

I don't dwell on the oddity of that.

Clearing my throat, I face my former boyfriend and close friend, who is now one of my worst enemies. "Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't intend to," he says.

I'm having trouble holding my anger in, especially when I hear his defense. Couldn't he at least find a better speech? "I didn't ask whether or not you intended to. I only want to know why you did it."

Ivan is silent for a long time. I assume he came here because he wanted to tell me the truth, but he still has to work up his courage.

Just when I lose my patience and stand to leave, he grabs my wrist and starts speaking at the same time. "Do you have any idea what the Romanos did to me?"

I sit back down. "I don't. But I guess you're about to enlighten me."

"They killed my mother." He hisses through gritted teeth, his shoulders trembling at the impact of his words.