The drive

My uncle car was a old 4 door truck he loved it he called it his baby my dad laughed when he seen it saying it's good the old girl hasn't changed my uncle simple looked at him offended of course she hasn't y would I change my baby we all simple shook head as he drove us out if the city and I must admit the whole way through the city he was honking his horn and flipping the bird to any and all dumb ass drivers that pulled in front of him or slowed down hell he even got pulled over cuz he was doing 80 in a 70 but when the cop seen my uncle he only let him off with a warning saying my uncle owed him some breakfast and some good coffee Uncle happily agreed to that and we shot off again the hole ride my dad and mom asked me about what I had been doing and when I told them about all the parties I had been to let's just say they wasn't impressed and after a while my mom finally cut me off and in an angry warning town of voice she said Hunter we don't mind you having fun but gods damn it you better not had only partied the whole year that you have been gone I smiled scraping the back of my head a little embarrassed my mom side throwing her hands in the air giving up when she saw my embarrassment my dad and uncle only chuckled and grinned at that I side saying no I had not only been parting the hole time I had been gone there was plenty of one night stands and a few dates in there when my mom heard that she simple glared at me like she was about to kill me and she was sitting next to me I was regretting not sitting in the front away from my mother at least up there I could be a little safe but no I wanted to be a nice son my mom kept on glaring at me and in a low calm distinct voice she said Hunter Ace Colt we sent you here so you could focus on school and maybe find a girlfriend not go out and get drunk your fucking lucky that you hadn't encountered any other dangerous beings I am shocked you have lived this long with all that you have told us I side at her words I knew she was right I had been lucky its a miracle that my boys and I hadn't encountered any bad supernatural creatures sooner hold it that's not right we had but none of them meaned us any harm y was that I thought about it even move thinking all the way back to when my boys and I just met and just started parting hold it the first parties we had been on was with the girls soon after that Triss put a tattoo on us I don't remember much about that do to us boys had smoked a shit tune of weed before going over to her work we did that cuz Rick was deathly afraid of needles and Tony and Rick had never been hi before so we smoked a few joints before going over there but I vaguely remember Triss saying something like these tattoos would protect us or something like that that's right my tattoo I said and I razed up my shirt again and where my tattoo of the raven sitting on a skull it was gone what are you doing now my mom said angrily lowered my shirt and looked at her saying it wasn't luck mother she was shocked my dad looked back to me asking what do you mean Hunter of course it was I looked at both of them shaking my head no it wasn't you already know that a few of my friends was part of the supernatural world both of them nodded my dad said yea Samuel told us about 3 of them I think there names was Triss, Meg and what was that last girls name my mom spoke Sihtric my dad nodding right Sihtric y are you being them up Hunter even if they had followed you boys all around there's still a chances something would happen I nodded indeed I would agree with you normally but when we first met and started becoming friends Triss tattooed a raven standing on a skull on every one of us boys she said something about it protecting us or something both of them was shocked my uncle laughed saying well that would explain how they knew that you was in danger literally seconds after you pushed the panic button on your phone and even after the tracker was destroyed someone called the station saying they knew where you boys was but after we confirmed that it was true the person hung up o that reminds me and he reached into his coat pocket grabbing something you might want to tell the girls you're ok and he tossed back my phone I quickly cot it I turned it on not caring the screen saver had two cracks on it probably from that damn rat throwing my phone to the side or something when I power it on it started vibrating from notifications from both uncle and the girls but there was a few more from people I didn't know but when I heard a voicemail from one I was shocked it was from Gregs mother thanking me for being a good friend of Greg and she didn't blame me for his death she wished me the best and also said she will let me know when his funeral is and hoped I could make it when I heard that voicemail I was stunned I didn't know what to think after a while I shook my head and clicked on the next one it was from Tonys dad and let's just say he called me every name in the book saying it was all my and Gregs fault that his son was dead he said before he met us he was a good boy who always stayed away from trouble and parts I fucking hate you boy I hope your soul rots in hell and I hope the gilt kills you goodbye and yes your not invited to his funeral if you show up you will wish you was dead that was it I side angrily muttering to my self old bastard you can't fucking stop me I will be there to say goodbye to my brother there was a few more calls of Tony's dad just cursing at me but the last voicemail was from Ricks's grandfather I could hear crying in the background but the old man didn't speak English well he tried to say a few words but he couldn't pronounce them right in the one he said fucking English boy we call you when burial is goodbye that was it I opened my text messages I had 20 texts from Triss I clicked on her name reading them all Hunter don't stop walking any Hunter pick up your damn phone look at your phone no look run don't go down the alleyway good keep on walking don't stop ship no gods damn it you stupid boy that was it the last message simple said let us know when your awake we will come and see you I side and made a new group chat with the girls texting I am awake and moving already out of hospital I won't be at school for a while my parents and uncle got a lot to explain to me but if you want to come see me Meg will know where sense apparently where going to be neighbors and are families know each other I sent it and put down my phone I looked out the window surprised at what I seen we was going over a huge bridge I looked at the river smiling I seen huge boats moving across the water as I started off into the distance I had a flashback I was staring at the same river there was a few steamboats on it but mostly it was clear I was sitting on top of a black horse I couldn't help but smile at the seen that's when I felt my leg and I was back to normal I picked up my phone that was vibrating it was Meg I answered it saying hello I heard Megs voice say hello hello bitch you better have more to say to us then that you fucking testicle overconfident ass hat and I heard a thump like she hit a wall but at this point I moved my phone away from my ear cuz holy shit she is pissed and loud after a few seconds I brought the phone back to my ear to hear your a jack ass and but before she could go on I cut her off saying enough you can yell and scream at me the next time you see me then I can't escape if we do that besides I got words to fucking say to all of you that goes for not only Meg.. Triss, Sihtric that goes for you two as well and don't act like you're not there cuz I know damn well you are I heard Triss say shit and Sihtric say I told you so Meg then said how the fuck did he know I had him on speaker and that you two was here I chuckled saying Meg there is distinct noise and sound differences between speaker and not speaker as for how I knew the other two was there its simple I know you three Meg was the one who was going to act all pissed and angry at me wall Sihtric was going to be the sad one acting like they were crying and happy to hear that I was alright wall Triss was going to be the neutral and calm person who is trying to calm both of you down am I right but all I got was dead silence after a few seconds Triss asked how the hell did he guess that right I snorted saying it wasn't a guess or have you all forgotten my best classes other then shooting and hand to hand fight was investigating and profiling targets I have the highest grade in both Meg said shit I forgot about that and I heard someone smack a hand to there head hell even my mom and dad turned to look at me both with shocked and impressed faces wall my uncle smacked the steering wheel saying that's my boy this hole time I gave had nothing but a calm little smile in my face so do you got a plan b cuz I would happy to hear it I said smiling all I got back was a angry grall or was that a hiss I couldn't tell I looked out the widow and I seen a raven flying over the water but it was close enough that I could see small eyes that's when something clicked in my had and I laughed saying how interesting so that's how huh that explains a lot but right then we got to the end of the bridge and I lost track of the bird do to the trees houses I then said we got much to talk about girls till then let me say this thank you if it wasn't for all three of you watching out for us things would have been a lot different but even so what happened it wasn't your fault you tried to talk some sense into us but we didn't listen and even if you did come with us are fates wouldn't have changed so don't blame yourself's do not fall into that illusion I don't blame you and I know the other boys wouldn't either and they would thank and appreciate all that you have done like I do but still I got a lot of things to find out both about this world and about my self so I won't be at school for a while and I know you three got questions for me and I got some for you as well so when your ready come and see me Meg should know the way if not stay at her parents house and send me a text or something and I will find my way there but till thin goodbye girls hope to see you seen and I hanged up my dad whistled saying damn son when have you been that good with words I laughed saying o come on dad I have always had a silver tong or that's what the girls say anyway and we all had a good laugh at that but after we all calmed down my uncle looked into his rearview mirror looking at me saying O by the way Hunter have you forgot what today is I thought about it and realized I didn't remember what day it was I nodded saying yea so what y does the date matter he rolled him eyes chuckling saying today is Friday April 28 this weekend is the end of April and the start of may and you know what that means right I was confused but I thought about it today is Friday and the last week of April y does that matter it's not like I got any sibling's grad parties to go to and all of my cousins are either my age or still in school it was also planting season and bird session plus gater season isn't till later in the spring there is a few birds seasons that are open its also spring break so most schools are out for a bit till fall that's when it clicked it was spring break I said my uncle nodded as me made a turn on a gravel road and what did you tell the girls something like I won't be at school for a bit well no shit you ant schools out he said oooooooo I said laughing at my stupidity my mom smiled saying and you say you have the top grade in investigating huh are you sure about that I shrugged saying I do it's sort of like tracking animals but that's only my second class I have the highest grade in my first class would be forensic science I was damn good at that class I can not only tell you how old bones are just by looking at them but I can tell you how they died by the marks on there body and bones plus what weapon it was or could be but it wasn't just that I can tell you the exact amount of sneaks venom that is lethal to humans or the plans that you could us hell even the best way to mask the poison silences feel over everyone my mom was shocked wall my dad had a complicated smile on his face wall my uncle had a forced smile on his face my dad turned to my uncle asking is this true Samuel my uncle side saying yes it's true the boy knows his stuff hell even the teacher was shocked at his knowledge I chuckled saying yea my teacher was shocked wall my classmates was scared of me they thought I was a little crazy my mom laughed saying I wonder y my dad still had that complicated smile on his face as he muttered to himself my son is fucking crazy good to know he will fit in just fine as a hunter but I am scared to see what shit he will come up with to make hunting easier for him wall my uncle was trying to focus on driving but he had a small smile on his face I chuckled at all of there reactions I looked out the window and realised we was thick in the swamp/ woods know the trees was growing on both sides which darkened the road a bit but in the water I seen many eyes in the water mostly from frogs and snakes but I seen a few gators I started at one pretty big gator that when I got another flash black of my old life well less a flashback and more of a snippet of knowledge it was the knowledge of huge humanoid gator people they was lycanthropes they had 3 forms the first was there human form which was basically human they just was as strong and fast as a human but there sense of smell and hearing was crazy there second form was there gator form in this form they looked like a normal gator just a hole lot bigger plus there armor is mostly the same but if you looked closely they was small differences in the colors in this form there strength and speed was no job especially in the water and their last form was their strongest and scariest of them all it was the hybrid of both human and gator in this form they were at fastest and strongest they could stand on two feet and our weapons and their gator armor was hard to break through but just like any normal lycans silver was the best to kill them but that is if you could get through their armor and even with the silver it was very hard to kill them do to how hearty they are they call them self the big gators and they are usually at odds with other lycan tribes I shook my head of all of these thoughts and time passed and we want deeper into the swamp some times we could have to stop to move a fallen tree in the way or there was a huge turtle that was crossing hell even gators that simply stood on the road out of the sunlight but my dad got out and simple kicked them in the tail which normally made the gator shoot off into the water hissing angrily but my dad waved his hand saying yea yea fuck off and he git back into the truck like he didn't just kick two gators in the ass but none of us was shocked if you think that's crazy back in Montana my dad had befriended all the predators in are woods so much that we made a places for them to come on into our house out of the cold I us to go down and sleep with the wolves and other pups hell my dad even plays with them all he even wrestles with the brown bears it's wild we also make sure all the animals are healthy and don't have any diseases so this was just a normal day we drove for a bit longer till we stopped again there was another gator in the road but this one was fucking huge it was probably 20 something foot long and it's skin was dark I seen a few scars on it's head and body most of them looked like bullet marks but I seem a few bit marks as well this gator was resting on the road sideways but it wasn't alone on either side of the road I seen other big gators not where as big as this beast on the road but still 15 foot was the smallest I seen there was only one other 20 something footer and it was on my side staring at us but I could only see it's head so I was only guessing how big it was but just it's head alone was a damn good judge on how big it was and by all the baby's swimming around it I think that one was female swimming but I only seen maybe 5 of these big gators on either side and about 8 of the normal gators both of my parent's expressions got serious and my uncle smile didn't fade but one hand tightened on the wheel wall the other tightened on the stick my uncle barely moved his mouth saying Hunter I know what I am about to say might be crazy get out and go up to that big one and tell him who we are and tell him your friends with Meg there is a gun belt under your seat there is a my 38 colt Python loaded with silver tip dipped in holy water and forged in a holy flame it's from my days on the sheriff department days if you treat Sharmaine right she will look after you there's also a silver dagger on there hopefully you don't got to us it do you trust me I smiled and opened my mouth slowly and said only one world yes my dad side saying good old Sharmaine my mom then spoke I thought you two broke up Samuel my Uncle side saying she has been my mistress for 25 years y should I stop a good thing as they was talking they didn't make any sudden movement nor did they look away from the big gator I reached under my seat and felt a belt with a wood box under it I slowly pulled out the belt not making any sudden movements not did I look away from the big gator I didn't know y but I felt if I did shit would go down I put the belt on easy enough I felt there was a dagger sheathed on the back and there was a holster on my right side I reached under the chair again and pulled this box open I felt around the box I could feel a soft but farm inside on the bottom left and right I felt two squares and in a line felt something metal it was bullets I reached to the middle of the box and felt something big and metal I slowly picked that thing up with one out with my right hand and with my left I grabbed a hand full of bullets which felt like 5 I slowly holstered the pistol I reached to the door hand and got out as I did I used this changes to pocket the extra bullets my boots hit the dirty gravel road I started at the big gator on the road which was obviously the leader I closed the door I was wearing my normal blue jeans square tow cowboy boots and a black shirt that said ACDC on it I usually ware a dark warn leather belt they my dad gave me a long time ago to hold up my pants but today I had on over that a gun belt that had a big belt buckle on it and I must say it felt right I started to walk forward towards leader gator my eyes held no fear in them and I had a little smile on my face as I was walking I used my left hand to move the belt so it sat conformably I walked passed the front of the truck when I took a step two the side so I stood in the middle of this road and not on either side and in my head I side saying well let's have some fun shall we and I started walking.