Helping some new friends

I tracked Meg deeper and deeper into the swamp she never seen me following her but she probably sensed that something was following her cuz she started swimming under the dirty water which made it impossible to see her with normal vision but with my predator vision and my enhanced senses it was easy to follow her 5 minutes past and we just want deeper and deeper into this thick swamp land I noticed Meg surface and swim over to the land I simple landed on a thick tree branch crouching down on it Meg walked onto the land when she did she looked behind her like she was seeing if anyone followed her eyes passed right over me in the tree but I could tell she couldn't see me Meg looked forward and started walking through the thick grass apparently she thought it was safe I followed her but I stayed in the tree and making sure I was still blending with the shadows it was interesting I didn't see any signs of a path there was no markings or path there was nothing but Meg seemed to know where she was going I followed her to a clearing in the woods it was odd the trees and plants was cleared out so there would be a circle clearing in the middle of the swamp y was this her I landed on a tree lem that was in the shade I looked down into this clearing and what I saw shocked me it was a simple training ground I seen targets and dummy's made from wood and plants placed around this area some was hanging from trees some was hammered into the ground with a wood spike there were even circle wooden disks that were hanging from tree lems Meg walked into the middle of this clearing and looked around at these old targets and dummy's smiling that is when her body started to grow and her skin and lems started to move unnaturally and if that wasn't enough it was the sound of cracking and popping that her lems made as she stood up on two legs and her body started to grow in size after a few seconds Meg was in her hybrid form and I didn't know how but she still had her two axes and some clothes on but let's just say the clothes were more like rags so it didn't cover much what interested me was how her weapons were still with her even when she had transformed Meg rolled her shoulders smiling and like that she pulled out her Axes and lunged into training I simply sat down on the lem leaning against the tree as I watched her I didn't stop controlling the shadows especially sense I smelled more them Megs sent in this area both new and old and after a few minutes the first person showed up it was a huge snapping turtle and when I mean huge I mean it was bigger then sea turtle think of a monster truck tire this creature was wicked looking it's shell had sharp jagged spikes around the edges plus it's hands was sharp class and it's hooked shape mouth was very shinny and I could see the power in those jaws it stopped seeing Meg but Meg didn't stop training she simply stopped to wave at the turtle and want back to swinging her axes the turtle smiled and it's body started to shake grow after a few second it was in it's hybrid form I didn't see any clothes on it but they didn't need any do to their shell but I did see over there shoulders was two swords and like this the turtle started training I studied this were turtle and it used them two long swords masterfuly I also noticed that they was female I simple watched and after 5 minutes two more creatures showed up it was two were bunny's unlike the were gator and turtle these bunny's only have two forms there is the hybrid form and there human form that was it most of the time these lycans prefer to stay in there hybrid forms which was a small humanoid that looked like a rabbit these two rabbits fear was brown with Black spots on them and their rabbit ears were folded down very cutely but there eyes was blood red and when they smiled seeing the other two here I seen sharp teeth one of them was a male wall the other was female and I could tell they was siblings probably twins the male had a bow slung over his shoulder with a quiver over his right shoulder I saw two daggers on his hip as for the sister she had a huge sword strapped to her back I was surprised that she could even hold that big sword let alone swing it around both of them had the same clothes on green shirt with grown pants they jumped into the training with the other two the boy was one hell of a shot with that bow as for his sister she swung and jumped around with that big sword like a little maniac at this point I was smiling at all this and couldn't wait to see what would show up next and I didn't have to wait long to see three bobcats walk into the clearing with two owls on two of there backs as for what was on the third cats back when I seen it I almost started laughing cut I quickly controlled my self it was a cute little Fox that had three tails it was so cute with its big brown eyes and fluffy tail but all of these creatures shifted into a hybrid form and started training even the little fox I noticed something the three bobcats teamwork was excellent I could tell all three of them was brothers but their fighting styles were the complete opposite from one another one used his claws with martial arts I could see dark gray ki focused around his claws and legs this was the older brother the middle brother used two scimitars and had a bow on his back he would switch between the weapons as for the little brother he spin around two old revolvers that had blades attached to them the blade offered him hand protection a bit and want all the way to the handle so it was both a slashing and piercing blade I hadn't thought about making any gun like that but I must say the fighting style definitely go well with my abilities and style thang you lad you just opened up my eyes to a hole realm of opportunities as for the two owls they fought together and I didn't even have to ask to know that those two was related to Athenas do to the black feathers they had mixed with a dark brown they used gloves that had claws coming out the fingers one had these gloves on both it's feet and hands wall the other one only had them on it's feet wall in it's hands was a double sided spear well I say spear but the two blades at each end of it looked like sword blades so I ant sure what would you call that but it was sure interesting as for the Fox she was surprisingly wielding two weapons in her right hand was a one-handed short spear and in her other hand was a rope dart but instead of a sharp dart there was a metal ball it was interesting to see these two odd weapons being used together but this little Fox was pulling it off making it into her own fighting style at this point I had taken off my coat do you how hot and humid it was getting, to be honest, I just didn't want to get my coat that sweaty I had been watching this group for a hole hour and they didn't noticed me I found out the turtle was called Tokka and the twin rabbit was called Vax and Rage obviously the sister was called Rage as for the cat brothers from oldest to youngest was Panthro, Brain and Catless the two owls didn't talk much but Panthro called the one with the double-sided spear Wind as for the one I think her name was Demeter as for the little fox she was the youngest in this group she was called Astrid at this point all of them was talking a brake Tokka looked around asking have any of yall seen Thorn she said she was going to be here but she hasn't showed up I hope nothing bad happened to hear Panthro shrugged I seen her last night and she was fine then Wind smiled at Panthro o was the little kitty worried about his 8 legend girlfriend Panthro started to blush I think it was hard to tell do to the gray and grown fear and all but Demeter also smiled at him o look the little kitty is embarrassed come on Panthro you two have been dating for ears Meg said laughing that is when Astrid spoke but I could tell she was nervous no big sis Thorn has been here this hole time she just has been hiding but I ant sure y right when I heard that I felt a cold presents over me but I wasn't shocked I had smelled her a while ago the smell of blood and the smell of spider webs is definitely a unique smell and when you mix the two together even move so plus I could hear something something over me I simple looked up smiling and what I seen was a fucking huge black widow looking down at me it's feet was holding against the tree but didn't focus on that sense I had a spiders face inches away from mine what's up I said still smile but instead of answering me the spider moved one of it's legs that's when a clear spider web rapid around me my hole body got bound by this white web only my face hasn't covered this spider then crawled around the tree and lowered is self onto the grown saying you all need to be careful none of you noticed that you was being watched by a hunter all of them was shocked Tokka then asked where and who is he Thorn seemed to shrug I ant sure I have never seen him before but don't worry I have bound him when she said that two of her back legs hit the tree that is when I felt my body get lifted into the air hanging upside down my hat feel off and landed on top of the little fox's head they all looked up to me and at this point my smile didn't fade hell it got bigger that is when Meg said Hunter is that you I simple said indeed Meg was dumbfounded how the fuck how did you get here she asked I chuckled lets see I won the match in that pit when I turned around I noticed you swimming away so I said fuck it I got nothing better to do and I followed you and I must say it was to easy but then again my skills are great for tracking and stealth is definitely not hard for me I have been watching you all sense the beginning I am actually a little surprised miss Thorn was able so find me but even for her it took her a bit to find me no there was only one of you all that noticed me since the beginning and she is the one holding my hat everyone turned to Astrid who simple moved the hat out of her eyes so she could see everyone looking at her Catless then gralled is this true Astrid did you know he was there Astrid started to shake and I could see tears starting to form and she shyly nodded yes I did Catless hissed then I didn't you tell us tears started falling down her face and I seen her fox ears go down like she was scared or sad and she tried to speak but nothing came out Catless was losing his patients with her and he stomped the ground angrily at this point Astrid was definitely scared I could see her take a few steps back Catless cocked the hammer on one of his pistols angrily and he took a step closer to her but Fox started stepping back Catless gralled tell us y you didn't tell us about the hunter watching is you surely didn't think we didn't need to know at this point Meg and Tokka tried to stop Catless Tokka saying she is still a child your scaring her Catless Meg nodded indeed watch and she turned to Astrid and smiled warmly at her saying it's ok Astrid we won't let him hurt you can you tell us y Astrid looked to Meg then to Tokka then to Catless angry face then back at Meg then down at the ground saying it's cuz I didn't sense any ill intentions coming from him no what I felt was a curiosity and a warmth Tokka and the rest of them was shocked but Meg smiled thank you and she walked forward and pat Astrid on the head your a good girl when Astrid heard that her ears moved back up and her tails started moving behind her happily Meg turned to the rest of them and was about to speak when Catless gralled she lies he is a hunter I will deal with this and I could sense his killing intent directed at me and he raised one of his pistols at me and shot me in the chest three times I activated my ki armor but only in the areas he aimed for plus I only used enough ki to stop the bullet but also to make me bleed I made my body go slack still with that smile on my face Meg hissed angrily but Catless wasn't done he then looked down and pointed his other pistol at Astrid gralling trater but before he could pull that trigger a small spike of lighting struck his gun which made him drop that gun and at the same time my body burst into blue flames which easily burned the spider string on me as I dropped towards the ground my nine tail soul beast armor appeared on my body and I heard my nine tails gralling in my mind it was pissed how dear this little cat try and kill a tail fox in front of me lets kill this bastard and a croul crazy grin spread across my fox face my shirt was already burned away and all of my scars was glowing blue with fire I flipped in the air fire shooting from the bottom of my feet this gave me a boost I landed in front of Astrid I turned to her crouching down she looked scared but unlike everyone she actually started into my eyes that crazy smile wasn't there what was there is a warm worried expression are you ok little one my voice wasn't human she nodded quickly yes sir fox I chuckled and pat her head Meg is right your a good girl and none of that sir fox stuff my name is Hunter she smiled happily I stood up and turned around that warm smile faded and the croul crazy grin was back and my scars started burning again my eyes landed on Catless all of my killing intent was directed at him when he felt my killing intent he started shaking hell everyone started stepping away from him scared to get in my way I slowly started to walk towards him my nine tails moving behind me Catless couldn't even move under my gaze I stepped right in front of him and gralled I didn't attend on hurting none of yall sense you all are friends of Megs I didn't care Thorn making a trap for me if I wanted to stop her I would have when she first started making her web hell I could have killed any one of yall but I didn't I didn't come here for bloodshed especially sense we all will be fighting against the pigs together you heard me right together you might ask your self y a hunter would fight with monsters and that's a easy answer it's cuz I am a fucking Colt when I said my last name his eyes want wide and I heard others have similar reaction that's right my name is Hunter Ace Colt it was me who told my old friend Eant to warn everyone about the little pigs kidnapping plan it was me who tortured the plans out of the little piggy I cot it was I who killed the mutant wendigo that attacked and ran away from the green family and it was I who shot that leader pig when he threatened and disrespected the green family it was I who killed his man and that was when I just had awakened and I will be I who kill those fucking baby killing fucking pigs so tell me boy y should I let you actions go unpunished I don't care about you shooting me but what I can't stand is people who hurt children so with that in mine speak Catless tried to speak but nothing come out speak I gralled one of my tails hitting the ground that is when Catless want down to one knee bowing to me saying sir I beg for your forgiveness I only wanted to protect my friends I looked him over and I could tell he wasn't laying I side at that Catless you are lucky that I believe you I can understand shooting me but what I don't understand is y you would shot Astrid isn't she your friend Catless nodded yes she is but we just met her I don't trust her she acts shy but her skill in combat is scary but even so I was out of line I nodded ok Catless I will let you off with simple a small burn on your and don't worry it won't affect your fighting but it will be a constant reminder of what you learned today Catless nodded stood up and held out his right hand I snapped my fingers and a thine blue wire formed in the air rapped around his hand and it burned his hand so there would be a burn scar that want all the way around his hand he didn't make a noise when he started to get burned when it was good the blue wire disappeared I smiled and it was my warm smile and my fox armor was gone I looked them all over saying you all got much skill and potential but and I walked over to a dummy that had a wood spike into the ground and I kicked it I focused my weak green chakra into my leg and this thick spike snapped in half these dummy's don't fight back all of you have your own style and I assume you fight against others in your tribes am I right Wind stepped forward nodding indeed all of are tribes have us train and fight against are clansman I nodded smiled indeed and you see that's the problem and I walked to another target this one was hanging in a tree above me Panthro then asked how is that a problem are you saying are tribs training is weak I chuckled no not at all Panthro but you all have only fought against your tribes man and what maybe a few other monsters like ghouls perhaps you have fought against each other just to pass the time hell maybe you have even killed some humans the shake of these dummy's definitely suggest that and I jumped up flipped kicking the dummy meant for shooting I landed on the ground with my hands in my pockets Vax then stepped forward shooting three arrows at the target that was still moving from my kick all three arrows hit the middle of the chest it was a tight grouping does that answer your question Vax said calmly I nodded indeed I walked to another target that was on the ground this time it was in the shade I tapped this dummy smiling when I tapped it the shadows started moving around this dummy making it the shape of the wendigo I fought against I turned around leaning against it saying can any of you show me where this creatures heart is or even where a fatal area is they all looked at each other confused but it was Vax again who pulled a arrow off his back and shot this shape on the left side chest area where a heart would be in a human when the arrow his the shadow it sunk into it like a target Vax then said dead to easily I laughed and pulled out the arrow shaking my head you missed the heart next Wind then rushed forward using his wings lunch him self forward and up he swung that odd weapon of his it cutting off the left arms and he thrust his blade into the chest where you would think a heart would be in this big a creature but he was off by a few inches Wind landed on the ground smiling dead right I simple shook my head no next Rage leaped forward swinging down her huge sword which sank deep onto it's right shoulder she then sprong over it which pulled out her sword she then spun around cutting the legs off then jumped again swinging her sword which sank into the left head she turned to me smiling proudly dead I chuckled close but no cigar Rage there is two heads two brains next when I said that the shadow target was back to normal Panthro rushed forward and thrust his claws into the right side chest and he was right on the mark where a heart would be he even pulled out a shadow heart he crushed it looking up to me dead I simple shook my head this creature has two of everything and it also has fast regeneration it also can us magic next Brains and Catress both lunged forward Brains sliding under this shadow wendigo cutting it legs off wall Catress filled its chest full of lead but he missed the left heart both looked to me expectedly I simple shook my head good team work but Catriss missed the left heart but even so it would have been a home lot easier to kill after that good job you two but this is what I mean you all are us to fighting against your own kind mostly nothing more what happens when you fight against one of those pigs you all have no experience fighting against other creatures so you can't kill your enemy fast sure you maybe able to kill them but that with much effort and that doesn't even mention your opinions abilities and allies so end the end the chances of yall being killed is hi they were all shocked at my words I shrugged I could help you but you will have to lessen to a lonely hunter so what will it be they all looked to one another Tokka then asked before we answer can you tell us you want to help us we are monster and your a hunter isn't it your job to hunt supernatural creatures like us i laughed I maybe a hunter and your right it is my job to hunt down supernatural creatures but only the ones who has killed people and broken the lay I don't think any of yall have broken the lay much besides rules are meant to be broken and who says I can't have friends with supernatural creatures hell I already have 4 familiars and plenty of lycan friends the elder of the green family is one and Megs father is another one hell I even am friend with Wind and Demeters relative Athena besides I am dating a hot powerful sorceress and I am friends with a treeant and I saved a child from the two surviving members of the orange scale tribe besides I am mostly doing this for a friend and I stared at Meg who was shocked Tokka laughed at my answer fuck it y not it can't heart she said pulling out the two swords on her back and she lunged at the shadow dummy she swung twice cutting the two heads off and like that the shadow body hit the ground dead the rest of them nodded Wind and Demeter was the first to agree Wind then spoke if your friends with anty Athena your a friend to us we are in Panthro then spoke laughing you spared my brother and you seem to know your stuff we are in and his brothers nodded Vax and Rage shrugged Rage saying y, not it can't hurt to learn a few things right Thorn side man you all are really trusting no I won't I will simple watch and she skittered up the tree Astrid shyly stepped forward sir Hunter I wish to learn as well I chuckled no need for the sir little Astrid just Hunter will do Astrid looked down shyly sorry I waved my hand no need to apologize little one you haven't done anything wrong she smiled nodding I then looked to Meg who was staring at my chest I could see worry in her eyes but when I turned to her she composed her self she simple nodded I then waved my hands all the dummy's in this area started to turn into shadow dummy's it didn't matter if they was in the sun light it not sense everything casts a shadow I simple used that these shadow dummy's was many different forms many of them was the shape of the pigs we would be fighting but there was human and other lycan shapes with it I walked and sat under a shady tree I looked back to see them staring at me shocked I chuckled word of advice if you get hit it won't hurt you but it it will hurt like hell the was even more confused I snapped my fingers when I did strings of shadow shot out from around me and connected to the dummy's who started moving many of them pulled out shadow weapons like swords, axes and even a few guns the shadow dummy of the wendigo that Tokka killed shot back out swinging all four of it's arms at Tokka angrily Tokka was surprised but was able to block two of the shadow claws but the other two claws striked against her shell with so much force it throw her back but Meg quickly cot her before she could hit anything Tokka thank Meg but Meg simple looked around saying don't thank me yet Wind and Demeter grabbed Vax and Catress and flew them into the trees above wall Panthro,and Rage rushed forward wall Brain fought against the mutant wendigo but he couldn't kill it neither could the other two lesson one I said find the weaknesses in your enemy everything has a weakness find it when I said that Brain blocked two claws but something interesting happened when the wendigo pushed down against Brain a ball attached to a rope struck the elbow which made the arm weaken Fox then spun around and used her short spear she hooked the rope then through the ball straight at the left face it struck true this made it stumble back holding his face see see good job Astrid I said nodding you all are to focused onthe want to kill your enemy or the wish to when you should be studying your options find a weakness find it and make that wish a reality when I said that Rage who was fighting against a pig dummy with a huge club Rage flipped over this dummy's strike when she landed she turned around and cut one leg off this pig stumbled that is when three arrows hit the middle of it's chest but I new that wouldn't kill it there wasn't enough power in the bow for one but also the pigs fat makes it hard for arrows to pierce through it lesson three bring the right tools for the job if you don't got the right tools to kill your enemy your going to pay harshly it's simple research all you can about your enemy knowledge power forth lesson don't just focus on the strong enemies alone the small fries might be weak but there is power in numbers allows have a few people deal with the weaklings wall you take care of the strong that is when Meg lunged into the middle of a group of human dummy's with guns who was aiming at Brain and Panthro she shredded through them that is when I seen Panthro thrust his claw through a pigs chest but he missed any vital organs faith lesson if you don't know where your enemies organs are aim for the throat, head, middle of chest, hell even between the legs or under the armpits these are all weak spots in the body of most creatures my sixth and final lesson don't be scared to us your abilities if you feel your life in danger us them all and don't be scared to play a little dirty most likely your opponent won't play fare y should you if you mix all the lessons I just told you and you follow them all we start stepping into the realm of strategy but remember if you can't win there is no shame surviving to fight another day and don't rely on one specific tool us many tools whatever it takes to get the job done be it a sword and you keep a dagger on you or a bow person making there but into a spear, it doesn't matter at this point the last shadow dummy hit the ground and they all were breathing hard well all the ones on the ground that is Catress and Vax was fine I smiled at them waving my hand and a shadow which was on the ground got jurked into my hands by a shadow hook so what did yall think of your first taste of real battle Panthro was looking down at his shaking hands that was thrilling he said clenching his hands Rage was out of breath leaning against her sword she nodded indeed I have never experienced anything like this so this is what father meant I laughed at all of there expirations this is only a little taste of what its like out there on the real battlefield it's a hole story out there your life is on the line one false step and lights out one wrong move and your dead I wonder what will you do in that situation will you run for the hills with your tails between your legs or will you overcome your fear and fight or maybe one of you will end up like me you don't run and you don't feel fear no you smile in the face of danger your excited to dance with death you love testing you fate you love fighting so much that others call you crazy and they ant wrong we don't fear are death hell we welcome it with a smile and when we meet the death twins we great them like old friends I can't wait to see what you all will do but enough of my rambling brake time over and I snapped my fingers again and the shadow dummy's was back up a few of them seeing this mowned sadly and like this we did this till the son started falling and we all left I simple waved my hand saying see you all at the meeting they simple nodded and we split up.