Investigating suspect spider!

As I was being hugged by my spiders, I glanced over to the puppets. That's when I realized, I hadn't given them names. I couldn't really just call them design number 1 to 3, well technically I could but it wouldn't feel right.

Thankfully there is an easy solution to this, I just have to name my puppets. Yes it is time to flash my "amazing" naming skills.

There was just one problem, I suck at naming things…

So after spending way longer than I care to admit I came up with three names. Steve, Poppy and sky eye.

With this great ordeal over, I realized that I have no idea how much time has passed. So I went to the newly acquired clock, and looked. It was already 11:30 AM. Which meant that the sun would most definitely be out. Considering that the sun sets at around 7 PM, I have at least around 8 hours before I can safely go outside. Which means I have plenty of time to make a protective suit.


Right after getting some supplement soup.

As I was preparing the supplement soup, I realized I was running dangerously low on various supplements.

"This isn't sustainable" I subconsciously said to myself in a serious tone.

Not only is the taste terrible, but I also have no idea where to acquire half of these supplements. I am fairly sure that a good number of these can only be found in a pharmacy. There are also a few that I've never even heard of before. At this point I need to start thinking about alternatives.

"Haaaaa" I sighed.

Then I took a spoonful of supplement soup, and made a grimace at the taste. An alternative sounds pretty attractive right about now.

Let's see how did that old tip about problem-solving go again? Ah, right analyze the problem!

So the main problem is that I am a demon, from a series where the demons did not eat human food. In fact they were only ever shown to be eating human flesh.

Since I seem to be sharing every other characteristics with these demons, I presumably share this as well.

Hmmm, still I suppose it doesn't hurt to test whether I can eat human food.

Now in case I can eat normal human food, that would be perfect and pretty much solve my food issues.

However I highly doubt that would work. If I am really lucky it is just cooked food that is the problem.

In that case I suppose I could try to stave off my hunger with raw meat. Now if that doesn't work I suppose I will have to use more drastic measures like drinking saline solution.

In any case I will need to go out and buy a few ingredients to test with for now. My only problem is that there is a limited amount of things that are open at night…

I guess this is as good a time as any to create a protective suit against the sun.

With my musings done I turned around ready to work.

I saw how my spiders had gotten into formation like an army awaiting their commanders orders.

I couldn't help but make a silly smile. Then I managed to scold my face into a serious grimace, like a commander Who is about to give out important orders. Or at least that is what I would like to believe I looked like… yeah let's not think about that.

"We have an important task to complete my minions" I said in a commanding tone.

I could see how my spiders practically started vibrating at the implied importance of the task.

"We will create a suit to conquer our biggest enemy! Yes my minions, today is the day we conquer the sun!" I said while making dramatic gestures with my arms.

At this great revelation, my spiders started waving their front legs and let out little hissing sounds in jubilation.

I waited a few seconds for the excitement to die down a bit, then I continued.

"For this important task you will be split into three groups" I said while doing my best to look like a scheming mastermind.

"Group 1, will be responsible for selecting, and potentially making the material of the suit".

it must be able to protect me from the sun, while also being flexible enough that I can move in it.

"Group 2, will be responsible for creating an aesthetically pleasing and workable design for the suit".

While an aesthetically pleasing suit may not sound important, I have no intentions of running around the city in a giant hazmat suit, no matter how amusing that would look.

"Finally group 3, will be responsible for constructing the suit, and facilitating communication between the groups"

As group 3 cannot begin their task before the other two are finished. They will make sure that the other two groups can function well, and ensure that they communicate with each other. I have seen too many projects getting derailed by a lack of communication, and I do not intend for this to be another one on that list.

"Any questions? No? Good then you are dismissed, get to work!" And at those words my spiders quickly divided them self into 3 groups and began their work.

As I was watching my spiders work from a chair I reminisced about my past experiences with group work. The good ones, and the not so good ones. I removed a little tear from my eye, as I watched how effortlessly my spiders seem to work together. It made me feel like a proud parent? commander? CEO? Mahh the details don't matter they were doing an amazing job regardless.

Soon they had a design ready. It had some sci-fi aesthetics going on, it looked a bit like Tail'Zorahs suit. The biggest difference was that it had more of a coat around it instead of just a hood. Honestly it looked like a Space Wizards robes, I immediately fell in love with it. After giving my spiders the thumbs up, they begin making it.

It took a while but finally I had a suit, and I was ready to go outside and conquer my newly found nemesis called sunlight!

An unspecified amount of time earlier

POV police chief Stacy

Newly appointed police chief Stacy was not having a good time. First all the gangs started acting up due to the kingpins machinations. Then some costumed freak crawled out of the woodworks and aggravated the situation even further. And now some spider monstrosity's decided that this would be a perfect time to start scaring people senseless left and right.

His department had gotten over 30 calls from scared citizens, about giant spiders moving around on the rooftops. He would have loved to dismiss it as an elaborate prank or an obscure conspiracy. If it wasn't for the video evidence. The fact that one of his coworkers had allegedly seen the spiders, and the bizarre crime scene Jack and Chris had responded to.

They had found various heavy objects being strung up by silk, a thick concrete wall with a fist shaped indent in it, and a demolished wall right next to it.

He was not sure what to make of this, but he did not want his men anywhere near something that presumably demolished concrete walls with a punch.

They had taken some of the silk as evidence, and the reports from the laboratory were so far inconclusive. They were unable to find out what the silk had been made of, but it seemed biological in nature. Whatever it was it was practically impossible to cut.

His grumbling were however interrupted by his attendant slamming open the door to his office with a wild look on his face.

"Sir, there has been an explosion near the docks in Hell's Kitchen how do we proceed?" His attendant asked in a worried tone.

"Send a rapid response team and be ready to contact the nearest hospital. Contact all nearby units and Quarantine of the area. If the gangsters have gotten their hands on explosives I do not want civilians involved." As his training was taking over he couldn't help but inwardly think this is gonna be a lot of paperwork.

Due to the latest happenings he had been working late into the night. He felt like he was practically married to his work, he had barely even had time to see his daughter Gwendolyn.

Nevertheless he mentally prepared himself to get a grasp on the damages. He just hope the press wouldn't start hounding him about this… nahh who was he trying to fool, of course they will.

This whole debacle started sounding more and more like overtime in his mind.

He was again brought out of his musings by his attendant, who passed him a receiver. As he pressed the button to initiate conversation, he could hear a young slightly panicked voice on the other side.

-"Sir, it's bad, it looks as though every window within half a mile has been blown out! We believe the explosion went off around the rooftops… The guys found two bodies… I'm going to check up on them now. Oh god it looks like every bone in their bodies have been broken! they don't have a pulse. What the hell happened to those guys!!!"-

Chief Stacy could almost feel the panic oozing out of the receiver.

"Calm down son, take a deep breath you'll be OK" he said to the panicked coworker on the other side.

-"ha,ha,ha I'm good now sir. Is that strings? There are strings attached to these guys! Jack what do you mean it's the giant spider? Sorry sir apparently Jack believes it is related to that spider monster thing."-

Okay so there are casualties, and the spider thing might be involved.

-"Sir, there are some people in front of a nearby warehouse. They appear to have been knocked out and stripped. They have strings attached they might know what happened. Hold on a moment one of them is waking up"-

Chief Stacy could already feel a headache coming.

-"It's no use sir he keeps on rambling about spiders. Who are those guys. Oh, some guys in suits insist to speak with you sir."-

With a feeling that he would regret what he was about to say he nevertheless still said. "Fine pass them on".

-"Hello sir this is agent gray I regret to inform you that this case is being taken over by Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Devision."-

Great now the government's spooks are getting involved, he couldn't help but mentally complain to himself.