The boss

we all eat dinner as a family but after a while I finally asked the question that had been bugging me so y are you three here I know it wasn't just to see my handsome face Rose side and started at mom saying see I told you he would ask my mom side but it was my father who looked at me and answered my question well Hunter they are here to see you actually and he looked over to Lucy to explain Lucy side and looked at me saying it's actually quite simple we actually did want to see you how you were doing but we were also tasked by the Director of SNHA stationed here in New Orleans you see she got a report about a rogue hunter that was active in this area that killed members of a lycan thrope family and they wasn't very happy you wouldn't know anything about that would you I shrugged raised my right hand up so I could see my nails I seen something under one of my nails I pulled out a pocket knife and started to clean under my fingernails saying nope I don't know a thing I didn't have to look up to know my hole family just rolled there eyes Duke cleared his throat saying are you sure Hunter there was a few survivors and they gave descriptions of this person that we were able to draw up a sketch he looked to Jinufer who pulled out a small disk she through it in front of me the thang turned on and a small image appeared over it I glanced up to see a drawing of what looked like my face I had a huge devilish grin on my face Rose then spoke are you sure you don't know anything I rolled my eyes shrugging saying nope as I started cleaning under my other hand fingernails Lucy side Hunter stop playing around we know you did that I rolled my eyes and put my knife away and in a sarcastic voice said great job honestly with detective skills like those I think you missed your life calling as a detective my uncle and Duke was trying not to laugh at that wall my mother and Lucy glared at me mother then spoke Hunter do you not understand what you have done that stunt you pulled was heavily illegal those pigs didn't attack you and they asked for a hunters warrant you can't just pull out your gun shot the leader and say that's your warrant there are rule and regulations you need to follow I taught you better than that I rolled my eyes saying fuck the rules and regulations I put a ass hole who was threatening a friend of mine family and back talking the elder maybe next time that little pig should show some damn respect talking to his elders o wait there won't be a next time and if you will be so kind what are the names of the ones who survived when I attend the tribe meeting I would like to apologize to them for hesitating to shoot them that was on my for only bringing a revolver next time that won't be the case they won't have to worry about running this I promise I smiled happily my mom, Rose and Lucy all three of them looked to one another concern in there eyes wall my dad, Duke and uncle looked to each other grinning proudly at me Jinufer then stood up saying the director wants to speak to you Hunter and she pulled out a laptop out of nowhere I shrugged saying y, not it will be fun to talk to miss Nicolas again that is when I heard her voice come from the laptop o how fun and Jinufer placed the laptop in front of me and on the screen I seen Nicolas she sitting in a office chair with her hands resting on the arm of the chair she had a beautiful red and gold short dress on and her hair was pulled up hell she even had red lipstick on she smiled seeing my face so I am curious how did you know I was the director I shrugged it was a few things actually my uncle called you when Triss was in trouble and Triss told me how you rolled up in armored vehicle and even sniped the sniper when you got there but there was one last thing when my uncle seen you at the hospital he was shocked to see you there and just your interaction told me you was a higher rank then he was aka his boss but I am still trying to figure out y the director of a hole corporation came and sat down with a kid who just awakened even if I got possessed or something there was no way I would have lived that hospital had enough strong monsters and hunters to make even a prince of hell rethink this actions doc C is a simple example Nicolas laughed saying damn kid the more I talk with you the more I start to like you so I will answer your question the reason y I a director of a powerful force came to a hospital to talk with a child who want through a brutal awakening the first reason is actually quite simple its cuz your are a colt you probably have no idea how old your family is but I really don't care about that thing it was cuz you were Samuel's nephew your uncle is a good man and one of the few people I can say I trust even with his injury so I wanted to see if his nephew was as interesting as him the second reason is actually quite simple its cuz I am actually a mental health therapist and a psychologist so I wanted to make sure you wasn't a threat to your self or to others that reminds me how have you been how does being a hunter feel I laughed heartily I am alright miss Nicolas to be honest since I have awakened I have had a blast I was made for hunting it would seem plus you saved my hot sorceress so thank you for that as for my mental health one step at a time I have nightmares and I sometimes hear that damn rat but that's to be expected one doesn't go through what I have and not have some mental trauma besides I am a hunter now so of course I am going to have a few screws loose Nicolas laughed at that indeed I can't say your not wrong well that's good to hear your doing great but let's bet down to business when she said that her smile was gone and a cold serious expiration replaced it I was listening to this hole conversation sense that disk got thrown in front of you I don't care about what you said you had full right to pull that trigger but may I suggest don't leave any survivors next time cuz the hog family is really kicking up a fuss about it I side nodding don't worry it's a mistake I won't make again this I promise she nodded good now Rose, Duke, Jinufer and Lucy have sent me videos and files of the tests they did on you I was a little surprised at that but I did show it on my face but Nicolas smiled saying it's there glasses Hunter they are like a phone it allows you to call, text, take pictures, video and more and it's a mix of Nero technology and eye tracking o I said noddind that made sense I had seen all four pull out some glasses and put them on for a bit Nicolas nodded I just got done reading them over and to say I am shocked is a understatement the first test was recognize target analyze for any threatening move then tell and cover your teammates the second test was the sneak attack most people focus only on the target in front of them and they don't pay attention around them not only did you stop Dukes attack you disarmed him wall still keeping a bow drawn your last test was your deal with Rose her job was to get you as angry as possible with her words to see if you could keep a calm under her words which you sort of did you at least controlled you self enough to give her three strikes but when you started fighting her you didn't go crazy you stayed calm and you even won against her quickly and efficiently you didn't wasn't any movement or power except what was needed you have worked hard good job I smiled saying thank you miss Nicolas but till I get to the purple rank I don't deserve to be praised besides I got a long ways to go both as a hunter and as a craftsman Nicolas side Hunter when if you don't think so you have done extremely well for it only being a month and I know you was invited to the tribe meeting so you will need this if a fight does start out she clicked key on her computer and my phone vibrated I pulled it out to see a notification that read congrats Hunter Ace Colt for passing the test you are now registered as a silver hunter as a silver hunter you can take low ranked missions alone you also get some things at a discount like the sg4 glasses this also allows you to both buy carry and have military equipment I smiled and looked back to laptop thank you miss Nicolas she waved a hand I really didn't do anything but sign the paperwork you did all the work but I got a meeting to do to soon I was good talking to you Hunter if you do get to the purple rank let me know I will change it for you I also heard you are a craftsman we all will be spreading your name around we need good craftsmen that won't fuck us over I laughed saying no I wont do that but remember no pay no item and ones you pay no refunds she nodded smiled goodbye Hunter and be careful out there young hunter that is a order and like that she hanged up I side closing the laptop chuckling such a odd woman it's always a treat talking to her but now that is out of the way I looked up to each of my siblings how long are yall planning on staying Lucy looked to Rose who nodded Lucy side saying well not for long saddle Rose and I got a mission in a week time till we got to leave Duke nodded I got a mission about the same time in Russia and Jinufer needs to be back to her family in that time as well I smiled nodding o one last thing I stood up saying follow me Lucy, Duke, Jinufer and Rose was shocked but followed be outside I looked to my siblings saying I want you 4 to meet some friends of mine just don't attack them when you see them alright Duke and Jinufer looked to each other smiling nodding wall Lucy and Rose simple looked confused y would we attack them Lucy asked we ant mindless savages I laughed I don't know Rose is pretty mindless Lucy and Duke laughed wall Rose flipped me the bird I simple grinned and looked to the born whistling after a few seconds there was a very happy roar and Hera ran around the barn following behind her was Hades, Sulence and Deimos they all ran up to me I crouched down petting them all laughing when Hera licked my face I turned around to my sibling saying these are my familiars the big cat is Hera and the cub is her son Hades wall this beauty wolf and I ruffled Sulence head is Sulence and the pup is her son Deimos say hi everyone Hera and Hades roared happily well Hera did Hades was more of a meow wall Selence and Deimos gralled happily Lucy didn't show her shock on her face but her eyes told it all wall Rose mouth was open she was gaping at Hera like she was a gem or something Duke and Jinufer simple smiled after a few seconds Lucy walked in front of Selence crouched down and held out her hand Selence slowly looked at the hand then up to Lucy then back at the hand then back up to Lucy again and very slowly Selence moved her head onto the hand Lucy smiled petting Selence wall Deimos was a lot more bullied he looked to Lucy and walked up to her rubbing against her leg Lucy chuckled petting him as well I looked to Rose who was still staring at Hera and more importantly at Hades that is when she yelled what the hell y no how did you not only form a contract with a dire wolf and its pup but you also formed a contract with a gods damn crag cat and it's cub when it's common knowledge that crag cat are extremely stubborn and pride full not only that there extremely rare and usually don't live in swamps do to how much water there is plus they would die pretty easily to many things here Hera didn't seem to like Rose words cuz she roared at her angrily and I heard her say what does this little brat know I have lived in many places but I like the fish this time of the year in the swamps so do many of my race just cuz you don't see us doesn't mean we ant there come on master let me eat her I laughed patting Hera's head saying sorry Hera no eating my little sister don't listen to her words she doesn't got many brain sells and the few she does have she doesn't like to us Hera gralled and I could hear her laughing Rose glared angrily at me but Hades walked over to her walked between her legs rubbing against her leg purring Rose angry extraction disappeared quickly I seen her eyes shining and she was smiling like crazy your so cute and she coached down and started to pet him Hades meowed up to her I smiled but looked up at the son estimating the time easily enough well I got to get back to work I got shit to make see you at dinner if you need me Triss knows where I am but I didn't think any of them heard be Lucy and Rose was to busy playing with my familiar's wall Duke and Jinufer was gone I looked around to see Jinufer and Duke walking into the woods Junufer was leading and just pulling him behind Duke turned around to and our eyes met I smiled proudly and gave him a thumbs up and a wink and like that they was gone I used my lighting to flash in front of Eant who wasn't covering the trap door his face appeared he was smiling and slowly he said it would seem be it in this life or in your past life you have been blest with amazing siblings and friends I smiled nodding as I looked up to the clear sky it would seem so Eant it would seem so I am truly blest to have siblings like them and I am lucky to have a friend like you Eant chuckled I am blest to have you as my friend Hunter but enough of too old friends reflecting I thought you should know I looked down hearing him change from a happy town of voice to a serious one and I saw his smile fade into a little frown he continued saying I have talked to a many animals who spoke of some pig like humans preparing for combat but it ant just them it's the hole forest that speaks of war coming but I assume you already knew this right I simple nodded Eant face nodded I thought so but I bet you didn't know that some pig like humanoids trying to brake through the array around this land I was shocked asking are you sure Eant he simple nodded again I have spoken to animals to even other trees and plants they have all said the same thing I side thinking about this whole thing but after a while I simple shrugged saying no matter Eant it's very unlikely that them pigs can brake the array that protects this place but just in case keep on looking into this and if there comes a time when you sense any intruders you have my permission to either stop them or monitor them wall getting me he nodded ok Hunter I understand but tell me true old friend will you be able to be there executioner I chuckled opened the trap door and simple claimed down and started working on the chain cross dagger order for Eda I was about done with the chain and the wait I had changed up the wait normally it would be just a waited ball but instead I made it into another cross it was about the size of a cross any priest, or none would us for prayers I just made the end of it go to a point it was a good wait seeing I used gold and silver on it the chain was a little over 10 foot it was definitely a intriguing weapon but the next step is for the blade but I remembered what Eant just had said to me I slowly looked to all the old gun parts and casings that I had just laying around I side saying sitting down and pulling out my laptop I checked to see if I had any more orders I didn't but this wasn't y I opened my laptop I clicked over into the market and started ordering stuff I will need I had 11000 in my account currently and I spent only 3000 most of the stuff I was looking for was pretty common and wasn't to expansive it will be here in 2 days damn that's some damn good service I muttered to my self I stood up looked over to the forge thought about it for a moment but I shook my head no I will start working on the blade tomorrow I picked up my shirt as I walked into the other room I sat down at my desk and turned to the bookshelf I side asking Skull what these where the book appeared next to me saying

Host these are hunter journals to be specific they are your hunter journals all the books you see in front of you are a quarter of the knowledge you had before but this place was your first home and base so these are from your beginning I subject host reads them all who knows there might be something useful in them

And like that Skull was gone I side looked up at the too left book shelf well lets get started I mumbled stand up and pulling off the first book.