The Spy (1)


Mother is even more uncomfortable with Esteban's presence than I thought. I already told her he's a good doctor just here to check on her—I didn't tell her everything. I am the only one holding out hope that Esteban will be able to perform the surgery. If it turns out that he can't, I don't want everyone else disappointed too. 

She's lying on the couch, not saying a word but I see the emotion in her eyes. She doesn't want this. She is probably wondering where I've been all these days and who Esteban really is. 

Now that I think about it, it is strange for your daughter to disappear for days and return with a man who looks like a billion bucks in tow. I should have made him wear something simpler—though that wouldn't help. A tycoon would look like a tycoon even if they wore a ten-dollar shirt. 

"Go ahead," I tell Esteban. It's for her own good.