The party boy

We are in the sky over a pretty big city the camera flys through this city of wonder and death the city of riches and pour welcome to Red city I know I know you maybe thinking who the hell gave this city it's name and to be honest I have no gods damn idea if I did I promise I would smack them for the both of us the camera shot up a skyscraper to the top floor where a pin house was there we see a young man laying in a queen size bed with 5 other girls laying on it with him the young man was tan skinned he was clean shaved his hair on his head was raven black and wavy it was cut short and slicked back on his right chest over his heart was a tattoo of a skull with a raven standing on it this young man looked to be in his early 20s and he was fit his body wasn't big lick a bodybuilder but his muscles was toned he had a few scars on his chest there was few stab marks and 2 gunshots it wasn't many but it was proof this man lived a dangerous life he was good looking the boy slowly opened his eyes and the sun shinned into the pin house and his brown eyes turned gold from the son lite the camera slowly lowered over the man turning around seeing from his point of view. I blinked my eyes hurting from the bright light I moved my left hand blocking the light fucking son I muttered I sat up my eyes slowly adapting to the bright light that is when I was hit by one hell of a hangover I slowly stood up in the bed walking off it making sure not to step on any of the hot girls that was in the bed I looked around this room slowly remembering what happened last night I was out parting with my frat boys we want from one frat party to party till we got to this last one where we met all of these girls we started drinking with them but my boys started dropping like flys they all want back to are hotel I held my head trying to remember what happened next but the more I thought the worse my headache got and the foggier my memory got I made sure these girls got to there hotel I even paid for the taxi three of the girls wanted me to walk then to there room was the other two paid the taxi man to go away I didn't care about that sense I could always call another ones so I was like what the hell y not so I walked the girls to their room they offered for me to come in to take a break I didn't mind so I walked in and sat down on the couch wall the girls took a shower together I was messaging one of my buddies when two of the girls ran our buck naked and dripping wet they asked if I wanted to join them I hesitate at first but straight man would pass up this chances so I let them lead me to the bathroom the rest of the time was a hole lot of sex be it in the shower out of the shower of the couch off the couch hell even against the window and walls I looked down to see my underwear and my pants I pulled them both on as I walked to the bathroom and relieved my self and washed my hand and splashed my face with cold water I dried my face off that's when I found my shirt and shoes I pulled on my shirt as I walked out of the bathroom I found my phone on the table in front of the couch right where I left it I think I turned it on to see I had 5 missed calls and 7 texts messages all from my buddy's I swiped up on the screen my phone unlocking I opened the group chat where Rick ,Greg and Tony all sent a message to me asking if I was all good and where I was I chuckled texting them back saying I am all good just had one hell of a night with that group of girls at the end just woke up with a hangover what about you all Rick texted back laughing face emoji Greg said really??? And Tony simply said nice!!! Rick then sent a new message saying better get your ass to class we made some excuses to the girls and the teacher but you know how strict your uncle is I side texting back yea yea be there in a but I looked yo the girls still on the head none of them was awake and all of them was girls from my collage I looked to the table in front of me where I saw a pin and sticky notes I picked up the pin and a sticky note I wrote down my number under it I put it was fun call for more I got up and walked to the fridge putting the sticky note on it and I walked out I got outside of this fact hotel I waved down a taxi they stopped for me I got in the driver turn to me smile where to mate it was a old man smoking a cigar I smiled to him saying east view law College please and can I get a smoke mate the old man nodded he pulled out a cigar from his coat he cut the cap off then he passed it to me thanks mate I pulled out a small touch from my pants pocket the old man nodded saying no problem where off right then he slammed on the gas and we shot of this old man was either a crazy driver or one hell of one cuz I quickly got to my college I paid the man and gave him a good tip for how fast I got here plus for the cigar the man smiled saying thank you lady and he shot off again I laughed turning around blowing out smoke from my mouth I started walking to class as I did my phone vibrated in my pocket I pulled it out to see what is was I was shocked It was a mass wide city warning the H.H Holmes has striked again 25-year-old Matty Dra was found hanging at in the park her blood was drained out of her and all of her organs skillfully dissected out if her wall she was still alive and just like the last 5 victims she was dressed in fancy clothes like porcelain doll everyone do not leave your house and travel in groups the city will be under a mass lock down everyone should be in there houses at 11 but if you must leave move in groups and make sure your save we will keep you updated thank you and have a good day I was a little shocked theres no way we haven't coat him yet I will have to ask my uncle about this he must know more how is with all of our technology surely we are close on catching him I put my cigar in a smoke troy as I walked up the stairs I pushed open the doors and I looked to the clock that I walked passed it I noticed what time it was it was 7:57 almost 8 shit I said and started running to my class luckily I did cuz right when I opened the door to my classroom on the third floor the clock hand just fell on 8 a man who was standing behind his desk looked over to me he had short cut brown hair and a nice mustache his eyes was brown like mine and he was tan like me but unlike me he had glasses on and he wasn't smiling Hunter Colt your late I hope you got a damn good reason y your late I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off saying yea I don't care take your seat we will talk about this later I nodded and walked to the back to my class where Rick ,Greg and Tony was sitting Rick was your normal black hair nerd with glasses but he was one hell of a shot with a pistol Greg was a buff black dude with the classic black waves hair as for Tony he was the good looking one out of the group he had bright blond hair and the bright white teeth in I took my normal spot at the end of them I gave Greg a hidden hi five as I did all three of them was grinning like crazy when they looked at me I sat down and the class started the table in front of us there was three the first girl who turned around smiling at me was Meg she was the normal country girl brown hair and a lot of freckles her eyes was blue the girl next to her was Triss and let's just say her style was very unique dark purple hair with a black and dark blue long coat and black holy jains she had a chain on her side and her ears was pierced like crazy none of them was cheap or look bad no all of her earings had expensive gems in them her eyes was dark green as for the last girl her name was Sihtric a very shy nerdy girl with glasses but dont let her shy nerdy nature fool you under that blue hoodie and baggy clothes was muscle on level with Greg she has bright red hair that she usually capt pulled back under her hood but in my uncles class he didn't allow hoods up so her hood was down showing off her bright hair her eyes was dark brown when I sat down I seen Megs nose twitch but I didn't know y and Sihtric and Triss glanced back to me worriedly but they didn't say anything and like normal my uncle started his 7-hour lecture but this time 5 hours in his phone started going off he picked it up cursing but when he looked to see who it was he stopped cursing and a dark serious look spread across his face he looked to everyone saying sorry class this is important and he quickly walked out of the class to answer it I assume when the door shut behind him everyone started talking Tony turned to me throwing a arm over me laughing so how was it Hunter tell us Greg and Rick quickly turned to me nodding Rick said yea Hunter yell us it I chuckled at there enthusiasm Meg, Triss and Sihtric also turned to hear what I got to say I thought about it remembering what I felt last night then I spoke it was thrilling you know how much I love a challenge Tony pat me on the back laughing you fuck 5 hot woman and all you got to say it was thrilling and a challenge damn way to some it all up for us Hunter I laughed patting him on the arm saying don't worry Tony it's a good thing it was me cuz with your small dick you would not have made it through the night Tony pat me on the shoulder saying your probably right mate and us boys shared a laugh wall the girls had there heads together talking about something Meg say something like yea mermaid Sihtric and Triss nodded they must me talking about there dnd came or something Greg slammed big arm around Tony saying if memory serves right you was the first to go back to the hotel Rick nodded yea what the hell Tony you light wait Tony laughed saying yea sorry I can't hold my vodka what of it I laughed saying mate that wasn't just vodka I hope you know that Tonys face want white asking what was all in that drink Greg laughed half peer vodka half absinthe Tony face got a little whiter saying holy hell no wonder I seen the green pixie flying through are room when I was trying to sleep when the girls heard that they all giggled and laughed Greg and I pat Tony on either shoulder I said don't worry Tony there's no shame dropping out you just couldn't handle the smoke Greg nodded yea there's nothing to be ashamed of especially sense before you met us you hadn't really drank or partied that being said Greg turned to me saying how the hell did you drink that much country boy I laughed say bitch please that gots nothing on the moonshine I us to drink back home that shit could make hair grow on your balls and it could start a truck I laughed both Tony and Rick looked at me shocked that I wasn't dead Greg laughed with me saying well it must be some strong stuff cuz I have been parting for a bit and no one except you has outdrank me don't feel bad Greg right then my uncle walked back into the class we all quieted down he looked to us all saying class is out early today all yall go home and don't go outside after dark there's a serial killer out there but if you do remember always go in a group I got to run he picked up his bag and coat and he quickly walked out Greg turned to us saying well boys shall we do some day drinking I stood up saying sounds good maybe tonight you boys will get lucky Tony and Rick stood up nodding hold it Meg stood up and turned around to us saying didn't you hear professor Colt there's a killer out there and all you boys want to do is drink and party Tony laughed saying come on Meg we are moving in a group and where trained to defend are self's besides with Hunter and Greg where who would want to mess with us Meg glared at him like he was a idiot which he was Triss stood up turning to our anger in her eyes she is right you know who cares if you have been trained we are still students and it maybe true that Greg and Hunter have been in plenty of fights it's best not to push your luck with a literal serial killer out there Sihtric stood up nodding Greg smiled saying oh look boys there lworried about little old us Tony laughed indeed Rick was the one to speak up at this point saying ok even if there is a serial killer out there it's not like as go looking for trouble besides we can always run away its not that hard all the girls glared at them I side I had a bad feeling about this but I shook my head saying boys they got a point so y don't we keep it to the bars closest to our hotel so if something does happen we are close enough to our hotel best of both worlds Greg, Tony and Rick turned to look at me Greg side saying fine ok Hunter we are going with your plan let's go the party is just getting started and we walked out if the class joking and laughing with each other back in the class room Meg turned to the girls shaking her head I got a bad feeling about this my instincts are screaming at me to stop them Triss side saying we can't stop them know I will tell Hugin and Munin to keep a away on them besides they still got my tattoo I put on them so it should me fine Sihtric nodded saying hopefully they stay out of trouble.