The fights in the pit

Sobek lead us around introducing me to many different people many of them was just normal humans but there was plenty of lycans mixed in with them but I noticed something interesting there wasn't really any shops in the literal sense no there was many small vendors who sold fish and other different types of food but nothing more I also noticed money wasn't really valuable here sure I seen people using money but nowhere near as much as trading other materials for what you wanted for example I seen a huge man trading some deer skin for spices and a few vegetables or a woman trading a few fish for fishing string but one vendor stood out sense it was the only place that looked like a actual shop it was a small house that had a sign over the door that said come get your arms and armor and attached to the side of this house was a garage that was made into a huge workplace and forge Sobek seen where I was looking and he smiled o do you want to go see what they have I shrugged not really whatever they have can't compare to my weapons I was just interested sense I had the time I could make some weapons for yall perhaps a new axe for you so you can hang that axe back on the wall Sobek smiled and was about to say something when a woman bumped into me wiping me with there hair as they passed I heard her mumbling what does this city boy know about hard work who even is he and y is sir Sobek leading him around how dear he say that about are weapons I bet he is as shitty at forging then a squirrel no even a squirrel has more skill then him Hera and Selence heard what this woman was saying and both Hera and Selence started gralling at her this woman stops turned around and glares at me with red gator eyes she was probably about my age 21 maybe 23 she was about my hight she had white skin that had red son burn marks on it hear blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail she had on a normal white shirt and black pants but even so I could see the muscles under her clothes she was definitely pretty but with the way she was glaring at me I could teel she was going to be annoying control your creatures or I might have to put them down I simple smiled at her shrugging you could try but it won't be there life that will leave this plan it will be yours so if you want to die be my guest I won't stop you when this woman heard my words I seen the corner of her mouth twitch and her hands curved in and spread apart like she had claws for hands what did you say bastard I will kill you she gralled I shrugged again you can try but again it will be you who die beside you assume way too much you said before that I had no skill in forging but your dead wrong I have my own company and all the weapons you see on me have been either made or modified by me you said a squirrel had more skill then me but in fact in my eyes all you are is a little lizard who assumes way to much so run along and leave us alone but if you don't and my smile faded and what replaced it was a Ice cold expiration you will regret it she snarled at me and she shifted into her hybrid form her clothes seemed to grow with her which was quite interesting she lunge at me thrusting one of her clawed hands at my chest yelling I am going to kill you but all I did was raise my hand my eyes were cold but before her clawed hand could connect with my hand I heard a angry voice yell Zidra stop this at ones Zidra stopped when she heard this voice and a medical age man ran next to her I looked at this man and the best way I could describe him is extremely ordinary looking the only thing that he had going for him was how extremely jacked he was he looked like two heavy weight champion had a child he was fucking ripped I also noticed he had on a leather apron an on his hip was a hammer hanging there his hands face and clothes was dirty from the forge but something cot my eye on his left hip was a holster and in it was a familiar single action colt I slowly lowered my hand Zidra turned to this man angrily but dad this fucker said are wears wasn't worth his time no I must put him in his place this man side and he let out a calm but powerful gralled enough Zidra this man is Hunter Ace Colt his family is good friends with the elders family as for the part about are wears he is right nothing we have can compare to what he has forge for him self he is the one that runs the reapers smith when Zidra heard her fathers grall her gator face seemed to go white her eyes want down to the pistol on her fathers hip she then looked to me shocked and like that, she was back in her human form on the ground bowing to me please sir Colt I didn't mean but I cut her off enough I don't like people bowing to me I ant your elder nor am I a king no all I am is a smith and hunter I will forgive you this one time but male sure this doesn't happen again do you understand Zidra quickly nodded standing up and took a few steps back her father stepped forward he held out his hand to me saying Hello Hunter I am X I smiled and shook hands with him but this wasn't a normal handshake we was testing each others strength I chuckled saying good to meet you X I do hope that the pistol

is treating you well he chuckled indeed it has thank you for that I nodded and released his hand realizing how strong this man my hand hurt a little but I didn't let that show on my face I simple smiled at X and he did the same to me perhaps you would like to come in I got enough room if you would like to do some work he asked I simple shoot my head no this is your home not mine I will not rob you of work especially sense I see you actually enjoy making things but if you need help or have any questions about something I would happily teach you X nodded thank you, Hunter, I will keep that in mind but I got to get back to work come on Zidra your coming to and he turned around grabbed her by the ear and dragged her back to the shop Sobek stepped forward smiling at me you are quite the interesting man you know that kid you forgave her that easily and you even offered to help the father with his work I simple shrugged Sobek I am no Saint I would have probably broken a few or Zidras bones if X hadn't stepped in and I offered to teach X not work for him there is a big difference Sobek laughed nodding that is when I heard people cheering Sobek and I smiled at that and without a word spoken between us we started walking to where the cheers was coming from when re reached the location I wasn't surprised to see the cheers was coming from the people who were watching what was happening down in the pit we simple walked to the railing and looked down people got out of our way as we walked towards the railing so we didn't have any problems I jumped sitting on top of the railing and looked down smiling what I seen didn't surprise me two lycan woman in there hybrid forms fighting against each other one wielded a shield and sword wall the other had two axes in her hand Sobek laughed happily it would seem my dear Meg is kicking ass I laughed with him the one who held the Axes was most definitely Meg I watched her best the hell out of her opponent she fought with shear ferocities the look in her eyes was that of a predator looking at there pray a shiver want down my spine when I seen those eyes not from fear no it was from the determination to tame this predator and make her mine a huge smile was on my face Meg swung one of her axes down and her enemy hid behind there shield but Megs axe completely split the shields in half her opponent was dumbfounded and tried to swing her sword at Meg but Meg simple blocked the weird with one Axe all the other smashed into her head that's when I noticed Megs axes had green chakra around them I looked to Sobek surprised but he simple glanced at me shrugging what you didn't think Hunters was the only ones with chakra many other creatures can us chakra maybe not as proficient as you humans but whatever us lycans can us chakra and magic both but it all depends on your bloodline I looked back into the hole interesting I mumbled I seen a few people run to Megs opponent who is knocked the fuck out two of those people turned to Meg snapping there jaws at her angrily one of them said damn you Meg how dear you hurt me little sister but Meg shrugged she was talking shit about my friends and you know the old saying talk shit get hit or fuck around to find out she talked shit and fucked around so she found out this was a deal that I won fare in square the other one hissed at her just cuz she talked shit about some weak humans who will be scared to even look at you when the see your true colors Meg glared at him and opened her jaws to speak again but I started to laugh so hard that everyone could hear it one of them looked up to me saying what's so funny we are talking about you after all I simple shrugged wiping a tear from my eye how stupid your sister lost the deal far in square and yet you stand her insulting Meg and not only that you insult me you say I won't like Meg when I see her true colors what a load of shit just cuz you can't see the beautiful diamond standing in front of you just cuz your to weak and scared to look passed and into those fears eyes doesn't mean others can't the other hissed at me o yea come down here then come show us what the mighty colt family is made of or are you to scared I chuckled scared of a few little lizards who has barely learned to fight y should I wasn't my time fighting against you they glared up at be but then I heard a proud strong voice say how about me then lad and stepping into the pit is that while scarred gator I seen training with that huge sword that same sword was resting on his right shoulder like it was a toy or something he looked up to me I laughed so you want to deal with me sounds like fun and like that I kicked my self off the railing and landed next to Meg my eyes didn't leave this huge gator I assume there are no rules and the way to win is to knock your opponent out or make them surrender current I asked he nodded indeed you can us any weapon and trick anything as long as your opponent doesn't die I nodded smiling I agree to these terms he nodded I agree as well he then gralled clear the ring Meg grabbed my shoulder and I seen the worry in her eyes I glanced to her don't you worry about me Meg I can take care of my self and a grinned grin spread across my face and my eyes had crazy gold fire in them Meg was shocked but nodded she walked away simple saying be careful I looked back to this gator who had been patiently waiting this whole time my tipped my hat to him saying thanks for waiting on my so patiently he stabbed his sword into the ground in front of him smile it's no problem mate a hunter should always be patient I nodded I agree and sense your wearing nothing but your pants and that hige sword I will also do the same I took off my coat, shirt and gun belt I put them all in my souls space I pulled out my glaive I stabbed it into the ground next to me then I put the last thing into my soul space and that was my hate when people seen the scars I heard many people gasp yell and even a few faint but I didn't care I simple started at this gator his eyes want wide as he looked at the scars on my chest damn kid how are you still alive he sounded more impressed then anything I swunged grabbed my glaive spun it around and pointed it at him come and find out he smiled nodded he grabbed the sword in front of him saying I like you kid the name is Onslo B green I smiled well Onslo shall get to know each other he nodded as he grabbed his sword with two hands he lunged at me swunging his sword down at be but I simple sidestepped out of the way his sword sank into the ground where I was standing before I noticed he was using chakra to make his sword edge blunt but I think I would much rather get hit with a sharp blade then this huge thing but I simple blunted my edge as well as I thrust forward at his chest be he simple smacks my glaive head to the side as he swings his sword again but I us the momentum from him smacking away my glaive head to spin my self around ducking under his blade and as it wings over he I thrust the end of my glaive at his knee the end of my gliave stabs into his knee but all it really did was piss him off his next swing was much faster I simple jumped spinning over it as I did I swung my glaive aiming for the same knee my blunt glaive smacks him in the same knee which forces his knee to give out on him he falls to one knee I land on the ground smiling as I thrust my glaive at his chest which connected it pushed him back a few feet but he uses his sword to stop him self he slowly stands up smiling at me you are strong kid let's see if you can handle this he grabbed his sword when he did appearing over his body was ki armor and a powerful one at that this dark green chakra started channeling through his sword which started glowing green and the wind started to pick up around him show me what you got kid he yelled as he swung his sword and a wind slash was flying at me but I didn't panic or anything I simple raised one hand when I did my black ki armor appeared and I started channeling my lighting I to my left arm as I did that a clawed green lightning gauntlet formed over my hand and it want up my arm like scales armor I grabbed this wind slashed I did the wind kicked up the dust around me I simple crushed the wind slash with my lighting I then waved my glaive ss I did a cold wind glow away the dust cloud around me Onslo was stunned to see me standing there with no wound he smiled happily finally something who isn't weak come on let's keep going I laughed nodding this time Onslo focused his wind through his body he then lunged at me again swinging his sword he was much faster then before but I used my lighting and we started to have a speed fight no the normal people watching us we just looked like bleary colors and shapes moving around the pit after a few minutes of this I smiled to him you had some fun it's my turn to us a cool skill and I slammed the end of my glaive onto the ground when I did ice formed all around me Onslo was shocked but quickly broke him self free from the ice I flashed in front of him using the ice to bost my speed even more and I thrust my glaive at his chest he barely had time to raise his huge sword up to block my strike but when my glaive struck against the flat of his sword he shot backward from the strength of my thrust but also do to the ice on the ground he skidded back and slammed into one of the reinforced pillars that held up the platform above us I stud up straight slamming the end of my glaive onto the ground I started at Onslo who want to one knee his sword stabbing into the soft ground under us and he spat out a mouth full of blood he looked to me with a huge red bloody fanged grin you are strong lad I like you lets be friend and he stood up and held out his hand to me I smiled walking forward I stopped in front of him I moved my glaive into my other hand and reached out and grabbed his hand shaking it sounds like fun let's go kill some little piggys Onslo laughed nodding I surrender you are the winner when he said that people above me screamed and stomped the ground Onslo turned to the two brothers who instigated this fight saying don't worry I will make sure to teach my nephews a lesson I laughed ok I will leave it to you then and I turned around just in time to see a familiar gator swim away from the pit I rolled my eyes chuckling o so you want to play a game of tag so be it and I flashed after her but just to make it even more fun when I stepped into the shade I used my shadow control to blind in with any shade and shadow mix that with my dark coat and stuff I was practically invisible and I followed Megs sent deeper into the swamp.