The Feast

Meg turned into her Gator form and she walked into the water as for me I walked next to her over the water using my shadow control to make solid ground appear with each step Meg simple swimed next to me as I walked over the water at this point I pulled on my shirt again but not my coat Meg and I didn't speak we just enjoyed each others presents but after a while, I noticed Meg giving me the side eye and I saw the worry in her eyes again I could also tell she was withholding questions she was probably scared that I would get angry or something I simple chuckled Meg I know you have questions ask them I will answer all of them honestly and to the best of my ability Meg side I am that obvious huh I shrugged Meg I am your friend besides your ant that good at hiding your feelings that's just what makes you well you and I love it Meg was shocked but shook her head asking Hunter are you ok I mean really I side and stopped walking and looked up to see the orange sky and the falling sun over the trees if I am being honest I have never been better I live my new life I was born to be a hunter it just feels fight but that's not what your asking I am happy Meg sure I miss my boys but they will always be with me no matter where I go they wouldn't want me to cry and pity my self for surviving no they want me to life this new life to the fullest as for my mental troma I have been talking it one step at a time that damn rat didn't just brake the vail open for me he also broke something in my mind that most people would call sanity or maybe reason even he broke that sure it's back together now but a wound like that can't never fully heal I still dream about that night and sometimes I hear that damns rats voice in my head but he can go fuck off I am me I am still the Hunter you remember I just have gotten cooler Meg chuckled but after a moment of laughter Meg's smile faded what happened that night Hunter if you don't want to talk about it I would understand I shrugged I have no problems telling you but are you sure your ready to hear this story it's definitely not the best Meg nodded I side ok and I told her what happened the same story I told everyone else she started to cry and I must say seeing a gator cry it was a odd sight she also let out this sad gator hiss but she didn't interrupt me by the time I finished the sun was about gone Meg hissed sadly for a few minutes I simple crouched down and pat her head she calmed down and she said how the fuck are you not crazy Hunter I chuckled darkly Meg I am crazy I have to be sense I enjoyed being a hunter I got to have a few screws loss sense I am standing over water petting and talking to a gator who is my friend I also just got done teaching other lycans to fight against other creature like it was completely normal hell I am definitely crazy seeing how I have three female friends who are all part of the supernatural world and instead of running for the hills I planning to make them all mine I have already got the hot sorceress next is going to be the crazy smoking hot gator lycan who wields two axes in each hands could you guess who that is Meg laughed so Triss told you about are promise how fun but don't forget Hunter I am part of a tribe you got to get the consent from the elder and my parents before you can even try I broke out laughing I stood up as I did Meg was surprised and she asked what's so funny Hunter I am being serious I started walking again whipping tears from my eyes as I dropped this bombshell I already have I could have sworn I heard a bomb go off in Megs head but then again it was probably just my imagination Meg then quickly swam in front of me hissing how when y answer all the questions Ilaughed seeing her embarrassed questioning, blushing gator face I quickly jumped out of the way of Megs tail that she swung at me I landed on the opposite side still chuckling but I calmed my self down enough to say a few words your grandfather and father both like me hell your grandfather offered you as a price for helping him Meg hissed again but don't worry I told him that it was your choice to become mine I would never force anyone to be with me especially not a friend all I can do is extend my hand out weather you take it that's up to you and even if you don't we will still be friends Meg was gaping at me and I could her hissing still I chuckled turning around and starting to walk away saying come on we need to get back I am hungry and we have been away long enough Meg wordlessly followed me I could tell she was thinking about the information I just told her we got back to the tribe at this point it was already dark I could see fire and electric lites I heard music and laughter I used the shadows to walk my self onto the dock and what I seen made me smile it was a huge party there were people singing, dancing, drinking, and eating it was a huge feast I could smell the different foods and drinks Meg didn't climb up next to me she probably want to her home I started walking through the crowd s I walked people some people seen me some people was to busy dancing but I walked passed a table that had food and drink on it I quickly grabbed a mug and a huge smoked bird leg as I walked by there was an old lady at the end of the table who smiled at me talking some food I kept on walking as I did I ate plenty of damn good food and the drink was fucking great most of it was homemade whiskey or moonshine it was definitely a harder licker but even so it was damn good and I like the hard shit by the time I spotted the elder and his family I was already on my 3 drink and my 4th plate of meat the elder and his family was out side there house sitting at a table that had food and drink all over it, of course, the elder sat at the head of the table with his wife on his left and on his right was his son and wife sitting next to Shurly was my uncle and next to him was Triss who had on a simple dark purple dress I must say she looked beautiful when my eyes feel onto her I felt my heart thump against my chest and the fire of lust and desire sparked in my eyes but I quickly controlled my self I walked up to the table the elder turned to me smiling o your finally here lad go in and quality freshen up I nodded and walked into the house and walked up stairs it wasn't hard to find the bathroom I quickly took a shower and pulled on a nice pare of dark blue jeans and a dark red and black button down shirt I rolled my sleeves up to my elbows lastly I pulled on my black boots and I combed my hair so it was slicked back I also combed my forming beard I looked my self in the mear and not to toot my own horn or anything but damn I looked good my clothes wasn't really fancy but that didn't matter the clothes mixed with my looks made me quite good looking hell even the scar on my face didn't affect anything if anything it added to my wild looks I walked out of the bathroom pulling on my gun belt smiling I walked back outside to see Meg sitting next to her mother across from Meg there was only one chair left and it was the one opposite from the elder usually the chair opposite from the leader was for his wife but in many other cases the two chairs at the end of the table was reserved for the leader and elders of the family or there honored guest the fact that the elder smiled to me saying have a seat lad and damn lad with looks like yours you could charm many of the younger and even some of the older girls in my tribe I chuckled and walked over and took a seat thinking this is a sign not only for me to understand my position in the elders eyes but also it was to show the hole tribe that I was a powerful friend an ally to the tribe the fact uncle wasn't sitting in this chair meant that my uncle saw me as the leader of this mission and he was only a adviser and guide that sly old fucker I thought as I took a drink out of the corner of my eye I saw my uncle snickering silently I put my cup down and stared at the elder saying so elder where is this meeting going to be held the elder cut himself a piece of ham and ate it before answering well, to be honest with you lad the place just changed it was going to be at a neutral family tribe but since the kidnapping plans have changed the meeting will be at a neutral area from an outside faction tell me lad what do you know about witches I smiled and bit off some meat from a turkey leg I did this a few more times sense I liked the meat it was sweet like honey I took a drink before answering it would depend on what sort of witches we are talking about if we are talking about the most common witches which is someone who has formed a contract with a devil or demon to gain magical powers but if we are talking about a witches who hasn't contracted with a devil or demon but instead made a pact with a fay or spirits of the land these witches hold great power but are few and far between the last kind is the most dangerous and rarest and that is someone who has gained power from beings like Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos these are the three Greek fate sisters but these are only 3 there are many more that I didn't say these witches are immensely powerful many of them can be vindictive do to there long lifes so which of there's are you asking about the elder was shocked so was the rest of his family but my uncle side Hunter I think all he was asking is what did you know about witches in general not all that I side shrugging well in general witches are powerful people who have packed with powerful beings mostly there are the rare fee who can us the would magic but that's a hole nother thing they wield magic and ride brooms many of them live way beyond what a human should but in the end, they are humans they can be killed it might be but right then I felt something in the air and I felt a cold set of eyes fall onto us I shot up looking around activating my predator vision, Triss did the same the elder asked what's wrong lad is everything alright as I looked around my eyes soon feel onto a black ball that was floating over the table Triss noticed it as well I smiled saying you know it's rude to spy one people you could have at least introduced your self I waited for a few seconds but no one answered the rest of them stayed quite they understand from my words that someone was watching us no one spoke my eyes didn't leave this black ball after a few minutes I sat back down saying Triss can you get rid of it Triss smiled of course and she snapped her fingers when she did I heard a bang of thunder and the crack of glass the black ball shattered and was gone Triss say back down thank you dear said smiled at her she simple nodded I looked back to the elder saying so this meeting will be sponsored by a witch I assume that's y you asked that question the elder nodded your sort of right you see the meeting will be sponsored by the hidden magic academy that is located here your lady should know about it sense she wields magic as well and he looked over to Triss I also looked over to her Triss side yes I know it but I haven't been there my self sense my old family, in particular, my mother has pissed off a lot of powerful people so I could never attend any academy here in the US I have never had a teacher all my former mother taught me was the basics of basics and even then she wasn't a good teacher so all of my knowledge has come from my hard work and research but I never showed my true power to my mother or anyone I didn't want to be used but know that I my former mother has disowned me I am free to do what I want so I am free to tell you this the headmistress of the school here is a very powerful witch known as Titubs when I heard that name my smile faded my uncle also put down his cup and turned to Triss with a serious expression well shit I said sying and took a long drink from my cup welcoming the burning from the moonshine Meg asked confusion written all over her face what is up y do you two react to this name do you know this women or something my uncle and I side together of course we recognise that name what person wouldn't if they researched the salem witch trials my uncle said I nodded indeed Titubs a slave to a family the first woman accused for being a witch she was locked up and tortured in the end she admitted to being a witch she accused two other woman for being witches his was the spark of many terrible events after that Titubs rot in a prison for a while till on may 1693 when she was brought before a grand jury who said she was free after that no one knows what happened to Titubs but it would seem she is a headmistress at a school did you know that many of the people who was killed for being witches actually wasn't but many became witches soon after they was judged to be one hell their people even to this day who are being killed for being a witch my uncle nodded I stood up drinking the rest of my drink I looked to Sobek what type of weapon do you want he was shocked but shrugged if you can make me an axe basically the same as mine but I want it to be able to split in half so I could have two axes do you think you can do that I simply nodded I looked to Triss and kissed her on the cheek and whispering something in her ear that made her blush a little she smiled and winked at me I stood up straight saying excuse me elder but the force is calling he simple nodded I looked to Meg who looked like she wanted to do something but was hesitating I chuckled to my self picked one last slice of the smoked ham and walked away eating the slice saying damn this is to good I walked to the only forge in the tribe and like he was waiting for me X was standing out side of his shot smoking a familiar cigarette he was still in his work clothes but he had a cup in his hands he seen me walking towards him and he smiled took you long enough Hunter I knew you couldn't resist the call is the forge I laughed nodding indeed but you have no room to talk X smiled shrugging and laughing your right I chuckled nodding well then y are we still out here talking let's make the anvil sing X nodded indeed you can change inside don't worry my daughter won't bother us I nodded and we walked in I quickly changed into my work clothes I pulled out Mauler and looked over the metal we had its of old car parts like spings and the such but I also seen silver which was odd it was probably a new addition I picked up one thick old till blade I looked to Ace saying let me show you a few things my friend and like that I started my work X simple watched.