A pleasant company (R18)

In the bedroom of a splendid white Villa, So-ra's sleep was stopped by her alarm as the beeping sound entered her ears and woke her up in a sad mood.

The girl let go of a yawn before looking at her phone. The screen lit up and showed 9h50. She must have turned off some alarms while half-asleep.

The girl then calmly got up and got to the bathroom to wash herself and take a shower.

So-ra liked the feeling of the warm water on her skin so she was quite happy, it seemed as expected, the skin spell didn't alter her sensation.

Even if it was written that there was none, the girl did have a little concern about some side effects that could be not written because they may be considered "insignificant".

After finishing her shower and morning routine, So-ra gets back to her bedroom to get dressed.

It was said to be hot today, so she just chose to wear a dark blue denim short, and white shirt on top with a white tank top on beneath just in case we can see through. She also added a light beige jacket just in case it became colder. She will keep it in her hands and will put it in Andrea's car if not needed.

After that, she gets downstairs to take her breakfast. Fortunately for her, her mother may have already left, but her maid was here and the breakfast was already prepared when the mature woman was doing the chores.

While her mom didn't want a chauffeur, because she already had a car and the previous said reasons, doing the chores in this big house was another problem as she didn't have the strength nor the time to. Plus, she couldn't really count on her daughters who were always, either outside or in their bedrooms.

The simpler solution was just to hire Housemaids, 2 of them actually but they're rarely here at the same time. The first one was this lady, Donna Collins, an American 44 years old full-time employee with an absolutely Milf's body.

On her 1m63, Donna was a gorgeous woman with a face as hot as her body. She had straight-like black hair which she attached in a hair bun and pretty brown eyes. She wore a simple black and white maid uniform, not the short and sexy one present in everyone's fantasy. but a long black robe who reached her feet with a white apron just as long, plus a white collar at her neck.

For what it is, So-ra thought that this uniform was way more sexier than the "traditional" one.

The uniform that always appears in anime and stuff was just too goofy and, to be honest, impractical and mostly for porn, the fact that it was almost always worn by "cute" high school girls didn't help.

This one way way more professional and gave realistic vibes that gave So-ra the desire to just take her to her bedroom after a small libido increase spell and fuck her while in this outfit.

However, while So-ra was still in her milf 's fantasy, Donna looked at her and simply smiled at the young girl, unaware of her actual depraved thoughts.

"Good morning So-ra , did you sleep well?"

"Hi Donna! I slept like a baby thank you. How are you doing?"

So-ra answered to the older woman and began a casual conversation with her while she sat on the living room table and began to eat her breakfast.

It was the traditional american breakfast with eggs and bacon with So-ra's favorite morning drink.

"Honey, do you still drink chocolate milk?"

Donna's comment wasn't really out of surprise nor was she mocking the younger girl, it was just a simple observation with which the both could continue their discussion.

"Hey! Chocolate milk is delicious ! And I'm pretty sure Lana would agree with me"

"Of course she would, she's nine."

Both women laughed at this comment. It has been 4 years now that her mother hired Maids and they had way enough time to know each other.

Donna was a divorced mother, just like Hana. probably why she hired her to be honest, not like she doesn't do an amazing job. But the thought of complaining to someone who understands her was surely one of the main reasons her mother chose Donna.

The Maid had two daughters, Ella who was 14 years old and Lana who was 9. In 4 years, it became usual for the maid's family to come from time to time in the villa with the other girls, the age difference wasn't really a problem as So-ra's family considered Donna's daughters as little sisters.

The breakfast was delicious as usual, the older woman's food never fails to win so-ra's heart or more precisely her stomach's heart.

Some time later, while the girls were still in their conversation, an engine sound was heard in front of the house followed by a notification sound on So-ra's phone.

"A friend of yours Honey?"

Donna's question raised a smile on the girl's face as she already guessed who it was.

So-ra, who has already finished her bacon and eggs, takes her cup in her hand and her phone in the either before reading the text while drinking some of her chocolate milk.

"I'm here, come out"

The girl, after reading the message, calmly called the sender. which didn't take long to respond.

"Yeah? I'm in front of your house, come out"

"Yeah I can hear that, why don't you come inside and eat a little?"

"No thanks, plus I already ate."

"What a shame.. that was a good meal.. well, your loss.."

Andrea negative answer slightly saddened So-ra a little but didn't really surprised her, it just wasn't the time yet"

The girl finished her cup of liquid before walking towards the front doors. She put on her shoes and her backpack, said goodbye to Donna and left the house, her jacket in her arms.

When she got out, So-ra quite liked the sight in front of her. A clear sun which announced a beautiful day and a pretty car with a pretty girl inside which announced some fun to come.

When she enters Andrea's car, she gently puts her backpack and her jacket in the rear, she won't need either of them right now.

"I see, you make yourself comfort-"

Andrea didn't finish her comment as So-ra turned around, before holding the rear of her neck to take her closer, in a french kiss.

The moment lasted a full minute long, a minute in which Andrea didn't even try to go out of the other woman's hold. She just accepted the action and submitted to her tongue as she played with hers.

She thought all night about her situation and the conclusion she came with was just to accept it.

Even if the situation didn't really start in her benedict, she can live with it and maybe… just maybe… the thought of having some semblance of a relationship with the gorgeous girl that was holding her right now wasn't that bad.

When the kiss ended, Andrea was blushing hard, her new natural color when she was around So-ra.

It was the latter who broke the silence while still holding her chin with her hand and her face in front of each other.

"Babe.. when I send you a message, I want an answer, not a "seen"... understood?"

So-ra's sultry voice made Andrea blush even more as she tried to remember what she was talking about.

It was when the asian girl took her own phone and showed her yesterday's text that she finally understood.

The brunette girl then slowly nodded her head and let out a low and apologetic "sorry". Her panting and heavy breaths were hidden by the sound of her car's engine.

So-ra then proceeded to give her a little kiss on her lips before straightening up on her seat and putting on her seatbelt.

"So, where do you want to go?"

"w-what? you're the one who wanted a driver, why do you ask that to me?"

"Well, I wanted to spend some time with my new friend, so the question is. Now that you have the possibility to go where you want without worrying about money, where do you want to go?"

"well… I never thought about it to be honest… I'm a simple person, I like cheap food, and I don't really have that many hobbies.."

"If you don't really know what to do, we can still go to my house, we can stay at the pool..play video games or we can straightway go to the bed?... what do you think?"

"W-w-what?! why do you always…"

So-ra's face transitioned in a grin as she looked at Andrea's reaction, already liking messing with the brunette.

However, when she wanted to take out her seatbelt, the brunette's hand reached hers and stopped her from doing so before accelerating and leaving the area just like she did yesterday.

After So-ra recovered from the instant transition, she took a few glances at Andrea's face which had a serious focus on it, never leaving the road as she drove at full speed on the road that take to her house.

While she found Andrea's normal driving skill's relaxing, her racing skills were much more exciting as she assisted at that pure demonstration of skills.

To So-ra's displeasure, Andrea began to slow down a few minutes later as she didn't want to bump into the cops. She then got back to her more relaxing driving style and began a chat with the asian girl.

"Th-there is a new amusement park that opened recently, we could go there?"

"Yeah I heard about it, but it's 2 hours from here, and I would prefer it if we go there on a day where I don't have lessons."

"O-Oh, fair enough" Her idea, dismissed, Andrea's face took a sad tone, it seems she really did want to go there.

So-ra seeing this, just put her hand on her shoulder before giving her a smile.

"Come on now, no need to be sad, we can go there another day, what about this week-end? Do you want to go there then?"

"Your friend Emma also have a car, I don't really see why you should invite me to your outing"

"Babe.. why the fuck are you talking about Em? How do you even know her?.. Well anyway, I'm not talking about any of my friends right now, I'm talking about, you, me and your pretty car right here at the amusement park on the weekend. Nobody else, just the two of us"

"like a date?.."

"Y-yeah..like a date.. I didn't know you had these thoughts about me, you little devil heiiin.."

So-ra's face turned into an amused one as she embarrassed the driving girl.

"Will you like that?"

"Y-yeah, I would love that… I have never been to an amusement park before.."

"You didn't have the money?"

"Oh no no.. Well, we aren't wealthy but we still could go to something like that, it's just that I never really have the time, I was always studying or working, and when I was free, then most of the time, I was taking a rest.

If you didn't need me today, I would have just got to my job and tried to negotiate another day of work as I'm not really tired."

"waow… you're hard working for sure…"

"Well… I have to pay for college so I don't really have a choice.. Anyway, we still haven't decided where do we go right now"

Andrea quickly tried to change the subject, the asian girl saw it but followed along.

"oh yeah that.. Well, we can go to the cinema? then go grab something to eat, what do you think?"

"That does sound like a plan to me…"

After finally choosing what to do, Andrea takes the road towards the cinema.

It takes 30 minutes for the duo to reach their destination, and most of it was spent talking with each other.

When Andrea finally parked and the girls left the car, So-ra took her jacket, an innocent smile on her face.

After that, a whole new problem was in front of them. They didn't have any idea of what to watch.

At the end, they agreed to watch a horror movie, it was the one that would start the earliest and the synopsis seemed pretty good, about some demon haunting a house and killing its inhabitants, the classic bullshit.

Oddly, even when it was a promise made with the contract, Andrea insisted on paying for her seat and food. A try that was quickly dismissed by So-ra when she threatened to kiss her while in the middle of the queue.

Andrea finally accepts her loss and taked, after some minutes of waiting in the queue, her ticket and some pop-corn plus a soda, each girl having one of them.

The cinema room wasn't really filled, it was even quite the opposite, as the number of people who entered the room was barely enough to complete half of it.

The girls knew that the movie was already out and it was just a rediffusion, but none of them looked at its review and to be honest, So-ra didn't really care as she had other plans.

The asian girl took the brunette's hand and proceeded to walk to the upper seats where there were the least people, as most of them were on the middle and the middle sides seats.

Andrea wanted to interject but So-ra just shushed her with a finger on her mouth.

When they reached the upper seat that she wanted, So-ra just made a sly smile and put down their stuff on some of the side seats.

Andrea didn't have the time to ask why she did that as the asian girl just put her hand on her hips and got her closer before seating on the chair and making the brunette seat on her tights.

While So-ra's body had some forms, they were way more less comfortable than her sister's, as Andrea didn't really feel as good as the asian girl at dinner.

However, that didn't mean that it was uncomfortable as Andrea strangely didn't really seem to care, except a few blushes on her face hidden by the darkness of the room.

But, while Ah-jin simply holded her sister while feeding her. So-ra, had way more wicked thoughts as her hands began to caress Andrea's belly and proceed to go upper.

"W-what are you doing?!.."

Andrea's surprised whisper was greeted with a little chuckle of So-ra as her right hand reached her breasts and her left one slowly tried to enter her dark blue denim.

"What?.. don't you like it? if you want me to stop it… just say the words.."

So-ra's sensual voice didn't help Andrea as she fight herself to be able to think straight while the Asian girl's fingers played with her sensibles parts

"Come on, what did you think will happen when I proposed this stupid movie?…hmm?"

"b-but, what if they see us?..."

Andrea's fear could be heard in her whispers and that just added more to So-ra horniness.

"You know.. I love that tone of yours… afraid..but so cute…Your pussy tightening more and more… don't worry.. nobody gonna see us… but if you still don't want it.. just say it babe…should I stop?.."

Again, So-ra's voice just worsened Andrea's state as she looked into the asian girl's black eyes, knowing that her fluids were wetting her fingers.

Just like in the college's bathroom, So-ra stopped playing with her fingers and proceeded to remove them.

It's at this moment that Andrea remembered what she said at that moment and quickly caught the wet fingers.

Gathering all her courage, the brunette looks straight in the asian girl's eyes while slowly bringing her wet fingers to her mouth and feeding herself her own juice.

It was… strange…salty… but not unpleasant. Even So-ra didn't stay stoned by this action as a few blushes also appeared on her pretty face.

Andrea then took out the fingers from her mouth and slowly led them to her own pussy before burying herself in So-ra's shoulder to mask a moan and proceed to whisper to her ear.

"I…I want it… P-Please.. don't s-stop…"

"With pleasure Babe.. But tonight, you're gonna have to use that cute mouth of yours to please…me.."

Andrea blushes intensify again as she thought of what So-ra wanted her to do with her mouth but, strangely, she wasn't disgusted, more like..excited

While Andrea and So-ra had their fun, the movie in itself didn't even begin, as for now, only the ads were passing. the light as well even if a little dark wasn't as much as she will be when the movie will start.

Those variables made Andrea's thoughts quite a mess as she had the impression that every person in the room could see and hear her.

Fortunately, for So-ra's great pleasure, the movie finally begins and she has the personal goal to take advantage of each moment of the film to play with her new lover.

Andrea wasn't really good at keeping her calm so she knew that she would scream when she agreed to watch a scary movie. What she didn't know however was that the screams would be for a completely different reason.

As the movie goes on, So-ra slowly played and teased Andrea so that she will be calm but frustrated and at each scary moment, she would choose this moment to play with her friend's pussy at full power.

Andrea's screams were certainly not ones of terror but none in the room ever suspected it as they were all focused in the movie.

At the end of the session, Andea's Denim was as wet as her. She just had some of the best orgasms of her life…multiple times... for 2 hours straight.

Her legs couldn't even move as they stayed floating on So-ra's thighs, trembling. While the other people left the room, the asian girl attacked the brunette with a storm of kisses at her neck.

"Did you enjoy the movie Honey?.."

The only answer that So-ra got was a little cute groan. As she looked at it the asian girl smiled at the sight of a sleeping Andrea.

She stayed like this for some minutes before waking her up, after all, if they stayed too long, someone would come to them and she doesn't think Andrea could handle the conversation.

After seeing her pant's state, the brunette girl wasn't really well, as the only alternative to what could've happened in that situation would be that she peed herself and she didn't want anybody to see her in any of these states?

Fortunately for her, So-ra already thought about that and tied her jacket around her hips to hide the problem, not really pretty but practical enough until they got to the car….

"Andrea?.. Can you drive in your state?..."

"uhhh.. Well I t-think so.. I could a-always take a rest if I'm not…"

The two girls then proceed to exit the movie theater toward the car, Andrea walking in the arms of So-ra.

Fortunately for the latest one, Andrea's energy came back after a few minutes and could drive her to school.

It was 13h40 when they left the cinema. Then they simply decided to go get something to eat near the college before So-ra's leaving .

The road to the chosen fast-food was mostly silent, Andrea's driving skills still relaxing even if she was a little…tired.

The silence was broken mid-way by Andrea who asked with a slightly afraid tone.

"Were you serious?.."

"About what?" answered So-ra, not really understanding the question.

"You said… that tonight.. It will be my turn to…you know…"

"Well… of course if that disgust you then-"

"What?! no! not like that! it's just… Will we…go to a hostel or something like that?..."

"Why would we take a hostel?..."

"Do you want me to do it outside then?! I can't do that! its too-"

"Woaw woaw woaw.. calm down Babe… Why do we have to think of somewhere when we have bedrooms?...I mean… it's not the first time that I propose you come there with me…"

"But… there will be… people in.. your..house…"

"yeah.. who cares?... we lock the door and that's it…"

So-ra, while don' really understanding, found the unknownness and embarrassment of Andrea funnily cute as she spent the rest of the way explaining to Andrea why it will be okay and there is no need to fear someone entering the bedroom midway.

When the duo reached the fast-food, they preferred to take their order by the drive as Andrea didn't really want to get out in that state, Even less when they were this close to her college.

After So-ra paid for the meal and Andrea found a spot to park her car, The duo began to eat their meals.

While eating, they talked about casual subjects and exchanged some tips for classes.

They stayed together until 14h50, at which Andrea drove So-ra to the college.

She was surprisingly sad when So-ra didn't kiss her before getting out, then she remembered where she was and had a heavy blush before quickly leaving the area.

What she thought would be a boring and an upsetting day, was at the end a funny and…pleasant one.

She somehow thought again about what they did and what she agreed to do tonight and once again she found herself excited as she drove toward her home for a little.. session with herself.