The family part one

Triss dragged me into not her room but mine when I walked into my room I seen a chair in the middle of the room with a shit tune of papers, coloring pins and many many pencils around it but on the chair was her drawing book closed she lead me to the chair picked up her book and pushed me onto the chair I simple quickly put away my laptop and allowed her to push me onto the chair and without saying a word she flipped her book open to a page flipped it around so I could see it she pointed with her other hand saying what do you thank I looked to the detailed drawing of a dragon skull with a raven sitting on top of it but I then noticed all the little hidden details like the shading of the skull or how white the skull was to even the shine at the end of some feathers on the raven but the most hidden details was the many runes woven into this drawing it was masterful and that's what I said I looked up into Triss she had a nerves expiration I smiled saying it's perfect Triss masterfuly done and I raised my hand and pat her on the head which looked odd since I was sitting down Triss started to blush but she didn't move away I chuckled looking around saying so you moved rooms I see Triss cut me off no I just felt save in her I will go back to my own room after I clean up my mess she said all this very quickly and her blushing got worse I smiled picked her up and sat her on my lap saying no need there's no point for you to go back to your old room when I will just end up there in the end sense your there it's just easier if you move your stuff in this room Triss style looked away which was way to cute I chuckled saying unless you don't want to I would understan but she quickly shook her head saying no I want to I nodded smiling that settles it this is are room and I kissed her head she smiled closed her eyes and rested her head on my chest and very quickly she feel asleep I smiled picking her up and bringing her to the bed when we laid down together she cuddled closer to me I didn't mind I actually loved it and like that I feel asleep looking at her cute expiration she was making my sleep was very peaceful I didn't know how long passed till I heard knocking on my door and I heard my mothers voice lunch is ready dears come down and eat something you can go back to sleep after I slowly opened my eyes to hear my mom walking down the stairs I raised my right hand and rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes I looked down to see Triss to see she was looking up at me with a little smile well you heard the lady let's go and she quickly got up and started walking to the door I simply followed we got our food which was leftovers I eat the rest of that deer roast we sat down I pulled out my laptop again as I was eating and looked over the three orders I got the first order was a someone called Tex they wanted a Mohsen Lagrant bayonet and the put the blueprint of the bayonet they wanted it was the lingering version that folds into the gun and at the end it said deliver as soon as you can I will be leaving on a mission in 3 days I won't hold it against you if you can't get it done in this time I looked up to my parents asking how fast is are delivery my dad shrugged saying depends on how much the client want or needs the product we could have it to them in a day if they wanted but it will cost them I nodded and clicked on this persons email quickly typing I can get it done in that time but for a rush job and quick shipping it will cost you extra about $1500 extra and for the blade it's self would be about $300 plus the shot notice that would be another $100 for me burning the night oil but you will have a damn good bayonet that I would trust my own life with do you still want the order I sent the email as I waited for them to respond back I read the other orders the second was from someone called Eda they wanted a simple silver chain with a small silver ball at the end as a wait as for what they wanted the chain attached to I smiled happily when I read what they wanted a silver spike blade in the shape of a cross that's what they wanted to be attached to it they asked to put as much detail and time into it but they wanted it all to be quenched in hi level holy water I side sadly and clicked on this persons email typing out sorry but I don't got any hi level holy water and I hear that stuff is pretty expensive wish I did though cuz this seems like a damn fun project I sent that as I looked at the next order it was from a person simple called X they wanted a single action colt army revolver they wanted it original with gold engravings on it they gave me a month I chuckled simple pushing except order but then I got two email I clicked on the first it was from Tex they was asking if I could actually do this job in such short of time I don't care about the money as long as I get a working bayonet that won't shatter on my first hit I simple sent back yes I can I will get started on it immediately I sent that off and clicked on the second email it was from Eda I read through what they said but I was shocked I had to reread it three more times to make sure I wasn't reading it wrong they simple said I will send you the holy water if that's the case I simple responded with if you get me the holy water then I will take your order I sent it I finished eating that's when Eda email me back saying ok I will send some to your uncles work he can pick it up there I nodded standing up and put away my laptop I looked to Triss saying sorry dear but work calls I probably won't be out till this rush order is done she made a pouting face but she nodded I chuckled saying you can always cuddle with the cubs or with Hera and Selence Triss shrugged maybe that was all she said I nodded want into the kitchen pulled out a few bottles of water after that I left the house I walked up to Eant smiling at what I seem Here and Hades was laying up in it's branches wall Selence and Deimos was laying in the shade Eant provided but I assumed Eant sensed be coming cuz he wasn't over the trap door I simple opened the door and as I claimed in I said Hades and Deimos if the girl we call Triss comes over let her pet you she is my girlfriend got it good I shut the door over me and I slid down the ladder once I got down there I got to work and like i said I didn't come out in two days I made the bayonet easily enough and I used old parts I had laying around to make the handle and all of it's I came out of my whole to give the weapon to my dad I told him where to ship it then I trained showered and want back to my whole not to work but to train I sat down in the middle of the room I closed my eyes and started meditating using the mediation in the soul beast scroll and like that I want into a deep meditation I looked around this room it was dark I was sitting on water but there was nothing but darkness around me I simple stood up was I did I noticed something moving in the shadows I chuckled saying might as well show your self I know you're out there I heard a squeaky hi pitch laugh echo around me I recognized that laugh how could I not when I heard that laugh as I was being skinned alive you got me mate I quickly turned around to see that damn rat again he was clapping you have finally come, my favorite student, shall we start the class again I clinched and I was laying on a table nacked with this rat over me holding his scalpel he had that creepy smile on his face you was such a good student I made you see all the lies in this world I shattered that mindset no I shattered and cut that part of your soul out so that all that was left was peer bliss and insanity but you through that away you got a new soul and his smile faded was I not good enough for you what's wrong with being a little insane but don't worry and his smile was back I helped you ones I will do it again sense your my favorite students shall we get started I simple started at him with a bored expiration when he seen my expiration his smile was gone y are you looking at me like that he yelled huh y do you not look happy I simply chuckled saying this cuz this is old new I have already been through this plus I know that rat is dead your tricks don't scare nor does he and I snapped my fingers and we were back to that dark place fear spread across this rats face how can you control this place this are domain, not yours I laughed evilly you think I wouldn't have any power here how foolish you are me after all and I am you what is yours is mine to prove my point I wave my hands and the darkness was gone and the rat was gone what stood in front of me was a black and red nine tail fox standing on it's back legs with a dark blue robe on it had a shocked expiration on it's fox face I chuckled saying so you was the old me's spirit animal it's odd that you didn't disappear with his soul but I am him so who knows this world is very odd so will you become my partner this fox gralled saying no I don't answer to you your not my spirit so I don't understand y I am still here I was about to speak when a cold scary voice back from behind me you are a fool it's cuz parts of the soul have mixed so he is actually your soul and mine I turned around with a evil smile walking out if the shadows was a black hound a death hound it looked like a normal wolf but much bigger and it's fear moved and blinded with the shadows it's eyes was blood red and its fangs glowed red it to had an evil smile on its face it looked to me saying so you finally here it's been a long time partner I nodded indeed sorry about that but you know y so I won't explain it nodded indeed I can't wait to sink are fangs into are enemies I chuckled evily asking so we are still partners the hound chuckled nodding I am you I then spoke and you are me then we spoke at the same time I am both light and darkness I am neither fully good nor am I fully evil I maybe a demon but I don't choose a side I am neutral I say and act how I want I ant chained by any of those weaknesses I am mild and a rebel when we finished this a chain shot out from the hound hit me in the chest when it did a spike collar formed on it's neck we both then looked to this fox with are evil smiles it's ears dropped seeing are expirations no I don't and I tried to turn around and run but a ghostly chain shot out from the hound and wrapped around this fox dragging it closer to us the fox screamed when it got in front of the hound but the hound has had enough of it's shit and gave him the animal version of a bitch slap the fox whimpered but shut up the hound then spoke in a cold calm clear vision listen here kid I have had it up to here with your shit your lucky I haven't eat you up then shitted you out at least then I will be left alone but where both here this means he is both of are soul if he wasn't you wouldn't be here so stop with you shit or else the fox gulped it looked to me saying fine and a fire wire shot out from it and hit me in the chest when it did a smooth collar appeared around it's throat the hound nodded saying good job and he let it go and turned to me saying wake up Hunter wake up and like that I opened my eyes I was sitting on the floor of my training ground I yound stood up pulled out my phone seen the time yelled shit I was a minute late to training and I left my mom kicked my ass that night and like this days quickly passes and days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month in this month I trained my ass off not just in combat but in everything I also got done with the colt that was already sent out to there owners and my brothers daggers I made my own stamp that I put on these weapons it was a reaper holding a scythe Triss also completed my tattoo which got put on my left peck I had just gotten the holy water but I was taking my time with this weapon out of all my weapons that I have made sense being back this weapon will be the strangest every ench of it was being covered in runes that wasn't just basic runes my skill in everything had improved but back to this weapon it was going to be a sweet piece I had been paid for the two other orders which got me 2000 in only a month I would have gotten more money if I had more orders but these wasn't in that free time I made a war bow that I could pull back like any other bow I made two types of arros normal and silver I was in my training room I had no shirt on as I was fighting against 3 dummies when Triss walked into the room yes Eant talked to her it was cuz he heard she was my mate so Eant simple let's her in which I don't really care about she had cleaned this place wall I worked she yelled Hunter your brother is here I stopped training saying ok smiling I turned off my dummies and walked into the smithy I picked up two sheathed Chinqueda daggers I put them in my soul space which was bigger it was about the size of a closet now I walked back into the other room Triss was gone I side smiling I walked to the ladder and started claiming up I pulled my self out of the trap door but then I heard Hera gralling I ran around the corner pulling out my bow and taking aim what I seen had my eyebrow raise Hera was standing in front of Hades protectively gralling at a normal sized woman with black hair and white skin like she either didn't see the sun often or where ever she was from had a lot of snow I was leaning more on that second seeing the English uniform this woman was glaring at Hera and was reaching for the holster on her left hip but I shot one arrow which just missed this woman's face I knocked another arrow quickly saying reach any further and the next one goes through your head this woman smiled raised her hands and looked to me saying sorry I did know what the fuck that last part was probably do to her seeing my shirtless body and my scars I smiled saying what the fuck indeed but first Hera grab Hades and move back yes master they said and the retreated to me now this is what I see a stranger who is in a English uniform who is on my families land but not only that when you saw my familiars Hera was protecting her baby from you and what really gets me is this last part what did you do in that situation reach for your weapon so yea what the fuck indeed so who are you and y are you here if I don't like your answers then you die keep that in mind this woman mouth was wide open staring at my body hello lady do you want an arrow I gralled this woman shook off her shock saying my name is Jinufer Bella the third child of the middle Bella family so if you kill me you probably won't live long I chuckled saying I do not care about your family they ant here right now besides if they do come after me you will see them seen you still haven't told my y your here but when I said that I felt a cold feeling from my back I spun around activating my ki armor with my bow still drown but still blocking the dagger that was stabbing at me I used my lighting and channeled it through my bow which then want through the dagger shocking the hell out of who ever attacked me that person yelled jumping back dropping there dagger all this was only seconds I aimed at who just attacked me but I was a little shocked it was a man about my height he was probably about my age maybe a year younger then me he had short black hair with brown eyes he was wearing a dark blue shirt and plants I saw a pistol holster on his left hip with an empty dagger sheath but going across his chest was a bandoleer of throwing knives he also had a blue fire bandana on his head and a pare if black sunglasses he was shaking his hand saying damns it ow that fucking hurt Hunter I shrugged slowing my bow saying next time don't try and test me then Duke I put away my bow and my ki armor faded Duke laughed saying I just wanted to make sure mom and dad was right and you really awake holy shit what happened to you he started at my chest I smiled a smile that wasn't a smile saying this is what happeneds when your the only one in the family who was normal and got kidnapped by a crazy were rat that skinned your friends in front of your eyes then he skinned me Duke smile faded and I seen a mix of sadness and pity in his eyes I am sorry Hunter are you ok I simple shrugged saying yes Duke was shocked saying it's ok brother you can be honest with me I side saying no really Duke I am fine actually I am more than fine I have never felt better sure it was hard for a bit but my boys wouldn't want me to sweep and hate like no they would want me to live so that's what I am doing sense I have awakened I am doing what I was born for sure somedays are better then others but ones step at a time honestly sense I have awakened I have had a blast I get to craft, hunt, shoot, kill and blow shit up like I was born to do plus I got a powerful hot sorceress as my girlfriend and even strong familiars life has been a blast since I awakened Duke laughed saying you always had good luck with the girls I laughed saying maybe if you listened to what I tried to teach you maybe you would be the same Duke smikes saying well I did actually us some at what you tot me my girlfriend is behind you I raised a eyebrow and glanced back to Jinufer who smiled and walked at us I chuckled saying well I didn't fail as a older brother after all that reminds me and I pulled out the two Chinqueda daggers and handed them to him saying your order now pay up Dukes eyes want wide when he seen the blades he reached forward to grab them but I smacked his hand smiling evily saying no money no blades Duke gave me a angry look but he side saying fine there you go when he said that my phone vibrated I pulled out my phone to see a notification saying $1500 has been transferred into my account I smiled at him saying your payment is off it's $1500 for only one blade so you need to transfer another $1500 if you want both blades when I seen Dukes shocked angry expiration I laughed saying hi don't blame me I already took off some sense your my little brother it would have been about 4000 if I wasn't so nice besides it was you who wanted to test me right well these blades was a bitch to make and I pulled one out showing him the sharp Damascus blade and like he wished for there was 4 crevices on the flat side of the blade let's just say who ever gets stabbed with these daggers will have a bad day that doesn't even cover the many runes that was on the blade and guard plus the handles was made from a black stone that I had laying around both blades was well balanced and not only that the patients in the blade was black and silver these blades was definitely one of a kind they are at least hi level blue grade shit they might even by in the low purple grade the weapons ranking was quite simple the lowest was gray next was blue which was your common after this was purple this was your rare but the items after purple grade was gold grade, which was your really rare items next was demigod grade which was one of a kind items that held much power in them the last grade was the god grade this was the items blest or made by the gods or godly beings anything passed the purple grade was items that no normal person could wield if they did the item would literally disintegrate them from the inside and many of these items was alive they choose their bearer plus there was three stages in all grades low, medium and high all of the weapons that I have made up to this point have been in the blue grade Mauler my maul was the exception it was in the medium purple grade but most of its runes wasn't for fighting but for crafting I didn't made it for fighting that didn't mean I wouldn't use it a medium purple grade weapon is a medium purple grade weapon I won't be picky I stared at Duke waited for a few moments he didn't move or anything so when I seen that I side saying ok brother you have only paid for one and it seems you don't want the other one so I will just put it away I moved like I was going to put it away but before I could Duke side saying fine fine Hunter you win when he said that my phone want off again I pulled it back out an seen another $1500 had been transferred into my account a happy mischievous smile spread across my face I looked to him saying pleasure doing business brother and I pushed the daggers into his chest turning around and looked at Jinufer who was still standing where she was before she was looking at us then looking around like she didn't know what to do I laughed and used my lightning to flash in front of her saying I think we got off to the wrong foot and sense you have already told me your name it would be rude of me not to do the same hello Jinufer my name is Hunter Ace Colt I was the normal human and the older brother to Duke by two years but as you can see I am no longer normal how do you do I smiled at her shock but she slowly spoke I am alright thanx for asking but if I may what did this to you Duke walked next to her nodding saying I would like to hear the full story as well but only if your comfortable with telling us I shrugged saying it's no big secret and I am fully comfortable talking about it but first let us go inside and I turned around flashed picked up my shot arrow them moved back in front of them simple walking to the house saying I assume the others will be arriving soon right I glanced back and there shocked expirations was all the answers I needed I chuckled and spoke telepathically to Hera and Selence stay with Eant I don't want a situation like this to happen again I don't want to shot any of my family for attacking yall Silence responded back in a mocking voice you hear that everyone he will shot one of his family members for attacking us what a relief I scowled on the inside but on the out side I had a little smile like always and I spoke back in a cold voice Selence I have had enough with your sarcasm and mocking words none of mothers or my cooking for a week Selence was shocked and quickly started apologizing no master anything but that I am sorry I will be a good girl from her on please I will die without your cooking I smiled responding sorry Selence but this is for your own good maybe if your a good girl then Hera, Hades, Deimos or I will give you are scraps and maybe if your really good this punishment might shorten but if you do anything or fight with me then the punishment will be longer I don't mind a little mocking and back talking but you do it way too much and like that, I walked into the house.