Conquering the sun, kinda?

I was standing in my new suit looking at the door, with my spiders cheering me on from the sidelines. I took one step, then another, and another, until I was in front of the door. Dreading what I was about to do I took a deep breath and put my hand on the door handle. I stood there for a moment to gather courage. Then I slowly twisted the handle. Almost hyperventilating I opened the door.

An almost instinctual fear immediately took root in my body, and I practically flew back into the furthest corner of the room. I looked over at the door I had slammed close in my panicked escape.

As I slumped to my knees I felt a group of my spiders giving me condoling pets. I looked to the side to see one of my spiders drawing a line on a sheet of silk.

The sheet already had 3 lines. And it was titled attempts to conquer the sun.

Yep you guessed it, I have somehow developed a fear of the sun. Well considering my extreme reaction to sunlight, it isn't that surprising that I would develop an instinctual fear of it.

In any case due to my newly developed Heliophobia, I have been attempting to go outside for the past hour without any real success.

I usually have a bit of trouble getting up in the morning, but this is getting ridiculous! I can't even get myself to walk out the door… "no, I refuse to be controlled by my fear! I have to do this!!!" I almost shouted from my cuddle pile of spiders in an attempt to gather courage.

I stood up and rushed over to the door where I grabbed the handle. "It is just like a band-aid, you just have to rip it off fast" I mumbled to myself. I ripped open the door, and forced myself not to run, resulting in me curling up into a small ball on the floor.

It must have looked rather humorous from an outside perspective. However for me it was absolutely terrifying. My pulse was racing, and I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. My instincts were screaming at me to get away and hide immediately.

As I was on the verge of a panic attack, I could hear the hissing sounds of my spiders from the shadows. To me it sounded like they were both consoling me, and cheering me on.

I can't let my cute spiders down, I have to be a proud role model for them! I thought to myself. With my newly found determination I ever so slowly managed to stand up.

As I was standing there on shaky legs, bathed in sunlight and listening to my spiders cheering me on. I took a deep breath, then I started moving my leg and said.

"This is a small step for a demon, but a big step for demon kind!" And with those definitely not stolen words I took a step. I could hear the thunderous applause coming from my spiders.

Then I took another step, and another one, until I was finally walking. I had done it I had conquered my fear! defeated my nemesis! I am the demon who conquered the sun!!! Take that you overgrown lightbulb!

As I looked up at the sun in challenge, I instantly felt dread and look down. OK so maybe semi conquered the sun… yeah let's just go with that.

Gathering myself I started looking around, did the garden become bigger? I am almost certain the garden wasn't this big before… it is at least twice as big as when I was out here last time.

looking over to where the entrance of my scavengers borrow should be. There was a cute little doghouse?!

"When did this get here?" I exclaimed in a bewildered tone.

Did my spiders build it? But I don't remember telling them to do anything like that. And I can't imagine the scavengers making it.

"haha" I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the thought of my scavengers building a doghouse, while wearing safety helmets.

So if it wasn't my spiders or the scavengers, who made it? Did the house do it? This question would normally be very silly, however I have a magical house! So yeah… commonsense can go cry in the corner when it comes to this house.

I wonder if it just naturally expands according to my needs? That would certainly be convenient. "Hmmm" I made a contemplating sound. But how would I even test if it has such a function?

Maybe if I think about something to add to the house really hard, it will actually appear? Closing my eyes and thinking very hard about adding a tree to the garden, I open my eyes to see… Nothing had changed. Yeah… I suppose that would've been too easy.

After trying a bunch more ways of getting the garden to expand, or adding trees I eventually gave up. Not for a lack of trying might I add.

Oh well, as interesting as the magic house is, I should probably get on with what I was originally planning to do. With one last look back at the house, and a wave at my spiders I went out of the gate.

But with the mystery of the house no longer distracting me, I felt nervous and antsy being surrounded by sunlight. I subconsciously slipped into the shadows of the houses and trees on the road. This admittedly made me look like I was sneaking around, while doing a really poor job of it. My protective suit didn't help either as it just made me stand out more.

But still people didn't have to stare at me like I was some sort of weirdo!

Finally after a hard battle with the sun, I arrived at the nearest supermarket. With the sun no longer bearing down at me I felt much better. I walked forward with purposeful strides, even the people staring at me didn't bother me… okay actually that's a lie. All the staring kinda made me wish I had never gone out of my cocoon today.

I also had another admittedly more ominous problem, namely that people were smelling really nice… and not in a good way. Let's just say I was really glad I was wearing a helmet, because everyone would've been freaked out if they had seen my expressions. It is honestly making me kind of hungry, kinda like the smell of bacon in the morning.

Regardless I managed to wield an ungodly amount of self-control and successfully ignored them like a pro. Wanting to get this obscure form of torture over with quickly, I went to grab a basket. Having acquired a basket I walked around the store to grab various food items. After having gathered quite the haul I went to pay.

Luckily I did not have to stand in line. I am actually fairly sure that if I had been forced to stand in line, I would've ended up taking a bite out of someone.

Preparing myself for another epic battle with my nemesis, I took a deep breath in front of the door to the supermarket.

And what a battle it was! People will surely be talking about it for years to come! Hmm what's that? You saw a costumed weirdo panicking while sprinting from shadow to shadow at superhuman speeds… I don't know what you are talking about… what do you mean they were wearing my suit? You think that was me?! I shall never admit to these slanderous accusations! The sun is scary okay…

Anyways as I got home I quickly got inside and slammed the door close.

"ha,ha,ha" I was breathing loudly and feeling absolutely drained.

I involuntarily dropped the stuff I had bought and slumped to the floor. Luckily my spiders were ready for my reaction. They managed to quickly grab my shopping bags before they hit the floor. As two groups were going to the kitchen with a shopping bag each, another group was engulfing me in a comforting spider hug.

I slowly expedited myself from my spiders, then I got out of my suit. As I was wondering what to put on some of my spiders came with a lovely looking yukata. It was white with a red sash, it was decorated with lovely looking spiderweb patterns. I had already decided I was going to put it on then and there, the cute and encouraging looks from my spiders were honestly not necessary at all to convince me. After putting the yukata on, I gently rubbed my spiders abdomens. This made them produce a strange sound that almost sounded like purring.

Having petted my spiders I stood up and went to the kitchen. As I arrived I was met with the sight of my spiders arranging the various food items on the kitchen table.

As I arrived at the table one of my spiders handed me a long silk sheet. It had all the food items I had bought listed, with three options listed next to each of them. The options were edible, inedible and meh. In the bottom of the sheet was enough space to take notes.

Receiving a pencil from another of my spiders, I sat down and prepared myself mentally to taste all sorts of different food items. The results were interesting… To say the least.

First of salad tasted like grass, how do I know what grass taste like? Well… younger me did a lot of stupid things.

The results were honestly not much better with any of the other vegetables or fruits I had bought.

After this fiasco I concluded that spider demons were probably carnivorous… wow who would've guessed.

To test this hypothesis I took a piece of steak. It didn't taste bad, but it felt like something was off about it. still it wasn't to the point where I couldn't eat it.

After trying various other types of meat, I concluded that I was indeed carnivorous.

wondering whether demons ate raw food or cooked food, I took a piece of raw steak… it honestly tasted better raw, but it still felt like there was something missing.

After my testing I was able to conclude a few things, first of demons eat raw meat… yeah I know shocking.

So I should just eat raw meat right? Well yes, but actually no. While raw meat surprisingly taste pretty good, to my new body at least. It doesn't actually satiate my hunger. So you know, eating it is kind of pointless… Unless you're trying to use it as a distraction I guess?

"Ugh" I made a sound of annoyance.

This meant I would have to go for saline solution, if I wanted any chance of satiating my hunger.