The plotting spider part 1

I woke up in my comfortable new bed, feeling well rested. As I got out of the bed, I noticed that my spiders had made their own little silk hammocks around my bed. But only a few of them were occupied by cute little sleeping spiders.

As I looked around I noticed that my spiders were doing various different things. Some where playing with a piece of silk, another group was doing stretches.

And finally a group was cleaning the house, with miniature broomsticks and small silk cloths.

I have no idea where they got the miniature broomsticks but they looked Super cute with them.

"Haha" I couldn't help but giggle at my spiders antics.

Today I was going to do a few things. I had realized a few problems while I was making things with the spiders.

Firstly I was severely lacking materials, and components for building anything complex.

Secondly I needed tools, while I can do a lot with silk and my powers there are limitations. For example I couldn't exactly start building anything electrical without the tools for it.

And thirdly I would need to gather the appropriate know-how for the things I wished to build. While I had gained a few interesting skills in my life, I was by no means a super genius.

While I was contemplating, I felt something touching my foot. I looked down and saw three of my spiders. The two of them were holding a silk ribbon that looked to be burned at one end. I looked at them with a quizzical look. Then it hit me.

"Is that the result of the sunlight silk test?" I asked.

At this my spiders bobbed up and down in confirmation.

"Sigh It looks like it disintegrates in sunlight" I said in a slightly annoyed tone.

Well that was pretty much what I expected would happen. Guess I should probably acquire some fabric, I can use to create clothes I can hide myself in during the day, if I have to go outside for some reason.

Maybe I could even use my spiders silk as a sort of protective inner layer. "Hmmmm" food for thought.

In any case I would need the materials first.

I decided to go to the library and get a note book, to write down today's plans.

When I got to the library I found a stack of old notebooks. I opened the first and flipped through the pages to check if it was empty. The first sentence I found was 'bomb instructions, how to make bombs with limited resources'… ok so why do I have a book about making bombs? No clue, but I might be able to use it for some extra spicy inventions.

Then I took another notebook, I looked and it turned out to contain information about something called a Klyntar. It was apparently some kind of symbiotic creatures made by some dark god called Knull. The more I read the more I got a picture of a certain alien symbiot "isn't this Venom" I couldn't help but say out loud. At the end of the book was a container of some kind. Next to it was a note that said "here sleeps a dear friend or a terrible foe, open at your own risk"

It was made out of a dark grey stone, and had various symbols carved into it. It was shaped like a decahedron.

Now my cautious side decided it was a very bad idea to open something like this… My curious side however, that's an entirely different story. Due to my curious side being slightly stronger than my cautious side, I ended up deciding to open it

But that was when I ran into a small problem, I have absolutely no idea how it is supposed to be opened… Not for a lack of trying I might add. I tried pushing all the sides, twisting and pulling it in pretty much any way imaginable. I even chanted 'Sesame Sesame open up', but nothing worked.

So I decided to give up for now… Reluctantly.

The next notebook I found was really strange, to put it mildly. It had the title "The heart of Anya Evergreen" written in cursive on the cover. That however wasn't what was strange about it. What was strange was that it seemed to contain endless amounts of pages. Even though the book was light and seemed pretty thin. No matter how many pages I flip there was just more pages.

After flipping pages for what felt like an hour I decided to stop. Considering how much empty space there was in it, I doubt it would be a problem if I added a few notes. So I took a pen and started writing.

"Hu?!" I made an unintelligent sound as I watched the words literally crumple away on the page.

after that I may have written a little bit more in it… I needed to test it okay, I was definitely not playing with it… definitely not… you can't prove otherwise, the text is gone anyways.

But while the magical book was fun, it didn't seem like I would be able to use it as a notebook.

The next notebook I found was called "The secret webs by dr. String Master of webs". I opened the first page and started reading out loud "how to tie the knots…" while not really what I was looking for, I noticed how the spiders seem to perk up at it. When I had just put it aside, I saw some spiders sneaked away with it.

Finally I found an old black notebook with no title. When I flipped through it, I only found blank pages. I experimentally wrote a silly sentence "I am a spider searching for treasure". Then I waited, and waited. After a while of this, I concluded that the notebook was in fact just an old notebook.

So I decided to use it.

I started by writing down things to work on.

First of all I was planning to test how my spiders venom worked on other species then rats.

Also while I have been doing a lot of things with my spiders, I haven't really experimented with the puppetry part of my abilities. This was mainly due to the fact that I was lacking puppets. So I was going to build myself some puppets I could use to fight with. For this I planned to equip them with various different hidden weapons. However to build these puppets I would need materials, and weapons. both things I was severely lacking.

Now this was where a slight problem presented itself. I have neither the capital nor the permits to buy set weapons.

This left me with two options. I could find a well paying job and obtain the permits legally. However this solution had a lot of problems. Never mind the fact that I am a demon who can't go under the sun. I have absolutely no connections in this world. I didn't even have papers, meaning I wouldn't be able to get a legit job anyways.

The second option was a lot simpler. I would simply have to steal what I needed. This option wasn't perfect either however. First off it would likely make me some enemies. Now considering who would likely have said weapons, those enemies with most likely be gangsters or weapons dealers. I might also be unable to find someone who has exactly what I want. And I wasn't confident I would be able to jury rig random 'borrowed' stuff into whatever weapon I needed.

"Haaaa" I sighed in frustration.

If it was just about the weapons and materials, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. However I have no income whatsoever, and sooner or later my supplies of supplements would run dry. At that point I would have to struggle with my hunger, and… yeah let's not think about that.

I am under no illusions that I would be able to find I've job, that meets all my requirements. Let alone be able to hide myself being a demon, when surrounded by people.

So this spider, would have to be a bad spider, at least for a while. That's right I would have to go with the second option.

At this I felt my spiders tense. Then they started rubbing their front legs together, and it almost looked like they had an evil smirk on their cute little faces.