Hitting the trail

Mauler made sparks fly and the anvil ringed happily I started to fold this till blade over and over till I thought it was good that's when I started shaping the axe head ones I got the two heads of the axes shaped I made a rivet between them on both sides I put the axe head back in to the forces which couldn't be compared to the one I had at home but it still was a good set up I looked around and found where he quenched his weapons I walked over to it to see dark black tar I nodded good this will do quite nicely the tamp tar mixed with this and I pulled out a small vial that had what looked like water in it I pulled off the lid and poured the water into the tar when the water hit the tar it started to mix with it making a brown color I pulled another vial that had a purple ish liquid in it I pulled the lid off and poured again this time the tar started to turn back to black I looked to X who had a questioning gaze I smiled saying swamp tar is good for quenching but when you mix it with hi level holy water the liquids mix making something great as for the other liquid I poured into it was my own mix of poison I warn you make sure nothing drinks this liquid and if any gets on you wipe it off as soon as you can my poison is deadly fatal to any living beings and it even affects undead X was surprised y would you tell me this Hunter ant you scared I will use this information to make better gear then you I shrugged laughing you can try X y should I hesitate to pass on my teachings to others you can try to do what I have done but I don't think you the alchemist type plus even if you could learn how my skills will already be outside your reach at the end X I do all this cuz I respect you so this is my little gift in the hope to make another great craftsman in the world I pulled out the Axe head from the furnace it was red hot I walked over to the tar and quenched the it by the time I turned around and put down the axe head X was holding a interesting spike my eyes lit up seeing that spike it was about the side of me and thick as a mammoths tusks probably a bit bigger he walked in front on me and held out the spike to me saying for your troubles I chuckled saying X this is a snow wyvern tail spike it came from a damn big one by the looks of it this spike is worth a lot of money and you could make many good weapons with is y are you gifting it to me showing you a few things isn't worth this much X smiled you say that but both of those small Vials you just used was worth way more then this spike I believe one gift should be returned in kind I chuckled saying ok fine but I will also give you this and I pulled a journal from my soul space this is one of many journals I have of my techniques this is only for the basics but it will help you greatly this and the two vials are my gift to you I held out the journal X took it with shaking hands thank you Hunter I won't forget this I laughed and took the wyvern and used Mauler to split a long piece off it was a little big for a handle for be but for Sobek it would be perfect I looked to X saying get me silver and gold melt and put them next to me I will show you my true skill X jumped into action as for me I pulled a shaping tool out from my soul space as I put the Spike in I started shaping the piece into a actual handle it was fast work I attached the axe head to the handle just in time cuz right then X put the two liquid silver and gold on the ground next to me in there pours I waved my hand and silver and gold liquid started floating up it was like many different strings all of them floated over to the axe and started making runes and designs on the hand and the axe head the blades edges were covered with silver a lot of the silver but I mixed a few spots with the silver with the gold when I was done the axe head had gold and silver runes on it also going down the handle was a few rounds but there was two things that good out it was the two lunging gold gators on each side of the axe but also in the middle of the axe where I put that rivet was a gold like that want all the way down this axe at the bottom of this axe was a gold gator head but I wansnt done I then pulled out a pin that had a metal tip I channeled my fire chakra into it the tip started to glow blue and like this I started burning/ carving the handle so it would have slots so the wielders hands wouldn't slip easily and also cool wavy designs after I was done I lifted this axe smiling at my good work X pat me on the shoulder fine work Hunter I chuckled putting the axe into my soul space nodding as I looked over to a clock it was about 2 in the morning and we will probably be leaving early today I looked to X saying I am going to go and get some sleep you should do the same he nodded your right the elder said we will be leaving before the sun comes up so a few hours of sleep probably would be best I nodded see you then X and like that I walked out I wasn't surprised that I didn't see anyone hell there wasn't even much lights but this didn't affect anything for me I started walking towards the elders house the docks was silent it felt like a ghost town luckily I ant afraid of no ghost it didn't take me long to get to the elders house and to no ones surprised everyone was sleeping I walked up stairs and took another shower since I had been sweating and working at the forge it was a quick shower I walked out in nothing but shorts I walked to the room that was given to Triss and me I opened the door and walked in it was a small guest bedroom nothing to fancy I noticed Triss wasn't in the bed but I wasn't worried I had a feeling she was with Meg I crawled into bed and feel asleep I really didn't dream I just rested well that was up till my door basically got kicked in I shot up out of bed pulling my two 1911s out and my ki armor appeared in my body Meg stepped through the door it looked like she was in a hurry but when she seem my shot out of bed and draw my weapons she raised her hands wow wow wow Hunter it's me don't shoot I glared at her not lowering my guns saying where did we first met Meg side well we met in class but we didn't truly get to talk till the party of 666 the girls and I was being harassed by 4 man at the party when you and Greg saw this didn't you knock out one of those man teeth by smashing it into repeatedly to your knee as for the other one he pulled a knife on you which you then proceeded to brake the mans leg plus you snapped the wrist out of place that held the knife wall the other 2 gotten taken care of by Greg I side lowering my pistols sying but then anger replaced my relief, didn't your parents teach you to bloody knock before entering a room, especially a guest room who is a gods damn hunter you could have been shot for god's sake Meg she glared at me this is my bloody home I will do what I want besides your bullets but before she could finish I cut her off angrily don't you dear say my bullets will have no effect you maybe a gods damn were gator and your armor might be the best of the lycans but don't pursue nothing can't penetrate that armor, especially a bullet made from a hunter like me my bullet could kill you easily all that it would need it's a scratch to kill you very slowly and painfully and I am the only one who knows and holds the antidote and this is only one of my bullets ability's when Meg heard my words her face want white from terror but then that terror turned to anger and she yelled so you made a bullet that can kill my family ease what type of friend are you I side and pulled on my pants and socks as I was doing this I said one who is a hunter and a practical man I am your and your family ally and more importantly I am your friend but even so I am not stupid nor foolish enough to believe that I won't make enemies be it from fear, revenge or whatever besides your not the only were gators out there I would be a fool not to prepare to fight against them I tied my boots before looking over at her I saw sadness and tears forming in her eyes I stood up and walked in front of her and wiped a tear that feels I started into those enchanting blue gator slits eyes and in a calm strong voice said, Meg I have always been realistic I have always said hope for the best and prepare for the worst and sense I became a hunter I have been doing that a lot more it wasn't my fault that Greg, Tonny and Rick died even so I will always think to my self what could I have done differently and the answer to that is nothing no matter what I think of the old me could never have understood anything from the true world since I could see through the vail but even so I will never have that happen again I will not sit there and watch my friends and family be skinned in front of me never again I will push my self even harder working my hands to the bone learn everything I can and prepare for every option wall hoping nothing like that will ever happen again but if it does then who ever is doing it has already punched there ticket straight to hell even if I git to track them to the ends if the earth and realms there will be nowhere but before I could finish Meg put a finger over my mouth shushing me Meg nodded at my surprised reaction Hunter you I understand know please stop rambling I chuckled scratching the back of my head as an awkward smile spread across my face Meg laughed at my expression this made me feel warm and embarrassed but I couldn't not get back to her for this so I leaned forward and whispered into her ear saying you always know exactly how to shut me up and feel embarrassed you horny gator and I blow lightly on her ear as I moved my face a little away are faces was so close that I could feel her hot breath are lips was so close Megs face flushed red and she shyly tried to look away but before she could her eyes locked with mine and it was like she was in a trance a fee seconds passed like this that is when I heard Joannas voice yell up the stairs, I'm an it kids we are waiting for you stop dilly-dallying and let's go this broke Meg and I out of our trance Meg yelled back coming mom then she looked back to me smiling o yea I was sent to get you sense you slept in a bit we are already ready we was just waiting for you I glared at her but side saying damn it y didn't you lead with that and I started walking down the stairs pulling on my gun belt and a shirt Meg simple followed me chuckling to her self when I got to the bottom of the stairs I seen Joannas standing at the door her arms was crossed and her left foot was tapping on the ground when she turned around to see us she through her arms in the air saying finally you show up lets go we don't got time to waste I chuckled yes mam she leads us outside she locked the door as Meg walked out then she lead us to the northeast side of the settlement the dock quickly dropped off ended I seen Triss and Samuel already settled up next to the riverside where I seen hundreds of floating gator heads in the water but standing next to our horses was Sobek and the elder I noticed something both them and Meg was wearing a plan looking swimsuit that had their weapons strapped on them nothing more it looked quite odd even funny but the elder turned around to us as we walked towards him but before he could speak I pulled out the axe I made for Sobek and held it out to him saying one axe as promised Sobek was shocked as he looked over the gold images and runes he took it and took a few steps away and he swung the axe a few times after the 3 swing he turned back to me nodding it's a good weapon I laughed what you haven't even channeled your chakra into it if you don't like it give it back Sobek was shocked and he looked down to the axe after that a dark green chakra covered it a huge smile spread across Sobek face as he pulled the two half's apart so he held two long axes instead of one he swung them a few times before connecting the two half's back together he turned back to me clutching the axe his baby like he was scared I was going to take it away from him I laughed don't worry sobek I made that weapon for you so I won't be taking it back I turned to the elder as I walked up to my horse saying what's the plan sir the elder nodded your group will follow a suited trail that follows next to the river mostly but there will be a spot where the path curves around a very deep part of the swamp your group will go around this wall we go through it like normal it should only take you all 3 days to travel around and meet up with us so we will wait up to 5 days if you haven't met up with us in those 5 days we will presume that the worst has happened to you and we will move on do you understand I nodded as I pulled my self onto my horse I looked down to him pulling my hat out of my soul space saying well then let's hit the trail we have burnt enough day light the elder laughed saying I lad lets hit the trail and they walked into the water turning into there gator form and like this we started the ride.