance and fell to the ground and was drifting towards Hikari as he accelerated, Ryuu pointed his Sword to stab Hikari.

Just as Ryuu was about to stab Hikari with his sword, he realized that his sword did not go any further, when he looked up at Hikari, he saw something that shocked him incredibly.

Takumi: This sword... looks like new.

Takumi was waiting with Kenta on her back, stopping Ryuu's sword with one finger.

Ryuu : It's... impossible.. you suppo...

Takumi: I was supposed to be dead, right?

Takumi gathered all her strength on the tip of her finger and blasted Ryuu's sword tip, throwing her forward, while Kenshin tumbled to Takumi's feet, Takumi stopped Kenshin with her foot and teleported him to his feet, then teleported Kenta to Kenshin's back.

Takumi: Take Kenta and come back, it's over now, no more dreaming

Takumi's serious demeanor had everyone worried, by the time Kenta was sober.

Kenta: So that day has come.

Takumi turned her head towards Kenta.

Takumi: shut up

Takumi had teleported everyone to the lab in an extremely angry manner, Hikari and Kenshin didn't understand anything and were worried about Takumi, after teleporting to the Lab, they put Kenta to bed immediately and Hikari was healing him, while Kenshin knocked his anxiety out.

Kenshin: Why is Takumi so serious, why so angry, why half of her face is black and only her eyes are showing, why didn't she ask us to help, what do you mean by Kenta that day has come

Chi had silenced Kenshin, Kenta, who was sober at the time.

Kenta: First of all, calm down you brave, what you see is "Anger" and the sweet, friendly Takumi we know... is gone.

Kenshin: What do you mean, we have to help her, Chi can't you teleport us there?

Chi flashed her eye first, then raised her hand and prepared to teleport everyone's souls to Takumi, she realized that nothing changed whens he lowered his hand to teleport everyone, at first she couldn't understand what had happened,s he raised her hand several times to teleport everyone again, but then lowered it. Her teleportation had failed so many times, she had opened her palm to reveal her soul to the meaninglessness.

Chi : T, check my power

Chi's soul took on a human-ghost form and started talking to Chi at that time, everyone was stunned.

Kenshin: th.. this is..

Kenta: Yes, her soul can communicate with her in the real world.

T : Your strength is stable, there is no problem in your health.

Chi : T teleport us to Takumi

T : I can't do this, some of my powers are blocked.

While Chi was going to hit the table in an overly angry way to get rid of all her anger, her hand was just about to hit the table, and the table was broken into pieces.

Chi : Hikari, keep healing Kenta, Kenshin you're coming with me.

Chi had come out of the lab in extreme anger, Kenshin was walking alongside Chi's anger, extremely frightened.

Kenta: Yes, everything is progressing as I expected.

Hikari: What do you mean when you say as I expected… Kenta?

Kenta: Let me tell you a story, did you know that Ryuu was afraid of our mother?

Hikari: She's the strongest person after all, isn't she?

Kenta : Yes but that's because no doctor could hold our Mom after our Dad died. My mom actually succumbed to her anger and went to fight Ryuu despite her wounds, just like Takumi now, even though Chi seemed to be losing at first, Chi's anger was out of control and Ryuu' Even though she couldn't kill him completely, she did a lot of damage.

Chi : Listen to me now Kenshin, Takumi right now is not Takumi you love, don't touch her, don't make eye contact.

Kenshin: Isn't it her anger?

Chi : I guess you're as smart as Takumi said, it doesn't seem like it's completely out of control since she didn't kill you there but that doesn't mean it won't so you shouldn't contact her if you do she will either take over you or absorb all your power.

Ryuu was coming out of the smoke and looking towards Takumi, while Takumi slowly lifted her head as she looked towards Ryuu as Ryuu drew his sword and prepared to attack.

Takumi : Ryuu kamizaki, I promise you, to avenge the people you killed in the past or any living species

At that time, just when Ryuu was about to attack, these conversations and this posture reminded him of his past, even though Ryuu was scared, he would jump to make his attack, but suddenly he was getting ready to take his sword back and run away, while Takumi's words were continued from behind.

Chi : Until the last drop of my soul, until my body is destroyed, I will not stop killing you, these are my words.

After Takumi was cut off, she turned around in anger and with her sword, swung her sword towards Chi and sent a soul wave at her, swinging it so fast that it was really hard to spot the soul wave, Kenshin tried to get ahead to protect Chi but he couldn't catch up, but Chi remained unharmed from this attack. it came out somehow.

Chi : Did you really think this speed would be enough ? Don't you think you should do better than that to hit me?

Takumi's eyes filled with more anger.

Takumi: It will take me seconds to kill you, you know that. You are not strong enough to stop me, no one may realize but I am aware and you know that your soul is not as strong as it used to be and I am stronger and stronger than I am now, do you really think you can fight me?

Taking the opportunity, Ryuu thought he had a chance to escape, while Takumi noticed this and slowly ascended into the sky.

Takumi: You killed so many people, you ripped out their souls without caring about so many living things, don't you think it's a bit of cowardice to run away now?

Ryuu: I'm not running away I'm just buying time you idiot

Even though Ryuu's main aim was to escape, he was trying to gain time to get hold of their distant hate-filled souls, but as soon as Takumi realized this, she snapped his finger and created a huge zone.

Takumi: Don't you think this place is big for a mouse like you?

Ryuu controlled the zone with his hand.

Ryuu: Anger barrier, I think you're really starting to succumb to your anger

Takumi had opened a slit and drew a magic sword with black smoke coming out of it.

Takumi: I think you know what this is.

Ryuu was shocked as soon as he saw the sword, it was a sword that Chi had used against Ryuu before.

Ryuu : t.. this sword of anger... how did you find it

Takumi : So you remember

As soon as Takumi took the sword, she teleported behind Ryuu and slammed into his back, Ryuu flew to the other side of the barrier, while Takumi was trying to teleport next to Ryuu and insert the sword into his body, while Ryuu suddenly changed into liquid form and escaped from Takumi's sword, and suddenly reverted back to Takumi. He grabbed her by the throat and blew her into the air.

Ryuu: There's something you forgot boy, I'm stronger than before.

Ryuu threw Takumi into the air, as he was about to turn his hand into a sledgehammer and hit Takumi, Takumi teleported behind Ryuu.

Takumi: Let me teach you something you don't know Ryuu, I'm stronger than Chi

Takumi struck Ryuu's back with an even more powerful blow this time, blowing him to the very edge of the barrier, Ryuu realized that when he hit the edge of the barrier and fell to the ground, he realized that his face and half of his body were missing, although Ryuu slowly healed himself, Takumi instantly teleported to Ryuu's side and cut off his head. She was going to strike the blow for him, but Ryuu was trying to escape again by transforming into liquid form.

Takumi : These stupid games only work once

Even though some of Ryuu's parts turned into liquid, Takumi stepped on that liquid part with her foot and restored Ryuu's form with her strength, Takumi moved to cut off Ryuu's head with her sword, while she was tearing Ryuu's head off with her sword, when she reached half of Ryuu's neck, there was a huge explosion and Takumi had flown across the barrier, it was very smoky, nothing could be seen, Takumi was getting up and starting to search for Ryuu, behind her there were cracking sounds in the barrier, she raised her hand in the air and drew her sword towards herself, as she searched around with her sword for Ryuu, she began to see glowing things through the smoke and these things were speeding towards Takumi, Takumi turned her soul into a shield and she wouldn't let the glowing things hit her, but meanwhile, Ryuu had come to teleport behind Takumi and hit him with the huge sword, Just when Ryuu was going to strike Takumi from the air with his sword, the place that started to crack in the barrier was completely shattered, Kenshin was the one who shattered the barrier, Kenshin smashed the barrier, then jumped on Ryuu and threw his sword somewhere with his foot, then grabbed Ryuu's head and hit the ground, after hitting the ground. then he gathered all his strength in his hands and made a huge explosion, after the explosion he realized that Ryuu was not in his hands but Ryuu managed to escape from that situation and was looking at them all from afar, while Takumi was surprised but concealed her surprise and was angry.

Takumi: You weren't supposed to be able to get in here.

Kenshin laughing

Kenshin : Haha maybe you should make a stron...

Before Kesnhin could finish his sentence, Takumi teleported to Kenshin and grabbed his by the collar.

Takumi: That barrier is pure anger, and it was almost impossible for weaklings like you to break through.

Takumi's demeanor frightened Kenshin. At that time, Chi drew Takumi's sword towards herself and sucked all the anger out of her, which scared Ryuu quite a bit because the anger on this sword was purely Chi's anger, used to be when Chi turned her own anger into a sword while fighting Ryuu. She defeated Ryuu and that sword was this sword, Chi regained her former strength after absorbing all the anger in the sword, while Ryuu was trying to escape by moving towards the shattered area of the barrier to get out of this situation, but Takumi immediately realized this and first detonated the entire barrier and created it from zero, after creating Takumi When she was going to focus entirely on Ryuu, she realized that everyone still behind her.

Takumi: Aren't you twı supposed to be outside of this barrier?

Chi: You may have blocked my powers before, but you know that I won't allow it now, right?

Takumi: Anyway, just don't act stupid.

Takumi had turned her soul into a knife, half filled with anger, half full of determination.

Kenshin was running at Ryuu with his claws, first he struck a blow with his claw and threw him backwards, although Ryuu protected himself, where he flew backward as he flew, Chi threw Ryuu towards Takumi with a huge sledgehammer and Takumi stuck her knife in Ryuu's chest. and she had his soul out but Ryuu started to slowly crack the blade by grabbing it and squeezing it, Takumi's soul was starting to die slowly as her soul was shattered but Chi cut off Ryuu's arm to stop it, after Ryuu's arm was severed, he turned a liquid form and went away a little to heal himself, at the same time Takumi retracted her sword and fell to the ground.

Ryuu : You idiot that knife is made of half anger half your soul, you can't tear my soul apart because it's not all anger, and if that sword is destroyed because it's made up of half of your soul, you'll be gone too.

As soon as Kenshin saw Takumi dying on the ground, he got very angry and turned his hands into a giant claw and jumped towards Ryuu, Takumi somewhat recovered as Kenshin and Ryuu fought.

Chi : Takumi, you can't kill him like that

Takumi : If you know the way to kill, you should have killed in time.

While Takumi was going to push Chi aside and attack, Chi teleported her back and tied her to the ground with crystals.

Chi : Listen carefully, you're halfway through anger right now I don't want to say anything to you knowing that, but what you need to defeat Ryuu is a blade completely covered with anger, if you add your soul you will die too, whenever you create that blade then you can escape from here , leave it to us for now.

After letting out a brief scream, Takumi fell silent and began to watch them. As Kenshin continued his battle with Ryuu, Chi suddenly moved behind Ryuu and touched the back of his neck. The moment Chi's hand made contact, Ryuu's body was overwhelmed with fear. When Chi touched his neck, a massive surge of power exploded, shattering Ryuu's neck. However, due to Ryuu's experience from his past battles, he managed to evade the situation. Then, with a swift motion, Ryuu grabbed both Chi and Kenshin by their feet and hurled them towards Takumi. Chi and Kenshin, weakened by the powerful blows, were unable to defend themselves, making them vulnerable targets for Ryuu.

Ryuu attempted to release a colossal Sphere of Hate with a snap of his fingers, but nothing happened after the snap. He tried a few more times, but eventually realized that his head had been severed and was falling to the ground. Behind him, Takumi, emitting black smoke, appeared to have used an anger-infused blade to decapitate Ryuu. After severing the head, Takumi drove her blade into Ryuu's chest, completely shattering his soul into pieces. While everyone thought Takumi was completely possessed, she first shattered the barrier, then looked at Kenshin and Chi with a funny grin.

After Ryuu's soul burst, a massive wave spread across that universe, causing all the monsters to become more compassionate, just as they used to be, rather than seeking to kill everyone. In fact, a group of monsters, took Chi, Kenshin, and Takumi to the lab.

Months passed, the monsters were starting to get on well with humans as before, Takumi opened a huge rift making it easier for Humans and monsters to travel between their universes.

Years later, the 4 friends opened Souls schools to jointly train humans and monsters, and they placed the statue of Chi at the entrance of the School, while Kenshin hugged Takumi and Hikari hugged Kenta.

Kenshin: She always lied, didn't she?

Takumi: About power?

Kenshin: Yeah....

Takumi : Yes at the time... although she said I was the strongest, I wasn't the strongest but by trusting me she made me believe that I am the strongest person right now, her teleportation wasn't broken that day and she could see inside the barrier as she wanted but she wouldn't say it at all because she didn't think I would have gotten this strong if it hadn't happened then.

Takumi and Kenta in unison

Takumi and Kenta : Thank you Mom