A little ice never hurts

We have been on the trail for a weeks already and I must say the swamp is a dangerous place there was many creatures that wanted to kill us hell it wasn't even the creatures the land it self seemed towant to kill us we were just coming up on the halfway point where are paths goes around it was mid-day I was leading my group since I have the best senses and plus my skills was good for tracking and defending my party I pulled the rainds which stopped my horse Triss and Samuel stopped behind me I looked to my right which is where the path was leading us and I must say it was some thick shit I glanced to my left when I noticed a huge gator crawl onto land and walk over to me I looked down to him saying so this is the halfway point the elder nodded indeed it is this is where are paths part good luck lad and word of advice be careful and keep a eye on your female companion there are things in these woods that would love to have her and with that he turned around and walked back into the water I looked back forward side nodding alright yall let's get moving Triss do not wonder off you heard him and with that I spird my horse forward and like that we started into the black swamp this part of the swamp was so thick that the sunlight barely could shine through the trees but not just that there was so much god damn noise coming from all around us and the deeper we got the more I felt like something was following us but I didn't smell or hear anything I just had that feeling like something was watching us and I didn't like it are horse was splashing throw shallow water that wouldn't even come up to my knee but still deep enough that something could hide in it also didn't help that the water was dirty swamp water so who the fuck knows whats under it I did like none of this and to prove my point my horse started to look around anxiously like he sensed something wrong I raised my hand signaling for everyone to stop as I pulled back on my rains stopping my horse I heard Sameul and Triss horse stop and Sameul even asked what is it Hunter you see something I looked around but didn't see anything no but I have this feeling like something is watching us and even are horses seem anxious I blinked and switched to predator vision and looked around I could see the heat coming off our horses and are self's plus there was a bit of heat everywhere since it was day time but I started seeing heat signatures in the water at first it wasn't anything crazy a few small catfish and frogs but as I was looking around my eyes feel onto one heat signature it was small humanoid footprints and as I noticed that one I started noticing others some in the water and sum in the trees I gralled goblins have recently been through here every track leads deeper into the woods Triss stay close and eyes open everyone we ant alone with that we started moving again as we were moving I cot with of a familiar scent I looked around but didn't see anything huh how interesting I thought and like that the sun quickly want down and the night came we found a dry clearing of land where we buckled down for the night Selence was happy to dry off wall Hera was to busy catching catfish we made a fire which wasn't hard with Samuals and I blue fire we could practically burn and light anything on fire even if it's wet I was resting against a tree with my saddle laying next to me and Triss laying against my chest wall Samual was putting up alarm traps around the camp when he sat down I heard him pull out somethings from his saddlebags and soon I heard the hissing of something and the smell of meat in the air I pushed my hat up and seen Samual next to the fire with a skillet pain over the fire and in that pain was some sort of meat he smiled at me saying o so this got your attention huh don't worry there is enough for everyone I shook my bead saying is that the smartest idea uncle we already know we ant alone is the fire and cooking the best idea he shrugged saying I don't see y not o don't tell me your scared of a few goblins I shook my head no but you have to remember Triss can't us her full power with all of this water around us she is likely to not only roast whatever she hits but us also when he remembered that he looked to Triss and quickly throw the meat to Selence and put out the fire shit I forgot your little girlfriend is a lighting sorcerer y did we bring her again I chuckled and glanced down to Triss who smiled at Samual and snapped her fingers and a spark of lightning shot around her hand as she said cuz who is going to stop me from coming when Samuel heard that his face want white and he quickly want over to his saddle bag laying down saying o very true I am going to sleep we got a long day tomorrow hahaha and like that he was asleep or at least acted like he was I chuckled and bit Triss on the ear saying i think you scared him Triss let out a little mown giggle good that was my goal how dare he act like that the old fart I chuckled you know your also to blame you could have maybe I don't know learn at least one or two none lightning spells maybe like fire, earth or even water Triss looked up to me giggling and she whispered in my ear very seductively who says I haven't and she winked at me as she kissed my neck I chuckled ok ok enough of are horny flirting my uncle was right we got a long day tomorrow let's get some sleep Triss huffed clicking her tung saying your no fun Hunter and she rolled off me and used her saddle as a pillow I chuckled at this cute site I leaned over and whispered be careful sorceress unlike most people I ant scared to us my powers for bad and just to prove my point I used my shadow control and curled my first and second finger up into a hook when I did Triss mowned I did it, again and again, this time faster Triss covered her mouth to muffle her mowns I did it again this time I used three fingers at this point Triss was on her back her legs was rubbing together and she was shaking I leaned down and whispered in hear ear again and remember you ant the only one who uses lightning and with that I focused a little of my lightning into my mouth and I bit her ear as I kept on moving my fingers when I bit her she started shaking like crazy and let legs pushed her back of the ground as she was shaking as this was happening her hands feel next to her limp and she was making the o face I moved from nibbling on her ear to kissinging her lightning still in my mouth at this point she was shaking from pleasure she weakly pushed me away I didn't fight her so are lips separated she started up at me breathing hard I simply smiled at her happily and just to have a bit more fun I brought my hooked fingers up in front of her and I made the hook motion one, twice, three more times and as I was doing the forth Triss mowned but did something I wasn't expecting she pushed up against me flipping me on my back she pinned my hands under her knees and she smiled down at me victorious and just to prove that she leaned down and whispered in my ear I win I chuckled maybe or maybe not I wonder if you have noticed yet Triss was confused and looked down to her self to see black chains binding her and just to prove my point she dropped against my chest cuz her knees was forced to straighten out she glared up at me I simple chuckled winking and the chains was gone and I simple held her close it took Triss awhile but she eventually cuddled against my chest falling asleep I glanced to Hera who was in the tree above us laying down will you and Selence be lookouts tonight Hera nodded yes I will be first and when it comes time she will be second I nodded and put my hat over my eyes quickly falling asleep I opened my eyes and I was back on that godsdamn table with that rat over me which his crazy smile but surprisingly he didn't have his tools or his normal apron on all no he had on a nice blue and black suit and on his head was a dark blue top hat he chuckled welcome back my young student keykey today I will be teaching you about history my history I simple rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers and like that I was back in that stary black void I looked to this rat saying sorry about that go on you was saying the rat angrily looked at me saying you no what no I was going to tell you a story but not after you being so rude I rolled my eyes how am I the rude one you're the one who keeps bringing me back to where you skinned me and my friends at plus you're in my damn head and yet you call me rude the rat angrily started at me then that anger was gone keykeykey and the rat snapped his fingers and we was back in that room but this time it wasn't me on the table no I was chained next to it when I saw who was on the table my blood started to burn with anger the rat appeared next to the table and smiled down at the bond Triss the rat looked up to me saying she is such a beauty isn't she I glared at him gralling stay away from her you fucker keykeykey what harsh words but don't worry my student you will soon follow after her so just sit back and watch and with that he pulled his scalpul out and made a incision down her chest she started to scream I grilled struggling against my chains stop it you fucker I will kill you I will kill you the rat smiled up at me keykey and kept on going I closed my eyes I could feel the tears rolling down my face but just like before he started narrating what he was doing my mind was in a very dark place that's when I heard one voiceI it sounded so familiar but also foreign it was so close but also so far way wake up Hunter this is a dream wake up and like that, I felt my self shooting up I heard that rat scream behind me no how dear you intrepid my class you witch my eyes quickly opened and I sat up quickly my hat wasn't on my face I was breathing hard and my eyes was wet I looked around to see it was morning Triss was sitting next to me she had one hand on my shoulder and she had a worried expression on her face I also seen Samuel sitting in front of me looking at me worriedly what what happened and I looked to Triss she side saying you started shaking all of a sudden and you was muddering in your sleep and also crying you kept on saying my name stuff like no not Triss or get your hands off Triss I will kill you I will kill you I side rubbing the sides of my head when I looked up Samual was holding out a cigarette I took it and he lit it I took a few drags from it and I could feel the cloudiness in my head slowly go away and I slowly stopped shaking what happened Hunter Samuel asked I side and took another drag the rat was back I was back on his table but this time he wanted to give me a history lesson but j said fuck off he didn't like that to much and what happened next I was chained next to the table like I was with the boys but it wasn't any of them on the table all no and I took another drag and glanced to Triss who was shaking it was you on the table Triss and for some reason, I couldn't make eye contact with her I felt ashamed but luckily Triss wrapped her arms around me and sat down in my lap forcing me to look into her eyes and what I seen was a warmth she hugged me saying it's ok Hunter there is no reason for you to feel ashamed it has only been a few months sense all this happened so of course he is still messing with you but we are here for you I am here for you we all love you and I love you I hugged her back whispering thank you my hot sorceress but right then I felt a cold presents right shoulder and I heard keykeykey you got lucky this time my little student but I wonder what will you do when this little sorceress is gone what will you do then hahaha I held Triss a bit tighter and gralled in my head fuck off rat you ant welcome and like that the cold feeling was gone and Triss and I stopped hugging Samual put a form hand on my shoulder saying what she said lad don't hesitate or be scared to talk that include me and your parents we all have dealt with are fare share of voices in our heads and nightmares ok I clapped his shoulder nodding I side smiling ok thank you all but saddle up we got a hole nother day of this and I want to get out of this part of the swamp amen to that nephew Samual said chuckled as he pulled me to my feet and like that we saddled up and hit the "trail" again and just like the day before I had predator vision activated and just like the day before I seen signs of goblins I glanced over to Hera who just ponst onto another catfish asking in my head did you to notice anything last night Hera shook her head with the fish in her mouth nope not a thing but Selence nodded yes I did I noticed through the night many creatures circling around us but they kept there distance like they was avoiding us I didn't get a good looks of them I am lucky I cot there sent and that's when I started seeing moment I nodded good girl and I pulled out a piece of bear jerky and taste it to her Selence happily cot it out of the air and ate it Hera glared angrily at her I chuckled saying now now Hera jealousy is bad Selence earned that next time maybe don't slack off hi master I didn't slack off she whimpered wall Selence held her head up in pride I chuckled Hera don't worry your a good girl also when she heard that Heras head which was sadly handing low quickly shot up and she smiled happily at me and looked to Selence mockingly ha I am a good girl to Selence huffed and ignored her I chuckled and glanced back to my group filling them in what I just got told Samuel nodded so did Triss I looked back forward when I noticed something right in front of me I pulled back on my rains quickly my horse slowed down and stopped what is it hunter Samual asked I got off my saddle and walked in front of my horse and walked around something that was in the water I reached into the water and pulled up a odd looking box trap that had spikes sticking up from it the only reason I seen it was cuz of the bloody hand prints on it I looked back to my uncle saying well it's official these little shits are after us Hera fall in now Hera quickly ran to the group and stood on the other side of Triss I broke the spikes off and through the rest of it up into a crush pile I grabbed my horses rains and started walking forward as I was walking I pulled a long thick stick and started feeling around in front of us and it didn't take long to find another trap this time it was a trip trap my stick hit a piece of rope which then flung another spiked trap up that would be big enough to in pail my horses chest probably killing it I gralled throwing my stick to the side and pulled my glaive smashing the trap to the side and like that I kept on walking using my glaive to feel the ground in front of me the day quickly passed like this me finding and destroying traps we sat up camp again but I had a bad feeling tonight I looked to my uncle saying we should continue through the night Samual was looking around like he sensed it to he nodded I agreed and like that we started moving again Hera and Selence do not leave Triss side the two simple nodded Hera saying we understand master soon it got darker and darker but that didn't act anyone in the group except for the horses but they was trained well I was finding more and more traps like whoever placed them really didn't want us to leave I had a suspicion that was the case my eyes didn't stop looking around after a while I finally seen goblin shapes in front to the side all around us we was surrounded shit I said stopping right when I did I heard a flicking noise and what followed it was the whistling of a arrow I jumped up cutting the arrow out of the air we surrounded I gralled my uncle side no shit and I heard him rack a round into his rifle got a plan nephew he asked as he raised his gun and boom splash working on it I said pulling out one of my 1911 and flipped the safety off and started to shoot any goblin I seen with a bow how far do you think we got I asked as I was shooting o I don't know 20 to 30 minutes till we would be out of here y yelled I smiled yelling you will see I holstered my pistol and grasped my glaive with both hands I closed my eyes channeling my ki into my weapon as I was doing this a ice cold wind close around me my body started to get cold I opened my eyes and they had a coldness in them I breathed out as I did white smoke came out the edge of my glaive was covered in ice and there was frost coming off of it no Hunter don't my uncle yelled but to late I swung my glaive down Niflheim I gralled when my glaive touched the water a path big enough for two horses to ride on formed I jumped onto my horse and spird it on and like that my horse bolted onto this ice path I yelled onwards I heard running behind me but I couldn't look back my body was shaking and there was a light bit of frost on my hands I was pail but I didn't fall into darkness no I kept on ridding we shot passed the goblins in the trees as we did I yelled Triss shock these fuckers a few second later I heard 2 lightning bolts hit the water next I heard goblin screams but soon they was gone and I smelled burnt flesh we didn't stop running till we got out of these woods and the stop of this water and dry land that's when my ice bridge started melt and sink into the water I seen the glow of campfires ahead of me and human shapes in front of me but I didn't have time to process cuz I feel of my horse my glaive stabling into the ground in front of me in the cold water I could barely move my arms let alone my fingers Hunter and Triss and Samuel stopped there horse next to me don't touch me I weakly said and to prove my point the water around me was ice cold and mist was coming from my body that's when I seen many other people run next time I seen the elder, Sobek, and Joannas the elder looked to Samual asking what happened Samual my uncle throw his hands up into the air saying this stupid boy used to much of Niflheim and know his body is going throw hyperthermia, frost bit and maybe even worse the elder was shocked I was told he could use that skill but not this effectively my uncle shook his head you don't get it Niflheim but I chuckled and in a weak voice said shut it uncle this is no place to talk about such secrets Samual turned to me angrily and was about to say something when I heard someone run over yelling what's happening Hunter and I seen Meg try and run to my side but Joannas held her daughter back I seen tears start to fall she was screaming let me go mother let me go but Joannas wasn't having none of it she forest Meg to look her in the eyes saying Meg Hunter says don't touch him and Samual agrees do not do anything foolish and make a seen besides your not the only one in pain look at dear Triss Meg looked to Triss who was silently crying staring down at me Joannas let Meg go and Meg shot to Triss side and they two hugged each other and cried I chuckled saying o so you do care Meg hahaha crack ow fuck as I was laughing my jaw popped Meg turned to me angrily services you right fucker I chuckled and looked over to the elder listen sir I have a feeling the goblins we ran into are allies of the pigs no goblin camp would set up that many traps randomly to block a path that no one reason the elder nodded we will deal with them what about you lad I chuckled I will me fine and I used my fire ki channeled it throughout my body the cold water quickly got boiling hot and hissing noise and cracking noise was coming from my body team rose up from my body I slowly and crackly sat up still looking at the elder it will take me a bit to dethaw luckily for me I have a healing skill that can both heal my wounds but also help speed up the process just leave me here he nodded ok lad we will go deal with this goblin problem I chuckled good luck there might not be many left after my hot sorceress girlfriend shocked the little buggers he nodded smiling got it then we will be leaving in the morning get held up we still got a long road ahead I rosed my hand and saluted him, saying yes sir but my shoulder cracked when I did that aww fuck I heard to people huff and storm away I started at the nice assets as Triss and Meg walked away from me arm and arm and just to hand a bit of fun I used shadow control and slapped both of there asses when it happened both of them jumped stopped and turned around and glared at me I rested my head onto one fist and gave them both a big smile and waved they rolled there eyes at my shamelessness and walked away Sobek smiled down at me and winked knowingly held out his hand to his wife and she took it chuckling Samual crouched down next to me saying boy what you did today was very stupid I hope you know that I shrugged crack crack I am my parents child he chuckled nodding that you are lad that you are and he pat my shoulder and walked away I wasn't surprised that he didn't get burned when he touched me I closed my eyes and used Yggdrasil mixed with my flames to both heal and thaw my frozen body.