De Santi commandments: Betrayal is punishable by death (1)


"The don cannot have a weakness. It's the surest recipe for disaster." 

"If you must marry, marry for the family. Marry to have an heir. Forget all that bullshit about love or liking a woman. Just find one who can bear children." 

I'm half asleep as Valentino's words float through my head. 

I turn, and all I can see is a woman. Not just any woman. She's beautiful…and she's wearing a swimsuit. 

"William," she purrs. "Do you like what you see?" 

I don't just like what I'm seeing. I also want to touch it. So I do.

I wake up drenched in sweat and look down at my body. "Which part of 'forget about her' do you not understand?" 

I get out of bed, pulling my beddings out while at it. It's still quite early, Luna should be awake but she's probably busying herself with cleaning the house. I'll just throw these in the wash.