I have minions?

I was in marvel, the place were gods walk amongst men, where aliens invade, and where a certain purple jackass decided to snap half the universe out of existence.

"Haaaaaa" I let out a sigh.

But I guess it could have been worse, I mean I could have ended up in Warhammer 40k… yeah let's not tempt Murphy.

"Growl" okay okay, I should probably check the fridge in case it contains something I can eat. Preferably before my stomach decides to rebel.

Opening the fridge my eyes were immediately blinded by the stupid little lamp in the back of the fridge. Eyes capable of seeing in the dark are stupidly sensitive to light who would've guessed?

After rubbing my eyes and getting used to the light from a certain lamp. I was finally ready to explore. What I saw was plastic? A whole lot of plastic boxes.

I pulled out one of the plastic boxes and looked at it. At the top of it was a note.

"Dietary supplement with extra vitamin"

…not really what I expected.

I took out another box, and then another, and another. Until I had looked at all the boxes, they all contained different types of supplements.

I stood there completely baffled for a moment. Then I started thinking about it.

If I remember correctly the demons couldn't get any nourishment from human food. But I don't think they ever said anything about supplements.

I opened one of the boxes and looked down at the brown powder. The more I looked at it, the more I felt like it wanted to suck the soul out of my body.

"Well at least it is better than having to eat human flesh" I chided myself.

I decided to look around for a plate and a spoon.

My search let me to open the closet next to the sink, where I found a note with a recipe?

"Dietary plan for a demon"

Right below that something was written in colorful letters.

"How to feed your demon, with supplements only!"

Feeling like the bud of someone's joke I decided to follow the recipe.

After following the recipe I ended up with a thick gray porridge. While it did not look particularly appetizing, I was too hungry to care at this point.

It's taste was neither really good nor really bad, it was rather bland to be honest. However it did manage to still my hunger, so I see that as a win.

after having finished eating my supplement soup, I started thinking about my situation.

I was in a dangerous world, so I would need ways to defend myself. While the demons were a lot stronger than humans they also had some glaring weaknesses, cough cough the sun.

Now other than having inhuman strength and regenerative abilities. Most of the demons possess some level of shape shifting abilities. The demons usually also possess a unique ability called a blood demon art.

While I have no idea how to activate a blood demon art. Shapeshifting shouldn't be that difficult… right?

I stared at my hand trying to will my nails into claws.

"Crack" with a weird wet crunching sound, the skin of my fingers started rippling. Shortly after my nails turned into what can best be described as claws.

"Ahhhh" I let out a startled scream and almost fell off the chair. While I was flailing my arms in an effort not to fall off. My clawed hand struck the table. It cut deep into the wood, like a hot knife through butter.

I stared between my clawed hand and the deep gashes in the table. While this wasn't painful, and would undoubtedly be deadly in a fight, it also looked rather… Disturbing.

Then I started thinking again, I might be able to use this to look less conspicuous when I go out. I might even be able to use it to hide among a crowd of people.

I decided to return my hand to normal, in an effort to avoid destroying more of the house.

then I began exploring the house, like I expected to get ambushed at any corner. Considering my rather extreme reaction to sunlight I wasn't taking any chances.

The house consisted of a bedroom, a kitchen/living room, a library, a bathroom, a basement and a conservatory. However considering my extreme weakness to sunlight I didn't dare enter the conservatory. I also spotted a hatch that presumably let to the roof. However I couldn't find a ladder. So while I could probably reach it by jumping I wasn't confident in controlling my strength. Because I didn't want to risk potentially blasting through the roof, I decided to leave it for future explorations.

after having explored the house I started planning. As interesting as it would be to interfere with the main plot of the movies I watched, I had more immediate concerns.

I was unsure whether I had to eat in order to live. But I was under no illusion that I would be able to remain sane, while constantly feeling starved. I was unwilling to have to eat human flesh, so I would have to rely on the supplement soup. That however came with it's own problems. Namely that I would have to acquire the right supplements. This meant I would have to procure some sort of income. Now there are multiple ways to acquire money, however the safest would probably be to get a job. But here is the problem, who in their right mind would employ a demon of all things? So not only would I have to hide myself being a demon, due to my rather extreme reaction to sunlight, I would also have to find a job where I could work at night.

"sigh I wish there was a support your local demons fund" I said out loud jokingly.

As big a headache as finding a demon friendly job would be, I still need to find out where on earth I was. But due to me being unable to find a computer in this house, I would have to go outside to assess my surroundings. That however meant I would have to wait for nightfall. This ment I would have time to experiment with my powers, and hopefully figure out how to use my blood demon art.

Considering my looks I deduced that I would probably have the same blood demon art as the spider demon mother.

Now if memory serves me right, she used small white spiders to control others like marionettes. However here is where the problem lies… where did the spiders come from?

"Hmmmm" I suppose that means I will just have to find that out myself.

I tried focusing really hard on the image of a spider, I closed my eyes and open my hand, expecting a spider to magically appear, on top of my palm.

I opened my eyes and saw… nothing.

"I guess that would've been too easy" I mumbled to myself.

then I tried spreading out my hands while chanting.

"Here my call little crawlies and criplis, I summon thee my spiderlings, so that thou may fell mine foe"

But as expected that accomplished nothing, other than making me sound slightly deranged.

"Why can't I get this blood demon art to work?" I said out loud not expecting a reply.

Then it hit me, it is called a blood demon art, blood, I was missing blood in my attempts.

I remembered that a lot of the demons used blood to perform their blood demon arts.

I quickly transformed one of my nails into a claw, and tried to make a small cut on my hand. Keyword being 'tried'. Turns out my skin had become a lot more durable than it used to be.

After my initial surprise I pressed harder and "Ouch".

I had succeeded in piercing my skin. A small trickle of blood fell from my hand and down to the floor.

Again I started focusing really hard on the image of a small spider. My blood seem to respond to this, as it started rippling and moving. Shortly after, eight small spider legs emerged from the blood, then another set emerged, and another. Shortly after the rest of the blood came together to formed the spiders bodies.

I was doing my best to ignore the rather horrifying display, I focused on the spiders. They were white, with small red dots on their abdomen.

I could feel a sort of intrinsic connection to them, like they would follow my every command.

"Will you follow my commands?" I couldn't help but ask out loud.

In response the spiders immediately lifted their front legs in a salute.

"Hu?" I said in surprise.

I guess I have minions now.