More little pigs and a bigger threat

A few days had passed sense that day my mother was still angry with my choice and it showed in my training she pushed me even harder but I didn't complain I just fought on in these few days my uncle and I prepare the horses for a long trip I had to put new horseshoes on all three of them Triss came out one of the days smiled at one of the horses saying Hunter we might got a little problem I have never ridden a horse before my uncle and I stopped what we was doing and stared at her angrily my uncle yelled out y didn't you say something sooner lass no don't answer that Hunter she is your girlfriend teach her the basics I side nodding and I spent the rest of the week teaching Triss how to ride a horse I must say she leaned quick she might not win any metals but it was good enough in my free time I just made even more ammo I was almost at 700 of both normal and special bullets I also made 5 silver sharp throwing knives that could throw and move around me with my metal control at my current power I could only control 3 of the knives but still all of my knifes had been bathed in my poison I had also finished the chain cross blade and I must say it was my best work yet it was definitely in the middle purple rank but it wasn't just that this weapon is a absolute menace to undeads, spirits and demon or devil I put my stamp of my company on the blade at the guard I just shipped it out yesterday I had also gotten the asteroid and I must say the thing was fucking heavy it came up to my waste this arrived a little late do to someone trying to steal wall ok route over the shipping company apologized and said they will do better next time and they will deal with this them self's I really didn't care this wasn't my problem it was about 3 am the beginning of Friday I was in my bed in nothing but my underwear and resting on my arm was Triss in her underwear as well at the end of my bed was a pair of pants with my gun belt hanging on the wall it was a peaceful night that was in tell I heard a gun shot and a woman scream in anger and sadness my eyes shot opened and I flashed out of my bed pulling on my pants and boots I grabbed my belt as I quickly opened the window I stepped out of it to see a group of 7 running away from the garage I seen a figure run out of a new whole that was on the side of the garage door and Echidna raised a shot gun pulling the trigger and a boom rang out with a flash and I seen one of these figures drop I ran and jumped off the roof and when my feet touched the ground I flashed next to Echodna who's orange eyes was glowing from anger and I seem tears what happened I asked she turned to me yelling they got one of my eggs it's them damn pigs when I heard this my face want dark a angry red fire appeared in my eyes I looked to the figures running in the direction of Eant and my familiar's I pulled out my sword and dagger and I flashed at them yelling Eant do not let any of these fuckers leave Hera, Selence attack from the sides Hades and Deimos run do not engage do not let these kidnappers leave when Eant heard my words his face appeared but unlike the smiling happy Eant that i was us to I seen all I seen was shear rage and roots moved up blocking the paths of the pigs but that wasn't the only thing roots started wrapping around there feet stopping which made them stumbled and stop a few on each side even feel and like a well-oiled machine Hera and Selence pounced on the ones that feel there was barely able to scream before there throats got wripped out shit one of the pigs yelled open fire kill these gurgle gurgle gurgle I had joined the fight I thrust my dagger into this pigs throat from behind I twiced my dagger and dragged the blade down which pulled out my dagger this also forced this pig to fall back onto the ground his throat still gurgling his eyes was wide I swung my sword up cutting a bullet in half I then flashed in front of that pig who held a old looking akm I moved my dagger down catching the gun barrel forcing it down as I did I then thrust my sword up into this ones fat throat but this time I didn't pull out my blade no I simple swung it to the side which but half of this pigs head off Hera lunged at another pig tackling him to the ground clawing at his face wall Selence was about to lung at this last pig when he pulled out a white egg with orange circles on it this egg was about the size of a baby back up he yelled or I will smash it I kicked this pig in front of me that had its head basically off onto the ground I started at this pig anger in my eyes and slowly I started walking towards it back up stop he yelled or I will and he razed the egg like he was about to throw it onto the ground I side and put away my blades there you happy this pig smiled good now tell this damn tree to release me and stop blocking my I side shaking my head sorry but y should I listen to a corpse this pig started sweating and he spat out yelling let me go or else he moved his hand like he was going to drop the egg I looked to Eant and nodded Eant releaced this pigs feet the pig nodded smiling that's better and he lowered his hand slightly now tell him to get rid of this wall and he glanced back this is what I was waiting for my hands shot down to my belt and I pulled out my revolver and two shots fired off fast as lightning this pig yelled in pain holding his left arm and falling down onto one knee do to the two bullets holes this made him drop the egg but before the egg could drop a few strong roots shot up and cot the egg and moved it away from this pig no the pig yelled no I smiled and slowly walked in front of him to him I looked like a smiling demon stat away he yelled and tried to move away but a few roots wrapped around his feet and hands I crouched in front of this pig smiling if you answer my questions you may leave alive fail to answer me you will suffer a very pain full death before you tell me the choice is up to you this pig was scared shitless and he quickly nodded good first question how did you get passed the array and do know ly to me this pig gulped but kept his mouth closed I chuckled and pulled out of of my throwing knifes with was as sharp as a scalpel I lightly ran this blade down his face which left a long thin cute but the pig screamed from only this little cut and his body twitching like crazy it wasn't the cut that did this no it was the lighting that I informed into this knife maybe you didn't understand me let me repeat my self how did you get passed he array this pig with his muscles twitching quickly spoke I am not sure my elder gave me a glass ball that had a bunch of odd looking runes in it ones activated your array opened up like a door way he said it was a professional artifact and could only be used ones and didn't last long I nodded next question what was your plan here the pig looked at the blade that I spin between my fingers with fear he quickly spoke are plan was simple sneak in grab the eggs and leave but that damn bastard heard us so we changed plans I stabbed this man in the chest but he let out a angry scream that woke up that woman over there and she came out holding a shotgun when we seen that one of my boys smashed two of the eggs under his foot but before he could continue that lady blow a hole into his chest screaming I grabbed one of the eggs and started running the rest you know as for what are plans for the egg we was going to us the egg as a hostage forcing the parents to join us but we did this all over the place not just hear my blood want cold hearing that I quickly looked up to Eant asking Eant can you spread this message Eant nodded I already am I didn't notice this but he was shaking his leaves like crazy and I heard animals noises all over the forest but just in case I will do this and he let out a mighty bellow that seemed to travel for miles I looked back to this pig asking last question what is your plan for the tribe meeting this pig smiled and spat go to hell I quickly moved out of the way of the spit smiling o trust me I have already been there here let me show you what real hell looks like and I stabbed my knife into his heart when I did this pig smirked, o is this ahhhhhhhh he started screaming bloody murder and his body started convulsing like I even seen bloody foam starting to come out of his mouth this pig started at me with wide sorry crying eyes I chuckled pulled out my sword saying fine your executioner will set you free and I swung my sword cutting his head clean off it rolled on the ground I looked to Eant saying there's my answer to you question old friend Eant simple nodded indeed it would seem executioner death hound is back I smiled flinging off the blood off my sword and I put it back in my soul spaced I walked over to the egg I picked it up from Eants roots and walked back to the garage I walked through the hole in the garage door it was shocking seeing how none of us heard them cut through this steel but we had are guard down thinking we was safe this is the consequence of that when I walked through the hole I was standing in Echidna and Fangs living room I looked to my right to see Echidna, Uncle, Triss my father and my mother my mother gas a night gown on and her expiration was focused she, Triss and my father was standing around the dinner table wall my uncle stood of to one side holding back Echidna my mom had medical gloves on and sitting in a chair next to her was a huge medkit and she was operating on Fang who was laying in the table biting down on a leather belt wall my dad and Trisd held him down I simple walked up to Echidna who was angry crying trying to go to Fangs side but my uncle simple held her back but Echidna stopped moving when I walked in front of her holding her egg in my bloody arm she quickly took it saying my baby my baby and she held the egg close and feel onto her knees crying I turned to see a blood trail that lead into their room I didn't care what people would say I walked through the open door to see a huge red circle bed in the middle of the room and on one of the room closest to the door was a crib no that wasn't right it was a fancy nest I walked over to this nest and placed my hand on the two eggs that was still there I closed my eyes and started using Yggdrasil I didn't us much of it sense the being in these eggs wasn't quite formed I just used a bit to sooth there souls and made sure nothing was wrong since they was disturbed after that I opened my eyes and looked over to the two other two eggs and when I seen they was smashed on the floor my heart weeped for these young souls I crouched down saying in my head Skull can you detect there souls the book didn't appear in front if me but Skull responded

affirmative host there are two young souls still remaining would host like to exhort there soul which will seen them cleanly to the other side would host like to put these young souls to rest

Yes... No

I closed my eyes lowering my head simply nodded yes when I said that I sensed two small orange balls of light appeared in front of me and fly into my chest when they did a cold feeling spread through my body and for some reason, this cold feeling felt comforting I then felt a hand place on my shoulder I looked up to see my uncle cold face he took a knee next to me he lowered his head and closed his eyes like he was prying I didn't bother him I just waited patiently till he was done after a few moments he opened his eyes and he looked at me with that same cold expiration and in a calm sad voice welcome to the life of a hunter Hunter don't pity the dead so the question is what are you going to do I stood up and walked out of the hole in the garage door my uncle simply followed I leaned against the door as I pulled out a smoke I quickly lit it I breathed in the smoke as I looked up to the fading moon I breathed out sying what am I going to do what a heavy question I got many ideas none of them are very pleasant but first I am going to do this and I started walking I walked into the barn and found a old potato sack I then walked back out side I walked next to the first pig I killed I pulled out Mauler and I swung down cutting the head off and stuffed it into the sack I moved to the next one doing the same till I had all 7 heads in this back put it into my soul space I then looted there body's but I found junk I looked to Eant do you want these body's as nourishment my uncle who had been walking next to me was shocked seeing me talk to a tree but he was extremely more surprised when Eants face appeared yes I will these sinners body's will do one last thing and that's nourishment for the land when he was done roots many thick roots shot out from the ground dragging these body's into the earth I nodded and turned to my uncle smiling uncle meet Eant Eant this is my uncle Samuel Eant looked over to Samuel a smile slowly spread across his face indeed it's good to see the boy who usto clime me and us me for my shadow is doing so well Samuel smiled and was about to speak when both him and I sensed something and are heads shot left and up I pulled out one of my 1911 pistol pointing it up ontop of the barn but what I seen made my uncle and I chuckle and I lowered my gun saying gods damn it miss Athena I have said it ones already you know it's not nice to sneak up on people especially when this just happened I was this close of shooting first ask questions later Athena smiled which was scary seeing a owl smile I just came here to thank you if it wasn't for Eant here then a few of my and my families children would be gone I talked to a few other families on the way over here and they all are thankful many of them woke up just in time to save there children the green family isn't happy neither are many other families this is when I heard a monstrous bloody scream coming from the woods in the northeast but then I heard 2 more after the first all of are heads shot to that direction what the hell was that I asked my uncles face want white and I heard him whisper wendigo when I heard this monsters name my face want white a wendigo a being who ones was human but through eating and living off of human flesh they mutated into a unholy beast some grown a deer's head and horns wall some just look like huge white monstrous humanoids how do you kill one simple a shit tune of fire, silver or even some religions holy water the next second my uncle yelled Wendigo and he ran back to the garage door yelling the same thing I heard my dad say shit and my mom side angrily I flashed to the garden hose and quickly washed off the pigs blood on my body I used my fire to dry my self off I then pulled on a shirt and a black and brown leather coat that was made from those dire bears fur sheaths on the inside of it was my throwing knives and over my left shoulder was my sword sheathed and over my right shoulder was a quiver of arrows the last thing I pulled on was a bandolier of my rifle rounds I dosn't have any armor other then the leather gauntlets Rose made for my I pulled out my revolver reloaded the 2 rounds I shot as I walked up to my Uncle who like me took out his weapons and gear preparing for a hunt he had on a gun belt and on his right hip was Sharmaine wall on his left hip was that wicked red jacket scimitar unlike me he had on a leather chest plate and a coat made from blade scaleshe also had on gloves and like me he had a bandolier on but on his wasn't ammo it was potions and a few bombs he was tying a bandana that had flames on it he looked to me asking you ready Hunter we will be the only two going out Megan and Triss are needed here to finish sowing up Fang Daniel will be guarding them with your beasts wall you and I go hunting makes sense I nodded pulled out my hate and rifle out of my soul space I put on the hat and double checked I had a round on the chamber let's go hunt I said Samuel nodded and we started walking in the direction we heard those screams.