A mothers training

I had a hour before food was ready ok good that gives me plenty of enough time to completely turn out this garage those stones would vastly help me not just in my short time plans but long term places as well the first thing I looked through was the work table I pulled out each dror making sure there was no hidden compartments but I didn't find anything next I look under everything or around everything but still nothing next I threw my self into the scrap pile digging through it but I still couldn't find shit gods damn it I sat back down at the stool looking around at the sort of mess I made I side looking up saying y can't I find this fucking thing gods damn it gods damn it and I kicked the right side of the table I looked down glaring at the floor but then I noticed it a thin shiny string that was pulled tot behind the front right table leg I smiled and in a mocking voice said who says violence doesn't solve any problems I got onto the floor and grabbed this thin string I pulled the table to me when I did the string tried to move back into the shadows into a slit on the concrete floor and in she shadows this string was basically invisible if you didn't know it was there you couldn't see it I smiled and pulled on this string when I did a hidden compartment dropped open behind this table leg I smiled and reached around and grabbed what was in this hidden compartment I pulled them out and what I see made me smile three different color scales but all three of them was the length of my hand they was thick but unlike normal scale shape these was in the shape of sharpening stones I closed the hidden compartment as I started laughing crazily I sat them down on the table and started picking up my mess it didn't take me long I sat back down and put my dad stones in my soul space I moved the red dragon stone in front of me and I picked up my dagger and started honing the edge I want from the red stone to the silver and I finished it with the blue scale when I was done and I raised up the dagger the edge shined dangerously I gently put it down and started on the sword I was so happy that I didn't care they the sun started rising I got down with both sides of my gladius the edges shined beautifully but I wasn't done next comes the most important part I looked to the melted silver and with my mind I tried to lift some out from it but all that I got was a headache from concentrating but all I could to was make the surface ripple I tried lifting only one drop up and to my shock slowly and with much effort one drop lifted up I nodded and concentrate on making a shake but all the drop did was move like it was trying to but I just couldn't I side and the drop feel back down into the bull I took from the table a paint brush I started channeling my chakra into this brush I then dipped it into this the silver but unlike what logic would expect the hot silver didn't burn the brush it just sat there like pain I sat my sword down and started slowly covering the edges with silver after I was done on both sides I then started drawing runes on the blade if I was a alchemist I would make made a much better ingredients then just using silver but I ant an alchemist yet so I will use what I got for now and upgrade later the runes I had put on this blade was simple it just helped me channel my chakra through it much easier but I also put each elements rune on it sense I didn't know what my chakra category is I simple made this sword the best all around weapon but when I picked up my dagger I didn't do that I covered the edge with silver and simple put the channeling runes on it but that was it for now I stood up and put all my stuff into my soul place even the glaive blade and I walked out of the garage I noticed my uncle wasn't back yet I shrugged and walked into the house to get a ear full by my mother saying I wasn't eating like that what did I think this place was a cave or something I side and took a shower when I walked out if the shower I had on blue jeans and a camo shirt I grabbed my plat which had 4 slices of toast with eggs soft in the middle with bacon over it I put mayonnaise on the toast and started making my egg and bacon sandwich I walked into the dining room both my mother and father was eating quietly I sat down across from my father and started to eat my mother looked over to me saying so how long have you known how to forge I simple shrugged I had a full mouth and I didn't want to be rude hoping she would leave it but of course, she didn't y haven't you talked about it at all I shrugged again slowly chewing my food my mom glared at me saying y ant you speaking do you no longer speak English I swallowed my food and looked to her saying what sorry mom I zoned out when I tasted this food my mom eyes got sharp and she started at me saying don't try and change the subject y didn't you say anything about this hobby of yours I shrugged saying I didn't see it important and I took another bit my mom huffed saying yea right I looked over to my dad who was staying out of this but I then reached into my soul space and slid his sharpening stones to him saying thanks dad he nodded saying you can hold onto them you will get more use out of them then I will I smiled saying no need I found better ones when my dad heard that his face want white and he dropped the toast that he was about to take a bite out of I chuckled finishing my first sandwich wall my dads mind was lagging my mom side saying so do you know where your uncle want I nodded as I picked up my second sandwich o good so where did he go then my mom asked I shrugged saying he got a call and he left right after I assume me got called in or something the side of my moms eye twitched saying is that so then you wouldn't know anything about this would you and she put her phone on the table and slid it to my I looked at the phone and I was shocked it was a news station I turned up the volume just in time to hear the end of the news

report yea it's crazy I have never seen anything like this from a heat storm these people looks like it was struck by lightning but that's almost impossible we think this was a failed terrorist attack the best thing we can think us for now is a faulty emt bomb but till we investigate more I feel like this is all I can say.

I rolled my eyes and turned it off and pushed my phone back to my mother saying yes it had something to do with that but it ant what you think there you happy my mom didn't stop glaring at me like she wanted me to tell her everything but I stood strong against the mom look I simply focused on eating my food but I could feel my mom's eyes staring through my body at my soul it wasn't a nice feeling I side and looked to her saying y are you giving me that look mother and in a sweetly calm voice she said Hunter Ace Colt you will stop trying to change the subject and you will tell me everything from here on do you understand boy my eye want wide I gulped saying yes mam my mom nodded saying good know to tell me where your uncle want and y I side putting down my sandwich saying it's cuz one of my friends Triss was being hunted as for y she was being hunted that's ant my place to say but she had been running all day living on the street when I called her she was close to uncles station I told her to run there wall she was running I told Uncle everything that was happening and he made a call that is when Triss got attacked she was out numbered 20 hunters to one at first she was hesitant to follow the rules but then I said a few things that made her stop caring about the rules and well you seen the result my mom side all that pressure that I felt from the mom stare was gone I looked over to her saying you happy now mother she smiled looking up to me saying yes much better I hate lies but more then that Hunter I hate not knowing I rolled my eyes saying yea I noticed she laughed saying so one of your friends is coming to the house that's good I can't wait to meet her but right now I will give you your punishment for trying to lie to your mother let's go and she stood up from the table and started walking to the door I followed her shocked we walked outside and we walked behind the house where I seen a sand circle was it looked like there was more around this circle but there wasn't anything there except in the middle of the circle was a odd looking wood dummy like the ones you would see in clothing stored it was just like that my mom walked into this sand circle and walked next to this dummy she stopped next to it and turned around to me saying I have heard from Samuel you have taken hand to hand combat classes he told me you was one of the best in your class I nodded saying yea Greg and I was tied for the top grade my mom nodded and simple said good come show me I was shocked so I asked you want me to fight with you my mom simple nodded saying yes come show me or are to scared you will lose to a old lady I laughed stepping into the circle saying nice try mother but I got thicker skin I cocked my fist steps as I got into a boxing stance saying come teach me mother and I advanced forward throwing a left jab but my mother easily deflected it not moving a step but I didn't let this affect me I started betting into my rhythm and I started throwing occasional kicks into my combos but all my mom did was simple deflect all my hits not moving from her spot it was infuriating but the fact that I couldn't hit her didn't bother me it was the fact that she didn't hit me back it was like she wasn't taking me seriously which she wasn't like she was waiting this angered me more then not being able to hit her but I forced my self to calm down this is what she wanted me to get angry think I through a right jab but again it simple got deflected think what am I missing then it hit me my chakra in my body wasn't doing anything like it needed me to activate it I jumped back smiling I hit my fist together when I did chakra started moved through my veins again and my eyes started glowing gold and a dark green lair of chakra started glowing around my body but it was unstable but I looked up to my mother saying is this what you wanted mother she smiled saying yes now control it and unlike before this time she lunged at me and around her body was dark blue chakra but unlike mine hers was stable it was almaot like another layer of skin it reminded me of armor sort of but I didn't have time to think cuz she was throwing a left jab at me I tried to focus my chakra into my arms and shoulders as I blocked her punch when I tried to do that most of the chakra on my body moved to my arms and shoulders when her punch hit my arm I wasn't expecting this much power from this one punch and her chakra tried to even go into my body like a poison luckily my chakra was able to at least stop that but I got nocked off my feet by my mothers power I skated on the sand on my back the green chakra around my body disappeared as I did I slowly sat up spitting up blood as I did I looked to my mom wiping blood from my mouth saying ow that bloody hurt lets go again and I stood up and activated my chakra again but this time I tried to control my unstable chakra around me trying to copy what I seen on my mother but it was a hole lot harder then I thought but my chakra around my want from a unstable gas fire to just a crazy moving flame but that was as much time as I had cuz my mother lunged at me again but this time it was a kick and not a punch her right leg was like a whip flying at my I tried to control my chakra to block this kick wall also keeping the chakra still defending my hole body I raised my right arm braking for it and whipsh her right leg hit my right shoulder and arm but this time my chakra didn't disappear at first nor did I fly off my feet but after a few moments passed my chakra disappeared and I slid to the left I could tell I received less damage that time then before so I have to keep my chakra moving through my hole body wall still focusing on where the strike will be let's try this again and this time let's stop using only one of my chakra sense this chakra isn't my true color I stood up straight moving my right shoulder and hand it popped as I did I looked to my mother with a crazy smile saying again when I said that I activated my chakra but this time the unstable chakra around me wasn't green nor was it red no it was black I then tried to condense and control my power so it was less a raging fire and more line a calm sea this time my chakra actually started condensing and started forming over my body like a extra lair of skin I could tell it wasn't as powerful as my mothers but it was a start I looked up to my mother to see her shocked but she quickly got over it and in the next moment a small smile spread across her face but her eyes started shining wildly and she spoke that's good Hunter that's very good congrats you have learned chakra armor or ki armor most hunters learn this skill early on but many can't do what you just did this will be a useful skill in your arsenal against all ki users but sense you learned this skill it's time for your punishment she lunged at me but then she disappeared from in front of me but I sensed something behind me so I focused on strengthening my arms and the top of my shoulders and I raised my arms up making a x shape just in time to see my moms foot whipping down I blocked it but right when my chakra touched hers my armor disappeared and I dropped to one knee under the power of that kick but I new she wasn't done so I activated my armor again this time she appeared in front of me kicking me in the chest I tried to block it but the same the happened when my ki came in contact with hers my armor disappeared and I slid back on one knee I coffed up blood I looked up to my mom who was standing by that dummy she looked to me saying from this point on when I say get to the sand pit you hustle here you will only get 1 minute if your even a second late I promise you will regret it and wall your in this sand pit everything out side of it doesn't matter and is a distraction you will follow my orders to the damn letter do you understand I slowly stood up saying yes mother right then she appeared in front of me again kicking my legs out from under me I tried to get up again but then a wood katana got pointed at my eyes I stopped moving and simple looked up to my mother who had a angry wild look about her and she spoke in this place you will call me mam nothing more nothing less do you understand magget I nodded saying yes mam good and she disappeared in a blur again and was back to standing next to the dummy she pat the on the shoulder and started channeling her chakra into it when she did all around the dummy was a blue chakra armor much weaker then my mothers and the dummy started to move my mother walked out of the circle saying till I say stop you will fight with that dummy with only your body and chakra if you mess up or get nocked out don't worry I will wake you up and you will just go back to fighting do you under stand me I smiled evily staring at the dummy but said yes mam good fight and like that the dummy launched at me throwing a punch I activated my ki armor and blocked its much and unlike what I think when the dummy's fist hit my arm it pushed me back my armor didn't disappear but I was still on the defensive against this dummy it just was to fast each attack it launched at me I mostly blocked there was some that got passed my defenses and even with my ki armor it still hurt and this was how my day want I wasn't sure how long I was fighting but I didn't care the more I fought against this dummy the more control over my chakra I got and the stronger my armor got but sadly I was still on the defensive wall I fought against this dummy my mother who stood on the sidelines got approached by Samuel who had a smoke in his mouth he stopped next to Megan both of them watched me fighting he took out the cigarette and blow out smoke saying so he has already learned the ki armor that's impressive my mom glanced over to him saying don't tell that to him he doesn't need to get a big head, especially at his current power Samuel nodded taking another drag from his cigarette saying but still he is impressive with how fast he is learning he is a prodigy on pare with those big families Megan glared at him but side after a few minutes perhaps your right Samuel but I think differently Samuel glanced at her asking o what is the opinion of the legendary white bear when Samuel said those would Megans eyes turn ice cold but they didn't leave the fighting circle and in a cold voice she said I think Hunter said it best he was made for hunting it's what he was born to do just like us but what does the ones mighty blue Phoenix think when Samuel heard her worlds a blue flame appeared in his eyes but in a calm neutral voice he said what I think is we need to hide him for now till he ready cuz ones word gets around of his skill two things will either happen the first being the big families and powerful organization will try and snatch him up or the big families and organizations will try and kill him this goes for both hunters and monsters Megan nodded I agree that's y we can't go easy on his training Hunter needs to get to ablest rank purple this will at least give him some room to breath Samuel nodded yea he is only at the brass level which is really good for just awakening yesterday but he still gots the 5 ranks till he gets to purple and we only got a year do you think he can do it Megan smiled saying I ant sure we can only push him till he quits and gives up and only Hunter knows when he gets to that point and it will be up to him weather he gives up or keeps fighting on Samuel simple nodded Megan eye want back to normal and she smile looking to Samuel asking so how is the girl Samuel side taking another drag from his cigarette as he blew out the smoke he spoke she is resting in the spare room she had used a lot of magic in that fight but she also had been running for a day so both her body and mind are exhausted Megan nodded saying and what about the people hunting her Samuel shrugged simple saying dead Megan nodded again good what about her stuff does she got clothes and all that Samuel nodded saying yea we swung by her dorm so she gots her stuff but are we really ok with a sorcerer living with us Megan smacked him on the back of the head which her training sword saying stop that shit of course we are she is Hunters friend and she is one of your students Samuel rubbed the back of his head saying ow that fucking hurt Megan stuck out her tong Samuel side turning around and started walking back around the house saying send him to me when your done it's time we show him the attic Megan nodded and looked back to me little did either of them know but a few big families already have heard about Hunter and sent people out to keep a eye on him but they will be shocked when they find him and the power he will have.