The wendigos

Samuel and I slowly walked into the woods when we did I switched to my predator vision and made sure my I was using my senses gate I could hear the kicking of one grasshopper but that was it the rest of the forest was deadly quiet I mixed two of my site ability's the night vision and my heat vision it was quite a good mix Samuel and I slowly walked deeper into these woods I had my rifle in my hands wall my uncle held a aa12 shotgun it shot silver slugs he had the thing switched into full auto mode we both creeped deeper and deeper into the woods we was looking everywhere till I picked up a heat source on the ground my uncle and I looked to each other it would seem he seen it to we shrugged and slowly approached this heat source it was a dead buck it's head was completely ripped off and it's body was beaten badly like someone or something didn't like deer to much I noticed three sets of bloody footsteps that still glowed with heat but it was odd all of these tracks want around in a circle and disappeared my uncle and I looked to each other and we didn't have to speak we didn't directly look up we just slightly tilted our heads up and looked with our eyes and like we feared I seen one heat source in the tree above my uncle and my the look on my uncles face there was one behind me as well and I must admit the bing that I seen was very ugly it didn't have a deer head any it looked like a long thin human with huge sharp fangs and claws I seen two black pits for eyes my uncle slowly moved his gun so it pointed above my head but this didn't looked suspicious sense he rested it on his side I did the same I aimed for the middle of that wendigo my uncle mouthed one two three and I we pulled are triggers two shots echoed out in seank but after the two shots came two otherworldly creams of pain and two things feel out of the trees and his the ground rolling around from the pain I then spun left raising my rifle racking another round into the chamber but it was to lat I got tackled to the ground my rifle being pinned to my chest by a huge hairy being with a deer skull and horns and it eyes was bright green it was much bigger then the one I seen it screamed in my face and swung its claws at my face luckily I activated my chakra armor when I did or my neck would be toast this thang screamed again angrily in my face this time it want for a bite I pulled out one of my 1911 gralling here is your daily dose of silver open wide and I stuck my pistol into its mouth pulling the trigger three times with each shot more and more blood and brain matter escaped from its head it's body slumped against me I quickly through it off me I sat up feeling blood running down from my shoulders where that fucker sunk it claws it o me when it tackled me but I didn't have time to worry about that cuz a screaming pissed off wendigo was running at me from the side I simple pulled out my sword and spun to the left on my knees swinging my sword as I did this wendigo right leg cut cleanly the fuck off I then spun around facing him throwing out my other hand and three throwing knifes flew at him but as they started flew through the air they started spinning fast and there speed picked up this wendigo didn't have time to react two daggers spun and sank into each side of it's head wall the third one sank between it's eyes I then jurked my hand back when I did those knifes flipped out making the cut even bigger and flying back into my hand I stood up heldinf my rifle I heard own load boom and I seen uncle blow that other wendigos head into pieces with one shot of his shot gun she looked up to me smiling I waved my hand and the body of the wendigos started to burn with a blue fire he nodded how did these things get through the array fuck how did those pigs even get through I shrugged and told him what the pigs did his face want wide and turned east saying let's move we got to hurry we got to guard that opening till it closes I nodded and we ran off east the closer we got to the end of the array I had a bad feeling we found the hole it was easy to see a door way that showed the invisible array around it we got here just in time to see 5 more wendigo run through the door but following closely behind was a heard of 10 ghouls there would have been more if my uncle and I didn't wave are hands and two walls of blue fire appeared blocking each side of this door I put away my rifle and pulled out my glaive and three knifes started floating around me I take the wendigos you take the ghouls I yelled my uncle nodded and unloaded into these ghouls blowing of limbs I lunged at there wendigos with my glaive right hand wall in my other I pulled out 1911 on my left hip and emptied the mag into two mendigos one died on the spot wall the other got badly engage I quickly holstered my pistol and activated my chakra armor when I did I looked at the rest of the wendigos and used my death mark to mark them all I then flashed in front of the first one the edge of my glaive was glowing blue and lighting sparked off my legs I swung down with my glaive but this wendigo simple blocked it with it's claws I was surprised how tuff them nails where but no batter I simply pushed down on my glaive then swung the bottom up under his long arms the end of my glaive hit the bottom of this wendigo head which made it's head jurk up it stumbled back I used this to my advantage swinging at it's head again this time I didn't get blocked and his head got chopped off I spun my glaive and jumped back out of the way of the falling body I looked around seeing that I got surrounded I smiled spinning my glaive laughing as I flashed in front of the one on my left I tackles it to the ground and slammed the end of my glaive onto it's chest where his heart was I stood up smiling as I flashed again like this I killed one wendigo after another of course I did receive a few cuts on my legs I only had 1 bad cuts and that was on my back one of them was able to grab me and when I pulled away my back got cut to shit but I just slashed killing the last wendigo I was breathing heard even of I us usto fighting against more them one opponent in training but it was completely different in real combat in training I don't got to worry about my life sure I might get hurt but nothing more I stood up straight my back hurting from the claw marks I pulled out a vial that had a light green liquid in it I pulled out the quork with my teeth spitting it out and drinking the green liquid when I did a cold configurable num feeling spread through my body and I stopped bleeding I looked over to my Uncle who was walking towards me he had black blood on his body but I couldn't talk I took one step when my uncle smiled was gone and he yelled watch out that is when I felt a cold feeling behind me and I heard something land behind me I quickly turned around just in time to see a much bigger wendigo with two heads and four arms two claws were slashing down at me I had just enough time to raise my glaive blocking those claws and my black ki armor appeared on my body as the claws hit my glaive the strange behind these arms made my arms and legs shake but I didn't yield I pushed back but this wendigo fast as lightning swung its other two arms up hitting my glaive out of my hands I just had time to take a step back when I did I felt a warm feeling on my left side of my face and my left eye vision want red that is when the stinging pain came from the left side of my face it came from the bottom of my neck all the way up I glared at this wendigo it was definitely a mutant wendigo it looked like the humanoid and the deer wendigo got sown together it was definitely stronger and faster then the rest of the ones I have killed what should I do this wendigo unnaturally leaned forward and shot at me but right then Skull appeared in front of me and everything stopped time seemed to stop and for some reason the world around me turned black and white like from one of these old wild west moves I noticed that time didn't stop it just was much slower Skull opened and 3 options appeared.

The host has activated a hidden quest host has 3 options

First quest option path of the coward, run away leaving your uncle behind to deal with this by him self there's no shame in running your not as powerful as you was in your old life and this is a different time so not playing with your new life is quite normal reward unknown

Second quest option path of a low-level hunter fight this beast in time for your uncle to get a shot your still a low-level hunter so it's natural to fight against stronger opponents with numbers rewarded unknown

Last quest option path of the crazy hunter go all out surpass your limits and kill this bastard by your self as a sign to the world that the one people called the death hound is back rewarded unknown

As a reminder for host when a quest appears whatever option you choose will have different rewards I do not care which you choose but remember if you fail the quest your body will suffer a curse that will dampen your power for a few weeks so what will host choose

I grind like a demon ant it obvious Skull the first option is out of the damn picture I will not run and save my life wall my uncle stays he maybe strong but with his wound I don't think he can like against this monster as for the second option it's nice but I ant one to rely on others be it in this life your in my past life I hunted with a party a few times but I work better alone so I will kill this fucker besides the last option will have the greatest rewards I am strong with my fire, ice, lightning and metal manipulation, makes me strong but I am still lacking many things so I whipped the blood out of my left eye before saying I except the last option when I said that Skull disappeared and everything was back to normal this wendigo lunged at me all four of it's arms was thrusting at me I skilled and started channeling my lighting throw my hole body and not just in my legs when I did this my reaction speed increased I quickly pulled out my sword and dagger but not just that 3 throwing daggers shot out of my coat and started floating around me my black ki armor was already activated but in my right hand was my sword the runes on the blade started glowing blue and green when this happened the edge of the sword burst into blue flames and green lighting shot through the middle of the blade as for the dagger in my left hand the runes on it started glowing white and green and the daggers edge frost over and green lighting moved up and down the middle of the blade cold mist started coming from the dagger I swung and blocked the two claws that was thrusting at my chest when I did I used my death mark and marked this fucker but surprisingly two marks appeared one on the left side and one on the right this could only mean this monster was in fact 2 monsters how fun but enough thinking time to kill I pushed against the two claws that I blocked but I still had two other claws slashing up at me I used my shadow control to make shadow ropes which bound his hands to the ground temporarily this wendigo screamed angrily in my face but I simple pushed my weapons up this forced his top arms to go up leaving his chest wide open I swung my sword when I did lighting arked off my arm into the blade so to the naked eye I was moving as fast as lightning strike my movement was just a blur of red black and green my sword cut across this wendigo chest but it was able to move back just enough to where my slash only left a thin cut nothing fatal but even so my fire burned it and my lighting shocked through it's body this made it scream in pain I then to a step closer thrusting my dagger aiming for under it's left top arm but it's broke the shadow rope on it's bottom claws and it jumped back so my attack meant nothing I gralled get back here and I lunged at it the throwing daggers started spinning fast over my head and one of them shot towards it the wendigo deflected it with it's top right claw but the blade didn't stop spinning so when it got deflected to the side it arked back around slashing down the arm it blocked with it screamed do to the pain from the cut and the poison that was slowly spreading through it's body that was when I got in front of it slashing at it's chest again but the bottom right claw blocked my sword that was when it swung its left claws down at me that was when I heard my uncle yell get out of there Hunter I don't want to accidentally shoot you but all that I did was spin between the two claws wall I did that my throwing knifes shot at its body making many small cuts I then swung my sword up hitting one of the throwing knives which launched the throwing knife into left head left eye which so happened to be the human-ish face when my throwing knife sank into it's eyes the lighting shot off the knife which made that face scream in pain and both left claws shot up to that face holding it in pain the deer head glared at me and swung it's claws at me but I simply jumped spinning through them when I did I swung my blades the bottom hand got cut off wall the top hand only got a nasty cut that want straight to the bone I landed on my feet yelling back fuck that I am not retreating this is my fight stay out of it uncle I heard a angry sy no this is a order from your senior get out of there now this bastard is at least rank d your still at the silver rank only a gold rank or higher can fight these type of monsters one on one and even gold members will struggle I rolled under another strike and thrust my sword at there waste but they jumped back I laughed good then I get to test my skills against a D ranked monster this is perfect one should know that monsters are ranked differently then hunters it goes from F as the lowerest to A+ as the highest hell there's even higher then A+ but that's your angels, princes of the hells or even low ranked gods but enough thinking again it's time to us one of my soul beast nine tails fox I said in my head time to play together I heard a depressed sy fine it's not like I have much of a chose let's play with these monsters and I felt my ki armor hell I could see it my ki armor started to have lines of red in it and over my hands formed claws and on my back I could feel 3 tails moving I didn't see this but over my face appeared a black and foc red mask or well it looked like a mask with black eye holes but right then a gold fire appeared in the eye holes and the jaws opened and closed like a real mouth I started to light like a crazy man but my laugh didn't sound human no it sounded like a hyena laugh it was great I smiled at this wendigo when I did the fox mask smiled as well let's dance I said and I flashed in front of it and I thrust my dagger at it's chest but two left arms cot my wrest stopping my blade that is when the right side thrust it's only clawed hand at me but I didn't mind I used my shadow control to bind that hand the had stopped but it wasn't from a shadow rope no it was from a red and black chain that looked like it was made out of lava and shadow I thrust my sword into it's shoulder as I did two of my daggers stabbed into the two arms that held my left hand but to my surprise it didn't release my hand even when the throwing knives sank into its arm I sensed it was getting ready to do something both of it's mouths opened and two blood red balls started to form I could sense the evil fire leaking from those balls but I noticed something behind them lodged in a tree that made me smile so I used two if my fox tails to punch the two hands that still held me when my tail hit there rists I heard a snapping noise and my hand was free but I didn't care I had to work fast I channeled all of the lightings I could into my body and I rushed forward stabbing my two blades into it's chest but do to my speed and momentum I lighted it off its feet pushing it pushing back to the tree I seen and impaled this wendigo at the end of my glaive that was sticking out of this tree but I pushed it all the way to the tree panning I realized my blade and jumped back smiling at the same time my last dagger sank into the right top shoulder this wendigo looked up to me with a victorious smile and those two fire red fireballs shot at me but that smile immediately disappeared when it seen the huge fox-like smile on my face I raised my right hand and forming over it was a thin disk made from shadow I swung my hand down throwing this shadow disk it cut the fire ball in have like a hot knife throw butter but the disk kept on going till it hit the end of my glaive when it did all the runes on my weapons started glowing white green and blue this wendigo followed the disk down and when those runes started glowing fear spread across both faces and it tried pulling it's self off of my glaive but right then my dagger exploded and small ice shards hit the ground it's left shoulders was gone with only three ice spikes sticking out of it's body then my sword exploded in a burst of blue fire disintegrating the right shoulders this wendigo screamed in tear and pain when they turned and looked at there shoulders but then they looked down to my glaive which was still glowing and they tried to us there legs and all the power they had to escape but it was to late my glaive didn't explode as the other two nothing happened at first but after a few seconds the wendigo started to scream and it's body started spasming till boom two spots exploded and two holes alleared one of the left and one on the right there was so much electricity in their body their hearts exploded I landed in the ground smiling I raised my hands and my throwing knifes, dagger and sword flew out if the body spinning off the blood on them as they did I opened my coat and they sheathed them selfs I walked up to this wendigo and pulled out my glaive that still was vibrating from electricity so practically no blood was in it this wendigos body hit the ground as I did this I turned around to my uncle who had a stunned expiration I chuckled and put away my gliave that was when Skull appeared in front of me

Congrats host you have completed the quest your rewarded is 3 yellow scrolls 1 black scroll and lastly 1 green scroll host prepare to receive your lesson

I was confused and was about to say something but my vision got blurry the world around me started spinning I closed my eyes I didn't realise it but I hit the ground passing out white faced.