The family part two end

I sat down in my normal spot next to Triss who was drawing at the table again but that was actually normal for her for a sorcerer to improve their power they must study and practice how Triss studies are simple she draws new spells circles experimenting with how the runes react to each other and how to draw from the weave what is the weave good damn question I had no idea either Triss talks about it a lot but it all sounds alien to me but she seems to understand it Duke and Jinufer pulled a chair around the table and we all talked and joking with each other Jinufer seemed nervous at first not talking much in the beginning but are family is pretty good at making people open up and feel configurable I took the short sleeve shirt that was on the back of my chair and I pulled it on as we talked 10 minutes passed slowly but we didn't mind but then I heard 2 cars driving down the road I looked to the huge window behind me and I seen two vehicles pull into the driveway well pulled was not the property word for it more like drifted into the driveway the first vehicle to drift into are driveway was a huge red jacked up desoul truck I seen two silver exhaust on each side in the front of the bed this truck did have a little dirt on it but not much as for the second vehicle that drifted in right behind the first was a dark blue jeep that had all of it's doors off the two vehicles stopped next to each other when they did the house started to shake from the music blasting out from the jeep Duke and I rolled our eyes at all of this Duke looked to me saying do you want me to go and do it or do you want the honors I shrugged saying go for it brother Duke nodded and in a gust of when he was gone and the music stopped after that I heard shouting and people coming to the house I looked to Triss and Jinufer smiling a smile that wasn't a smile I hope you girls are prepared to meet two pain in the assess they was confused but didn't have time to respond cuz we heard the door open and the shouts was know inside the building I heard a female voice yell something like it wasn't that load Duke your just overreacting like always then I heard Duke yell back overreacting bitch please it was shaking the hole damn house gods I am astounded you can still her after that and all this started do to that own ass hat your dating now what was his name again Jemmy or something the girl yelled back ewww gross I broke up with Jemmy a few months ago no my boyfriend is called Bel and at this point Duke walked through the doorway rolling his eyes saying Bel the one I warned you not to date do to him being shady and being around a lot of shady coltess good choice you are a damn fool I heard a girl huff saying what would you know about my boyfriend he doesn't hang with those sort of people anymore he promised me and the girl who walked through the door was a 17-year-old girl with tight black jeans on and a really short black shirt she was white with a little red like she had been I the sun at least a little she had short curly black hair with grown hilites her eyes was blue and she was about 6 foot I seen a mown tattoo on her right shoulder and a fox on her waste and resting on her head was a pare of brown and black sunglasses this was my little sister called Huntress but she didn't like this name so she want by Rose following close behind her was another woman she was about 6'2 she had dark tain skin like me she looked to be 25 or 26 she had normal blue jeans a red shirt and on her hip was a small knife her hair was black and pulled pack into a brade around her neck was a huge wolf fang and I seen scars on her arms and there was one claw scar that went down the right side of her neck but it was her eyes they shinned silver but it wasn't the color that could make people freeze no it was the power that was being held in them she didn't get involved in this little fight this was Lucy my older sister when she walked through the door way her eyes feel onto me it took Rose a little longer to look at me both Duke sat back down saying y are you staring he isn't a ghost or anything wipe them expirations off your face and pull up a chair or at least move Lucy was the quickest to recover she nodded gave mom and dad a hug even hugged uncle and pulled up a chair on my mothers left side Rose then recovered hugged mom and dad but ignored Samuel they all started at me then Lucy was about to speak but Rose cut her off saying so Hunter I heard your awakening was ruff care to tell the story so I can have the full story to judge if that's the case or not I shrugged pulling out a cigarette litting it saying y should I when you didn't say please Rose glared at me but everyone else chuckled Rose then spoke o I see your to scared to talk about it right I understand your to but I cut her off in a calm voice you don't understand shit Rose I took a drag from my cigarette none of you can fully understand what I want through Rose rolled her eyes smiling o what did you notice a vamipe drinking the blood from your friend and you pissed your self in fear or maybe you seen a ghoul munching on a strangers body and you ran like a scared little boy I chuckled not even close you presume way to much hear I will give you a little hint of what I seen and what happened and I pulled off my shirt when I did I heard Lucy and Rose gasp Lucy stood up angrily saying what no who dears do this to my little brother I chuckled saying down sis they are already dead I then looked to Rose shocked face with a dark grin care to keep guessing Rose go on laugh have your fun I don't mind I seen Rose gulped but she shook her head no I am done I can't guess what happened at this point so I will just listen first then judge Lucy nodded and sat back down saying yes tell us, everything Hunter, and that's what I did I told them the same thing that I told my parents as I talked Dukes, Lucy and Jinufer faces got whiter and whiter but Rose simple listened indifferently and when I was done no one spoke this was the first time Triss heard the full story as well and she rested her hand on mine when I was done I squeezed it a little Duke, Jinufer and Lucy was deeply shocked and thinking over what I just said Lucy was the first to speak holy hell Hunter that's a lot how the hell are you ok I simple shrugged saying one step at a time Lucy one step at a time but y should I be angry that damn rat is already dead and feeling guilty and angry won't bring my mates back Duke nodded yea but still the first thing you did after that was come here and start training with no rest you got balls brother I shrugged saying that's just what I felt I needed to do at the time there funerals will be coming up soon that's when I heard an indifferent huff and Rose said good reddens started at her and a dark smile was back on my face saying what was that Rose I didn't hear you Rose rolled her eyes again saying good reddens your mates got what was coming to them for hanging around people like her and she looked to Triss and for being damn ideas for not running away good reddens there dead when she said that Triss started to shake but I could tell she was just angry what rose said about my friends but I was no better my smile faded and all that was left was a dark expiration and in a ice calm voice I said Rose you're already at three strikes don't say that again or else Rose rolled her eyes again saying what are you going to do Hunter I am at the silver rank wall your only at what brass maybe copper I said what I said your friends got what was coming to themnmmm right then I flashed over the table grabbed her by the throat and pitched her up with one hand my eyes had that gold fire in them and this fire was angry my face was in a scary snarl I didn't look human all no I looked like a beast in human skin I gralled out in a deadly cold scary voice Rose I warned you time to give you the ass beating our parents didn't give you this home time I was talking her eyes was wide from shock but she did trying to escape my grip but it was like iron I flashed out onto the sand pit and I through her onto the ground saying I Hunter Ace Colt challenge you to a duel winner gets to ask the loser one request and whatever that is the loser has to do it do you expect Rose immediately stood up angrily saying I except appearing between us in a gust of wind was Duke and Lucy wall the others was running around the corner I Duke am the witness over this deal as am I Lucy said the rules are simple no killing whoever can knock out or force there enemy to surrender is the winner get ready three to one start and they jumped back Rose quickly pulled out a red long sword but when I seen that blade I was shocked not at how powerful it was quite the opposite actually that weapon was only the hi gray grade I chuckled in my head she is underestimating me way to much Rose smiled evilly in one hand a ball of fire farmed she through this ball up into the air and swung this sword like a baseball bat hitting this fireball which shot at me fast wall the ball flew at me it got bigger it was about the size of a bowling ball know Rose was laughing like crazy your so fucked Hunter just give up already I huffed raisedm hand and simple activated my ki armor but not at it's full power on that arm and like that this fire ball hit my hand Rose laughing like crazy she was practically rolling in the ground I huffed again and crushed this fireball simple saying one word weak Rose stopped laughing she started at me shocked she seen my green chakra that was slowly disappearing on my arm but how she yelled its only been a month there's no way he has learned ki armor hell there's no way all of his chakra nodes are open he is only at the copper rank Duke chuckled on the sidelines and Lucy didn't show any expiration Rose looked to Duke yelling what's so funny Duke but it was my mother who spoke stop this nonsense Rose Hunter isn't in the copper rank he is at the silver rank same as your self and yeah he learned ki armor the very first day I started training him he also passed your fathers and I test with flying colors not only did he last that long and didn't give up but he also killed the 4 dummies do not understand him or you will be sorry to say Rose was dumbfounded was an understatement Duke, Jinufer and Lucy was even shocked hearing that I smiled saying come on mother you should had let her find out the hard way is it because she is the youngest she is the baby my mom laughed and in a joking voice said maybe it is what are you going to do about it I simple laughed saying simple give you're the ass whooping that you should have gave her Rose yelled shut up you damn bastard and she lunged at me swinging her sword at me I chuckled and simple stepped back at the last moment the sword just missing me come on Rose fight me for real I said laughing mockingly Rose glared at me saying fuck you I don't need to use my full power to fight someone like you I rolled my eyes she swung again but this time I stepped to the side then lunged throwing a punch at her aiming for right under her right arm my fist connected Rose grunted and swung again at me but this time I ducked under it and kicked her feet out from under her the sword that she held in her hand was thrown into the air I simple rise one hand cot her sword in the air and swung it dwn pointing it at her throat saying give up I am tired of this boring fight Rose was dumbfounded I brot the sword closer to her throat and in a bored voice I said yield again she snarled at me saying never and she smacked the sword aside and stood up I took a few steps back simple staring at her Rose snorl changed into a mocking smile I must admit big brother you are pretty strong but let me show you the power of a hunter who was trained from birth and she activated her ki armor hers was dark green it reminded me of fathers but hers was nowhere near as strong and her eyes started glowing dark green I chuckled finally something interesting here you can have this back and I through her sword back to her she cot it shrugging I don't need this you should keep it you probably only have normal weapons I laughed saying butch please I am a smith you think I need your weak ass weapon no thanks Rose snarled saying bull shit where are they and y ant you using them I chuckled saying y should I use them when your not a threat when Rose heard that I didn't think she was a threat I think something broke in her cuz she started breathing hard and her chakra moved like angry fire she put away that sword and pulled out a saber in her right hand and a 9mm with a extended mag she probably had 20 shots both weapons looked different the saber blade was red with runes running down the blade wall the guard and handle was made from obsidian at the top of the guard was a gold rose this weapon definitely in the medium blue ranks her pistol looked a little odd the slide was white with light blue runes carked onto it like a rose bush wall the rest of the pistol was black this pistol us a hi blue rank weapon she also channeled her chakra into her weapons the blade on the saber started to glow red hot wall pistol runes started glowing she raised her pistol aiming it at my chest and in a low angry voice said you wanted my full power you got it I hope you won't die brother I grinned crazily when she seen my grin she pulled the trigger I quickly activated my ki armor but unlike before I used my true color my black chakra appeared on my body and like with the fireball I extended my hand out I used my metal control to slow the bullet down as much as I could and right before the bullet hit my hand lighting arked hitting it which made it stop but no one could see that last part sense I closed my hand it still hurt a bit even with all this but I didn't care I smiled to Rose dropping the bullet out of my smoking hand she was shocked but she recovered quickly yelling your fucking insain I simple laughed crazily of course I am I got to be since I chose to be a hunter so, of course, I have a few screws loose Rose was stunned at my words but she didn't have a rebuttal so I simple shrugged saying ok Rose sense you got serious I will also I reached into my soul space and pulled out my glaive I spun it around and got into a fighting stance Rose smiled saying let's do it brother and she lunged at me I breathed out and when I did you could see my breath my gold eyes want cold and the temperature dropped I spun my glaive around then slammed the end of it onto the ground when I did ice froze the ground around me which was this hole circle Rose was forced to stop do to her feet being frozen to the ground she started at me shocked she muttered Niflheim no way the only wielder of Niflheim is my mother how does he have it Duke and Lucy looked over to our mother who was smiling she shrugged saying don't give me them expirations your father and I gave you three plenty of scroll options it ant my fault you chose different scrolls Hunter hasn't had that luxury he has only been provided with only 4 scrolls what you see is from Hunters hard work I have said it ones already don't underestimate him or you will be sorry Lucy and Rose looked back to me with newfound respect and pride in there eyes wall Duke simple smiled he was probably remembering when he underestimated me Rose stabbed her sword into the ice at her feet her sword bursting into strong hot flames which made the ice melt she then looked up to see me sliding on the ice lunging at her the bottom of my feet had blades made from ice on them I thrust at her chest she deflected my glaive to the side with her sword jumping back trying to make decisions raising her gun as she moved but I didn't let her with my scates I was much faster on the ice I thrust my glaive at her hand which forced her pistol down a few shots flew but only hit the ground I then spun around spinning my glaive lighting sparked up the blade I swung hitting her in the chest her ki armor blocked the strike but not the lighting electricity started shooting through her body which made her take a step back shaking and dropping her pistol but she held her sword like her life depended on it but I wasn't done I thin spin my glaive swinging the bottom of it which clocked her on the side of the head and like that she hit the ground knocked out I raised my glaive over my head spinning it then I slammed it on the ground when I did my ki armor was gone so was the ice Lucy was shocked but Duke wasn't he walked next to me saying you win brother I put away my glaive shrugging Lucy walked next to Rose pulled a small vials out of nowhere and poured this green liquid into rose mouth after she was done Rose eye slowly opened she blinked a few time then squinted at us like we wasn't in focus or something but after a few second her eyes wide like she seen up Duke smiled down at her saying how does it feel you got knocked the fuck out Rose laughed rubbing the side of her head where I hit her, to be honest, it bloody hurt did you have to add the lighting though and she started at me smiling I laughed saying hi it ant my fault it's a big brothers job to educated and to protect my little sister Rose rubbed the side of her head asking how does knocking me out do either of those I chuckled simple I protected you from overconfidence and ego never underestimate your enemy no matter who they are cuz who knows they might shock you and I educated you on the proper way to give a ass whooping Duke, Lucy and Rose laughed at that I held out my hand to Rose saying come let's go and eat some of mom's cooking not as hunters but as a family Rose looked at my hand smiling and took it nodding standing up saying yes letzzz and she feel back onto her ass again her hand was twitching she glared up at me I laughed throwing a small ball of lighting into the air saying what are you shocked Rose rolled her eyes standing up her self saying no it isn't that shocking at all and we all had a chuckle as siblings we all want back inside laughing and joking as a family like nothing just had happened.