The doctors

It's odd when you haven't had a body for hundreds of year's it feels weird to go back into one I forgot all the feeling and senses it provides I would feel this body changing cuz of the twins promise but it's more then that this bodies old soul died and putting a new soul in it of course it would change I was slowly getting feeling back to my hole body as I sleeped that is when I heard it ding ding ding I mumbled to my self what is that lead noise it kept on going ding ding ding after a while I noticed it want off every time my heartbeats I slowly tried to open my eyes and they slowly opened but right then a mind wrenching pain shot through my head and memory's that wasn't mine started appearing it was this old body memories I was shocked seeing all the information it gave me and how the world had changed sense my time hell I was dumbfounded when I remembered the history lessons they teach in schools but after a few minutes of this pain it was gone I chuckled seeing I just recently had sex with 5 girls but before the old me could not see through the vail but I can and all those girls had scales on parts if them if I had to guess there all mix blood of mermaids and humans there power of seduction is probably less than their mermaid parents but still quite great I also looked over our last memories before my memory goes black I watch all my friends be skinned in front of my eyes and damn I must say that rat really broke the previous me psyche to the point of no return I side opening my eyes again and looked around the room I was in a hospital but there was no one in here other then I I had really no family that lived close by the only person I had in this city was my uncle and I bet he was busy dealing with the aftermath from that rat I opened the hospital gown I was wearing and seen I had a huge scare that want from my throat all the way down the middle of my chest but like at the bottom of my ribs the scar want under them and over my waste a scar want all around it so we had the man cut which was the middle scar that want all the way down them that rat cut under my ribs I assume to make a bigger opening or maybe it was only for casing as much pain as possible the same with the last scar around my intestines but I could really not be sure I looked to the heart monitor that was next to me the thing was fucking load there was also sensors on my chest which I assume was from this machine I laid back down moving my hand in front of my face I wiggled all my fingers I could feel each movement it felt nice I smiled at all the feeling that I got back I lowered my hand then spoke in my head grimwar and appeared over me was a black book but on the cover there was a blue skull with a raven sitting on it I ran my hand over this book hello old friend the book then open turning to the middle of it and I heard a voice in my head say took you long enough do you know how long I have waited hell I could have chosen another person but no the reaper gave me back to you I smiled saying hi it ant my fault you could have refused him you know I hard a angry sy saying so you haven't changed have you I chuckled nope the being in the book side again and it shut up but in the book it's self words started to appear welcome back Hunter Ace Colt as you can see the world has changed much sense your death first task find out how this new world works reward 1 gray scroll after that train you might have one been the top dog but know your the lowest of low task gain back at least a courter of your power in 2 months reward 1 yellow scroll side task find out what your powers are as a warlock of the death twins reward 1 black scroll hi skull is the colors the same as before Skull spoke yes host as you know scrolls can many different things from skills to chakra or ki paths as for the colors it goes gray as the lowest or common if you will next is dark blue as slightly higher as in rare but still pretty common next after that is purple which is legendary meaning not many people have or know about it last is red which is godly only the very top and the strongest have this ability note there are three new ones yellow this will be something from your passed like be it a skill or chakra opening second is black this scroll will give you knowledge of your warlock powers lastly we got green this will be a lesson you learned from your passed life by your master note all of this scrolls will aid you so do your best you maybe have awakened and know you can see through the vail but this isn't your old life your just a normal human with no power if you don't like it get stronger I side sitting up mumbling and you said I haven't changed your still as blunt as ever whatever do you mean host Skull said in a mocking voice I rolled my eyes waving my hand and Skull disappeared I side but I closed my eyes and started to focus on my body or more specifically I focused on my chakra vains and gates everyone has 6 gates the mind, body, heart, spirit, throat, and lastly your senses but many call it the nose or ear gate sense it improves your 5 senses but not many people can open all of them let alone 3 of them in my passed life I only got to the 4 one before I was killed in a deal each gate requires a shit tune of magic from both your soul and the magic in the air naturally most people open either the spirit gate or the mind gate but when I looked at my gates my spirit gate was already open this was surprising could it be curious I lived as a spirit for a while or does it have something to do with the twins gift my gut told me it was a mix of both in my passed life the spirit gate was the last gate I opened so I wasn't fully sure what it did but I had been around long enough to fight against spirit and there ki focused a lot on strengthening the soul and using your spirit power to open gates to summoning beasts but it could also just be used as a storage many spirit users kept all of there valuables in a place called the soul space I wonder could I but then I realized all of my chakra vains was closed damn it I said I could slowly open them but one false move by me and I would die again it was easier to have someone else force them open with there ki sure it would hurt like hell but it's a hole lot safer then me trying to do the same as Skull said I might have been the very best before but right now I am just a basic human it's sad and angering but it's something I got to get us to I heard a door open and a woman humming to their self but the humming stopped I opened my eyes to see a cute nurse staring dumbfoundedly at me hello miss if it's not two much to ask can I get some clothes please and not this as I pointed to the gown the nurse shock disappeared and she nodded quickly saying sure and she ran out of the room I was shocked seeing her run but whatever not long later a man in a white coat walked in he was smiling happily saying hello Hunter I am Doctor Cat I know a odd name right most just call me doctor C I looked him over he looked very human but his eyes was cat like I smiled saying O good to meet you doctor and I wouldn't say your name odd I think it fits and I started into his eyes he seemed to get what I was meaning and he nodded ok can you tell me Hunter how your feeling I shrugged saying a little hungry but other then that I feel good if I may ask how long have I been out doctor C smiled at my words and he raised his right arm and pulled back his white sleeve where I seen a tiger watch he looked at it then back to to be saying you have been out for 7 hours it's morning know I side hearing that someone nocked on the door and doctor C opened it and stepping in from it was a beautiful lady she looked to be in her early 30 she had on nice clothes not a dress but she looked like a lawyer with her looks and the handbag she was carrying Doctor C turned to me saying Hunter this is doctor Nicolas I looked over to her nodded saying so your a mental health therapist I assume your here to check if I am still sane Doctor Nicolas nodded indeed I am also a member of the Supernatural Hunters association or the SNHA for short I nodded saying I would love to speak to you doctor but before that can I please get some pants I ant the biggest fan of gowns Nicolas and C looked to each other and C laughed saying I think we can handle that and maybe some food as well I smiled saying that sounds just fine doc thank you he nodded and walked out if the room doctor Nicolas walked over to one of the waiting chairs that was on my left beside the window that was closed she pulled out a tablet saying do you mind if I start asking you questions know or do you want to wait till doctor C comes back I waved my hand saying go on doc ask me anything she nodded can you tell me exactly what happened to you and your friends mister Colt I side saying are you sure you want to hear about this it's quite gruesome she smiled saying don't worry Hunter I was one of the units who kicked in the door I seen all of your friends in the hall and lastly I seen you being skinned alive I side saying ok doc and I started telling her everything that had happened I decided to leave out the part parts of the old me enjoying it after all that person was already dead and no need to make any trouble for my self as I was talking Doctor C came back with some doctor clothes and a try of food mashed potatoes with grave over it with corn and some green beans plus a bottol of water I ate all of the mashed potatos and gravy the rest of it I didn't eat I had maybe a spoon full if corn and that was it by the time I was done eating I had told doctor Nicolas everything that had happened I through off the thin blanket that was over me and I walked into the bathroom I charge into the clothes that doc C gave me I also looked in the mirror into my own eyes they was shining gold like there was a fire in them but there was also a darkness crazy feeling in them unlike this morning it's sad but in one day I had seen the darkness of the world I could never forget this even if I tried I had a feeling I was going to have nightmares of what mister Holmes showed me damn that rat I wish I could have killed him my self I looked down to my hands clinching them and my face turned to a snarl I felt my killing intent raise but as fast as it came it was gone and I was back to being calm and smiling I walked out of the bathroom I noticed something was odd doc C and doc Nicolas hadn't changed or move but there was a cold ora that was in the air but I didn't mind I expected this after all I walked back to my bed sitting down I looked to doc Nicolas saying sorry for making you wait doctors and I am sorry if my next world are rude but I am not one for beating around the bush so y don't you ask the question you've been dying to ask me when you walked into this room seeing me both Doc C and Nicolas body's tensed up instinctually Nicolas completely changed that warm feeling she was giving off before was gone what was left was the cold ora of a cold killer and Doc C hands clenched in his pockets but I simple smiled at them but I didn't say a word no I simple waited Nicolas spoke and her words was cold who are you I thought about her question tilting my head to the side my small got smaller but didn't fade but I spoke my mind saying who am I mmmmmm such a odd and loaded question who are any of us really, in the end, I have all my memories and feeling I still love my parents for giving birth to me and razing me I still respect my uncle for being my hero when I was a child and even to this day he has watched out for me I still love my friends but more importantly I feel anger both at my self and at that fucking rat when I said this my smile faded and snarl replaced it as I looked down to my hands they was clinched together tightly I hate that damn rat for kidnapping us I hate him for forcing me to watch him and not only that even if I closed my eyes he was narrating is all I closed my eyes then my body was shaking with anger remembering it all that damn rat talked to me like we was friends as he was dissecting, my friends who was screaming and begging for me to help them when I said that I could hear each of them screaming and begging in my head and through my anger I felt another emotion gilt the gilt of surviving this feeling of guilt was overwhelming and I felt tears start to fall but it was only a few tears after they feel I forced my self to calm down and when I opened my eyes all that anger and gilt was gone all that was left was a soul-chilling calm I started at Nicolas saying as you seen I was the last of my friends to be dissected and let me just say this it wasn't a nice feeling but I tried to hold on but in the end I started blacking out the last thing I remember was hearing the SNHA kick out the doors and light that fucking bastard up I still remember his screams of anger and pain when you did and a happy smile was back on my face I started into her cold eyes saying I know you was only doing your job but thank you for avenging my friends and I but I have a feeling this isn't what you meant when you asked who I was right correct she simple said she didn't let her guard down even a little bit hearing my words I side and stood up and walked to the window pulled open the blinds and what I seen made my smile we was on the third or 4 floor of this building and right in front of me was the city in all of it's glory the tall skyscrapers shined from the sun that was rising in front of me in the distance I seen the streets was busy with so many people and cars it's beautiful I said to no one really but my self but I side saying this world has indeed changed sense the time I remember I turned to Nicolas saying miss Nicolas I am going to be honest with you and I hope outside of Doctor C and your boss do not tell anyone about what I am about to tell you cuz even to me I sound insane do you agree to this she hesitated thinking it over but after a few seconds she nodded saying ok I Hunter I can agree to that I looked to Doc C saying doc I hope you will do the same he was a little shocked but he nodded in ok quickly I nodded and looked back out the window when that rat forced me to hear and watch him do that to my friends something in me broke I wans't sure what it was but when I died and talked to the death twins they told me that my soul broke they was going to just kill but before they could another me appeared apparently one of my great great grandfathers appeared apparently he was a hunter from the passed apparently I am his namesake he offered to replace my old soul with his the death twins agreed and well know here I am with two memories one from a passed life me and the me know but my passed life memories are very foggy I truly only remember how I died nothing more I laughed at how stupid and crazy I was sounding but Nicolas side saying O I looked to her she had an understanding look on her face like she just connected the last part of the puzzle and after that everything made sense she laughed at the looked of shock that was on my face believe it or not Hunter remembering a passed life isn't that crazy sure it a rare but it has happened so you, believe me, I asked hesitating Nicolas nodded smiling yes I do and hearing all your words and feeling of what happened I can happily say your not crazy sure there's a bit of trauma but that's to be expected hold it Nicolas another female voice said and walking through the door was a man in priest clothes he held a Bible in one hand this man was in his late 40s white man he had short cut white hear and a clean-shaven wrinkly face and his eyes was like two blue marbles cold that's how they felt both doc C and Nicolas turned to his man glaring at him but Nicolas in a sarcastic voices said father Alucard what a delight to see you again Alucard glared at her but then he stared at me saying is this the boy Nicolas nodded yes his name is but Alicard cut her off saying I do not care what his name is I need to make sure this body isn't being possessed and he ant a monster like this cat behind me Doc C snarled hissing at him at those words Nicolas glared at Alucard and was about to say something but I side father Alucard turned to me saying what are you sying for child it's you're lucky day you will feel the power of god you should be honored I side again saying or you can just through some holy water on me and we can call it a day I am getting hungry and want some meat Alucard looked offended at my words his face turning redder and redder and I could tell this man was about to snap I side again seeing that luckily right then 3 people ran in one of them was a beautiful lady who was in her yearly 40s she had long wavy dark red hair she was about 5'10 she had on a simple pare of blue jeans and a black shirt this woman's eyes was bright blue like the sea and they held worry in them behind her was was man about the same hight of the woman he was dark tain like he has spent years out in the sun he was probably 38 his hear was black like mine his was combed back and there was gray hair in his and on his face was a black and white beard his arms had some good muscles and his hands was big and calloused from working on a farm he had on a simple white and red Flannel the sleeves was rolled up to his elbows he had a pare of dark blue jeans on with a big belt buckle and square towed cowboy boots and behind him was my uncle he looked tired there were dark bags under his eyes and he had on the same clothes from yesterday the first two people was my parents the ran into the room but when they see me sitting up all three of them stopped tears started falling down my mothers face and she lunged at me saying my dear boy you're ok she hugged me tightly I was shocked both by her actions and the strength of my mother it was hard to breathe luckily my dad saved me he walked to the end of my bed saying come on dear he can't breathe my mom let go of me quickly saying shit your right I took a few deep breathes holding my throat saying I love and missed you to mom but what the hell are you trying to kill me she smiled and wiping tears from her eyes saying no I was just happy to see my baby is ok and save I looked to my father and gave him a look asking if she was crazy he laughed hugging me we was all worried about you Hunter don't be like that when Samuel called us telling us what happened we hoped on a plan and rushed all the way over here from Montana we had to hope on 3 plans to get to this damn New Orleans I side nodding I looked to my mother and held out my arms for another huge when I did she started to cry into my chest I simple wrapped my arms around her hugging her I looked to my uncle who was sticking back letting my parents and I have some space smiled at him saying get your ass over here uncle your part of this family ant you he smiled and walked next to my father saying it's good to see your ok lad how are you feeling I chuckled saying I feel alive Nicolas chuckled at my words my uncle looked over to her his eyes want wide and his face want white saying miss Nicolas I am sorry for barging in on yall Nicolas looked him over smile saying don't worry Samuel we was done talking to your nephew anyway so we will get out of your hair she put away her tablet and stood up she then walked over to me she held out a card saying when your ready and confident come and take our test Hunter we would love to have your help I took her card nodding saying thank you, Nicolas, it might be a bit there's a lot I need to do and learn before then she smiled nodding saying take your time we ant going anywhere but with that have a great day she nodded to my uncle and she grabbed Alicard and dragged him out Doc C looked to me saying I will get your papers so y'all can leave my dad nodded to him and Doc C was gone when the door shut my mom stopped crying and she let go of me saying tell us Hunter have you awakened I was a little shocked but both my uncle and my dad sat down staring at me with hope in there eyes just to mess with them I asked what do you mean by awakened my mother smiled and looked to my father for the answer he then looked to me saying when someone awakened's they can see through the vail shit you don't know what that is either my mom spoke then saying the vail is a powerful magic defenses that the world has it hides the supernatural from the normal people but when a normal person witnesses the supernatural they can awaken the ability to see the supernatural so did you did you she was shaking me at this point but I didn't mind I laughed saying it would seem so my mother then looked to my father grabbing his hand tightly he looked to her nodding my uncle side and there was a little bit of sadness in that sy my dad looked to me his eyes was soft and warm will you tell us what happened Hunter I side nodded and I told them the same story that I told Nicolas my mom started to cry hearing what had happened and my father and uncle had a dark complicated look on there faces when I was done my mom huge me again but she didn't ask or say anything she just wanted to comfort me I hugged her back I looked to my father saying I assume you all are hunters right my dad side and he looked into my eyes I and your mother are yes as for your uncle he got wounded a long time ago which forced him to stop hunting a long time ago soon after that be moved to this city my uncle side saying that was still the hardest thing I have ever done hunting was my life but I wanted to teach others so I came here to teach the next generation of both hunters and monsters I side I assume you didn't tell me cuz I wantn't born with the sight right my dad nodded indeed but know that you are we can tell you everything and you can choose whether you want to be a hunter or not it but right then I stared to laugh cutting him off whether I want to be a hunter or not what sort of question is that I don't even need to think about my answer of cause I fucking do my mom looked the me there was conflicted in her eyes and she asked are you sure Hunter it's not to late to live a normal life I chucked darkly mother can you let me go please she nodded and she let be go I stood up across from the I raised my short which showed the scars when they seen those scars all if there eyes for cold and angry and I could feel there blood lust I then said no I don't think a normal life is in the picture anymore I lowered my shirt I started at them my face was ice cold and my eyes was calm no I could never go back to my old life Rich, Greg and Tony would be ashamed if I did that I was powerless to save them and to kill that damn rat what if there's a next time I would much rather fight for my life then roll over like livestock my mom and dad looked to each other conflict in there eyes but my uncle looked proud my parents side seeing the look of determination on my face my dad closed his eyes saying fine Hunter you win we will teach you everything you will need my mom looked over to Samuel saying do you still got the keys to the old farm Samuel laughed saying of course I still do I maybe retired but I ant dead its all stocked up and the protection barriers are still holding strong I was confused and I asked what are you talking about my dad side saying he is talking about his and I childhood home that we got raised in it's in the middle of no where in the swamp we won't be disturbed out there Sameul nodded smiling to me saying actually that friend of your what's her name he thought about it he then snapped his fingers saying Meg that's her name well her and her family is our closest neighbors I was a little shocked at that and I tilted my head asking really isn't she a lycanthrope my uncle was shocked asking how would you know about that I smiled scratching the back of my head saying when I was late to your class yesterday when I sat down I saw her nose twitch like she smelled something and when the boys and I started talking about how I had sex with 5 girls the night before I heard Meg tell the other girls something about mermaids at the time I couldn't see those girls real farm do to the vail but know thinking back on it I notice little details like one of the girls had webbed hand or another had scales but the vail made sure to quickly make those things disappear plus I was really drunk and in mid act so, of course, I didn't notice before my uncle slammed a hand to his face shaking his head my dad, on the other hand had a proud smile in his face that's my boy he said laughing my mom rolled her eyes and looking over to Samuel and in a mocking voice she started to say send him to me I will make sure to take care if him don't worry about it Moon he will be fine he will love the city life he needs to get off the farm she then waved her hands like what the hell Samuel slowly lowered his hand sying at her words I laughed sitting back down saying well uncle you was right and we all laughed at his embarrassed and exasperated, look right then doc C came back holding a clip bored and pin plus over his shoulder was a bag with my clothes and boots in it with that we signed the papers and I changed and we left the hospital I was smiling and happy as we walked to my uncle car.