Choices (1)


It's been barely been a half hour and I already want to eat my words. 

Okay, maybe not quite that long, though it feels like it's been ages. I've been trying to race Will but the man is so damn good. No matter how hard I push my feet against the wall to give myself a head start, I get to the other side just as he taps his palm on the deck, arriving a millisecond before me. 

What infuriates me is not his constant winning; it's him acting like if I swam faster I would have won. 

I rest with my elbows against the deck and glower at him. Being a sore, angry loser is the last thing on his mind. 

Will is looking at me like a predator eyeing his prey, his caramel eyes intense with desire. He wants to touch me and I want him to. I want him to do much more than just touch me…if only I deserved that. After that conversation with Simeon, I don't deserve to be in this pool with him, much less have him treat me like I'm not his murderer.