

Natalia is so immersed in her fantasy that she has dragged me along into it. The last shred of sanity reminds me to tell her Cat and I are not in that kind of relationship. 

I assume she will change the topic—wrongfully so. She glares at me. "So you are just taking my daughter for a ride. Is that it?" 

I didn't expect her to be so blunt. It isn't every day that I'm speechless but for a moment, I don't know what to tell her. 

I wouldn't call it 'taking Cat for a ride' if this is what we both want. Not that I can blatantly tell her all her daughter and I want is to fuck each other's brains out. Besides, I'm not sure that's all I want anymore. I want much more than just her body. Spending a little time with her is not enough. If I could, I'd spend every second of every day with her but I know that wouldn't be enough either.