father and son don't see eye to eye

I pushed open the door that leads into the house and walked in hat I seen in front of me a washer and dryer I shut the door and when I did I seen a bathroom doorway I looked right and walked into a pretty big kitchen it wasn't to fancy or anything but it was nice I walked through the kitchen into the dining room which had a huge wooden table in the middle of it on my left was a doorway that goes down into a basement and in the back left wall there was another doorway but the wall across from me was a huge walkway that lead into a living room where I seen one camo chair and couch in there I assumed there was also a tv in there in the way they was placed but I walked to the other doorway and I seen a small hall right in front of me there was a Uncle bedroom but in the wall on my left was a door I opened it and seen stairs I took a step onto closing the door behind me it was odd this hole time I hadn't seen any pictures or anything just a few turkey fans on the wall and a few dozen buck skulls and I must say some of those bucks was fucking big but when I stepped into this stairway I was shocked to see pictures on pictures all along the walls at the bottom the pictures was really old most if them was in black and white but there was a few paintings as well many of them showed hunts in one I seen a man standing next to a huge sword that only a giant could weld or on a group of 5 smiling and standing around the body of an odd looking monster with a hole lot of sharp spins in it's back and it had a skull for a head it's body was riddled with hole and arrows hell I even seen pictures from the civil war but one picture stuck out to me it was 7 men standing next to each other they wasn't smiling nor was they frowning there faces was stone cold they all had uniforms on but one man stuck out he looked like me I was standing on the left end I had one left hand resting on my belt wall my right hand was on my pistol over my left shoulder was a sword hilt unlike the rest of them I had a normal long shirt on my sleeves was ruled to my elbows over my left shoulder was a leather shoulder pauldron and going across my chest was a leather strap with 4 throwing knifes on it I had on normal pants and a cowboy hat and also unlike the others my eyes held anger in them but my face was calm I chuckled muttering to my self damn that was taken just before one of my first hunts where I got used as bate it wasn't fun and I think I was the only survivor in this 7 man hunting party I wonder y that was I laughed to my self as I walked up the stairs when I got to the top there was a door on my right I opened it and this room was very plane just a bed and a few dressers I put my parents bags on there bed and I walked out closing the door behind me I then stepped across the stair way where I stood in a small hall way I looked to my right there was a door which I guessed was my room but I looked left and I seen three more doors both was at the end of the hall one was on the left wall which I assumed lead into an attic wall the other door was on the right wall which was another bed room the last door was at the end of the hall it looked like it leads into another room I walked down this hallway and stood in front of this door I don't know y but I felt like I was drawn to this room like something was calling out to me I reached out my hand to the door nob but when my hand touched the door a jolt of electricity ran through my body I quickly let go of it shaking my hand in pain damn that hurt I thought right then I seen a blur rune appear on the door I think it meant protection or maybe lock I wasn't sure to be honest but right then I heard the door at the bottom of the stairs opened and my mom yelled up saying Hunter get down here we are having a family meeting I side nodding saying be right down I glared at the door saying I will be back to you and I turned around and walked down stairs where I seen all my family sitting at the table all of them had serious expressions my dad simple said take a seat Hunter I nodded and walked around the table and sat across from my father my uncle was on my left wall my mother was on my right I didn't say anything I simple waited for them to speak silence feel over us all we did was stare at each other they stared at me trying probably thinking to them self if I was capable of becoming a hunter or not wall I simple was stoned faced and calm it was my dead who broke this silence he side saying Hunter is this really what you want or are you just doing this out of spite the road of a hunter is very hard and dangerous you will see terrible things and there's a good chances you will do some of those dark things being a hunter means you kill for a living and no matter how hard you may try you can never be as strong as supernatural creatures sure there are some who are but they are the best of the best and all of them have a powerful family backing and the hunters who don't can't reach that far my it cuz they don't got the potential or luck ones you become a hunter theses no going back you will have to keep looking over your shoulder so is this truly what you want cuz if so then we got a lot to teach you and your heavily behind your siblings and cousins or are you doing this cuz you want revenge if this is your reason then we should stop here cuz your Uncle, Mother and I all have seen to many good people die cuz they couldn't get over there sense of discussed or cuz their minds got clouded by the path of revenge hell I have even seen someone lose control cuz of there dreams I had to subdue that man in front of his kids and wife before he hurt them I hope you understand what I am trying to say Hunter if you're only doing this cuz your angry and want revenge we won't teach you and you can go back to school to become a cop you can help people then and you will thank us later so what is your response and they all gave me a serious look like they was waiting to hear there fates or something I side leaning back in my chair looking up and I started at the sealing fan which was on I thought about what he said y did I want to become a hunter was it cuz I was a hunter in a passed life no that's not it did I want to kill as many supernatural creatures as I could out of anger for what they did to me and my friends no that's not it either did I want to get revenge for my friends by killing in there name hell no sure I was angry but the creature that did that to us was already dead and I know my friends would not want me to go off killing in there name out of anger and rage no the real reason y I want to become a hunter was a mix of them all but it was more then that it's cuz it's what I feel what I was born to do all the proof I needed of that was what I felt talking to the elder and the feeling I had when those pigs threatened my life and the lifes of Megs family when I shot that first shot and when I killed the rest of the pigs I felt alive and I didn't want anyone in my place I live for hunting I live for the thrill I smiled and looked down to my father saying my answer to your question is actually quite simple its both but it's much more then that father in the moments when I shot off that pigs arm and killed the rest of them I didn't feel any anger no I felt alive you ask me y I want to be a hunter that's simple its what I was born to do and let's say you don't like my answer and refuse to train me that won't stop me from doing what I was meant to do I would still hunt sure I may die but that's all part of the fun right silence absolute silences they all started at me with shocked expressions my uncle even dropped the cigarette that was in his mouth it hit the table and rolled a little I reached over and picked it up saying thanks uncle and I took a drag off of it and I was supposed this didn't taste or feel like any cigarette I have ever had it was odd it tasted like cherry and my body felt damn good and all the voices in my head stopped my mind was calm I looked at this cigarette saying what the fuck are you my uncle started to laughed uncontrollably I stared at him for a answer after a bit he started calming down he looked at me saying do you like that's a hunter smoke it helps clear your mind and it also awakens the sells in your body it's great for your body hell it even can help with healing this particular strand is mine and your fathers make many other hunters also like this that's y we make it I thought about it and remembered a certain plat of land that I was banned going on my dad said there was a bright red plant that grow out there that was deadly to humans I started at my dad saying you sly old fucker that's y you and my siblings would disappear for a week every know and thin you was picking those plants my dad smiled happily saying yep you cot us my mom smiled and looked over to me saying what else do you feel Hunter I thought on her words as I took another drag that's when I felt a small tingling feeling all over my body no it can't be and I closed my eyes and focused on my chakra vains it was faint but I could see red chakra moving through my vains and out of my chakra nodes that was supposed to be closed no chakra was supposed to get through that but it was but then all that red chakra was gone I opened my eyes and started at this cigarette saying holy fuck it was faint but I seen red chakra running through my vains and out of my chakra nodes my mom nodded saying indeed so you already know how to see your chakra gains and nodes that's good so have you tried using your chakra to open any chakra nodes opened I smiled shaking my head no I know if I try and do it with the current control I would either kill my self or hurt my chakra vains neither I want to do my mom nodded good but what are you going to do to train your control to open them then I raised a eye brow saying y should I train my control in that way when one of you can force my chakra nodes open my moms face want white hearing my worlds and my dad cleared his throat saying Hunter do not talk about such nonsense do you know how many people die cuz they tried to do that besides many people want insain do to the pain I rolled my eye saying I do not have time to worry about a little bit of pain tell me father is the chances 100% that I will die or go crazy especially if one of you do it huh my dad shook his head saying no it's not but I cut him off saying but what I took another drag from the cigarette saying as you said my siblings and cousins are got a head start I do not have time to do this the safe and painless way fuck I have already pissed off one monster pack in these words what if they come and I am to busy opening my chakra nodes when I could have been training with my chakra and learning all I can and I got much to learn and make I started at them both my mothers was looking down to her hands there was a darkness on her face and my dad had a complicated expression wall my uncle had a neutral cold look as he lit another cigarette I glared at them and said fine if you want do it then I will just have to keep holding that door handle upstairs you know the one that shocks you it will be even more painful but it can open them my dad face want white as he stood up yelling you will do no such thing I do not care you maybe a adult but that doesn't give you any right to disrespect and talk back to your parents especially if you don't know why we are telling you no I stood up yelling that's right I am a adult it's my bloody choice not yours it's my life my body I will do what I want with it right now I am weak I am nothing but livestock to the Supernatural world I have no strength and basically no knowledge and the little knowledge I have is snippets, guesses and assumptions and that is all in and dandy maybe for you but that gets me fucking nowhere my then rolled his eyes yelling and your first choices is to fight with your father and not train sure it might take you longer but at least you will be save I slammed my hand into the table yelling I have been killed ones fucking already I have been tortured I have felt and seen pain that would brake any normal person I was lucky ones I won't be again y should I take the long path just cause it's painless fuck that if I have to suffer a little bit of fucking pain just to get stronger than I will do it not just for me but for my boys that died that night and that are watching over me, my dad then slammed his hand unto the table and I was surprised it didn't brake from the force of his fist and he yelled they wouldn't want you to gamble with your gods damn life I chuckled about to yell back when Samuel stood up yelling enough you two or I sware to gods I will kill you my self besides look at what you to fighting is doing to Megan my father and I both looked at my mother she was crying silently she had her head down and that dark look was still on her face my dad walked over to her and gave her a huge saying o baby I am sorry it's ok its ok I am here I sat down angrily I brot my cigarette to my mouth but I realized that it had gone out I angrily side my uncle looked over to me and jerked his head to the door like he wanted me to follow him I nodded and we left them two alone my uncle walked to the horse pin I simple followed we stopped at the fence both of us leaning on it we silently watched the horses they were playing a game of tag or that's what it looked like my uncle brought out a metal lighter he flicked it to the side and the top opened and a orange flame appeared in it when his finger hit the flint he held out the lighter to me and I relit my cigarette on it after I leaned back he flicked the lighter shut it made a satisfying flicking noise as it did he pocketed it and we both just stood there leaning against the metal fence watching the horses as we smoked and stayed silent we didn't need to talk we just appreciated the moment together after a while my uncle side saying Hunter you was right I can understand y you want one of us to force all your chakra nodes all opened at ones but this topic is very hard for both of them they both have lost someone to that method and it scared them for life cuz when the technic isn't done the proper way that persons chakra literally tars through the body shooting out which makes the person explode into a red mist that's how brutal it is I was shocked hearing that I looked forward taking a long drag from the cigarette I watched a brown horse chase after a black and white horse around for a while before I spoke I can understand there point of view but they can't see my point of view to them they want me to be safe always and that is clouding there judgment if they could think clearly they would see that I am right my uncle breathed out smoke saying I know Hunter I know that's y I am going to be the one to open your chakra nodes and awaken your chakra vains I was shocked asking I thought you was wounded he smiled saying o I definitely em at this point I am only at a quarter of my full strength but it's more then enough to do the job besides I am still damn good at controlling my chakra so have nothing to fear all you got to worry about is the pain I smiled saying o that won't be a problem he smiled saying good and he crushed out his cigarette out on the fence I did the same he reached out his hand to my chest right over my heart don't panic or pass out and pay attention if you play your cards right you might awaken a gate I nodded smiling let's do this he said closing his eyes I followed him I focused on my veins, gates and nodes right when I did I felt a burning sensation slowly force it's way into my chakra veins starting at the heart I clinched my hands out of pain but that was it and slowly this bright gold chakra started slowly moving through my veins it burned like getting got lead poured on you but this time your veins got injected with that and that burn feeling slowly moved through your body it wasn't a pleasant feeling but still it couldn't hold a candle to the pain I felt with that rat I wasn't sure how much time passed nor did I care I simple focused on my body in specific I focused on my head where my mind gate was I thought about trying to opening my heart gate which would allow me to have some range attacks but I choose the mind simply because after the mind gate is open you can control and gather Chakra in your body but more then that all my senses will improve plus my memory this was simple the most practical gate to open first time slowly passed and this gold chakra slowly moved throw my veins awakening them till that gold chakra was all over my veins and I could tell my uncle was about to force open my nodes which I had a feeling is going to hurt and I was right all that gold chakra shot up forcing my nodes opened and god it hurt it was like all your skin got peeled off I snarled from the pain but I forced my mind to keep calm and clear still focusing on my mind gate wall this was happening I started moving a little of this gold chakra mixing it with my own which was bright green chakra it was hard but when this chakra got to this gate it was blood red I forced this chakra into this gate when I did this I heard a chains cracking I pushed even harder I was using all my concentration to brake open this gate them I heard it chains snapping all at one then my chakra rushed into this gate awakening it I heard glass breaking and then my head started hurting everything started to hurt my brain my ears, eye, mouth hell even my noise gritted my teeth forcing my self not to pass out after a few second that pain was gone as fast as it appeared and my mind felt clear like the fog that was over my mind was gone I could think and remember things that I had forgotten but not only that my hearing it improved I could hear the slit move meant of one of the horses moving there tales or the fly that was flying around Unlces face I breathed in through my nose and I could smell the swampy woods the trees hell I could even smell the cigarettes in my uncles coat pocket they smelled fresh I opened my eyes and I smiled saying damn this is fucking amazing even my thoughts have improved so much I could see the fly clearly flying around my uncle I could see the flapping of it's wings and its eyes I reached out and cot it my uncle laughed saying nice job lad how does it feel to see the world for real I smiled letting go of the fly out of my hand saying Uncle I have no idea how I lived before he laughed nodding indeed congrats your chakra nodes are fully open you also was able to awaken your mind gate good job I smiled and I looked down to my body bringing chakra over my eyes and what I seen made my mouth drop I could see my chakra veins and nodes but that wasn't the only thing I seen it was my own chakra which was bright green before I mixed with uncles chakra and know it was bright green and red mixed together which formed a black in the middle of them I smiled thinking about my spirit gate and I moved my chakra into it when I did it changed colors before it was just a plain white but know it was black that is when I felt a spake in my soul I drew a circle in the air that black chakra focused at the top of my finger and it drew a black circle in the air and when the circle was finished I lowered my hand that's when the middle of the circle got filled in with black I smiled and I stuck my hand into this hole feeling around it was about the size of a dresser I brought my hand out then I took a deep breath before I stuck my head into it I smiled when I realized I could see in the dark it green like Nightvision I saw the walls of this dresser and it shinned like obsidian I breathed out in this spake and surprisingly I could breathe in this spake all though I wasn't sure if it was cuz of the black hole or that this place actually had air I brought my head out thinking about that I waved my hand through the black hole and it disappeared huh I brought that hand to my chin I was muttering nonsense to my self I didn't even pay my uncle shocked expiration any mind what if I put food in there I wonder would it spoil or stay fresh or baby does it get cold or stay hot so many questions that is when I heard laughter beside me I looked to my uncle shaking my head saying sorry uncle got swept up in my thoughts thank you for your help my uncle waved his hand still chuckling o your quite welcome Hunter but we should go on in I can smell your mothers cooking and I am dying to find out what she is cooking you coming and he started walking towards the house I thought about it shrugging y not as we walked I opened my phone and seen I had 7 massages all in the group that one was from Meg it started with the blushing face emoji and after that it read stop he is a stricked old grumpy fat I am surprised he even was able to move those old bones of his I chuckle at that the next massage was from Triss it simple said lol the piece sign is a nice touch the next one was from Sihtric it had the wide eye emoji in the beginning with what did you do Hunter I laughed at that I kept on scrolling down we want by my second picture and text which was the signs Triss was first the first text she sent was a line of 6 crying laughing face emoji the text under it read god damn Meg I fucking love your family I want to meet them the next text was from Sihtric it read lol I agree I want to a well it would be fun the last text was from Meg it was a emoji that was trying to calm down as it blew smoke from it's nose after that it read gods damn it Hunter look what you have done listen my family ant the nicest when it comes to outsides I would love and bring you home with me but it would be too dangerous especially if there's going to be a clan fight I won't get you two involved in that I refuse to that was it I chuckled at Megs stubbornness my uncle and I walked through the door that lead onto the house and I could smell my moms famous deer pot roast she cooks it in a crock pot and gods damn it was good and it was quite easy all you got to do it put all the ingredients in there and let it cook plus stur it ones to brake all the meat up she turned around to us and I could tell dad had calmed her down pretty good cuz she was back to normal she smiled at us saying go wash your hands boys it's ready my uncle and I looked at each there and shot down the hall to the bathroom pushing and tripping each other as we want saying yes mam we quickly washed our hands and we all got bull we all sat down at the table and we dug joking and laughing with each other that heavy mood was gone.