The spider goes sightseeing

I spent the next few hours practicing with my blood demon art. A.k.a. played with the spiders.

Quickly I learned a few things, first I did not have to speak my commands. They were somehow able to understand my intentions. They practically knew what I wanted them to do even before I said anything.

To test this, I focused on having the spiders create the word test by using their silk. The spiders were somehow able to understand the command, without me even saying anything. Immediately after getting the command they created a circle. Then they started swinging their front legs, like they were arguing how to best solve the task. It looked rather comical and cute.

Shortly after arguing, they quickly began working together to construct the word with their silk. It did not take them long to create the word 'test' with immaculate lettering.

"Hmmm" I wonder if they can make clothing.

I looked down at the spiders, and they were practically beaming with eagerness.

After seeing those eager little faces, I quickly thought up a design. I based it on the dress the spider demon mother was wearing. When I was done the spiders practically jumped with excitement.

After that they did a little round of discussions and immediately set to work. They created threads from the floor to the ceiling. They then used the threads as a sort of loom. They quickly had the outline for the dress. After they were about finished with the outer layer of the dress, one of the spiders changed the color of its silk to red and started working on the inner part of the dress. Then another spider changed its silk to blue, and began working on the sash. They then began creating patterns and details.

I couldn't help but stare, it was oddly satisfying to watch. Like how watching experts working can be an experience in itself.

"Wow" I couldn't help but exclaim after seeing their finished work.

I stared at the dress in awe, it was exactly like I pictured it in my mind.

When I finally looked down at the spiders, I could almost feel the smugness rolling of them.

I gave them a raised eyebrow, but I couldn't help myself from gently rubbing their heads, and whisper "thank you".

They looked so cute, with their confident and expecting gazes.

After that I may have created a 'few' more sets of clothing with the spiders… but only the essentials… okay I may have enough clothing to fill up an entire closet. Don't judge me!

After admittedly having gone a bit overboard in making clothing. I started testing other things. First I started testing how strong the spiders actually were. Due to me not really having any tools to measure strength, my measurements were rather crude. While I did make them lift a lot of things that looked heavy. I was not sure how heavy they actually were, due to my increased strength. They were at the very least strong enough to carry me around.

"Pff" I was trying and failing to ignore the rather comical sight of a tiny little spider carrying a person around, while more spiders were clapping their front legs together in praise.

After that I started testing the strength of the silk. While I was still not sure how strong it actually was, a single thread was enough to carry my entire weight.

I may, or may not have been swinging around the house like some sort of Spider-Man copy…

After that I attempted to check it's durability, by cutting it with a knife. As I remembered how they had cut the threats in the show, I did not expect the silk to hold. However I had ignored a little detail, they did not use normal swords. Instead of the knife cutting through the silk, like I expected. I was unable to cut it with the knife, when I put more force behind it. "Kling" the knife broke instead.

I stared at the broken knife in surprise, I had clearly underestimated how strong the threads actually were.

I was not sure whether the silk was bulletproof, but it would most definitely stop a knife. While I was contemplating how I had apparently gotten myself a sort of super fabric. The spiders were cleaning up after my experiments.

That was when I thought of a tiny little, but not insignificant problem. The threads could essentially be said to be made out of my blood, since the spiders came from my blood. That meant they would most likely disintegrate in sunlight.

To test this I had the spiders create a small ball of silk. I then carefully moved it under one of the curtains with a fork.

However my experiment ran into a problem. While I had been experimenting with the spiders, the sun had set in the meantime.

Although that meant I would be unable to perform my experiment, for the time being. It meant that I could finally go out and get an idea of where I was.

While the nightgown I was wearing was comfortable, I felt like it might attract unwanted attention.

So I put on a hoodie and some pants I had created together with the spiders. Then I used my shapeshifting to turn my hair brown. I also turned my skin less pale, and removed the red dots on my face. After that I had the spiders hide in my hoodie.

when I got to the front door, I found a small black key with a note attached.

"Hi I am the house key, put me in a door and I shall open an easy way home".

"Okay whoever put me here is clearly having a lot of fun" I said to myself. I could somehow feel agreement coming from the spiders in my hoodie.

I still decided to bring the key with me, I did not want to be locked outside at sunrise.

When I got out of the house I entered a small front yard. It had a small lawn, a flower bed with spider lilies, and an intricate iron gate. I looked back at the house, the house was black with a victorian architecture. As I looked at the surrounding buildings I was fairly certain I was in a city. The house was surrounded by high rise buildings, and I could even see a few skyscrapers in the distance.

I closed the door and exited the gate. As I closed the gate something strange happened.

"Wahh" I let out a surprised sound and almost reverted back to my original appearance out of shock.

The house had disappeared.

Only the closed iron gate was left. With the surrounding buildings squeezing together, like they had always been there.

"But it was just there a moment ago?!" I couldn't help but stammer in surprise.

After taking a moment to calm myself.

I took out the key and inserted it in the gate. The moment I opened the gate, the surrounding houses moved aside to make space for the reemerging house. Then the house appeared, like it had always been there.

I stared at it with open mouth.

"I have a magic house" I murmured in a disbelieve in tone.

After that I carefully and meticulously investigated the magical mechanism… I definitely did not repeatedly open and close the gate while giggling like a loon… definitely not… okay maybe a little bit.

As a little girl I wanted to be a witch, I had read all the books about magic I could find. I was devastated when I learned that magic didn't exist.

"Sniff" I dramatically removed a tear from my eye.

I felt the spiders giving me consoling pets. Then I remembered my 'mission', I still needed to find out where I was.

"Time for the spider to go sightseeing" I said jokingly.

As I walked around the city, it didn't take me long to figure out where I was. Admittedly finding The Empire State Building did not make it hard. Yep you guessed it I was in New York!

More precisely somewhere around Midtown Manhattan. Which meant I would be in the heart of the future events.