The spy (2)


I must have fallen asleep to the buzzing sound of Sasha's needle. When she taps my shoulder, it takes a few seconds for my brain to catch up with my body. I look around in confusion. 

"You fell asleep." She smiles, taking off the gloves I didn't see her putting on. "I'm all done." 

I shuffle to get up, wincing at the numbness I feel on my back. It's not nearly as painful as I expected but it still feels strange. "I can't wait to see it." 

I can't quite comprehend the look she's giving me, not until I get to the mirror in the bathroom and realize she's already wrapped up the new tattoo with a bandage. I turn to find she's followed me to the bathroom and she starts speaking before I do. 

"I know you wanted to see it first but…can you give it until tomorrow before you take off the bandage?" 

"Why?" I frown. She's making it sound so weird.