Meeting a elder and a little pig

With each step I got closer to this lead gator my eyes not moving off of him I didn't look around at the others it was only him my left hand was resting on my belt buckle wall my right hand moved normally sure it was over the gun but I made no sudden movements to grab it the leader gator eyes didn't move off of me hell, to be honest, he didn't move at all I stopped 10 foot away from I could see all of the crazy scars on this gator he had one wicked one that ran down from the middle of his head to the end of his left side of his face right next to his nose but surprisingly his left eye was perfectly fine it just missed it I could tell it was from something sharp his armor was quite impressive I seen a few of his spine spikes was broke from fights and on the right side of his chest was a huge bit mark I was sure there was more but that was all I could rightly see with my peripheral cuz right know I was staring two black eye slits wall the rest if the eye was green with spots of black in it and for the first time this gator moved he slightly tilted his head up and in a hissing voice it spoke who are you human and y do you have my granddaughters sent on you I smiled saying my name is Hunter Ace Colt and the reason y you can smell your granddaughter on me is cuz she is myclassmates and friend it is a pleasure to meet and speak to her grandfather this gator looked me over saying y do I smell the sent of death on you lad my smile got a bit smaller and my eye held anger but in a calm voice I said that would be because last night I and 3 of my friends got kidnapped by a serial killer were rat by the name HH Holmes he dissected my still alive friends opened in front of me and when he was done with them he did the same to me and in the end I died this gator's eyes showed a little pitty at me and he said aaa so your a awaken I simple nodded saying yea sir but if you allow I got one thing to ask you elder he simply nodded saying ask lad I nodded is Meg's parents here if so can you point them out to me this elder thought about my question and he asked before I do may I ask y I nodded smile Meg has been a good friend to me she has even protected me when I wasn't awakened so I want to honor all she has down for me by thank her parents my self for both giving birth and racing her this elder laughed at my words when he did I could see how big his mouth was and I see all of his huge teeth let's just say it was fucking huge as for his laughter it was light was like when you rub sand paper together mixed with a gator hiss it was quite the mix after a few moments of him laughing he closed his mouth and when he looked at me I could tell his opinion of me had changed I like you lad and he turned to my right hissing out Joanna and Sobek come here please and I seen two 18 foot gator swim over the bigger one of the two amor was such a dark green it was almost black wall the other one was thinner with a baby ridding on her back the bigger one spone in a deep hissing voice asked y did you call us father the elder looked to be saying this lad wanted to speak to sense he is friends with your oldest daughter after both of them turned and looked at me the thinner one of the two spoke in a softer hissing voice well I can smell are daughter on him that is true I looked to these gators smile and I spoke yes Meg is a good friend of mine she is a great woman and even with out me knowing she has protected me and for that and I want to one knee and lowering my head to these gators saying I must pay my respects and thanks the two who gave birth and razed her and I looked my head to the bigger one saying so I Hunter Ace Colt pay my respects and thank to her father then I looked over to the thinner one saying and to her mother for razing one hell of a woman and my friend both of them was shocked but I didn't stand up or stop looking at them moments passed in silence in these moments I thought I felt a vibration in the ground but it happened quickly so I paid it no mind right then Meg mother and father started to laugh but I stayed silent still not moving the father smoked at me or as much as a gator could smile wasn't that well Hunter Colt you sure know how to make a hell first impression I like it I Sobek fang Green acknowledge and appreciate your thanks and respect Megs mom stayed silent she looked me over her eyes was serious apparently she seen something she liked cuz she nodded saying and I Joanna Tail Green also acknowledge and appreciate your respect and thanks you can stand up know Hunter I smiled at them saying thank you and I stood up that's when I felt that trimmer again but this time it was longer and felt closer but again as fast as it came it was gone I looked to the elder gator grinning asking so elder did I pass your test or are you going to eat me he laughed saying so you noticed huh you're quite sharp lad you pass my little test you can go who em I to stop our neighbors and friends the Colts I laughed saying o so what your saying is one of my family members in the truck set this up with you to test me this elder chuckled saying possible Samuel swings by every know and thin to tend to your family house and he always stops to talk to us hell he even brings food you see our house is a little farther up the road that's where the rest is our family is but I must say it's good to see little Samuel and little Daniel together again and is that miss Megan even the hole family is here I nodded and opened my mouth to speak that's when the ground started to shake and I heard leaves and branches braking on my left I turned to that to see 10 were boars in there hybrid form they had simple animals clothes on they run and stop at the end of the bank on the other side of this swamp river/ creek and every one of them razed old bolt action rifles and pointed them at the gators in the water the elder gator turned seeing this with me and hissed at them saying what are you going get the fuck off are land but when he said that I heard a deep pig snort laughter I heard someone say this is your oink land but my oink boys got your people in there oink sites so you ounk listen to us oink and we won't kill them oink and walking in the middle were boars moved to the side still keeping there rifles aimed ant at the ready and stepping between this heard was a fucking huge were pig he was at least a full head taller then the rest of them he had on a old dirty black leather vest and a leather kilt over one shoulder was a huge stone and bone hammer which he swung off his shoulder when he stopped and rested it in front if him self this man looked like a wild pig if wild pigs stood on two feet 8 for tail with a beer belly and smoked that's the best way to describe this pig this pig looked at me saying you know the rules any and all humans who come into this oink forest are to be delivered to punk me by orders of ounk me the elder gator glared at him saying fuck off pig get you ditty feet off are land this pig laughed saying you heard that boys elder Sobek here is worried we might dirty his land and they all laughed or in better worlds they oinked I side and started at this pig saying I would listen to the elder if I was you this pig laughed saying o yea y should I oinking do that I smiled saying simple if you don't it will be bad for your health I heard silver is quite unhealthy for lycans and I patted the gun on my hip this pig spat smiling saying your not in the city oink no more boy out here we like human meat oink and tell me do you got a warrant to operate out here no warrant no hunter that is the oink rul but right then I quickly drewed Sharmaine pulling back the hammer as I did and I pulled the trigger with no hesitate or fear the sound echoed through the trees and this pigs right shoulder which was leaning on his hammer got completely blown the fuck off and with no arm holding his hammer he dropped forward into the water on the way down his midsection ran straight into the handle of his hammer everyone was shocked at my speed I blow the smoke off the end of my barrel saying there's your fucking warrant you got the right to shut the fuck up and get your shit and get off the elders property or the next warrant goes through your head and I pulled the hammer back pointing it at them again but this time I stared at them all waiting to see if any of them would make a move none of them did the pig in the water started splashing aground trying to push himself up with only one hand it wasn't working but he was able to have his head long enough above the water to yell Fire oink but his head soon went back under the water one of his heard moved his finger onto the trigger of his gun boom but it didn't come from his gun all no it came from Sharmaine that were boars head fucked explored I pulled the hammer hack again looking at them all that's when elder Sobek rushed forwards into the water and only shit that gator by fast on land but when elder Sobek got into the water he shot towards that little big in the water when the were boars seen the elder swimming towards them 5 of them dropped there guns and ran away wall the other 3 realized that he wasn't coming after them he was going after there boss that's when they started opening fire our tried to by the time they moved targets I had already started firing in the end only one got a shot off and it simple bounced off the elders tuff skin I pushed the lever on the side of Sharmaine and the cylinder moved to the side I tilted the gun up and all of the spent rounds hit the ground I quickly pulled out the 5 extra bullets I had and loaded them I then pushed the cylinder back into place I looked up just in time to see the elder chomp down on the pigs other arm then the elder dragged the pig into deeper water and with one spin from the elder that arm got ripped off at this point pig could badly keep him self from going sinking the elder then snap his jaws on to the pigs head and started death rolling again and I must say seeing a death roll in real life being used on a screaming pig it was definitely scary and entertaining all in one after the 3 roll the pigs head snapped off let's just say the water was dark red around the body the elder looked at something behind the pig still on land he swam bragged it with his gator hands and same back to the road as he did that I picked up the empty bullets on the ground and pocket them the elder walked in front of me still with the pigs head on his mouth but in his hand he was dragging the pigs hammer with him he dropped the hammer in front of me saying this is a gift the rock is just a rock but the bone is from a fire lizard very good for first weapons or you can sell it choose is yours I smiled saying thank you elder for this gift but before you go can we take a picture together I want to send it to Meg to see her reaction the elder was shocked but laughed sure y not I nodded took out my phone crouched down next to him holding out my phone the elder still had the pigs head in his mouth but he held up one hand and made the pieces sign I laughed at that and I took the picture and sent it to the ground chat with the girls under most interesting grampa of the year I nodded to him smiling I picked up the hammer as I walked back to the truck I put the hammer in the back as I did I said Uncle next time you want to test me make sure you're prepared to lose some money I opened my door to see him glaring at me but I didn't mind I got in and shut the door the elder got off the road and we slowly drove passed as we did the elder looked up to my dad saying feel free to swing by any time my dad smiled nodding sounds good we got a lot to catch up on the elder simple nodded but first train your boy the way he is know he won't live passed fall the elder said turning around and swimming away saying this one last thing make him strong for all of are sakes my dad nodded and my uncle speeded up the elder spoke two not far up the road we drove by a house and unlike what I thought it might look like house looked brand new there was 3 floors and there was many other smaller houses around it about 8 in total all these buildings was placed onto of huge thick wood beams which I assume was if the water resources and by the looks of those beams it did quite often so much to in fact that all the houses had bridges connecting each house together and even if the wood roads fail there was huge black floats on the bottom it was basically one huge boat doc I did see a barbed wire fence that started on either end of the path leading to these houses and one of these fence pools I saw a private property sign under it was a no hunting sign and below that was a sign that said all trespassers will be shot on site so fuck off I chuckled at that sign I quickly took a picture of the signs sending it to the group chat again saying nice signs I seen a few people walking on the doc some waved at us I waved back I then turned to my Uncle who was still angry I laughed and in a mocking voice I said so uncle thanks for letting me us Sharmaine you was right she took care of me but I must ask how much was them bullets cuz they definitely wasn't cheap to do that my uncles fave got redder and redder the more I talked but right when I thought he hit his braking point he side and all that anger left him with that sy and in a calm sad voice he said each bullet shot is $2000 and there's 6 in a box holy hell I yelled about to have a heart attack hearing that and in a shaky voice asked so a box of these bullets is worth $12000 no wonder he was pissed I just shot $12000 just like that and that doesn't even mention that these bullets are no longer being made their basically antiques from the passed so that number is probably a hole lot higher my uncle said sying again my face want white hearing that I looked down to Sharmaine and slowly took out of the holster and very careful put her back under my seat the hole time I held her like she was made of gold which she wasn't but the bullets in her was even more expensive them gold I also put back the spent bullets back into the box's very carefully like they were made from glass my mom smiled at my actions saying, Hunter, they ant going to break in your hands you can hold it normally besides bullets are meant to be shot I gave her a complicated look she was right but still these bullets were very precious and should be used sparingly my Unlce made a left turn I looked forward and on the left I seen a fairly old 3-floor house with a huge garage in front of us and to the left of the car I seen a huge horse pin and surprisingly enough there was 5 horses in there my uncle stopped in front of the house putting his truck in park he turned to Daniel saying welcome home brother my dad was staring out the window with a little smile I could tell he was remembering his passed my mom even had a complicated smile when she looked at this house I looked to my uncle asking so when you said before that you swung by here every now and them to take care of the place you meant your living here my uncle smiled nodding indeed and don't worry Hunter there's plenty of old clothes from your father and I that will fit you I nodded saying thanks uncle well shall we head on in I will get mom and dads bags and I got out of the truck but first I took of the gun belt and put it back under my seat my uncle nodded saying sounds good bring there bags to the first room at the top of the stairs wall your room is the second door down the hall I nodded saying thank you uncle and I picked up my parents bags it was odd both of them had exactly 2 bags each and when I picked them up they felt light for having stuff in it but I simple shrugged it off thinking I will ask them later and I walked to the porch screen door and I walked in.