De Santi commandments: betrayal is punishable by death (2)


"Nico, I want to ask you a question." 

The man doesn't look up from the book he's reading. We are sitting on the soft carpet of my room with the tray of chocolate chip cookies that he brought earlier between us, each of us holding a copy of Romeo and Juliet. 

While I already know most of the story from everything people say about the classical book, I have never actually read it and neither has Nico. 

He's too engrossed in the book and only reacts when I lean over and tap his book.

He looks around, confused for a moment, before he looks at me. "Did you say something?" 

I smile. Just like me, he can get so lost in a fictional universe and forget that the rest of the world exists. The only reason I lost focus this time is the question on my mind. 

"Can I ask you something?" 


I close my copy, keeping my index finger between the pages as a temporary bookmark. "Do you promise to be honest in answering it?"