The scrolls

When I chose this option immediately I fell into a deep sleep but my mind was traveling and moving till my feet hit the floor of a familiar black river Skull was floating in front of me it was already open and I saw words start to appear

Welcome back host to the dream realm

I nodded asking Skull y did you choose this place and an answer started to be written out on the page

Note host can change places if you liked I simply chose a place that the hosts likes and that would be best for him

I laughed at what I read I looked around saying yes this place does got a certain charm to it doesn't it no animals no trees and no people to bother me it was just empty and endless that's what made it beautiful it wasn't trying to be something it's not this is what the world was like before it was made and this will be what it's like in the end but I spent years in this place so it's beauty didn't affect me really I shook my head saying no I think I will change it and I waved my hand and the whole world around me changed know I was standing on top of a mountain looking off over the trees at the rising sun it was it was beautiful truly I then looked back to Fang and I read the words that started be written

Note is host ready??

I nodded yes give me the gray scroll first and when I said that pain shot through my head information started flowing into my mind it was a meditation breathing technique to restore my chakra but it was more then that this was a basic technique to gather chakra and store it in ones body to open gates hell if I know the right runes and the chakra tattoo secrets I could then store chakra in those on my body and us it when I want but sadly the chakra tattoo arts are a heavily guarded secrets and there is only a few people in the world who knows and practice this art but luckily for me I know someone just like that Triss I assume her family is one of the few who still us this art but back to the scroll this meditation could even boosts one body's ability to heal it wasn't anything crazy but it was still nice this meditation technique is simple called Yggdrasil the pain in my head was gone just as fast as it came and I now knew the proper way to us Yggdrasil but I had a feeling this meditation technique wasn't as simple as one would think I had a few moments of piece to look over all that I learned before that pain came again but this time the knowledge was that of smithing hundreds of weapons and armor blueprints pushed its way into my mind I didn't care about these pieces of information it was all the forging and crafting techniques that pushed into my mind blueprints was all fine and good but at the end of the day it was how you forged the weapon that mattered it was one thing read a blueprint but it was a hole deferent story to fully understand and make the item all my knowledge was only at the basic smith level so everything that I make can't hold a candle to my last life but this truly didn't matter to me cuz with time this basic skill will change and evolve the more I use it if the name of this scroll didn't say that I didn't know what did it was called the working hands I smiled when this pain was gone I looked over everything that I got mostly focusing on the forging techniques and not the blueprints when I was done looking over everything that's when the pain came again but unlike the two before the pain I felt know was much stronger this one was basic but also the most complicated the name of this scroll was runes and formations for dummy's but for being a dummy scroll it sure hurt and was complicated I didn't realize this but my eyes started turning bloodshot the more information I got but after a minute that pain was gone I side a little out of breath muttering to my self luckily I did open my mind gate or I would have to take a break in between each scroll even for the gray scrolls it took 3 gray scrolls to get me to this point and I was just getting started I decided to give my mind a break so it could prossses all the information that I just received I sat down crossed my legs and close my eyes and started using Yggdrasil I could sense all the chakra around me start to be sucked in hungrily but I didn't focus on my gates no I wanted to start refining my veins but when I looked at my chakra veins I got a shock they looked like small diamond wires how could this happen I said to my self thinking about it after a few minutes I came up with a answer it was cuz of my uncles gold chakra it had to be but hold on hold on if my veins are diamonds that would mean Uncles gold chakra was at a very hi level and I could only guess his chakra element was fire that was the only way to get diamond chakra veins then I remembered my uncle's words I agree with you Hunter you're behind that sly old fucker he meant to do this one should note that the more diamond-like your veins get the better and faster you can absorb chakra from your surrounding there was different types of chakra veins that one could get or have but the diamond veins are at the top three best I smiled evily at my uncle's hidden gift it was like he wanted me to train and train hard he wanted to see the hidden best that was locked inside me I opened my eyes and they shined with determination those was not the eyes of a 21-year-old playboy no those was the eyes of a beast that will stop at nothing to get to the top don't worry uncle I will not disappoint you let's start the blue scroll Skull didn't ask any questions it simple followed my orders and unlike the gray scrolls the pain that my mind felt when blue scrolls information forced its way into my mind made me couch my head and clinch my teeth but the scroll that was forcing its way into my head was called metal manipulation I could control and detect metal in a certain area around me with my mind and as fast as the pain came it was gone I looked up letting go of my head I was shocked at this power and I asked Skull not to be ungrateful but this skill sounds broken as fuck unlike what I expected Skull didn't write out its answer this time no Skull spoke to me directly host is to presumptuous just cuz you got the knowledge of this skill doesn't mean you can us it I was shocked asking are you saying you gave me a skill I can't us Skull bumped me on the head and in a angry voice it said foolish host how dare you say such rude words have I ever given you a skill that you couldn't use with time I laughed rubbing my head where it hit me saying how would I know remember I don't remember much of my past life or did you forget note no host I didn't forget the answer is no do you think just cuz you got me you wouldn't have to work to become stronger of course not in your passed life you didn't need me to gain strength I was only a tool and a companion to you every skill host learns from me they will have to learn how to us them self and train the stronger you get the easier this will be but all you are now is a boy who just awakened I side saying I get it I must learn how to crawl before I learn how to run I am sorry for doubting you Skull and thank you a page flipped in the book and two words appeared you're welcome! And under these words appeared more is host ready for the black scrolls unlike my scrolls this power is different these are scrolls from the death twins or well sort of I raised a eyebrow at that last part but I decided not to ask I had a feeling Skull didn't know fully about that them myself so I simple side nodding yes I am ready when I said that a mind-melting pain appeared in my head luckily I was already sitting or I would have felt to my knees holding my head I started rolling on the ground do to the pain the black scroll name that was pushing it's way into my mind was called death mark this ability made a magic rune appear on a target I chose in range what this did this boosted my strikes making them more deadly the more times I hit a target this also weekend the targets defenses over time and with each hit this last part of this ability was crazy no matter where the target runs you will be able to track and pinpoint their location just like a bloodhound that's cot the sent of a rabbit but the pain didn't stop after this information of this ability no it got a little worse and another ability pushed its way into my mind it was called shadow manipulation this ability letted me control the shadows that I was touching I could even infuse my weapons with shadow and like that the pain I felt it was done I sat up whipping the blood from my nose saying Skull these two abilities I assume they don't us chakra right the book floated in front of me and appeared on the page said no hosts it uses the magic in the world but host doesn't need to worry just cuz it's not chakra it still holds basically the same principles as chakra magic is stored in your soul and how you use this magic you channel the magic through your chakra veins but in only the specific location where you want it and don't worry host your magic will slowly restore just like your chakra I nodded saying interesting I brought a hand to my chin in a thinking jester and I started mumbling nonsense again I wonder if many people know about this but still it doesn't change the fact that most witches and warlocks and seen in the best of light hell even sorcerers and alchemist ant fondly looked upon do to them being different anyone who is different then the rest will naturally be targeted even if they do great things then I thought of something Skull do you know how many people I can mark with death mark Skull didn't say anything I could sense it was thinking over my words after a while it slowly said I ant fully sure I think 4 at your current power but you will have to test and train all these ability's but your warlock powers you should be able to activate immediately you with just have to play around with them I nodded I looked around at this place smiling at the sun rising saying I assume your about to kick me out of this place soon right host is correct would host like to be woken up or stay sleeping note 7 hours have passed sense you feel asleep I smiled saying o that long huh wake me up please when I said that my eyes opened and I was in a dark room but I didn't mind I could see perfectly everything had a green blow to it but I could see the hole room I smiled and turned on my phone it was 2 am 3 hours till the sun starts to rise I thought about something then opened the group chat and sent a text telling Triss and Sihtric that my place had a extra room so if yall come you can stay with me my house is protected by protection formation so you will be fine I closed my phone not expecting to get a text back but I did I looked down to my phone seeing it was from Triss but it wasn't in the group chat I tapped on her name and her text appeared are you serious Hunter your family wouldn't mind I raised a eyebrow at her fast response but I texted back probably not my family is really chill hell my parents would probably love and meet you all I sent that and I waited for her response and I wasn't disappointed a few seconds after I sent my text I got another text from her it said really?? But ant your family hunters wouldn't they reject the idea of a sorcerer staying at there house I side and texted back saying huh so your a sorcerer that would explain the ravens but no they wouldn't mind Triss unlike many hunters my family is not one of those normal hunter families hell my family has apparently met and saved monsters so as long as you I don't know try and kill us or summon a evil being I think you will be fine lol besides I got work that I need you to do when I sent that Triss quickly texted back saying ok Hunter this ones I will trust someone I will try and make it out to you in the next few days I was a little shocked at this statementa this point I clicked on the call button as I opened my window and stepped out onto the roof I felt the cold nights air on my hole body the call only rang 3 times when Triss picked up and I could hear cars in the background and people talking hello Hunter what's up she said but I could sense something was off with her tone of voice Triss what is wrong and y does it sound like your on the streets Triss side and in a joking dark voice said damn it y are you so good at reading people I chuckled saying it's a rare talent but tell me your situation Triss side again and in a low but clear voice she said if you guessed that I have been living on the streets you would be right you see I got a call from my family not to long after we hanged up with you my mother told me I had to get as far as I could from the school apparently some of my family enemies is moving again she stopped and I could tell this last part was hard for her to say but after a few seconds I heard her say in a sad shaky voice my mother disowned me saying I was a sacrifice a distinction nothing more and I could feel her sadness and I could tell she had been crying my killing intent shot up when I heard that but I quickly calmed my set down me getting angry wouldn't help Triss at all ok Triss everything will be alright I promise where are you in the city she quickly said give me a moment and I know she was looking at her maps on her phone after a minute she then said I am close to the Saint Louis Cemetery No. 2 I thought about where she was at thinking of all the places around there then a place came in mind I smiled happily saying ok Triss your close to my uncle's police station go there and say your are a friend of mine I will have my uncle call there to make sure you are not left alone just in case something happens till my uncle gets there to pick you up go now but we will keep the call going just in case I stepped back through my windows and walked to one of the dressers and pulled out an old pare of blue jeans and socks I pulled them both on I put Triss on speaker so I could her everything I could hear her running I then opened another dror and pulled out an old red shirt with a hydra on the front if it I then pulled on my boots I picked up my phone as I walked out of my room I made sure to be quite going passed my parent's door I want down the stairs I opened the door at the bottom and walked through it I walked into my uncle's room but he wasn't there I was shocked I then walked into the dining room that's when I heard movements in the basement I quickly walked through the door and down the wooden stairs to the basement my uncle was sitting in front of a old wood stove the doors was open he was looking into the stove pocking at all the red couls in the stove he had a dark fall off look like he was thinking of something really hard as he looked into these couls but when I got to the bottom of the stair he snapped out of his trans as he looked over to me giving me a little smile saying Hunter y you up so late I put my self on mute on my phone saying woke up and couldn't go back to sleep but there's no time Uncle Triss is in danger and I quickly told him what Triss told me as he listened to my words that small smile faded and what replaced it was a serious expiration he nodded saying good thinking sending her to my station I will quickly give Nicolas a call I was shocked asking y her he smiled saying simple she would happily help and with her looking after Triss no one will try anything with Nicolas there I nodded saying ok uncle I trust you me nodded and brought out his phone and looked quickly looked through his contacts he clicked on one I left that to him I unmuted my self asking your still there Triss I heard huffing but she answered yea I am still hear and luckily no one just yet I smacked a hand to my face saying angrily don't say that or you will but before I could finish I heard a booming noise I heard Triss say something in a odd language and I heard a clanking noise like a bullet hitting something hard and ricocheting off of it you see what I mean I gralled how many I asked Triss yelled don't know 20 and they got a sniper by the looks of them there hunter where are you I asked I heard another bullet sniper bullet but I heard that same deflecting noise she then said I am about two blocks east from the station I looked to my uncle mouthing two blocks east he nodded and quickly relied what I said my last question to you is this Triss can you fend them off long enough till help gets there I heard her click her tung saying I can probably kill many of them but that's only if I us my full power but there are rules that prevent sorcerers from using there magic with out the proper promotion from the higher ups I gralled fuck the protocol your in a fight to the death you got no room for suck shit besides they shot the first shot first and I assume the same rules imply to them they used force you got the right to use force back she was shocked at my words my Uncle smiled nodding Triss you better not fucking die just cuz you were worried about breaking the rules didn't your mother just disown and us you at bate I bet right now your feeling sad cuz of that but more importantly your angry y should you bottle all that up when you got 20 capable punching bags show them that your not the bate show them your the monster hiding in sheep's skin when I said this silence Triss didn't say anything and that's when I heard someone yell fire and I heard the sound of 20 machine guns awakening and I heard many of them hit something hard deflecting them but then I heard a shattering noise but right then I heard lighting strike and the thunder roared.