The spider makes nightmare fuel

After having admittedly played around in the city a bit, I arrived home.

Then I started contemplating my findings.

My self imposed 'mission' to figure out where I was, had yielded some interesting results. As I was in a major city, I would have more access to certain resources. But it also meant that there would be more people who could discover what I am.

While I was not all that concerned about normal people. I happened to be in a city where multiple powered individuals would be. As I was fairly sure that most if not all of the powered individuals in New York, was under the surveillance of shield. This meant if I interacted with those individuals, I would likely enter shields radar. As if having a super secret government agency hunting after me, wouldn't be enough. I would also have to deal with shields evil twin, Hydra.

Now you might ask, why would it be so bad to get the attention of hydra? I mean other than them being a megalomaniacal nazi organization hell-bent on world domination… yeah OK I feel like that is plenty of reasons right there.

But the main point is, my blood. If demon blood functions anything like it does in Demon Slayer. It would likely turn anyone who ingest it into a demon.

Now considering a demons impressive physical capabilities and regenerative powers. And hydras odd fascination with super soldiers. I could see Hydra trying to create super soldiers by using my blood.

"Haaaaa" I sighed.

However it gets worse, considering that demons are practically ageless in the series.

"I might as well have 'infinite supply of super soldier serum' tattooed on my forehead". I said in an incredulous tone.

Now considering how Hydra had integrated themself into a large number of important positions in the movies. I did not want to find out how many resources they were willing to throw at a way to obtain a possibly infinite supply of super soldiers.

Although I was fairly certain I could take out a few Hydra bases on my own… At least if it was during the night.

If there was one thing the comics had told me, it was that Hydra was like a very persistent cockroach, that absolutely refused to die.

At my annoyance, I could feel my spiders directing their hostility towards their perceived image of a hydra.

They started tapping their feet in a rhythm, presumably to raise battle morale.

"haha" I couldn't help but chuckle at my spiders antics.

Then I struck a pose and spoke out loud "If you want a piece of this spider, you are going to have to work for it, you damn Squidlys. I am going to make it such a costly endeavor, that you will have nightmares just thinking about attempting it". My spiders started clapping their front legs, and bobbing up and down in agreement.

I struck another pose and screamed " Who is with me!!!"

At that my spiders started jumping up and down, and let out cute little whistling noises.

"Hahahahahah" I couldn't help but laugh. With my now improved mood, I decided to put my newfound talents in scaring people half to death to good use.

I was going to create absolute nightmare fuel.

I started by doing a few tests. I remembered how the spiders were capable of changing the color of the silk, when they were making clothes. This got me thinking, what else would they be capable of changing about their silk?

So I had them try a few different things.

First I had them create adhesive silk. This was an astounding success. They manage to create a silk so sticky that it could easily be used in place of glue.

This would be a great component for setting up traps, and holding things together.

It also led to a new discovery. When some of my spiders had been playing with the adhesive silk, and ended up glued together.

I learned that I could dissolve the silk, by willing it to do so.

While I was thinking how I could utilize this, the now free playful spiders were giving me thankful looks.

I came up with a few things, like having a floor, and ceiling supported by silk. Dissolving the silk would then either create a pitfall trap, or drop the ceiling on those inside the room, depending on which trap I decided to go with.

After that, I tried having the spiders create an extremely stiff silk. They kind of succeeded, however it was hard to produce, and even worse to work with. When they tried making anything bigger than a few centimeters, it would shatter into these really sharp shards. They were a pain to remove, in the end I had to dissolve them.

While I could probably use them in tandem with my strings, to create a sort of barbed wire. They were honestly so annoying to work with that I really didn't want to… Seriously it was like dealing with paper thin shattered glass.

Luckily I did manage to create one thing from this experiment.

I had taken inspiration from a D&D monster, called a bloodsilk spider. I had encountered it in a campaign, and it had ensnared some of my party members in its web. Now this spider had one very interesting ability, it was able to drain blood from all those it had ensnared in its web.

To emulate this, I had the spiders create a web with microscopic hollow needles. These needles were barbed, so they were very hard to remove. In theory the web should then be able to drain the blood of whatever was caught inside it. However as I did not have any 'test subjects'. It would remain a mystery if it worked or not for now.

At this point I was getting really hungry so I decided to make some supplement soup. Which reminds me I still need to find a way to get a stable income.

"I suppose I could always beat up some random wanna be gangster in a back alley" I said in a joking tone.

The spiders clicked their fangs in agreement, I was unsure whether they understood the joke.

Regardless I started eating the grey porridge.

The supplement soup was just as bland as last time.

"I am really missing proper food" I said in a sad tone.

I wonder who or what even put me here… Will I ever be able to go back… "Sniff".

While I was preoccupied with my thoughts, I suddenly felt something touching me, then I felt another, and another, and another one. When I looked down I saw that all the spiders were holding onto me, giving me a sort of group hug. I could feel concern coming from them.

"Don't worry I will be fine" I said in a half convincing tone.

I stayed there while being hugged by the spiders for a while.

After my depresso espresso, I went back to experiment with the spiders.

I had realized a thing about my spiders. A very, very obvious thing, and yet I still hadn't tested it. My spiders have fangs, so are they venomous?

That was what I intended to find out.

As the sun still had yet to risen, I send the spiders out to find some 'volunteers'. They came back with some sewage rats, who were 'very willing' to participate… They were in no way bound and dragged here, cough, cough. I had the spiders bite all of them.

Shortly after, purple veins bulged in the area where they were bitten. A few minutes after that they started coughing blood, and losing their fur. Then their limbs started shrinking. While that was going on they also began rolling around in agony. As their legs disappeared they started growing dark gray segments, it looked almost like they were growing a carapace. As it grew more, it began looking more, and more like a carapace. At that point they started growing spider legs. After some more minutes, they looked like some horrid fusion between a spider and a rat. As their teeth started growing sharp teeth, I could feel a connection forming to them. It felt like I would be able to control them with my mind.

"Hiiiiiii" when they were done with their transformation they let out a scream.

I stared up between my spiders and the… the things.

"What just happened?" I couldn't help but ask, while staring blankly at them.

After taking a moment to calm myself, I prepared a few tests for 'the things'.

First I made them bite a broomstick "krack"

let's just say it was now a very dead broomstick.

Then I made them bite an iron pipe. "Kliink" With a metallic whining sound they tore apart the iron pipe. Then they started eating it…

"I think I shall call you scavengers". I said with a gobsmacked expression. I could feel their approval of the name.

After that I had them hide under ground. While my spiders seemed fine with them, I was still kind of unsettled by them.

While I have been experimenting with the scavengers, the sun had risen meantime. So I decided to sleep till nightfall.

When I got to my bedroom, I was reminded of the state of my bed "sniff". That was when I felt a tug at my leg. When I looked down I saw the spiders, they lifted a front leg and pointed at the bed, then they pointed at themselves.

"Are you going to make me a new bed?" I asked.

At this the spiders bobbed up and down in confirmation. I couldn't help but smile, shortly after the spiders had constructed a sort of silk hammock. It looked kinda like a big cocoon, and it was very comfortable. Then I went to sleep.