Family love

At the moment So-ra got out of the car, The ford mustang instantly accelerated and left the Villa as if she was chased by something. So-ra looked at the car getting smaller and smaller in the horizon before turning around and giving a dumb look at a mature woman beside her.

It was Kim Hana, 1m73 and a 47 years old hard working mom, So-ra's mom, she had the same black straight hair than So-ra and even her faces were pretty similar, the difference being mostly that Hana's was way more mature, that doesn't take away the fact that she was an extremely beautiful woman who lived as the cliché of the no aging asian woman.

Whether it be her face or her body, she was surely a beauty, as Even Emma's great forms didn't come close to the shape of Hana's.

"See mom, you frightened her, why did you have to get out like this?"

"Excuse me, little girl, last time I checked, this house was mine and I don't like when some thugs turn it into their playground!"

"Well first, why the fuck are you already drunk ? Second, My friend here, not some thug but my friend, was just parking after having the kindness to drive me and third, you didn't have any problem when it was Yun's friends who turned the house into THEIR playground!"

"That's not the sub- EXCUSE ME! WHO? DID WHAT?"

"oh shit, maybe I shouldn't have said that… To my defense, she said she had your authorization.."

"For god's sake.. YUUUN!!! COME HERE YOU LITTLE..!!!"

So-ra's mother get in the house in the same angry state she get out of it, as her screams could be heard from So-ra's position

"well.. that's no longer my problem I guess… I will just profit from my next few hours of calm…"

The young girl walked her way through the house directly towards her bedroom as usual when she got home, and as usual she bumps into her oldest sister.

"oh.. Hi So-ra, how was your day? and fuck, you stink, go take a shower"

This charming lady is Kim Ah-Jin, The oldest daughter of the Kim Family, from all her 3 daughters, Ah-jin was the one who takes the most from her mother, well first she take the nearly exact same body, as she already have the same forms as her when she is only 22 years old, her face was also just a younger version with her straight black hair who reached her chest.

The only difference between them was the pair of glasses that she had on her face

Even in their characters they were practically the same, she had the same serious character when outside, as if she were some serious business partner who took everything seriously, at least until she entered home and had some drinks.

Then they have what So-ra thinks were their real personalities, her mom became a sad and frustrated single mom who screams at every little thing that doesn't go in her way, like dad's new family, mostly… dad's new family. And Ah-jin, well… she becomes a hug and kiss passionate sister who will chase you all around the house to get you close to her and tell you how she loves you, her cute and adorable little sister.

When So-ra saw Ah-jin serving herself a glass of wine, she quickly rushed to the shower. The quicker she showers and locks herself in her bedroom, the faster she will be safe.

Dropping her things in her bedroom and taking some clothes to change was easy, the difficult part was to arrive at the bathrooms before Yun who liked to take her shower in time like this just to make her fall in Ah-jin claws at the first floor's bathroom.

Fortunately, this time it seemed she wasn't in a competition, she didn't have to ask why as her mother's screams could still be heard all around the house.

It took around 10 minutes to So-ra to finish her shower, she normally would take longer but this one was a short one as her time is limited.

The fact that the screams were no longer heard in the house wasn't really scary, it was even the opposite because that meant that her younger sister could have fallen in her older sister's trap.

However, Even with her new magic powers, she wouldn't take the risk of checking downstairs what's happened to Yun, she just dressed up and got straight to her room before locking the door.

It's only when turning back that she saw her younger sister lying on her bed.

"Look at this… The traitor is finally out… You bitch, Why did you-"

"Language, or I smack you, and it was your fault for thinking that it was a good idea"

"You also had fun at that party you asshole cun-"

Yun didn't finished her sentence as So-ra give her a gentle slap on her head, before making a grin

"Next time, it will be a real one.."

At this, Yun frowned and got up to walk toward the door, but at the moment she wanted to unlock the door, she froze as a drunk voice could be heard in the villa.

"Where are my lovely little sisters!! Your favorite Noona wants to show you how much she loves you!"

The two young sisters looked at each other and decided to just stay in here and wait for the storm to pass.

They stayed like this in silence for a while. Yun returned to lie in the bed while So-ra's was on her desk, trying to take advantage of the time by doing her homework.

So-ra's bedroom was pretty big, quite normal for a villa's bedroom but for a normal house's, it was a slight difference. The bedroom's walls were painted in a cream color while most of the furniture was black or some other dark colors.

On the wall, there were some posters of her favorite characters, mostly Dark Vader, Revan and Shepard.

Her bedroom was also infested by electronics. She had a pretty good computer, not some crazy thing over 10 000 $ but still a good config around 1,5K.

The room also had a TV attached to the wall and just below was a desk with some of the latest consoles, a playstation and an Xbox. On the other side were two shelves, one was filled with books, mangas , manhwas, comics and other paper stuff. The other was fully filled with video games.

Even if the girl could purchase her games digitally as she did with some of them, she just liked collecting the boxes.

After another few minutes. The only noises that could be heard in the bedroom were the sounds of So-ra's fingers pressing the keyboard of her lap-top. She worked on her part for one of her classes' group projects.

However, her clicks stopped when the sound of a notification was heard. The asian girl picked up her phone which was on the desk, just beside her lap-top and looked at the message she just received.

It was from her friends chat group, more precisely Emma who told another story of how she had fun with some…girl?.

So-ra chuckles at the thought that her friends probably did that just to tease her.

For So-ra, her preference for girls was just normal and didn't think a lot about it but for her friends this was actually surprising. Even when talking like some perv in heat with Emma, she never once specifically said or hinted her preferences so the two besties never thought about it.

The conversation didn't last long before worsening, as usual when So-ra and Emma were having a discussion. Kamie was the only one who had a little restraint but today, after the new discovery made by the girls, even she wasn't spared, as the discussion turned to her and Elliot.

The conversation took around 2 hours before Kamie said that she had to go to have some "serious" study for her tomorrow's exam. So-ra and Emma stayed a little longer before saying goodbye when The later left to some "female" booty call as she likes to precise from now on.

After her two friends left, The asian girl didn't want to go back to study so she just looked at her sister who was still looking at some videos on her phone.

"Hey Yun, Wanna play some video games?

So-ra's call made Yun get out of her focus state as she look at her older sister holding a Ps5 controller in her right hand and in her left one was Ultimate Ninja Storm 4's box

" Why do you love playing that game so much? don't you want to play some… I don't know Mortal Kombat?"

"Well we could, but I love to beat your ass with tertiary characters"

The taunt and the grin on So-ra's face was more than enough for Yun to completely forget about any other things as she got up and got to the sofa in front of the TV.

So-ra just joined her sister beside her and turned on the console, her sister was so easy to play with..

As promised, So-ra played with only the least powerful characters present in the game but even then, while using characters like Madara and Pain, her sister still didn't beat her once.


"Calm down, it's just a game after all…" So-ra's words were maybe sweet but the satisfying smile on her face said otherwise as she looked at her sister as if she was some kid.

Yun's preparations for a reply were cut by a knock on the door followed by their mother's voice.

"girls.. dinner is ready, come downstairs."

The two girls looked at the hour, it was 21h36 and their stomachs had chosen this exact moment to be heard.

The sisters then got out of the room before their stomachs became more angry and talked while going downstairs, each secretly praying that their sister was sober.

Unfortunately for So-ra, not only was her sister still drunk, she also chose her as her main target.

The middle child didn't have time to react as her older sister imprison her in a bear hug and attack her with a storm of kisses

"Ohhhh who's my adorable little sister?.. of course it's you…"

"Noona! I'm hungry let me go-"

"Ohhhh you're so cuuute when you call me Noona!!"

While So-ra's escape attempts resulted in critical failures, her younger sister saw the moment as the perfect opportunity to have her revenge.

"Noona! If So-ra is hungry, why don't you feed her?!"

Yun's sweet voice succeeds at persuading Ah-jin, completely changing her face as a whole new idea appears in her head.

The taller woman sat on a chair before putting So-ra on her tights. She then get her chopsticks before taking some rice and raised them to So-ra's mouth

"I'm not a baby Ah-Jin, let me go dammit you're drunk"

"Come on now so-ra, don't be difficult…"

So-ra's words didn't shake the older girl as she managed to enter the chopsticks in her younger sister's mouth, a smile on her face.

Seeing that neither her mother nor her smiling sister was willing to help, So-ra finally accepted her destiny and at least decided to put herself comfortable while eating.

The thought that maybe, resting on her sister's forms was a little weird didn't cross her mind, she simply like usually in her life, did her best to take all what she could reach, and this time, it was a great fancy seat that was, strangely, way more comfy than her own.

While So-ra took pleasure in her new found favorite chair, Yun kept letting out a little laugh each time she looked at her sisters. Their Mother, also looking at them, just ate her meal, a little smile on her face.

When her stomach was filled, So-ra just look at her older sister before hugging her and proceed to whisper something at her ear

"Noona, can you let me go please? I have to sleep, you can come and sleep with me later if you want."

After that, Ah-jin just had the biggest smile of the evening and let her go before taking So-ra's untouched plate and proceeded to eat the contents at lightning speed.

So-ra didn't wait to see if her sister would suffocate and quickly ran to her bedroom and locked it behind her. She didn't want her sister to take on her offer while she's thinking of her revenge against Yun.

When she calmed herself, and put her vengeance plans to tomorrow's dinner. So-ra calmly lies on her bed before opening her grimoire and getting back to her new favorite hobbit.

This time, she decided to look for some easy to remember spell that she could memorize and cast in urgents situations without opening her grimoire.

After some research and the help of Fallena, she found a bunch of spells that should serve her purposes.

The first one was a space spell called "Hidden pocket" which would allow her to keep a weapon in a kind of small inventory. She chose this one in place of a bigger one because the latter required a full body tattoo while for this one, she just needed to make a small one on her forearm.

The tattoo in itself could be done with a pen, it's the magic formula that engraves it on her. She chose to keep it in her Taser, as for this one, she just needed a weapon she could always have on her and that could be put out in public.

She obviously couldn't put a gun in, because… well she didn't have one in the first place, plus if she had no other choice to protect herself than to use it, then she would have to deal with the police and she didn't want that.

If it comes out that she had to kill someone, even if she would prefer to avoid it, then in that situation, her second spell will do the job.

The second spell was an actual necromancy spell called "Death crush". It will literally make her able to crush someone's heart with her hand, as if she had direct contact with it. The spell is.. well very effective and doesn't have some flashy bullshit that will scream magic like a fireball and stuff.

(Imagine The heart crushing spell on the third episode of Overlord)

Of course if someone looks at the inside of the victim then maybe he will find it strange but nothing that would directly put So-ra on the screen as she can surely do it discreetly.

The third one was a protective spell. This one was at the same time the easiest and the hardest to find. It was easy because there were a lot of protective spells and it was hard because most of them had huge flaws. Most likely to become a fucking stone, iron or any kind of golem.

So-ra didn't want some fancy floating wall in front of her as that would also spot her instantly. What she wanted was something that would harden her skin without becoming a stone lady.

What she chose was a spell called "Demonic skin". The name was scary at first as she thought that Fallena wanted her to become some red horned succubus but then she read the description and calmed down.

It was a spell that would reinforce her skin to become more resistant. In a passive state, it would reinforce her skin lightly, to be able to resist punch and light stuff.

However, when she is in real danger. She would activate the active state which will make her hard enough to resist even bullets as they will most likely just scratch her, the active state will make her skin become a stone like unfortunately but it isn't permanent as she will activate it only in dangerous situation and even then, it will not make her skin LOOK like a stone.

Fallena, having never actually seen any recent gun, So-ra couldn't totally trust her beliefs about the active state resistance so just in case she learned one of the fancy "Absolute" light shields just in case she ran into someone with a gun.

The light shield was a spell called "Absolute light shield" and would be used in last resort as it creates a floating shining yellow medieval shield.

However all these spells were only to use if she didn't manage to calm the problem by words. And by words she means a mental control spell.

The fifth spell and the one she will most likely use the first, was called "Absolute control" as it turns the victim into a mindless puppet that will listen to all what she says.

The big flaw of this one is that, like most of the control spells in the book, there has to be a physical contact between the victim and the thrower.

When talking about some of the other spells with Fallena, So-ra comes after a few exchanges to ask about the mana or whatever is used as fuel for her spells.

"You don't have to worry about that my dear ... .The energy that you use to cast your spells is simply your mental energy, so the only thing you risk is to feel a little dizzy, nothing that a good sleep can't solve. Plus you will most likely never expose yourself to something like that. Everyone's energy isn't the same but except if you are some terrified little child, you will always have a good amount of energy.

And you my dear.. you have a huge stock if I can say the least "chuckles", Except if you decide to spam casting fireballs all day or decide to summon a meteor, you will never feel any of this."

"But what is the amount necessary to summon you then, if I have to do that every month, won't that be tiring?"

"Oh don't worry about that dear…, after all, most of the price will be paid by me, you will only spend your energy to create my body"

"Your body?"

"Yes my body, You said that I have to come in an appropriate body, so I can't come with my usual one, I don't really know how your vision of "appropriate" have evolved since my last contract so you have to design all of my body my dear.."

Fallena's latest words were said in a sensual tone that put So-ra in an instant blush as she thought of the responsibility and above all, of the opportunity in front of her.

She literally has the chance to create her perfect living fantasy body. it will be haunted by an unknown being which she didn't have full trust in but it still an incredible opportunity.

"Okay okay, well we will see that later, the first of next month is in a while after… all…"

Quickly, So-ra took her phone and looked at the date, may's 28. She has 3 days before Fallena comes.

"how exactly do I have to do to make that body, do I have to kill people and take their members like some Frankenstein maniac ?.."

"Well.. I don't really have that reference of yours darling but I'm sure it was funny, and no you don't need any living person's limbs, no need to worry your little cute head about it.

All you need is meat, human's, animal's, demonic's.. it's not important, you only need meat so that you can transform it into whatever shape you want it, the meat is the only main and most important ingredient, for the skin, eyes, fur, claws, or any other fantasy you wanna make reality, you can just think about it and it will add itself.

You would be able to change the design however you like in the process as you can look at what you think is missing and stuff like that. I will also tell you how much meat you need.

So-ra didn't know if she was reassured with Fallean explanation, but she sure preferred it to having to kill people and play with their bodies.

When she did that proposition, she thought that Fallena would just be able to change her own body. She didn't think she'd have to create it from scratch, and what will she do with it at the end of the day? Is it conservable?

A lot of questions appeared in So-ra's head but she chose to think of them later as what she wanted to do right now was sleep, it was almost 23h and she was tired.

After So-ra changed her clothes and decided to sleep in her underwears because fuck… her phone decided to ring again as she received another notification.

It was from none other than her new found chauffeur. So-ra was quite surprised to see that Andrea was the first to text her but didn't dislike it.

"I don't have any lesson tomorrow, so when do I come pick you up?"

While the action was surprising, the message itself wasn't as she didn't expect the girl to be her new best friend just after their..Deal.

"I have only one lesson at 15h but you can come before, at 11h. I want to go out a little.

Andrea didn't respond to her text as the only proof that she actually saw it was the little "seen" notification on her phone. So-ra decided to not point it out right now.

She will talk to Andrea about the etiquette expected from her tomorrow.

From now on, So-ra just falls on her bed before sleeping with a smile on her face and a feeling of excitement towards tomorrow.