The plotting spider part 2

I raised an eyebrow at my spiders. Then I shook my head to get back on track.

While I would have to break the law, I was unwilling to rob some random store. So I would have to rob some random gang instead. Now considering the absurd amount of criminal organizations, there seem to be in New York, that shouldn't be much of a problem. At least that was how it was in the comics.

Now the easiest place to find a random gang would probably be Hell's Kitchen…

"pffff" I tried very hard to stifle a laughter, and failed miserably. While I had been planning my spiders had taken the time to create small masks, and they were now doing various poses with the masks on.

Well my spiders were certainly up for the idea. However I still had a few problems. First I would actually have to find a gang. Secondly and more worryingly, I still didn't have a very good grasp over my strength.

So before I start raiding gangs I would have to test my strength. I would also need to learn to control it, unless I wanted to leave a bunch of corpses behind.

This meant I would have to find a relatively quiet, and deserted place where I could test my strength.

Now why don't I just test my strength in my house you might ask?

Simple, I did not want to accidentally destroy my house.

I also planned to bring the scavengers with me, to test their capabilities and gain experience in how to use them.

Which reminds me, I planned to find some other 'willing' test subjects, for the spiders venom. I was thinking something like pigeons, as I was hoping I could get flying spiders.

Other than that I would also need to acquire a phone, or a computer. It was simply too inconvenient to be cut off from the Internet, and the conveniences of the modern world.

Finally I would also have to check the news and see if anything particularly important happened. In order to better figure out what sort of timeline I am in.

Because I have barely had any contact with people whatsoever, I only have the faintest idea what was going on in the world.

Done with my planning I closed the notebook. Then I put on some baggy pants and the T-shirt my spiders had made. The pants were black with white spiderweb motives. The t-shirt was white with a motive of a black demon skull.

While I was looking at myself in the mirror, a group of my spiders came with a mask they had made for me. I stared at it for a bit, then I nodded to the spiders and put it on. The mask was white with black patterns.

I struck a pose. My spiders took this as a cue. They put on masks and quickly climbed up behind me. Then they formed the shape of a massive demonic skull. I couldn't stop myself and said out loud "Fear the might of the demon spider weak mortals". Then my spiders made a choir of hissing sounds to set the mood.

"Muhahaha, follow me to glory my minions" I said in my best villain impression.

Then I went to the garden.

"Come forth my scavengers" I said in a playful tone.

The ground started rumbling, soon a dirt hill formed and then. "Hiiiiiiii" scavengers upon scavengers came tumbling out of the dirt hill.

As I watched the scavengers shaking off dirt, I couldn't help but feel like there were more of them then last time.

I put my hands behind my back and said "Today we are going to test our strength, and go on a bit of an acquisition tour." I paused for dramatics and looked out over the neat rows of scavengers. "Our target is gangsters, and we will have to be stealthy. But I have no doubt you can do it, you are no longer lousy sewer rats. No you're now proud scavengers of the spider swarm!" I said with conviction in my voice.

"Hiiiiiii" at the end of my motivational speech, the scavengers let out a screech. I could feel agreement and pride coming from them.

I had decided that since I was going to be a 'bad spider', I might as well fulfill my dream of acting like a dramatic villain.

As I sneaked around the city, I had my spiders spread out to search for a suitable place. It didn't take them long to find an abandoned construction site.

Once there, the first thing I did was to have my spiders put any cameras out of commission. Then I had them gather anything heavy, that could be used to test strength with. They interpreted that as, take anything that isn't bolted to the ground.

I looked at the massive pile of random heavy objects, then I looked down at my spiders. They all had a look on their faces that just screamed praise me.

I smiled and said "Excellent job my cute little minions".

At this my spiders lifted their front legs into the air, and started swinging them from side to side. It look like they were doing a sort of happy dance.

"haha" I chuckled. Then I started lifting the different heavy objects to test my strength. After having lifted a van with relative ease, I had the spiders string a few things together.

Then I made a set up with the spiders, to hold the things I lifted in place with silk. This was done after careful consideration… okay I may have been stumbling around with the things I was trying to lift. Not because they were to heavy for me to lift, but because they were considerably heavier than me. This made it hard for me to balance them.

but I digress, I started with a bundle of 10 I beams. I estimated each I beam to weigh around 450 kg, so with 10 that became around 4.5 tons. I was able to lift this with relative ease. So I started adding more weight. When I got to what I estimated to be around 40 tons I started feeling it. When I reached 43 tons I could barely lift it.

Looking at the massive bundle of metal and concrete stringed together, I couldn't help but be amazed. "No wonder I have trouble controlling my strength" I said to myself.

I had gone from being in relatively good shape, to being able to casually throw a car.

Then I tested the strength of my spiders silk. Turns out one tiny string of silk is enough to carry around 35 tons… yeah I don't think a lot of things will be able to break free of my silk.

Then I had my spiders test their strength. Turns out a single spider can lift around 800 kg. As I was watching a tiny little spider lift a pair of metal beams multiple times it's own size, something unexpected happened.

Two of my spiders went next to each other, and did a little dance. It looked almost like the fusion dance from Dragon Ball. When their front legs touched each other's they merged. I was staring with open mouth, where the two small spiders used to be there was now a bigger spider. It started doing eight legged muscle poses, while the rest of my spiders cheered.

"I didn't know you could do that" I murmured with a baffled expression.

But I guess it makes sense, if the spiders are essentially my blood. I mean if you put two puddles of blood together you get a bigger puddle. So maybe it is the same for the spiders? I wonder if there's a limit to how many can combined, and whether they can separate or not?

While I was contemplating the combined spider started lifting. It managed to lift around 2 tons. After that it split back into two. So I guess that answers that question.

Then I made a bunch of my spiders combine, and I was now staring at a horse sized white spider. I attempted to test how strong it was, however I ran out of things to use for testing. But I can at least conclude that it is strong enough to lift 92 tons.

After that I may have been riding around on my giant spider. But don't worry we were super stealthy so no one saw anything… at that my spider gave me a look. okay except for that one drunk guy who squealed and passed out in fear. But he doesn't count, he was drunk anyways no one will believe him.

After my little midnight ride I returned to the construction site. Then my giant spider started rippling and burst into hundreds of small spiders.

Then I tested the strength of my scavengers, turns out they are actually able to lift around 5 tons.

Then I remembered how they had made a tunnel earlier. So I had them create a tunnel, to check how fast they could dig. And well the results did not disappoint. They were able to dig a meter long tunnel in less than a minute, through concrete no less.

"You guys are actually terrifying" I couldn't help but mutter.

I also planned to test how fast I was. But as I did not really have the right tools I couldn't get any precise measurements. However I could say one thing with certainty, I was way faster than a normal human.

Now that I had at least an idea what I was dealing with, I went over to a concrete wall. I clenched my fist and positioned myself so I could use the ground as leverage. "Booom" I punched it without holding back. My fist buried itself into the wall, and spiderweb like cracks formed around it. When I wrenched my fist free the entire wall collapsed…

"Yeah this is bad" I said in a monotone tone.

If I punched someone for real, I'm pretty sure my fist would go straight through them.

Then I went over to another wall and did a half assed punch. "Boom" While the punch didn't collapse the wall, it still left an imprint of my fist with spiderweb like cracks formed around it. Considering this wall was made of concrete, I was fairly certain it would seriously injure, if not kill a person.

So I guess I would have to limit myself to pushing, and using my spiders.

After this realization I quickly went towards Hell's Kitchen.

(Police man POV)

We had gotten a lot of calls about someone making noise over at an abandoned construction site on xxxx street. Some even claimed they heard a bomb going off.

So me and my partner Jack was sent to investigate.

"I swear it's probably some hooligans playing with fireworks" Jack said.

"let's hope it is, I don't fancy having to deal with another gang war" I said. We are now only a few hundred meters from the construction site.

"that's why the girls don't like you, you're always so negative" Jack said in a joking tone.

"haha, very funny" I said in a sarcastic tone.

I stopped the car we were now in front of the construction site. Next to the entrance a guy lay passed out, with a bottle in his hand. He had an expression of absolute terror on his face.

"Sir are you ok? Can you hear me?" I said while lightly tapping him on the chin to wake him up.

"gasp!" He woke up with a jolt.

"The spider, where is the giant spider" he almost screamed.

"There's no spiders here sir, maybe it's something you dreamt?" Jack said in an effort to calm him down.

I looked into the construction site and saw… various heavy things floating?

"No you don't understand it was no normal spider, it was a monster!" the man said in a panicked voice.

"look sir there are no monsters here, maybe you just had a little too much to drink, and". "what is that?" I interrupted Jack and pointed at the floating objects.

Jack turned around then he saw the floating objects.

"Oh hell no, that's a horror movie set up if I have ever seen one" he almost screamed.

I took out my radio and pressed the receiver "team J.C on the scene we may have a… situation" I said.

On that day the police found more evidence of the legendary monster spider. Meanwhile the source of the rumors remained blissfully unaware.