The forge

Triss point of view: y is Hunter reminding me that I got no home to go back to is he trying to piss me off or something but his next words shook me to the bone show them that your not the bate show them your the monster hiding in sheep's skin it was like a blazing fire got lit in my soul by his words that's when fire someone yelled and bullets started raining down upon me my magic shield that I put up started to crack shit I said and used my magic to thrust me into the air luckily I did cuz right then my shield shattered and bullets flew under me o fuck this shit I thought and I brought my hands together and lighting started arking off of them I brought my hands apart and arks of lighting moved between my hand I looked down at the 20 enemy's on the ground who was looking around for me that is one of them looked up yelling she up but I then thrust my hands to the sky when I did those lighting bolts shot into the air mixing together boom they explored above me when they did a huge black storm cloud started forming above me that's when I heard the sound of machine guns again I simple dropped to the floor as I did I slammed my hands which was still starting lighting off of them onto the ground when I did this the ground cracked open and a huge wave of lighting shot at a group of these man that was in a van the hunters in it wasn't fast enough to get put of the van this wave hit these man who started screaming and dropped onto the ground twitching and drooling at the mouth but this wasn't all after the wave hit the man a lighting bolt struck the van blowing it up I quickly waved my hand up and a electrical bubble formed around me right when bullets started flying at me but unlike my last shield which simple deflected the bullets when the bullets hit this barrier they completely stopped in there tracks and dropped to the ground I stood up two lighting whips appeared and wrapped around my hand I started swinging these whips when I did they extended my right whip hit someone right in the chest which blow a huge hole in his chest wall my left whip truck a car that a few of them was hiding behind my whip sank through the steal like a hot knife it hit the gas tank and boom that car exploded but this wasn't all lighting started raining down from the sky hitting the enemies with deadly accuracy or close to the enemy these lighting bolts was no joke when someone got hit by one directly they would call down to the ground dead and a little toasted wall the unfortunate people who is next to them would be blown back from both the force and the excess lightning hitting them in the chest these people was either knocked out from the pain and the shock or the rare few that wasn't wished they was that's when I heard 2 cars coming from behind be I glanced over my shoulder to see two armored vans with the SNHA on the side of them these cars swerved and stopped next to me and I seen man in black armor and odd looking machine guns jump out of the back trying down any who was still up those odd guns was stun guns holy hell I thought a woman in nice clothes got out from the passenger side of the van on my left she looked over to me and smiled beautiful asking are you Triss I nodded saying yea the woman nodded good please make it stop raining lighting and can you get out of this bubble but I shook my head saying no can do miss there's still a sniper out there that smile didn't fade hell it got bigger when she heard that o really she said and she started looking around till her eye locked on a peculiar roof and from out of the hair she pulled out a rifle and quickly took aim and firing that smile didn't fade from her face after she fired she lowered her rifle and stored it in the air saying what sniper I side at that and I took down my barrier this woman nodded saying good girl come hope in her and she opened the door she got out of I did ask any questions and I got in.

Back to Hunter- I side a little relived hearing the lighting and thunder strikes but that wasn't the part that man my sy no it was the screams of death I heard and that none of them was Triss I knew Triss had dropped her phone after a few minutes I heard the sound of two cars stopping and I knew the SNHA just showed up I hung up and looked to my Uncle who still had his phone pressed against his ear like he was waiting for something I simple patiently waiting to hear the what I hoped would be good news I sat down on the stairs as I waited many things want through my mind but I forced all those bad thoughts to the back of my mind 5 minutes passed till my Uncle spoke again yes I am still here Nicolas my Uncle listened to what was said on the phone my Uncle nodded saying ok I will be there shortly and he hong up and put his phone back into his pocket I just now noticed me still had on his clothes from yesterday he stood up looking at me smiling Triss is safe I side leaning back on the stairs letting out all the pint up stress that I was feeling my Uncle chuckled and walked in front of me saying I know it's hard for people like us to sit on the sidelines wall your friends life is at risk but the way you are right now you would only be a burden your weak if you don't like it then get stronger and he through my something I cot it then looked to see what it was it was a pack of those special cigarettes my uncle started walking up the stairs saying in this world there is only one thing that matters and that's strengths the strong will always rule over the weak don't like this fact then become a monster of your own and with that he was gone and I was still staring at the pack of cigarettes that read red vein this was the name of this cigarettes I stayed like this for a while till I heard my Uncle truck turn on and drive away I remembered his words nothing matters in this world but strength the strong rule always rule over the weak don't like it because a monster of your own so that people will hesitant to fuck with you but that last part wasn't from my uncle no that came from a memory from my passed life it came from a old hunter and teacher to me but sadly I don't remember his name or what he looked like but he wasn't done talking yes my boy if you don't like being weak then train train till you drop then train some more but always know your braking point Roma wasn't built in one day train both your body and mind but most importantly find the thing that will drive you to face gods and if necessary fight the hole world it's self cuz as a hunter you might have to do both and when the day comes when you die hold your head up hi death isn't the end no it's the beginning of a new tail hahaha I heard a old grizzled voice go lad go if you got time to listen to this old man then you got time to train and learn and I heard that same laughter I smiled and opened the pack of cigarettes and I noticed there was a lighter in there with 10 of these cigarettes next to it I tapped the bottom of the box and a few of the cigarettes moved up I put one into my mouth then pulled out the lighter lifting the cigarette in my mouth I took a deep breath in I could feel the herbs going down my throat into my lungs I breathed out which blew out smoke I side chuckling to my self as I turned around and started walking up the stairs pocking the pack and lighter well I goes it's time to get to work I said to no one but my self I walked outside and into the garage it was still dark but I could hear the noises off all the night animals out there in the swamp your truly never alone I walked into the garage closing the door behind me I clicked on the lights as I walked over to the work table where I turned on a desk light I looked around the light by these two light sources really didn't light up this garage well but it was good enough for me I walked over to the first forge closest to me looked it over and smiled this forge was a odd one it was both a coul and gass forge I looked around and seen in the middle where all the metal was thrown into a pile but I also seen 5 wooden barrels I walked over to one of these barrels that was opened and looked inside it and what I saw shocked me what I seen was black stones but in the middle of these stones was a glowing red dot holy shit this is volcanic stone I muttered to myself in my basic smithing knowledge it mentioned this rock was one of the most common rocks that smiths used to make there weapons lethal to the supernatural but it wasn't the best just by it's self but it had one hell of an effect if quenched in holy water or if mixed with a holy flame but I didn't have either of those things and both of those things involved the church and I didn't have the right connections or money to get what I want I side realizing that power wasn't just the power of my self but also the power of money I pulled out my phone and opened my bank account I wasn't rich but I wasn't poor by any means I had 65000 in my account right now I thought about the best way to make money fast mmmm let's think over that as I work I thought I picked up a metal can in and scooped coul into it I brought it over to the forge and dumped it in there I then turned on the gas that was on the wall I turned around to the table and seen paper in one of the drors I cramped one up lit it with my lighter and throw the lit paper into the forge woosh the second the flame got close to the gas it cot fire I stared into the fire I could see the coul slowly turning red I smiles and turned back around to the table and found a hammer that felt nice in my hands I then walked over to the scrap pile pulling and throwing many scrap metal aside till I found two things a huge silver bull and a broken Damascus long sword the was snapped in half it's a shame this blade was beautiful but enough daydreaming I walked back to the work table and looked for a meter I found one tucked under the table a stone bull I looked over to the silver bull I grab some tongs and picked up this bull I brought it close to the flames and quality the metal started turning red I moved it away quickly and started to smash it first I flattened it then started condensing it till it was thin enough to fit into the stone pore I put the silver in it then I took apart the hilt of the long sword I then grabbed the tongs again I picked up the bottom part of this blade and shoved it into the couls the reason I chose the bottom half of the blade first was actually quite simple cuz it already had a handle and all I had to with it was do a little reshaping get the easiest out of the way right I pulled out the red hot blade and I moved it to the advil which my hammer was resting on I picked up my hammer and started reshaping the tip of it this didn't take long I stuck it back into the fire and couls I looked around for a quenching tub and I found on it was between the 3 forge and the grinders I walked over to it and noticed a thickblack tarry liquid in it I raised a eyebrow saying o this is oil but y does it look like tar I thought about it but I couldn't come up with a good reason so I shrugged I walked back to the furnaces I pulled the blade and walked to that tub and I slowly dipped the knife into it fire shot up from this but I didn't mind the heat at this point this garage was getting toasty I dipped the blade a few more tills waiting for the flames to stop they did on the 3 dip I pulled out the blade it was in the shape of a sax dagger I brought this dagger to the table and put it down I then picked up the blade part I thought about how I should do with this blade trying to come up with a easy way to make this into something I would want I side saying you will be a short sword then and I stuck this blade into the furnace waited for a while I watched the metal slowly get red hot then I took it back out and started the slow process of folding the blade down sparks few and the garage slowly started getting hot and I started sweating but this hole time I had nothing but a happy smile on my face time passed but I was to involved in my work to even care but finally I was done I slowly walked over to the tub and quenched this blade moving it up and down till the fire faded and when I pulled out the blade this time I nodded at the Gladius that I had made I walked over to the table placing the sword down above the dagger I then looked over to the stone bull that had the silver in it I pulled out a sharp screwdriver and on the side of this bull I used this screwdriver like a pencil and I draw out the basic rune for fire when I did this rune started to glow red and the silver slowly started to melt I nodded turning around and walked to this scrap pile looking for the proper shit for handles I found a few pieces of dark dark wood just big enough for handles I also found 5 bronze bolts and I took off one bronze guard that I found on a broken dagger I walked back to the table pulling a stool over so I could set down and with a white marker I found in the table I drew out two handles for both weapons I stood up and walked to the drill press that was next to the grinders I drilled out the top of it for the tang next I drilled out 2 holes for the dagger and 3 hole for the sword these was for the bronze bolts that would help hold the handle together I walked back over to the table putting down the handles and picked up the blades which was already marked with a white marker and I drilled the hole into those I got back to the table and pulled out from the desk Apoxsee I walked back to the scrap pile finding a clean peace of metal and that's where I mix the apoxsee on and using a thin of metal I scrapped some of this glue into each handle and quickly forced the tang of each blade the dagger was first the guard I found was already on the it I forced the tang into this hilt making sure to keep pressure onto it I then slipped the two bolts into it I kept the pressure for a few second till I knew the glue was good I did the same to the sword after I was down I sat down the sword I then want back to the scrap pile this time I just found a normal people of metal and I through it into the furnace might as well make a few more weapons wall I am waiting the more I practice the more skilled I will be right then it hit me how I could make money easy enough y don't I forge weapons both for normal people and for the supernatural world I might not be a master smith but a good reliable weapon that isn't to expensive but could kill supernatural creatures low ranked hunters would love that plus this will give me plenty of practice in both smithing and rune making and like Skull said the more I train and practice with these skills the stronger they will be a devilish smile spread across my face and in my eyes was dollar signs but in the next moment I side muttering to my self to bad I didn't get alchemy as a skill I laughed at my greediness saying no matter I will just have to learn that the hard way like a normal person and I pulled out the steal and started shipping the metal a hour passed with me just shaping and folding steal but finally I walked over to the tub and quenched the metal fire woosh up I moved the metal up and down till the fire was gone and what I pulled out was a basic curved glaive blade I walked back to the table and put the glaive blade down I then walked over to the gas for the furnaces and turned it off I then picked up the dagger and walked to the belt grinder and started shapping the handle so it felt nice in my hand next I reedged it making sure the edge was straight after I was done with that I walked back to the table putting the dagger down and picking up the sword and did the same thing to it but unlike the dagger I had to made to make a hole nee edge sense I folded the blade when I started when the edge was straight on both sides and the handle was comfortable in my hands I walked back to the table I looked around for a cleaning and protection oil and under the table I found a old metal tin can that said blade oil I picked up this can which had a dirty old cloth tied to the handle I untied this cloth and opened this can and the smell that came out of it was lets just say unique I put a little bit of this oil on the cloth and started whipping down the dagger first when I did the Damascus patterns became really visible the pattern on this dagger was like the sea wavy I then whipped down the handle when I did you could see the wood knots and lines I put down the dagger and added more oil on the cloth before I picked up the gladius I moved the cloth down the blade when I did I smiled at the Damascus pattern I seen it was like thousand of lightning bolts I assume the Daggers pattern is what it was originally but since I folded the steal again it did this I then moved onto the handle and I seen all the knots in the wood I smiled putting the sword down I put the lid back onto the tan can taid the cloth back on the hand and put it, back under the table the next step was sharpening these weapons wo that they had a razer's edge I started looking through all the tables drors but I didn't find any stones or anything I side angrily saying well shit that it when boom the garage door, burst open I quickly grabbed my dagger and instinctually turned around throwing it at whoever kicked open the door the knife flipped in mid-air flying at the door my dad just took a step into the garage looking around yelling Hunter Ace Co but that's when a dagger just hissed his face and sank into a wood piller that was in the wall that the door could lock on it the dagger shaked when it sank into the wood making a ringing noise his eyes want wide and his headshot over to me he didn't look angry for almost being stabbed with a knife no he looked impressed his eyes want back to the dagger and pulled it out of the wall as he looked it over he asked how did you get this I shrugged sitting back down simple said made it my dad was shock even more and he looked up to me lighting a cigarette I didn't know you can forge I shrugged simple blowing out smoke from my mouth my dad slowly walked over to the table and sat down the dagger saying it's fine Hunter you don't got to tell me anything everyone has there secrets just let me know if you need anything I side saying thanks there is a few things I got in mind but first do you got any sharpening stones me laughed saying of course I do I got 3 sets I was a little shocked hearing how many he had but I didn't ask y I nodded saying I don't got any and there was none in here and I waved my hand around my dad nodded saying yea that's not that surprising are father never left his sharping stones where they could be easily stolen hell he didn't even let Samuel or I ever touch them so we had to boy are own but we know there someone in this shop we just don't know where I razed a eyebrow asking y could he hide sharpining stones they ant cheap but they definitely and expensive either my dad laughed saying your thinking of normal sharpening stones which work but you forget Hunter you in the supernatural world there are many things you don't know but my fathers sharpening stones are very rare there are 3 of them and each of them are rarer and even most expensive but all three is made from ancient dragon scales each stone is one scale the first and cheapest is a course stone made from a red dragon scale next is the medium stone which is made from a silver dragon scale last is the most expensive and rare its also the finishing stone it's made from a blue dragon scale all three of these stone go for the hundreds of thousands dollars not just cuz there made from dragon scales but cuz with each stone you can get a weapons edge so sharp that it can easily cut through stone plus it will also improve the overall power of the weapon o really how intriguing I muttered to my self my dad nodded indeed here is these and he reached his hand into a blue hole that appeared in front of him and he sat down 3 sharpening stones these are the lowest of stones you can get as a hunter and all they are is normal stones but you don't got go wet them which is nice and he put them on the table you got a hour till breakfast is ready and your training starts got it I simple nodded he started walking away when he turned around saying and make sure to check who it is before you through a knife please I nodded chuckling saying will do dad thank you he nodded and walked out when the door shut I immediately shot up and I started turning this garage up side down who wouldn't if you just heard what my dad said.