

I wonder if Cat knew what Simeon was thinking. Is that why she decided to let me listen in on their conversation, letting me know she doesn't intend to hide anything from me?

If she didn't know, she must be as shocked as I am—though for a different reason.

Unlike her, I am not shocked Simeon wants me dead. He has been thinking of ways to eliminate me for years. When he couldn't achieve that, he tried to rope me to his side by offering his daughter to me.

I was not interested. Even if he hadn't already tried to push his wife to my bed for her to assassinate me, my stance would not change. Charlotte Romano was betrothed to my brother and she caused his death in the most painful way.

I know she is not the one who destroyed Sasha's life and put the bullet in Christians head but I am not touching her with a ten foot pole. If Simeon wants to offer his other daughter to me in marriage, however, I will not be repulsed by the idea of it.