Meeting the elder again

We trodded up the road not at a fast pace but also not at a slow pace either as the horses want up the road I pulled out a pare of normal son glass next I reloaded all of my weapons and pulled some normal bullets out with a file and started filing the x rune that I learned from Minefield I needed practice in this ability yes but that didn't mean I couldn't prepare for when I could us this skill after the 50 bullet I stopped and instead of a file and metal I pulled out small thin papers that I wrapped around one of my throwing knife or more specifically it was my training throwing dagger it wasn't except for at the point and it was much thicker then my other knives it was meant to take a beating I drew the x rune on it and shot the blade off into the trees when it was at a safe distance away from us I tried to detonate the rune but sadly the paper just flashes and turned to ash I brought back the knife and wrapped another paper on it and drew the x on it and again I moved the knife away from us and tried to detonate the rune but the same thing happened as before the paper burst into fire turning to ash I kept on repeating this over and over till we got to the green families fence ahead of me I could see there housing Samuel looked to me put away my stuff asking what is that all about Hunter what are you trying to do I simple smiled at him saying training a new ability I made he didn't ask any more questions when he seen my smile that is when I noticed a particular gater slowly swimming down the river towards us I didn't know y but when my eyes feel over this 17 foot gater I couldn't shake the feeling I new them and when my eyes locked with it's blue eyes that feeling intensified I could also smell a familiar sent from it the smell of swamp water of course but also oil and the faintest smell of gun powder and explosives I chuckled seeing it was trying to stay out of sight from us as it got closer and the closer it got the stronger I could smell it's sent but she didn't do anything just tried to stay out of site I wasn't going to point her out since I had a feeling Uncle already noticed her as for Triss I think she more sensed her than anything I pulled the rains for my horse to stop seeing the driveway had a closed gate going across it but standing at the gate like he was waiting for us was a medical age man with brown spiky hair and tan skin he had on a pare of blue bibs with no shirt but in his hip was a gun belt but slung over his back was a two weapons the first was a old bolt action rifle walk the second weapon was a huge old battle axe I could see it was well taken care of but it was extremely old I got off my horse smiling at this man saying it's good to see you again mister Sobek I hope you and your family is well he grinned at me but his smile got smaller when we got closer to the gate and he seen the still red scar up my face but his smile quickly came back lad no need for the mister or anything like that just Sobek is fine you look like you have had one hell of a few months I laughed you can say that Sobek but it was a blast he laughed nodding and stepped to the side opening the gate come on in your all welcome here please are home is yours I nodded and lead my horse through the gate the others following me Sobek closed the gate behind us I stopped waiting for him he locked the gate and steppes in front of us all leading saying come father wants to see you I simple nodded but as we walked away I glanced back to see the end of a gators tail like a gator just turned around and want back into the water I side but turned back to Sobek and I got a better look at this axe it was most definitely old but there was carvings in the handle not runes but that of stories of battle but I could tell no matter how well this axe has been taken care of it was on it's last legs I even seen a few hairline cracks on the axe blade which wasn't good Sobek I hope you don't take offense to this but you will need to replace that axe it's on it's last legs Sobek huffed smiling what would you know about the durability of weapons are you a smith I could sell he didn't mean any disrespect so I smiled indeed I am here all the weapons you see on me I have made or modified my self here and I pulled out my glaive and held it out to him Sobek took it and examined it for a few seconds then he swung it a few times he nodded and passed it back to me saying good work but way to light for my liking I chuckled and put my glaive back into my soul space nodding yea I assume you us that weapon in your hybrid form right he simple nodded he stopped at the first of the house pillars he looked up I also looked up and I saw two younger boys about 15 both wore blue jeans and no shirt or shoes and on there heads was stra hat both looked like twin brothers Sobek talked up to them in a calm but commanding voice Tim and Jack can you two please take care of there horses and make sure there feed and watered for the ride tomorrow one of the boys smiled mischievously at his brother saying I don't know what do you think Jack will we be able to hold are self's back and not eat these taste looking snacks the one called Jack looked to Tim with that same smile saying I don't know Tim it is quite hard to hold are self's back what if we just gave them a little nuzzle as a reward or maybe you got a reward for us not to eat your horses and both brothers smiled down at us Sobek eyes got sharp and was about to move forward but I stepped him my grabbing his shoulder he looked to me and he seen my mischievous smile that I was giving the two brothers so you want something so you won't eat are horses right Tim nodded still smiling and Jack simple said indeed I chuckled shaking my head well I ant going to give you anything sense you haven't done the work I believe hard work means good pay no work no pay this is how the world works so how about this I used my lighting to flash behind them and I crouch down I will give both of you some Dire bear meat that I got left over don't worry it's been salted so you don't got to worry about the meat going bad but you will have to cook it still the two brothers about jumped out of there skin but both laughed and looked to each other both nodded and turned to me and at the same time the said deal and the held out there hand I shook them both smiling I stood up and the two brothers simple pushed themself off the edge landing in front of Sobek who still was glaring at them Tim and Jack seen that and quickly took are horses it would seem Sobek had probably snapped at these boys antics before and the boys didn't want to push their luck anymore then they have I jumped down and landed in front of him smiling Sobek turned to me grumbling you should have just let be deal with them, tricksters I laughed and let you kill the next generation of tricksters,rogues and rebels hell no we can't have that there are many white sheep out there we need more black sheep like them boys Sobek side shrugging come on father is waiting and it's not polite to keep your elders waiting and he walked passed me I chuckled and followed Triss and Samuel simple followed Sobek under these ramps and houses as we walked I seen many lycans training be it in there human, gator or even there hybrid form I seen it all i soon a father training his kids on how to wield a axe or spear hell I even seen one huge scared lycan in his hybrid form swinging around a huge sword he cut two stra dummy's heads off like it wasn't anything but the man thang that cot my eye was a pit with lycans standing around it some was cheering some was making bets above them the ramps want around this hole so people above could watch what was going on in the hole I heard fighting coming from it and I could smell blood hi Sobek what is that for Triss asked also looking at the hole Sobek turned to see where we was looking and when his eyes feel on the hole he smiled o that is nothing a young lady such as your self needs to worry about but if you really want to know it's a fight pit us gator lycan love to fight and so we made that pit but many other lycan tribe has something similar its good to let off some steam it even helps with arguments hell we even let the normal people who live with us to fight with each other in there plus that's where deals happen but anyone can join in the fun but there's no death unless each party agrees to a fight to the death when I heard that my smile got wider and my hands twitched instinctually Sobek noticed that but all he did was smile and keep walking and we simple followed till we got to a pillar with S carked into it Sobek walked up to it grabbed a wire that I didn't see he pulled on it three times when he did I heard a small bell ringing in the house above us I looked up when I heard something being unlocked that's when I noticed a hatch door right next to the pillar this door got pulled open from the inside and a rope ladder dropped down Sobek smiled and turned to us saying after you I smiled and looked to Triss lady's first I said giving a bow and holding a hand to the ladder like it was something magnificent Triss rolled her eyes and climbed up the ladder I was next them uncle as he pulled him self through the hatch I held out a hand saying need some help old man he scoffed at me and smacked my hand to the side and pulled himself up Sobek was last when he climbed through the hatch he pulled the ladder up and the hatch got closed by a middle-aged woman who looked a lot like Meg she was wearing a beautiful sun flower dress she smiled at us wall Sobek locked the hatched again I tipped my hat smiling at this woman saying hello it's good to see you again misses Joanna I hope you have been well she chuckled hello to you to Hunter people just Joanna no need for the formalities I simple nodded I looked around this horse as Joanna looked to Samuel smiling good to see you to Samuel my uncle simple nodded then Joannas eyes fell onto Triss and you must be Triss Meg has told us so much about you it's good to finally meet you I am Megs mother you can call me Joannas Triss smiled nodding it's good to meet megs parents she talks all the time about your cooking but I lost interested in this conversation as I looked around this was a pretty big house the hole bottom floor was open I seen in the middle of this room was chairs and couches placed in a circle with a table in the middle of them there was a pretty nice kitchen to the right of new with a pretty big table close by me and on my left carved into the wall was a nice stair way that want to the upstairs but my eyes feel on the walls there was so many things hanging on the wall it was hard to say them all I seen picture, animal and other monster head there was also parts from different creatures there was even a few weapons and pieces of armor I noticed one empty spot that was axe shaped but my eyes feel on a particular thing it was on the opposite wall from me it was placed in the middle of this wall below it was a fire place I slowly walked in front of the fire place and looked up to these pictures the first picture was a huge hand drawn map of the area around us and I seen markers that showed different locations but my eyes quickly moved to the other picture it was a huge family tree that dated back all the way back to the days when Indians lived on this land this tree was huge and simple got bigger the farther you want up it and at the too left I seen a familiar name Meg J Green as started at this family tree even when I sensed someone walk next to me ant it beautiful for many years my family has lived and died for this land we have been through it all be it when the white man came and tried to push us off our land we lived through all the wars and even the economy almost falling we have survived through it all I simple nodded indeed and you will keep on surviving through it all but even so there is a chance some of yall will die protecting it I heard a old man sy indeed some of us will but we would much rather die fighting for our family and fit each other then to roll over and be pushed around I side nodding even so I am to blame for some of your problems so I will do all in my power to help you and your family live if that means slattering there hole family to do it I will right then some of my killing intent leaked out from me and unlike before it wasn't crazy no it was precise and cold like all that insanity was being directed to a target no one steals and kills children not wall I am still here especially when they are on my gods damn property as I said that my right hand tightened on my 1911 a huge hand got placed on my shoulder it wasn't heavy but it felt wise I turned to the elder who was tanned skin with white hair his face was wrinkled but his body was jacked for a old man that looked to me in his 80 he was about my height as well he was wearing a blue button-down shirt with jeans his hair was tied in a rat tail in his dark green eyes I seen strength and wisdom and on his left hand was a cane I noticed this can could be pulled apart so it probably had a hidden blade in it don't worry lad they will get what's coming to them I nodded and my killing intent was gone now let's sit and talk shall we and the elder turned around and walked to a chair and sat down he moved with strange and a odd speed for a old man but I noticed Sobek , Joannas Samuel and Triss was already sitting down so I walked and sat down next to Triss which was across from Sobek and Joannas Samuel was on are left wall the elder was on my right we all looked to him he smiled and looked to me saying so lad how has things been I can see you already has gotten a few familiars and by that nasty scar on your face it would seem you have had a interesting few months I chuckled you can say that but man it has been a blast he laughed a blast huh even with those fresh claw marks on your face I simple nodded indeed you see elder hunting is what I was made to do be it training or out there on the field I enjoy it all the fight the thrill and most importantly the kill and the feeling of victory the elder, Joannas and Sobek looked at me shocked but after a few moments elder chuckled saying lad I am starting to like you more and more keep it up and I will offer you my granddaughter's hand for marriage I shrugged smiling I would have no problems with that but only if she would want that I will not force anyone to marry me that is just tucked up he nodded Sobek cleared his throat saying father let's get down to business shall we the elders smile faded indeed son your right he looked back to us saying last night we was attacked by a group of wendigo but when we confronted them that's when the ghouls showed up we fought them off killed most of them but the wendigo who was leading them ran away but we still had ghouls to burn that was when we heard a tree ent scream about are children we came running back just in time to kill those dirty pig fucks who was trying to steal are children after we was done we got information about similar things happening to other families many of them reacted in time but some wasn't as lucky I side nodding the same thing happened to us last night some pigs used an artifact to make a hole in our array just big enough for them to come in and out from they rushed to where they knew Fang and Echidna lived and they tried to steal their few months old eggs luckily Fang woke up and seen them doing this but sadly he got stabbed in the process and wall Echidna was reaching for her gun those fuck pigs stomped on two of there eggs luckily before they could do any more damage Echidna killed one of them that is when they grabbed one egg and ran off Echidna chased of course firing and killing another one of them this is when I come out and let's just say the little piggys didn't get far and I politely asked one of them what there plan was and what they said is what you already have confirmed so I killed them soon after that my uncle and I hear screaming from the woods we quickly got are shit and started hunting and what we found was wendigos we killed them after that we ran to where the hole in the array was and luckily we did to cuz more wendigo was coming in with some ghouls we killed them that is when a 2 head 4 armed mutant wendigo jumps down behind me I had just enough time to turn around and block it's first attacks but as you can see and I pointed to the left side of my face the second attack did in fact hit long story short I fought against it and was able to kill it in the end they was shocked except for Triss and Samuel of course Sobek looked to me asking Hunter what rank are you I smiled and pulled out my hunters license and showed it to them when Joannas seen that she stood up yelling how the fuck there's no way how are you a gold rank hunter you only awakened a few months ago Sobek and the elder looked at each other with shock in there eyes I shrugged hard work, skill good teachers and a pinch of good fortune she was dumbfounded she looked to Samuel who simple nodded at her she slowly sat down staring at me like I was a monster she wasn't the only one both the elder and Sobek was doing the same but they had happy smikes on there faces silence soon feel over us all but I didn't mind I simple leaned back in the couch roasted my left arm behind Triss who rested her head on my arm as we waited but after a few minutes no one could speed I finally stood up saying if there's nothing else then I would like to walk around and see your tribe if that's ok with you elder and I looked to him he simple nodded to me saying your rooms are ready for you upstairs feel free to walk around and do what you want he then looked to Triss also feel free to look through are family library Joannas can show you the way Triss stood up nodding quickly that sounds like fun Joannas stood up smiling and they walked up stairs Sobek stood up smiling at me well I can at least give you a tour around it's the least I can do since your are guests I simple nodded and we walked out side when we did Hera and Selence was waiting outside the door I chuckled at them I pat there heads saying I am going to walk feel free to come along both nodded and we started walking through this odd dock housing but it was more like a small town, to be honest, I don't really know what you would call this place but whatever it will be my home for a night might as well get to know it a bit right .