A spider snatcher

One of the biggest events that happens in New York is the Chitauri invasion. This meant I would likely have to face an alien invasion at some point. While the thought of fighting an alien invasion did not exactly thrill me. I could feel the spiders tingling for a fight.

Luckily I seem to be somewhere around the first Iron Man movie. So I at least have some time to prepare.

This meant I would have time to experiment with my abilities. As the spider demon mother died early in the series, not much about her blood demon art was explained. Because of this I would have to figure out most of it's capabilities myself.

But as this isn't the world of Demon Slayer, there may also be changes to my abilities. For example my abilities could develop in unknown ways.

I may also be able to use resources from the Marvel universe to change or enhance parts of my abilities. For example what would happen if one of my spiders received the super soldier serum?

I would also have to enter fights to build up combat experience. However I would need to get a handle on my enhanced strength first. As I did not want to leave random corpses left, right and center.

While I was preoccupied with my contemplations, it happened. A guy quickly put his hand into my pocket, and grabbed the first thing he felt.

Then he quickly dragged his hand back, and started running before even looking at what he got.

My mind blanked for a moment. Did that just happen?!

"I was assaulted by a spider snatcher!!!" I screamed out loud, before even thinking about it.

People turned around, and looked at me like I was a weirdo.

My cheeks reddened in embarrassment, then I felt anger. My transformation almost came undone. How dare he!!! I could feel my spider's anger at the thief for stealing their comrade, making me even angrier.

However my shout did have one desirable effect.

It caused the thief to look down at what he just stole, and meet eyes with a very miffed white spider.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" he let out a loud scream. Then he immediately started flailing his hands, causing the spider to jump from his hand to his head."Smack" he immediately smacked his head in an effort to hit the spider. However before he managed to hit, the spider jumped from his head to his back. Then it jumped off him and ran back to me.

The hit to the head apparently broke the guy free from his panic induced screaming, as he immediately started bolting down a side road.

I bend down, and picked the brave little spider up in my hands. It then proudly held up it's front legs, which were holding a few dozen strings.

"Are those connected to the thief?" I couldn't help but ask.

The spider then bopped its body up and down in confirmation.

I couldn't help but let my face split into an evil grin. "Vengeance will be sweet" I muttered.

I ignored the passerby's concerned looks, as I went towards the side road.

"kikiki" I let out an evil sounding laugh as I realized the side road was completely deserted.

My plan was simple, I was going to scare the everliving daylights out of the guy. I could feel my spiders jubilation at my plan.

I took off my hood, and my hair started flowing like it was dancing in the wind. In my anger I had let my hair turn white. I quickly morphed my nails into ghastly looking claws. Then I summoned a bunch more spiders.

As the new spiders emerged, the old ones had them form up into ranks. They looked like an army of tiny spiders, where an instructor was instruting the recruits.

But I could not let myself be distracted by cute spiders, I would have my vengeance first. I immediately tasked them with creating a massive spiderweb.

Then I made myself look more muscular, and changed my skin tone to gray. I made four spider like legs emerge from my back. Each of them ended up in a sharp looking sickle like blade.

After that I transformed my face into a demonic looking spider face, somewhat like the spider demon dad from Demon Slayer.

Then I had my spiders scatter over the large spiderweb.

"NoW LEt's PlaY" I said, but due to my changes it sounded positively demonic.

I had my brave little spider give me the strings. Immediately when I got them, the strings connected themselves to my fingers. I could feel a connection to the guy through the strings. It made me able to sense his posture, and his surroundings.

He was bent over, and it seemed like he was trying to catch his breath.

"No ReSt fOr The WicKeD" I said in my demonic voice.

Then I flexed my fingers, and the guy was forced to walk back to me.

I could feel his panicked struggles through the strings.

As he rounded the corner, and saw me, and the massive spiderweb. His struggles intensified, and tears started trickling down his cheeks.

I decided that I might as well do a bit of role-playing, as the big bad spider.

"ThE LitTLe THieF iS coMiNG BacK to ME, KikIKi". I said in my demonic voice.

This made the guy panic even more, and he started screaming.


In hindsight this would probably be where I should stop. However I was having way to much fun.

So I replied in my demonic voice. "Ah ThE LittLE ThiEf iS SOrrY? BU t I Am sO HunGrY".

This elicited an immediate reaction as he started screaming. "NO,NO,NO PLEASE, I WILL NEVER STEAL AGAIN".

I could hear my spiders clicking their fangs in excitement. This made me want to do a little extra. So I made the thief sprint over to me. Then I made my spiders climb onto the guy, causing him to go absolutely catatonic. I had them cover his mouth with silk.

Then I placed a clawed hand on his shoulder, and exposed multiple rows of Razor-sharp teeth, while saying in my demonic voice. "LeT's TeaR oFf HiS LiMBs".

At my little display he turned white as a sheet. Then his eyes rolled back in his skull, and I could feel him going slack in my strings.

At this I undid my transformation.

"Did I go to far?" I couldn't help but ask myself.

Then I smelt a foul odor coming from the guy. I could see a wet stain forming on his pants

"I think, I did" I said in a blunt tone.

I could hear a siren somewhere in the distance. I did not immediately pay any note to it. However as it came closer, I remembered how much the guy was screaming.

While the police finding the thief wasn't a bad thing, they would likely ask me questions. They may also want to see my papers, papers I do not have. So I decided to skedaddle.

As my spiders were fixing my hoodie, I walked over to a wall. I was going to test an idea I had gotten. If Spider-man has spider powers, and can stick to walls. Then I who also have spider themed powers, should also be able to stick to walls right?

to test this theory I was going to see if I could escape to the rooftops, by climbing up the wall.

I mean what could possibly go wrong?

I placed my hand on the wall, not really expecting, but still hoping it would stick to it.

It did not.

So I decided to put a little more force into it, and tried to grab onto the wall. "Crack" my fingers dug deep into the wall.

"That works too" I said in a flat tone.

After that I quickly climbed to the top of the roof. I decided I had had enough excitement for one night. So I made my way home, like a completely normal person… I definitely did not have my spiders jump from my arms, while holding on to strings. Letting me swing my Way home like Spider-man… definitely not. What you saw a girl with white hair, swinging through the city, and laughing like a kid on a sugar rush? Can't be me… okay so maybe it was.

As the police arrived at the place where a possible murder was reported, they found a massive spiderweb, and a guy who had passed out in a sorry state. After investigating a little more they found marks on one of the walls. It almost looked like something had clawed it's way up the wall.

This would be the start of a new urban legend, about a spider monster terrorizing people at night. But our protagonist wouldn't learn about this till much later.