The lesson

Warning blood and gore ahead

The boys and I drank and drank and well drank some more sure there was a few smoke breaks in between the drinks plus a hole lot of dancing flirting and having a good time what started off as a early morning turned to one hell of a night the boys and I was drunk as fuck we had been drinking all damn day and it was about 11 so the bar kicked us out at this point Rick and Tony could barely walk Greg through Rick arm over his shoulder and I grabbed Tony Greg and I then met each other in the middle throwing our arms over each other and we started stumbling our way too are hotel singing and laughing together till we heard a blood-curdling scream down one alleyway we all stopped and looked down the dark alleyway I thought I seen a girls hand get dragged out of the light but I was very drunk so I couldn't tell if it was my mind playing tricks on me or not I looked to Greg my eyes was sharp and my blood was pumping Greg was the same are adrenalin mixed with the alcohol made us hyper-focused Greg then yelled hello anyone down there no response it was dead quiet saying come on Greg lets move on I ant getting a good feeling from this he nodded agreed and we started moving away from that alleyway fast but before we could pass it I smelled iron in the air when I smelled that the hairs on my arm stood up I recognized that smell who wouldn't if you had been in any illegal fighting rings hell if you had just ever been in a few fights you would know plus if you had gutted any animate it was the smell of blood I looked to Greg he recognized the smell as well and we started running as we ran I pushed a hidden button on my phone which turned on my tracking devices hidden in my shoe it also sent a sos message to my uncle but as we ran passed a white hand reached out and tried to snatch Tonys arm but I moved him to the side but as I did that I got coat by this white bloody hand I tried to throw the hand off but it simple tightened harder around my arm I through Tony to Greg saying run I then pulled on this hand with all my strength I wanted to pull this person out is the shadows but they didn't move hell they didn't even take a step or anything it was like I was pulling against a wall another hand shot out of the shadows in there hand a needle with a clear liquid in it the needle sank into my neck and whatever was inside if it got pushed into my body I feel to the ground my vision getting blurry and my body got really heavy the last thing I seen was this person longing at Greg who was trying to run away but he didn't get far this person was a hole lot faster then Greg and I seen Greg hit the floor Rick and Tony landing next to him the figure stood up and I got a clear view of there face it was the face of a rat holy shit a were rat the rat turned to look at me and it gave me a creepy happy smile that was the last thing I thought off and seen before my consciousness want dark I didn't know how long I was out for I simply floated in darkness till I heard this odd scraping noise to my ears it sounded pleasant but to many that noise was terrible the sound of a knife being sharpened I then heard a wet stick noise and a man screaming my eyes quickly opened I looked around the room we was in a old hotel the chairs and the ground had white cloths over them in the middle of the room was a table that had a bloody white cloth over it and strapped to the table was Rick standing over him was that were rat he had on a leather apron with many sharp doctors tools in it's pockets he had a pare of disposable blue cloves and sleeves Ricks's's chest was skillfully cut open and the rat was slowly cutting out each one of Rick's organs on a cart next to him he had a mini fridge and a lot of jars of all sizes below that and by the looks of it all he just got Rick cut open Rick was screaming and struggling he was trying to get away but these were no escape I moved my hands that's when I heard a chain rattle I just now realized I was hanging from my hands by a chain attached to the roof hanging next to me was Greg on the left and Tony on my right both was out cold sleeping the rat looked up hearing the noise and a huge creepy smile spread across his face and in an oddly normal human voice he said o so you're up huh how exciting for you do you want to hear a little secret o sure you do everyone likes hearing secrets you and your boy he waved a scalpel at us then he want back to pulling Ricks intestines out you boys are my first group usually I only get one maybe two but none of them awake up till I start my doctor's lesson on them you are the first I have actually talked to ant that exciting hehehehe as he laughed he cut Ricks intestines out from in him he simple through it away muttering to himself useless he then pulled out a bone saw and he started sawing through Ricks rib cage I looked to Ricks face trying not to throw up from the site Rick had either died or passed out from the blood lose I hoped it was the first I didn't want him to suffer anymore nore did I want to hear his screams again but the rat simple kept on talking like we was discussing a normal topic like two buddy's yep indeed you human parts sell pretty good on the black market but don't worry no no don't worry gold old mister Holmes will take care of you lady's yes indeed I already got a spot picked out for you lads and that doesn't even mention those and he pointed to the left wall where I seen a open closest with a hole lot of ball gowns and nice tuxedos hell there was even hats and gloves I turned forward to see a creepy smiling rat face in front of my face we stared into each others eyes his eyes was black and white they had a crazy shine to them you know what lad I like you come here and he grabbed me by the front of my shirt and dragged my next to the table my chain simple moved with him I looked up expecting to see a wheel system but nope there was just a chain attacked to the wall that was moving like it was a ghost or something I bumped against the table Holmes walked around the table where he was before and started Ricks insides out I tried not to watch but even if I closed my eyes I could still hear the noise plus Holmes was narrating what he was doing like he was teaching a dark class on autopsies he would say you got to cut the heart off at the tip top of the heart of you don't you lose 1000 my boy thousands I say this want on till Ricks insides was cleaned out and all of his blood was drained so he was as white as marble all of his insides and blood was put in that mini fridge he then stripped Rick sewed his stomach up then washed off all the blood on him then he walked to the closet he looked over the suits and he pulled our a blue suit and a black vest and pants the coat had black flowers on it with a white undershirt and a blue bowtie he also picked up a nice blue top hat and a shinny pare of black dress shoes he walked back to the table and started dressing Rick and I must say that colore fit him no what was I thinking y am I thinking this em I going crazy all theses questions kept going through my mind Holmes picked up Rick after he was done he carried his body through a door he came back with no body he looked over my friends thinking about which one to pick he smiled saying what do you think lad which should I do first I thought about it and a voices in my head said Greg first right he was less drunk them Tony and I don't want Greg to get up besides I want to see Greg in a suit no another voices cut in saying Tony first Greg is a big man and has suffered before Tony hasn't and instead of a suit let's put Tony in a dress many more voices started talking in my head it was so much I could barely think hell I couldn't even tell which was my voices anymore but I finally answered the big one Holmes nodded saying I think so two he grabbed Greg by the front of his shirt and dragged him to the table he snapped his fingers and that chain was gone Holmes picked up Greg like it was nothing saying man your a big boy your organs will fetch a good prices and before I could stop my self I asked really Holmes nodded saying yea this lad here is in great shape the better shape the healthier the organs and the healthier the organs are the more expensive they are I nodded understandable I wonder how much mine go for Holmes laughed saying yours will be a pretty penny to don't worry lad I will make sure of it I smiled nodding ok sounds good Holmes pulled off all if Greg's clothes throwing them behind him he then strapped Greg down Holmes then walked to his normal spot he pulled out a sharpening stone and he ran his scalpel over it a few times after that he put away the stone and started cutting opened Grega chest and just like before he narrated it to me like a teacher, of course, this time it was over Gregs screams and crys for help his eyes locked on me and he screamed Hunter help me help me damn it make it stop make it stop I felt something in my brain shatter all my self reasoning and sanity was gone Gregs screams sound like music to my ears and a crazy smile spread across my face time slowly passed or did it fly by I wasn't sure nor did I care it was only Holmes and me in the moment after Greg was Tony and after Tony was done I told Holmes my idea with the dress he loved it but next was my turn Holmes stripped me and strapped me to the table I had a crazy smiling on my face and talking to him as he did this he walked to his normal spot he quickly sharpened his scalpel then he was ready he looked down to he with that same crazy smile saying are you ready lad I nodded like a child saying yes sir Holmes nodded and he started cutting into my chest I started to scream or was I laughing at this point I could not tell faster a while the sweet embrace of death came but before it did I heard the shattering of glace and many people yelling this is the supernatural Hunters association or the SNHA put down your weapon or we will open fire I heard Holmes angrily yell no the next moment I heard a lot of machine guns open fire what happened next I wasn't sure cuz next thing I now I was floating in a black river a woman walked next to me she had a black cloak and hood under the hood I seen a white skull this woman stood over me for a few moments after that she shook her head saying how the mighty had fallen Hunter Ace Colt I remember when this name us to hold power and strike fear into the oldest best hell even to us gods but yet here you are dead again but right then appearing on my right side was a blue ghostly it took the shape of a man who looked similar to me just more will he had a long black beard his hair was long and slicked back tucked under a cowboy hat he had a 6 gun on his right hip and a off looking whip that looked like it was made from bones he had a simple long-sleeved shirt and a brown vest his sleeves was rolled up to his elbows he had on a pair of simple brown pants over theses pants was a pair of old chaps on his feet was a pair of old warn out boots with horse spurs on the back of them he had a pair of fingerless gloves on and he was smoking a cigarette I side taking a deep drag from the cigarette I breathed out as I looked up to lady death saying this boy isn't me he doesn't have my soul as you can see lady death looked up to me I could tell she was shocked but it's hard to tell sense emotions don't show when you all bone lady death then asked how are you here Hunter I thought my brother and I put your in the cycle of reincarnation I took another drag from my cigarettes I took it out of my mouth smiling sorry to say but I have been in this place I ant sure how long has passed nor do I care I have been catching up on some well-needed and deserved rest till I sense a possible vessel for me and here I am she nodded saying well it makes sense back in your time you really didn't have time to rest did you I chuckled saying no not really when your the best you tend to paint a target on your back be it monster or human they all want to prove they're better then the best I raised a hand to where my heart would be there was a hole in my vest and shirt that was from a bullet there's always a faster gun out there Lady death nodded she looked down to the boy who was floating in the river sticks they boy was awake but I could tell his mind and soul was broken she side saying so sad this young boy was captured by one crazy were rat that forced him to watch his friends being dissected alive the killer even narrated it to him so even if he didn't want to watch he would know exactly what was happening in the end his mind and soul broke and he was the last of his friends to be dissected damn that's brutal I said taking another drag from my cigarette I looked down at the kid sadness and sympathy in my eyes she nodded indeed I think I will just kill this boys soul there's no way for him to heal fully even if he gets better there's a great chances he would end up like that killer and we can't have that I nodded sying damn it this was the only vessel suitable for me I guess I will just go back to resting I started to turn around but before I could turn around fully another bring appeared next to lady death this person looked the same as lady death but they was male and unlike her he had held a scythe in his left hand and in his eyes there was a blue fire I felt someone grab my arm I turned around around to see one of the 4 house man the grim reaper himself I looked into his eye not saying a word reaper spoke then saying no you don't Hunter you have rested enough this will be your new vessel but don't worry we will make it the exact same as your old body blood and all hell if you wanted we could also inter a contract with you I thought about his proposal after a few seconds I asked whats in it for yall Reaper let go of my arm I heard him sy saying the world has changed much sense your time Hunter death is very common but no one worships us anymore no the fear us, to be honest, we do not care about their operation of us but there are many beings who are trying to cheat death I want you to do what you do best case as much chaos and fear as you can and kill any of those fuckers who go against the natural order of things this is are contact and appearing in front of me was a black open scroll blue words slowly appeared on it I read through it quickly but it was exactly like he said I looked up to him saying so if I sin this you will change this body to be a copy of my old body and I will also be a your warlock and all you want me to do Is stur up the nest and to kill anyone that goes against the natural order of things he nodded again I looked to the contract again thinking about it this wasn't a bad contract but did I want to be a warlock of the death twins this really didn't bother me but there was one thing I looked up to both of them saying I want you to put in this contract that I am a free man I can do what I want and I don't got to follow your orders or the orders of any of your calts and you can't take my powers away nor can you take my body or soul I want you to put that in this and I also want you two to sware it lady death was shocked and in a angry voice she said listen her Hunter your asking quite a lot don't you trust us where gods after all I rolled my eyes saying exactly your gods that's y I want you to put it in writing and also to sware it there are many gods out there that are shady and untrustworthy I don't trust anyone but my self this is my offer take it orvi will go back to resting it may take a while for another vessel like this one to come here but I do not care if I am anything I am patient the twins looked to each other both of them side but then they looked back to me and at the same time they said we sware to withhold this contract and everything in it and on the contact a few more lines was added of my demands I nodded smiling good I reached out and touched the contact when I did I heard lighting strike the contract sank into my chest and my soul was slowly being sucked into this body when my soul was completely absorbed my body sank into the river sticks disappearing lady death looked to her brother asking was that wise brother the Reaper shrugged wise probable not but we need him he is the only person who would do she nodded sying I guess your right brother but only time will tell indeed sister and like that the two of them was gone.